Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jan 9, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy


"Hurry up Wyatt. We get one chance at this thing and if we miss, we are screwed. We need to end this once and for all," a tired Chris said.

"Don't worry lil' bro. If he tries to get away, I'll just release my inner power and use that to trap him. We got this."

Wyatt and Chris Halliwell are on the hunt. For years it had been just the two of them. The Power of Three legacy was no more but since Wyatt was a twice blessed child, his immense power made up for the lack of a third sibling.

This hunt was not like any regular hunt. Chase after a Demon and then vanquish him. No. This is completely different. They were not looking to kill. They were looking to hide.

This was the first tracker demon the brothers had ever faced. Who hired this tracker to come out and try to get the heads of the sons of a charmed one? Well... who wouldn't? The tracker demon disguises his voice as a civilian needing help and was able to lure Chris into an alley. When Chris tries to help him, the attack was on.

Well once Chris realized what had happened, it was already too late. He was being chased by this demon all over town. No matter where he orbed, the creature was always a step ahead and was waiting for Chris when he arrived. Originally, Wyatt was not involved. Chris accidentally let it slip that he was being chased by a tracker demon.

Now the brothers have to fight hand in hand to get rid of this demon so that their cover won't be blown and their lives will somewhat be at peace.


"Does anyone know what it is we are looking for?" Logan asked.

"According to this data sheet sent to us by Johnny Storm, we are tracking down a creature that the government created so that it can rid the world of mutants and others like us," Storm said.

"Created? What do they mean created?" Cyclops said.

"They turned an innocent person into a mutant so that they can track us down and kill us all," Bobby said.

"Well what is our strategy?" Brian said.

"Our strategy? I'm sorry, hun, but this thing is dangerous and if it is meant to track all of us down, then you would probably be first," Rogue said.

"What? Why me out of all you strong mutants?"

"Because you are not at all trained for battle nor do you know how to control your powers."

"I'm afraid Rogue is right, Brian. You don't know how to control your telekinesis or your other powers yet. It's too dangerous for you to even be going. Let alone get into the fighting," the Professor said.

"Well I have a shield that can go up if I need it."

"But you don't know how to control it." They all said.

"Brian. You have to understand. There are a lot of people in this world who cares about you. They want you to be safe...not in harm's way. You are putting yourself at a big risk going out there. I knew we shouldn't have brought you along. If anything happens to you under my watch, I would never forgive myself," Cyclops says.

"Fine! But one way or another, I will take part in this battle."

The plane landed quietly in a neighborhood behind a shopping mall in Santa Ana, California. As each of the X-Men exited the Blackbird, they heard fighting in the alley behind the mall so they decided to check it out.

What they saw shocked everyone...including the professor. They saw two young men taking on this creature with fangs and claws. The taller of the two threw some sort of energy ball at the creature while the shorter one lifted the creature with telekinesis. The two seemed to have no trouble battling the creature until they sensed that they are not alone.

Of course Brian had to stay inside the jet for it was too unsafe for him. But being Brian, he decided against the wishes of the X-Men and joined everyone outside. He was concentrating on trying to ignore what comments he was going to receive about staying in the jet but when he finally caught up with the X-Men, his jaws unhinged itself and fell to the floor.

Chris Halliwell is a mutant?!??!?!?!?!

He saw a display of multiple powers coming from Chris. He saw the use of telekinesis. At least they have something in common. When the creature focused on Chris, he teleported right next to the other guy but there were some bright white lights lingering in the area. Of all the people to be a mutant, why did it have to be Chris? It makes him so much hotter showing that he can take down this creature. Now the creature starts running towards Chris and the other guy. Suddenly, Chris holds out his hand and lifts the creature in the air and the other guy holds out his hand as well and the creature starts to suffocate.

The X-Men needed this creature alive so that they can study and research everything they can about him but these two mutants are trying to kill him.

"That is so cool," Brian says.

"What the hell. Brian didn't we say to stay in the jet. You could be hurt any minute," Cyclops said.

"Yeah dork. Go back in the plane or I'll make my buddy Colossus throw you back," Bobby said.

"Well I'm not afraid. It's looks to me like Chris can handle himself and the creature so I don't think it'll run loose," Brian said.

"Brian go back inside. Or I'll have to take you there myself," Cyclops said.

Suddenly the ground shakes violently and the telekinetic grip on the creature is and he runs towards the X-Men. Chris sees that they aren't alone and he looks towards where the creature was running. He sees a bunch of people and then..."Wait! Is that Brian? What is he doing here?" he thought.

The X-Men get into position but Brian, not knowing what to do, linger behind. Panic strikes but nothing seems to be happening. The X-Men move into action but the creature doesn't stop running. He goes straight for Brian.

Cyclops deviates from the formation and goes straight for Brian. At the speed he was going and the speed the creature was running, there was no way for Cyclops to reach Brian on time.

Chris sees this and orbs right over to Brian and orb both of them over to Wyatt. The ground stops shaking and as the three young men stand next to each other, bright white lights dance on top of the three.

It was as if Brian was meant to be there. Chris and Wyatt look at each other and they knew exactly what that meant. They have found their third sibling and the Power of Three is reconstituted.

"What just happened?" Brian asked.

"Well Brian. I always knew that I was connected to you somehow and this is why," Chris said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, I'll explain later. Right now, we need to destroy this demon before he destroys us."

Chris and Wyatt starts getting in on the action as the X-Men try to render the creature unconscious.

"No wait. Do not kill this creature. We need him to get some answers," Brian shouted.

"Who is we?" Chris asked.

"The X-Men."

"The who?" both men asked.

"Just don't kill him ok?"

"Ok we'll try not to but there are no guarantees."

As Brian waits on the side, he watches as the X-Men and Chris and company fight this demon and try to take out this creature.

"Ok that's it. I've had enough," the other guy says.

"No Wyatt. Don't do it," Chris said.

"I'll be careful. I'm not going to kill him. I'm going to trap him so he won't be going anywhere."

"Wyatt? That's the name of Chris's older brother. That must mean that their whole family are mutants," Brian mutters to himself.

Wyatt hold his hands up and closes his eyes. The creature sees him as an easy target and starts charging towards Wyatt. As the X-Men try to interfere, Chris warns them not to. So they stand their ground. As the creature approaches Wyatt, he opens his eyes which are now glowing white and his hands shoot out a golden wave of energy that makes its way towards the creature. When it reaches its target, the golden energy morphs into a cage around the creature and knocks the target unconscious.

Chris holds the cage and its prisoner telekinetically and pulls them both towards Brian. "He's all yours. Just do us both a favor and get rid of him when you guys are done with him."

"Let's go bro," Wyatt says.

"No wait! You still haven't explained to me what happened back there. How come you never told me you were a mutant Chris? I mean we never spoke once or anything but still. Captain of the swim team and no one expects you to be a mutant."

"Wyatt, I think we should tell him. It is after all important to us both that Brian fulfills his destiny," Chris says to Wyatt. "Ok Brian. Come with us and we will explain everything."

"Chris, why does he think you are a mutant?"

"How about you guys come with me to my school and we can discuss everything here. After all, when you want to leave you can just teleport out of there."

"Your school? You want to go back to San Francisco? That's where I was going to take you but whatever you want to do..."

"No, Chris, I left San Francisco. I live in New York now at a school. Please come with us. I need to find out exactly what is happening to me."

They all make their way towards the Blackbird and when they are all in, Brian sits close to Chris so that they can talk and get to know each other. Chris had other things in mind.

The whole time Chris and Brian are talking, Brian is focusing on only one thing: Chris's eyes. They are green and hypnotizing. Brian was lost in Chris's eyes. He wasn't paying attention to one thing Chris was saying.

A jealous pilot driving the plane saw all of this from the corner of his eyes. He secretly wanted to go over to Brian and kiss him for all he was worth. Cyclops isn't the jealous type but something about Brian made him go crazy. And when he saw Brian being with someone else, it irritated him.

Wyatt saw everything going on and didn't want to do anything about it, but he had to. "Uh hurm..." he said clearing his throat.

Upon hearing this, Brian snapped out of his daze and went over to Rogue and Kitty to clear his mind.

"Chris, you know he has the hots for you right?" Wyatt said to his younger brother.

"Yeah I know...unfortunately, nothing is going to happen...ever," Chris said.

"Yeah you better not let anything happen."

"How are we going to tell him all of this?"

"I don't know but you're going to do it since he knows you."

"That's not fair. You are older than I am so you should be the one to tell him..."

"Well, we'll figure it out when we get there."


Author's note: I wanna thank all of the people who have given me feedback as I enjoy reading them. I try to write this using the information from the X-Men comic (courtesy of my best friend Johnny...who has no clue about Charmed but he still manages to make the story better), not the movie and all the Charmed stuff I am making up. Well this is the fifth installment of Charming X-Man and as always, let me know how you like it at

Next: Chapter 6

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