Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Mar 4, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

The next day, Brian woke up in his room and found himself sandwiched between his two brothers. He couldn't stop thinking about the events of the day before. Luckily, he didn't have to see Scott today so he could think about what was going to happen between them.

Today was Brian's second day of class and he had Telekinesis, Psionics, and Gardening. He didn't want to wake up his brothers to tell them he was leaving so he just took out a piece of paper left them a note.

It's 7:30 and he didn't have class until 9 so Brian decided to get some breakfast before going to telekinesis. He goes into the kitchen grabs a banana and milk from the fridge and he starts to eat and walk. Right as he was about to exit through the swinging doors, the swung open and Brian is knocked on his butt and spills milk all over his clothes.

"Hey watch it..." Brian scolds at the entering member.

"Darling, is that any way to talk to a professor at this school. My, my children these days are so rude. They need to have a class in mannerisms at this school," a very tall, hooker looking blonde replied.

"I'm sorry...who are you?"

"Emma Frost darling and you'd do well not to forget it. By the way...if you ever compare me to street walking skank again I'll make sure you look the part more than me."

"How did you...."

She smirked while pointing at her head.

"So. You're the new meat everyone's been talking about. What makes you so special?"

"Who says I was special? And if I am I don't see it being any of your business"

"Don't get smart with me young man. If I wanted to, I could tear through your mind and find your deepest, darkest secret."

"Then why don't you?"

As Brian gets up and walks away, he hears Emma shouting "Pray and hope you don't have me as a teacher. I will make your life unbearable."

"Whatever," Brian silently whispers as he walks away.

Brian makes his way back to his room to change his clothes. He is lost in thought about what the telepathic bitch said about peeking into minds. Can they really do that?

Lost in thought, Brian turned a corner and bumped into oh-so-cocky Bobby.

"Oh I'm sorry...oh wait it's just you."

"What's this? Did I give Brian a little boo-boo?"

"Shut up Bobby. Did you find it yet?"

"Find what?"

"That life you were looking for."

"Cute. Very cute. Say what's that on your shirt....oh I've been having some solo Brian fun?"

"Haha. This stupid lady hit me with a door and didn't even apologize."

"What lady?"

"I don't know Emily something."

"Emma Frost?"

"Yeah. What's her deal?"

"You don't wanna mess with her. She used to be Scott's girlfriend...until she cheated on him and he dumped her."

"Really? Scott had a girlfriend?"

"I know hard to believe huh?"

"Uh hmmmmm," someone cleared their throat behind the two boys.

As they turned around, they found themselves staring into a pair of red shades. "I'll see you later Bobby. I need to go change my clothes," Brian said as Bobby ran down the hall in the opposite direction.

"Hey Scott..."


"Um, how are you."

"I'm fine...and you?"

"Likewise. Sorry but I gotta go. Need to change my clothes so I can look presentable on my second day of class. Don't wanna show up with spilled milk on my shirt?"

"So, what were you and Bobby talking about?"

"Um...nothing. Just about what classes he had."

"And what class is that?"

"Um...he has...psionics with me later on."

"Really. I didn't know that Bobby was telepathic or telekinetic. I think I can use the Danger Room exercise later to test what level he is at."

"Um...I don't think that's necessary. It's not something many people know about. See he is trying to keep it hidden and all. Well, it's been great talking to you again."

"Well I'll see you and BOBBY in psionics later on then."


As Brian walked away he let out a huge sigh. Scott couldn't help but smile. He didn't know whether to be mad at the fact that Brian and Bobby were talking about him or whether to be happy that he got to see Brian.

IN TELEKINESIS CLASS The class takes place in the backyard of the mansion where they are surrounded by the pond, the trees and nature.

"Well class, today we are going to explore the different levels of telekinesis. First off I want to see each and every one of your abilities so I'm going to group everyone into groups of 4. In each group, one by one each member will display their telekinetic ability and the other group members will rank them. When everyone has gone, I want a list of the people in the group with the strongest telekinetic at the top and work your way down," Miss Braddock explained.

Brian was put into a group consisting of two female and two male including himself. This was a quiet group so Brian decided to speak first.

"How about we all go in a circle and say our names, and what powers we have? I'll start first. My name is Brian. Apparently I am half witch half mutant. My witch powers are freezing objects. I am also a telepath and I was able to put up a shield once."

"Wow. That's a lot. Well my name is Sarah. I can create clones of myself but the more clones I have, the weaker my telekinesis is."

"My name is Mitch. I am able to project pictures in other people's minds. That's about the only other thing I can do."

"I'm Leila. I am a fire elemental. I can control, create and turn into fire."

"Ok well back to me I guess. Um how about we get started with this project? I'll go last."

The group was placed close to the fountain so they decide to show each other's powers by removing things from the fountain. Sarah decides to go first. She puts her hand on top of the fountain and closes her eyes. One by one, the pebbles at the bottom of the fountain came out of the water. Next up was Mitch. With the flick of his wrist, he was able to splash the water, creating mini waves. Leila's turn. She raised her arms and as she does, nothing from the fountain moved. A few seconds later, the boulders on the side of the fountain began to move. They raised about two feet and then they dropped with a big BOOM. Now it's Brian's turn to show what he's made of. He concentrated and concentrated, but nothing was happening.

"Are you sure you're telekinetic?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah cuz I don't see anything happening," Sarah smirked.

"Guys shut up. He's new to this so it's a little hard," Leila said, making a failed attempt to make Brian feel better.

"Yes I'm sure I'm telekinetic. I have done this before. I'm just...nervous."

"Yeah right," Mitch sneered.

Suddenly the pebbles that Sarah was controlling and the mini waves that Mitch was creating stopped. They tried to regain control of the items they were showing off but couldn't. The water spewing out of the fountain took a turn and spewed towards the sky. One by one the pebbles were joining the water. Little by little, puddles of water were rising from the fountain. Everyone watched in amazement as a very impressive display of power was before them. Brian stood frozen, concentrating on keeping the water moving in the sky.

A clap was heard amongst the group of people watching. Miss Braddock was giving Brian a round of applause. As he turns, the water came crashing down all the students and in the process, soaking everyone.

"Well class. I think we have just found the most powerful telekinetic in the class."


"Oh my god. Guess what just happened to me!" Brian said jumping on his two brothers who were still fast asleep.

"What time is it?" A groggy Chris asked.

"11:30. I'm guessing you guys were comfortable enough?"

"Yeah. Why are you so excited?" Another groggy brother asked.

"Well, I just got out of my Telekinetic class and the teacher just named me the most powerful telekinetic in the class."

"Congrats bro. You get that from the witch side." Chris cockily said.

"I say we celebrate. When we go home this weekend, we party."

"Sounds cool. I'll let Mom know about the party so she can start planning."

"Are you guys hungry cuz I am? Come on get dressed and let's go downstairs. You can come to my Psionics Class."

"I guess. We'll meet you downstairs in about 15 minutes ok?"

"Fine Chris but hurry cuz I have only an hour until my next class."

Running down the hall and stairs, Brian forgot he needed to talk to Bobby. He went to the cafeteria hoping to find Bobby there. When he entered, he was relieved to see that Bobby was there, but he was sitting with a bunch of other students. He didn't want to be rude so he hung around waiting for his brothers as well as waiting for Bobby to break away from his group of friends.

As Bobby was looking through the room, he couldn't see Brian anywhere. He wanted to introduce him to his group of friends. After a few minutes or so, Bobby turned to the door way where he saw Brian lingering. Naturally, he waved his hand signaling for Brian to join him.

"Everyone, meet Brian. Brian meet Amara, Jubilee, Kitty, Roberto, Jamie, and Ray."

"Hey everyone."

"Hi," everyone simultaneously replied.

"Sorry. Can I borrow Bobby for a second?"

"Go ahead. He's no use to us," Ray said. "He knows I'm just kidding."

Off to the side, "Bobby. Do you think you can join me in my Psionics class today?"


"Well, cuz today, after Scott caught you and me in the hallway, I told him that we were talking about the Psionics class we have together."

"What! Why would you say that? Now Scott thinks I have psionic abilities."

"Well sort of...yes. He said he was gonna test you out and see what level you're at."

"What! Oh no. I'm not getting in this mess. Brian. You're cool and all but I can't fake an ability I don't have."


"No. I can't. I have my elemental class right now anyway."

"Fine. I guess I'm just going to tell Scott about the conversation we had today."

"It's common knowledge. Everyone knows about him and Emma."

"Fine Bobby! You guys are right on time," Brian said to his brothers who had just arrived.

"What was that all about?"

"Well, I kinda told Scott today that Bobby was psionic when he caught us talking about him."

"Ok and?"

"Well I asked Bobby to go to class with me but he won't."

"How are you going to get out of this one?"

"I don't know. I don't think I'll get in too much trouble."

Brian is waiting in the Psionic class with his brothers. Class hasn't started yet so students are floating in and out of the class. The brothers are enjoying each other's company when the sound of heels echoed throughout the hallway. Entering into the room, Emma notices Brian and his brothers and walks over.

"So I guess I do have you as a student?"

Brian turns around and a loud "You!" escapes his mouth.

"Yup. Me. I'm going to be co-teaching this class with Betsy and I have a feeling that you and me are going to have the best of times"

Class starts and students make their way to any available desk. Betsy enters the classroom and gives Brian a huge smile. "Hey I didn't know you're in this class too!"

"Yeah...he's a doll isn't he?" Emma smirks from across the room. "Class is about to start so if everyone would take their seats. Excuse me. Are you boys in this class?" Emma directs her question at Chris and Wyatt.

"No we're observing."

"Well then you can observe from the back if you don't mind."

Just as Wyatt and Chris move to the back row, Scott enters the room.

"Oh crap!" Brian exclaims to himself.

"Well Scott. Nice of you to join this class. But the last time I checked, you are neither telepathic nor telekinetic."

"I know Emma. I'm just observing." Scott says as he takes a seat next to Brian.

"Just don't bother any of my students."

"Any of OUR students." Betsy corrected.

"Ok class. This semester, the class will be divided into two sections. Those who possess telepathic powers will be taught by me. And those who possess telekinetic powers will be taught by Miss Braddock. Those who have both will alternate between the two of us. In this class, we will teach you to use your powers to the fullest potential for both defense and offensive measures. We will teach you to put up a shield and create weapons with your mind. Understand? Now move to the correct side you're supposed to be."

Those students who were either both or only telekinetic moved to Betsy's side of the class and those who were both or telepathic moved to Emma's side. Brian not knowing who to start out with just sat in his seat, in the middle of the class.

"So? Where are you starting off at?" Scott asked.

"Well I don't know yet. I'm still deciding."

"And which side is Bobby going to be?" Brian knew that was going to bite him in the ass sooner or later.

"Well the thing is Scott..."

"Am I late for class?" Bobby shouted from the door.

"Bobby! You showed up?" Both Scott and Brian were shocked.

"Well yeah. I have psionics right now."

"Which side are you starting off with?" Scott asked.

"I think I am going to start out with Miss Braddock," he confidently answers.

"Really so you're telekinetic?"

"Of course I am. Or else I wouldn't be here."

"Bobby go back to your Elemental Class. I know you're not psionic."

"Well Brian, I tried didn't I?"

"Haha. Thanks Bobby."

As Bobby leaves, Emma glares over at Scott and Brian. She couldn't put her finger on it but something was definitely up. "Brian! Either join me or Miss Braddock, or get out."

"Emma, he's still deciding. We don't wanna rush the boy now do we?" Emma turns back to her group with red colored cheeks.

"Well Brian. I know you weren't talking about Psionics with Bobby earlier. I just wanna say that I'm not mad."

"Well sorry. I didn't ask about you or anything. Bobby just brought it up when I told him that the "Queen" over there knocked me on my behind causing me to spill milk all over myself."

"Yeah Emma could be a bit...hard to deal with."

"Yeah she said something about peeking into my mind or something stupid like that."

"Wait! Did she?"

"Did she what?"

"Peek into your mind."

"No. I don't think so. She just said she could have...not that she actually did."

"Ok good. Cuz I don't want her to know about the other day."

"What about the other day? When we...kissed?"

"Yes when we...kissed."

"What are you saying? Are you ashamed?"

"No. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that no one knows that I'"

"I figured as much. A stud like you with an ex-girlfriend like her. Where do you find time to play out your sexual fantasies with men?" Brian asked sarcastically.

" think I'm a stud."

"Shut up...don't let it get to you."

"Go out with me."

"What are you crazy?"

"No I'm serious. Go out with on a date."

"What is wrong with you?!"

"I like you and I know you like me. Just one date."

"'ve lost it."

"If you don't I'll start singing." Suddenly Scott starts belting out 'When I See You Smile' by Uncle Sam. "When I see you smile I can face the world. Ooh, you know I can do anything..."

"Ok ok. Fine I'll go out with you. Just stop singing. And it's not a date. You can pick me up Friday evening at 5."

"Friday at 5 it is."

In the back of the class, Chris and Wyatt are laughing their asses off.

-Ly and Johnny

Author's note: So far, this is like the most I have written. There is some Emma and Brian drama going on. Does she know what happened between Scott and Brian? What's going to happen on the big date to come? All this and more on the next chapter of Charming X-Man. Thank you guys for reading. I appreciate all the feedback and let me know at

Next: Chapter 10

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