Chase Naked

By t s

Published on Dec 14, 2009



All the usual disclaimers apply. This is not for readers under the age of 18 or for anyone where such literature is unlawful. So please don't go further if you fit into either category. This story involves an evolving romance between two teenaged boys who become intimate physically and engage in sexual acts. If same-gender love or sexual contact offends you, you have come to the wrong website and should avoid my story and everything else you find here. If you are still here, I thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it. I give a special thanks to Logey, a shrewd critic and adviser on pop youth culture and gay teen sexual behavior. Comments are welcome at Your many emails have been a delight. I try to respond to each. If you wrote and I failed to reply, I apologize.

Chase Naked Chapter 4

The first rays of sun filtering through the tall hickory tree outside the window found us curled together nude. When the light fell on my face, I slowly awakened and felt the softness of Chase's chest against my cheek. I lay in the crook of his arm, with my arm draped over him just below his navel. I never wanted the moment to end.

Coming out of a deep sleep, I was so relaxed and the house so quiet that all of my senses were focused on Chase. He had a distinctive scent, not one I could describe. I inhaled it. His face was slightly turned toward me, and I could feel his breath in my hair. As the light grew with the rising sun, I could see his smooth skin almost as if it were magnified. I examined the tiny crevices in his nipples. I followed the curvature of his pecs. His stomach was slightly convex as he lay on his back, and I withdrew my arm so I could watch its rise and fall in sync with the slow rhythm of his breathing. The sheet was pushed down below his balls. I was captivated by the lushness of his black pubic hair and his hard penis now pointing right at me. I felt my most tender feelings yet for this boy I had sought so long and in whose strong arms I now lay. Was it a dream?

I moved my hand to the narrow trail of soft hair that sprang from his navel and grew straight downward to his bush. As steadily as I could, I skimmed my fingertips over the hairs to the tip of his penis, then moved around it and went to where the dense hair curled above his penis. I moved my fingers into the forest and left them there until he awakened after a few minutes. A slight smile played across his face before his eyes opened, and he moved his left hand to cover mine.

"Mmm, that's nice."

I turned to him, and we kissed, just a light kiss. Exhaling in a sudden gust, he stretched his limbs and pulled me from against his side almost all the way on top of him.

"You know I love you, right?"

"Yes, I know," I said.

For the next two hours we lay in each other's embrace, still spent from the night's intense sex but craving intimacy now in a joining of our thoughts and a sharing of our history of standing apart.

Chase told me that he began to want to be my friend in the first grade but that his father monitored very closely which boys he could associate with. I was not on the approved list from the beginning because of my religion. Most Catholics in our city went to Catholic schools, but my mother did not like the exclusivity and sent me instead to public schools. Of course, that made me stand out enough for word to be around so that anybody who was suspicious of Catholics would be aware that I was different. It made for some awkward moments, but I never once thought that it was my church that kept Chase so removed.

Shadrack Bowers even came to school that first year to get a look at what he called "the Catholic kid." He served notice on his son that he was never to have anything to do with me. He spoke to the principal about it. Then time passed, and the busy preacher forgot my name and red hair and never renewed his order to Chase, though his faithful son never forgot and strictly obeyed. For nearly sixteen years, Chase had lived in awe and fear of his father. He never challenged him.

Both of us yearned for some bond between us long before even the earliest signs of sexual awakening. Chase thought that I was a kind of mysterious kid, quiet and studious. I thought he was this totally self-assured boy who could do anything. My greatest misperception of Chase Bowers was that he had many truly close friends. In fact, I now learned, though he hung out with a lot of kids who sought his company, he never had anyone to whom he would bare his soul. There was this line beyond which he allowed no one to pass. Kids liked to gather around him in groups, and they would vote him into leadership positions. When the school day was done, they wanted more of him. While he was often out in town with his friends, he always kept a part of himself beyond their reach.

His father would allow kids to come over to the Bowers home, but always wanted to pull them into his study so he could try to proselytize them. Kids hated that.

"So I have been lonely for a long time," Chase said. "My father embarrassed me. Even if it was somebody from my church, he would have to set them down and give them some kind of little lesson. He is always in control. He won't be quiet. So even in grade school I had learned that you don't invite friends over."

Jamie, the boy Ms. Bowers mentioned, was a kid Chase met at a soccer rally when they were thirteen. He went to another school, but they became friends,, talked on their cell phones and chatted online. Chase was invited to spend the night at Jamie's home and had a great time. His parents were relaxed and playful.

"I never asked about their religion. It didn't come up and didn't seem important. I still don't think it was."

So Jamie came for a night with Chase. They played video games, shot pool in the gameroom and talked about sports and their schools and movies. About 9 p.m. Chase's father came home and met Jamie. In a little while, he pulled Jamie away from the pool table and took him to his study. A half-hour later Jamie went to Chase's room crying and said he was homesick, claiming that he had never spent the night with anyone before. He called his parents to come and get him. All communication between them stopped after Chase said goodbye from the front door. He knew his father had been up to his old tricks, doing what the preacher called "toiling in the vineyard of the Lord."

Chase wanted to know when I first felt something sexual toward him, a tough question. After searching my memory, I decided that it was when I began masturbating sometime after my 13th birthday. I saw him one day in the hall in gym shorts and for only a fleeting moment I glimpsed his bulge. That night he became my exclusive fantasy. I felt so inadequate by comparison, however, that I could not imagine him with me, but I could, like a voyeur, observe him unnoticed in his bed. And when my fantasy Chase exploded in orgasm, my little dribble would flood over my eager hand.

"So when did you start imagining us together?"

"Not till the first night that we talked on the phone."

"Not until then? Dude!"

"So when did you turn on to me?"

"Oh, same as you, about the time puberty hit me in the balls, but it was different with me. I had you in my bed from the start. Until maybe a year ago we would lay close to each other and watch each other jack off. Then I got brave, wanted more, and we did other things."

"Like what?"

"Like what didn't we do?"

Chase laughed and suddenly kissed me just as his mother called from the stairway.

She had a voice out of a fifties sitcom, always perky, like nothing's ever wrong behind the white picket fence.

"You've got forty-five minutes, boys."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Chase? Shower before breakfast. Bryan, too."

I had to ask Chase about the concern with showers or washing up.

"Dude, do you always have to shower before eating with your dad? Your Mom was fretting about us washing up before a snack yesterday. What's the story?"

"He's obsessed with it. Sorry. I love my dad, but, Bryan, you can bet that he is probably right now in the VIP lounge at the airport showering. He'll walk in at 9 on the dot looking and smelling like a model from the Big and Tall Men's Store....Uh, hey, we better hurry. Looks like we gotta shower together to save time."

Chase grinned. Then two naked young lovers piled eagerly into that big shower with the clear-glass doors and two shower heads and a statue of a classical cherub with big wings and a tiny penis. The cherub holds a large pitcher tipped as if pouring water down on us.

Chase quickly pinned me against the wall with a deep, lingering kiss. His hands traveled over my ribs and across my chest down to where my penis was swelling about as fast as a car air bag in a crash. I was suddenly so overcome with the joyous freedom of the moment that I started crying. Chase joined me in tears.

"Gotta hurry," he said, as he handed me a bar of soap and took one for himself.

At a furious pace, we began lathering each other, our hands moving swiftly to bring us to a state of cleanliness that would not incur the wrath of this preacher man I was about to meet. What happened next, though, surely would have been a call to arms for Pastor.

Our bodies move effortlessly against each other as we kissed while writhing like snakes. Something about the slickness of soap inspired wider exploration. My hands skidded down Chase's back to his muscular butt, and I slipped my fingers through the smooth crevice between his hips, touching his hole for the first time. He yelped and returned the pleasure. Only the constraint of time kept us from a natural progression to a new intimacy.

Guiding our penises under the water to rinse, Chase reached for a bottle of manly smelling cream rinse and quickly slathered it on his penis as soon as the soap suds washed away.

"Turn around, baby," he said, swiveling me quickly to face the marble wall.

He scooted up close behind me and his hard penis slipped between my thighs just below my skinny hips. As I leaned forward with my hands on the wall, I felt it push all the way through and gasped as the head pressed on the back of my ball sac. I pushed out from the wall enough to look down and see the tip peeking around the side of my sac for a moment. Chase was upon me, breathing heavily in my ear and kissing the back of my neck. His hand came around my side and wrapped around my penis and started pumping it as his penis moved back and forth lodged between my thighs. We said nothing, doing no more than soft moaning in the urgency of this rushed sex. I felt my balls getting tight and knew the telltale spasms driving his thrusts. We were both close.

At the moment of orgasm, I felt great ropes of my cum spurting onto the polished marble wall of the shower. Chase bit the back of my neck lightly as his cum bathed the rear of my sac then exploded around it when he thrust forward, letting some of his cum join mine on the marble.

When it was over we were both panting and laughing. I was so happy I looked up at the cherub.

"Hope you liked watching," I said, looking up then collapsing into Chase's arms dissolving in giggles. "You know he hasn't got the dick for it."

"I never have paid any attention to that damn baby angel before," Chase said, pointing at him. "Hey, boy, when that dick gets a little longer, you can join us...Oh, god, we gotta hurry."

We stumbled out of the shower. As I reached for a towel, Chase stopped me and took a towel and tenderly dried every part of me, even kneeling to lift and dry my feet.

"Sometime, baby, I will give you an old-fashioned foot washing. It's very Christian, you know."

I didn't know what that would be but could imagine how Chase washing anything for me would be like heaven.

Chapter 5 introduces us to Pastor, perhaps later this week. Comments welcome at

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