Chat Buddy

By Dr Throat

Published on Nov 5, 1998



So this is my fourth attempt at this type of fiction. Once again, if you are offended by this type of erotic fiction, kindly leave this webpage promptly. Otherwise, if you are a sick puppy just like myself, go ahead and read on. If my story helped you satisfy your urges, drop me a line at and tell me how it went.

Chat Buddy

By DrThroat

Chapter 1: Addicted to Chat

I'm in college now. But our story actually starts when I was in high school and discovered that the athletically endowed guys got my attention more than the cheerleaders did. I loved going to the football team games and practices and see all those muscle-bound guys in their prime. Since I was generally a good guy myself, but way too slim to qualify for the team, most of the guys on the football team just assumed that I am a true fan and they took a liking to me. Which actually made things worse. Spending all the time with them in the lunch room and in the parties, pretending to be another cool straight guy, while the object of my desires was actually them, just confused the hell out of me.

But I never dared to do anything about it. The idea of being with another guy in an intimate way just petrified me. The only outlet I had was the internet. I first discovered all the nudie sites at age sixteen. I then learned to refine my searches to find some hard core gay sex, and jerk off to the pictures. Pretty sad life, if you ask me, but that is all I could think of. I then found out about all the chat rooms on AOL. I would get online every night and enter some kind of M4M chat room. Of course, I did not reveal my true identity or location, for fear of being discovered! I got to meet some people online, and pretty much the only thing I shared with them was our addiction to chat rooms.

So at the ripe age of eighteen I entered college. I got into University of Michigan, not too far from home, even though I always thought I would end up in Florida to get away from the cold. During the summer before freshman year started I got a notice about my housing arrangement. It turned out I was going to share a two bedroom mini-apartment with one other guy, Brent Sanders. So naturally I took the initiative and called him up. Surprise, surprise, another football team dream player! He was actually drafted for the team, but since he wanted a little more quiet and privacy, they had housed them in the apartments, with me, not with the rest of the team.

First day of orientation I got there early, my parents unloaded my stuff into the room, and left early. After I unpacked, I went to lunch with another buddy from the same high school. A couple of hours later I headed home. I looked up to where the window to our common room was, and I saw Brent was already there. He had no shirt on, just a pair of blue shorts, sitting in the widow to dry off his sweat. I knew immediately that rooming with this guy was going to be emotional trouble. I headed upstairs and found him in the living room.

Allow me a moment to describe how delicious my new roommate was. A buzz haircut with a golden brown hue. Blue eyes the color of the Caribbean seas. Built upper body, with the kind of pecs that you would like to sink your teeth into and milk the hell out of them. He had a gorgeous pinkish complexion, tight stomach, and a bubble butt that would get an A+ by me.

Even though his half-nakedness left me speechless, I was able to get past the usual pleasantries and introduce myself. We spent the rest of the day together, for lack of knowing too many other people and having anything else to do. I learned that he was a corn-fed boy from Idaho on a football scholarship. He had a girlfriend back home (damn!) who was not allowed to visit since she was only sixteen. That pretty summed up that this guys is probably very straight, and no hanky-panky for me as I had read in some of those dirty website stories.

As the semester started, Brent and I kept our friendship casual. Which was not easy, considering he liked to walk around the apartment wearing only a pair of CK athletic briefs, with a trademark yellow stain in the middle of the front pouch. Modesty was not in his vocabulary for sure.

Once again my sexlife was reduced to online adventures. I would lock myself in my room pretty much every night after 10, and enter chat rooms. I was now frequenting the collegeM4M room of the various sources. I met some more people online, who told me about themselves and their inhibitions. This part of my life I could never share with Brent.

One Saturday morning, as I was in the kitchen area eating my bowl of breakfast, Brent emerged from his room, once again in his CK briefs.

"Hey Paulie, you were up late last night again, typing away at your computer. Are you taking classes which require you to type a lot of papers?"

"Ah, no, not really." Being caught in the middle of dreaming about his crotch, and my illicit affairs on the net, I could not think straight. "I, uh, I was, uh, just cruising the internet."

"You seem to do that a lot. Practically every night."

"Well, it's and addiction." Little did he know it had also become a lifestyle.

"What do you look up?"

"This and that, nothing really interesting."

"It must be interesting if you do it every single night for a few hours!"

"You know, just killing time."

"Do you have any practical uses for it at all?"

This was my chance for salvation. "Actually, if you want to talk to friends back home for cheap, you can just meet them in a chat room or set up your own private chat room with the. This way you save on your AT&T bill."

"Really? That's neat. Maybe I can use it to talk to my girlfriend then and save some bucks."

Oh yeah, that bitch! "Sure, and then there are all other kinds of chat rooms you can get into and meet people online. This way you do not have to reveal your true identity, just exchange ideas--" I caught myself volunteering way too much information at his point.

"Oh, really? That looks already more than any amount of time I have to spend online."


"So maybe I'll tell Cindy to find me online tonight and see how it goes. Thanks buddy."

And off he was, back to his room. That night, I logged online again, in the college M4M room, chatting away. Except I could hear Brent typing away in his room, probably chatting with that bitch that had the rights to his goodies. The next morning Brent told me that he actually found Cindy online and talked with her for hours. Over the next few weeks I found Brent more and more locked in his room, chatting online to Cindy, as I was locked in my room, chatting in the M4M rooms. We could hear each other typing across the thin walls, kinda freaky.

Chapter 2: ButtToGo

Well, as the second semester rolled on, Brent and I found ourselves more and more locked into our respective rooms, chatting away online. My fascination with his crotch was intense, especially since he insisted on walking around in the apartment in his undies (but not less than that) even in the winter of Michigan.

One evening, when I was particularly horny and obsessed with Brent, I logged online again. This time I entered the men-in-underwear room in celebration of my desires. There were about twenty people there, mostly comparing notes about the types of underwear, how many were actually wearing one, etc. Mostly, cheap thrills.

One of the guys there, ButtToGo, looked like he was pretty similar in his interests. Turned out he was also a closet gay man, who was using the net as his main outlet. He had not come out to anyone he knew, not even to his girlfriend! He was at NYU, and after much pleading he finally told me his name was Ryan. He was a senior in college, with a medium build. Strange thing, he also had a secret desire for one of the guys living on his floor in the dorms, but did not have the courage to do something about it even though he had suspicions this guy may be gay.

I, of course, lied like crazy. I told him that I was built, that my name was Mike, I went to Florida State (where I always pictured myself in my dreams), and that I had a crush on my roommate who was in the baseball team! Why did I have to lie about the details, for fear of being caught by someone who knew me? Crazy, but I still did. I was just honest about the circumstances, so that I could have a decent chat.

Over the course of the next few weeks, this guy ButtToGo and me met frequently online and discussed our desires and frustrations. We never dared exchange phone numbers or anything, just chat online. I grew to trust him. His main "threat" was that he was going to come down to Florida on Spring Break and look me up. Good luck doing that, I thought to myself!

Brent went back home for the last weekend of February. I was left alone in the apartment. My thoughts ran so crazy Friday night that I entered his room without him being there, something I had never done before. I took off my clothing, and walked around naked, taking in his musk that was lingering in his room. I looked in his drawers, but did not find anything interesting. I finally found his dirty laundry bag, and fished around in it until I found one of his dirty briefs. I put it next to my nose, and took in a deep breath of his stinky manly smell all the way down into my lungs. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but could not stop myself. I then looked in the front pouch and found a few pubic hairs. This just drove me totally nuts and I lost all common sense.

I lay on his bed. I kept sniffing his underwear as I massaged my cock. I pretended Brent was there with me, grinding his groin into mine instead of that bitch Cindy. I rolled around in his bed a few times to get a full sense of him. I then wore his briefs and massaged my cock through the fabric. With my other hand I slipped behind the legband, and my fingers found their way to my butthole. This double stimulation took me to a new dimension of ecstasy, and before I knew it I shot my load into his briefs.

Fuck! What have I done? I quickly rearranged everything the way it was, and left his room still wearing his cum-filled briefs. I put his briefs in my laundry pile, and took a cold shower. It's one thing to be obsessed with someone, but to violate their privacy and their personal space is unacceptable. Yet it felt so good, I wanted to do it again.

I quickly logged on to find Ryan, maybe he could calm me down. He wasn't there. Maybe he was out having fun. I left him a lengthy e-mail and told him to find me ASAP. The next day, as I woke, I got the urge to repeat my misadventure. I knew the only one that could knock some sense into me was Ryan. I logged on, he still wasn't there. Damn! If I only had his number in New York I could just call him and talk to him in person.

I had to leave my apartment, or else I would get myself into a lot of trouble. I put my jacket on and went for a long walk in the middle of the snow. I was not dressed warm enough, but did not care. By the time I came back home, I was sneezing pretty hard.

Ryan was nowhere to be found the whole weekend. He had not even checked his e-mail. Finally, Brent came back Sunday evening and broke the solitude. He wanted to talk about his weekend, but I could not bear to look at him after what I had done to him. Then I thought he was gonna tell me about his girlfriend, so I used my cold as an excuse and went into my room. Naturally, I logged on again, still no Ryan. So I entered some chat room to just cruise the scene.

Next door I could hear Brent as he finished unpacking. Then the ticking on his keyboard started. Damn! He just came back from having his tool serviced by Cindy the whole weekend, and he is already back chatting with her online.

I went to fix myself some hot tea in the kitchen. By the time I came back, Ryan had logged on. Turned out that he was visiting his family in Virginia for the weekend.


: Sorry I was not there for you buddy.


: I really needed you.


: Sorry. How do you feel now?


: Crappy. I just hope he does not

find out.


: Did you make sure you left

everything the way it was?


: Yup, minus the briefs, which I am

hiding until the next time I do laundry.


: Cool.


: I couldn't even pass his door in

the hallway the whole weekend. I went for a long walk in

the snow just to get out of here. And now I have a nasty



: SNOW??


: Yeah, it snowed here all weekend

and I did not dress warm enough as I left home.


: Buddy, I think you have some

explaining to do. It does not snow in Florida...

Would you like to explain?

Shit! I was caught. In my sorry state, I forgot that I had told Ryan that I go to Florida. The one person I really could trust and considered a true online confident, he now thinks I am a liar. I really fucked up now. I'll have to try honesty, maybe he'll forgive me...


: I'm really sorry. You're right, I was lying about my true

identity. Being a closet gay, I always thought I should

hide my true name just so I don't get caught. My true

name is Paul, my friends call me Paulie. And I go to

University of Michigan. That's the whole truth, and all

the other stuff we talked about was definitely true.

Would you have it in your heart to forgive me?

Dead silence! No response for what looked like eternity.


: Yeah, sure, forgiven! As a fellow closet gay man, I could

see where you are coming from. As long as we are honest now.


: Promise.


: Good.


: Thanks for understanding.


: Sure.

And we kept chatting, most of the evening, mostly about my hidden desires for Brent, and my inhibitions about approaching it.

Chapter 3. Gezhuntheit!

The next day I woke up before Brent, and I was in the kitchen area when he emerged from his room. He was wearing his briefs, just like the one I came in a couple of nights ago. And on his crotch was his signature yellow stain which drove me crazy. Once again I could not look at him. And he was not talkative either. He served himself his bowl of cereal, and ate it in silence. The whole time I was petrified that he had found out, that he was mad at me, and that he was still trying to figure out how to beat the crap out of me. I did not dare to stay a thing either.

Finally, as he finished his breakfast, and was heading back into the hallway, I sneezed, to which he replied: "Gezhuntheit!", his trademark response to anyone sneezing.

That evening I found Ryan again online.


: What if he knows?


: How could he?


: I don't know, but he was acting



: Believe me, any straight guy who

would have found out what you have done to him, would not

wait to beat the crap out of you, he would just kill you

right there and then.


: Funny...NOT!


: You're just paranoid.


: For the right reasons. I can hear

him chatting online with Cindy again.


: How do you know?


: He's ticking away at the keyboard

as we talk.


: How do you know he's chatting

with Cindy?


: Who else could he be chatting

with? Are there any non-gay chatrooms? LOL!


: You'll be surprised what people

do not tell you.


: You just don't know what you are

talking about. Look, this guy is my roommate, and if I'm

telling you he's online chatting with the bitch, then

trust me.


: Whatever.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, things remained very cold between me and Brent. He never told me anything that was bothering him though. The only times we would exchange words was when I sneezed and he would reply: "Gezhuntheit!" I was convinced that he knew, but Ryan kept knocking some sense into me. I really grew closer to him, and actually wished that I could meet him at some point somewhere.

Thursday night I logged on to talk to Ryan again.


: Any developments?


: Nope! He just keeps to himself. In fact he's chatting

with Cindy again.


: Too bad.


: Tell me about it. Not talking to

him has even increased my sexual urges for him.


: Really?


: Everytime I see him in his briefs

with the famous yellow stain, I just want to jump on him

and have my way with him.


: What wold would you do to him?


: I will start by covering his pecs

with my mouth, then I will rip off his briefs to finally

reveal the object of my desires. I will service his cock

like Cindy has never done it for him before. I will get

him drunk with pure ecstasy. Then I...


: OK, OK, I get the picture. Just

don't start jerking off as you are still online with me,

you horny bastard!

I laughed out loud, but some air must have gone down the wrong pipe, and I let out a real loud sneeze. So loud, the walls shook.


: Gezhuntheit!

What?! How could he know all the way in New York that I just sneezed? What the hell is going on here??? I was terribly confused.


: If I were you, I would open the door and step into the


I did not understand what was going on. How could he know? Is there a hidden camera or something here. And how come Brent was not on his keyboard. Is this all a bad joke?

I opened my door and stepped into the hallway. I could not believe my eyes. There he was, Brent, butt-naked with a gorgeous hard-on and legs spread, sitting next to his computer, awaiting my arrival. Could this be?

"Paulie, I am 'Ryan'."

I just stood there in total disbelief. Was I dreaming?

"No, you are not dreaming. And no, I did not find out until you told me yourself online. You idiot! After you told me I decided to torture you a little bit before I revealed myself to you. And I had broken off with 'the bitch' quite some time ago."

I was still motionless.

"Come in. I promise not to bite, unless you want me to."

Hypnotized by his member, I slowly walked toward him. As I reached him, I instinctively knelt down, and without any formalities, grabbed his cock, and shoved it into my mouth like it was a perfect fitting Lego piece. To this he responded with a loud grunt and a pelvic thrust that further exposed his pubic area to me.

I massaged his thighs as I sucked on his cock. My fingers moved their way to his buttcrack. I spread his cheeks, and found his glory hole. I massaged him there, and felt him melt in my capable hands with pleasure. Just when he could not take it any more, he got up, and led me to his bed.

"I believe that you have been to this part of my room before. To bad I was not there to join you."

He lay me down, and climbed on top. He kissed me on the lips, and then pushed in with his tongue. His crotch was grinding into mine with a perfect rhythm. He kissed me on the neck, and then the chest. He grabbed my shorts on both sides, and pulled them down in one swing. Like a carnivore, he attacked my cock and took it all in. My whole rod disappeared into his manly mouth. Ah, the pleasure.

I got up to position myself in a 69. He got the clue and positioned himself accordingly. For what looked like eternity, we indulged in each other's cocks. I finally felt his member swell in my mouth. This was enough to drive me over the limit too. We both exploded at the same time. I tried to take in all of his load, but I was just an amateur. He did a better job with my load.

The whole night we explored each other's bodies in ways we had always dreamt of. Funny when you think of it. For months we were chatting with each other online, only to find out later we were right next door.

The End

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