Chatting Up Love


Published on Nov 9, 2000


Chatting Up Love By Crunk

Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional it in no way suggests the sexuality of any character within its contents. This is pure fiction. If you're not supposed to be reading male for male content or are offended by it then don't read on.

Author's Comments: Hey hey, Just thought I put this little story together. This was originally for The NsyncSlashList, but I decided to post it on Nifty.

"A Best Friend Is Someone Who Knows Your Favorite Song And Will Be There To Sing It When You Forget It."-Wolverine from The comic book X-Men

Chapter 1:

Joey sat in front of his computer and signed on to AOL. He went through his email and found something from his brother Steve.

From: Steve Fatone To: Joey Fatone Subject: Chatroom You Should Check Out!

Hey bro I found this really awesome chatroom you might like. I attached the link for you. Have fun.


Joey opened the attachment and clicked on the link. "Hmm, Boybands Chatroom." He said to no one in particular. He signed on to the room and used his AOL name SluvR.

*SluvR joined #boybands

Hey SluvR Hi Sluvr! hi. You must be new here SluvR. Never seen you here. yeah my bro told me about this place. oh kewl, what's his name, does he come here? I don't know if he did his name might be vidguy or boy. vidboy is your bro? Wow that's awesome. why is that? cause he is really funny and kewl. yeah that and he tells us some pretty funny stories. *Crunk has joined #boybands. DENNIS! hi den :) *Crunk waves to all his friends. wow, crunk must be the popular one. heheh, not really. They are just really friendly. so what's this chatroom foor? it's where we discuss our NsyncSlash List. what's slash? *DLS smiles you don't know what slash is? nope :( it's a type of fiction, except with a twist. oh cool...umm..must be the blonde in me. What type of twist? we make some members of Nsync gay and in love with each other or someone we make up. oh you like Nsync SluvR? yeah they are ok. do you have a favorite member? hmm, I would happen to say Joey. He's a hottie. *SuperJoey perks up did someone say Joey? oh boy. Now you done it SluvR. what? SuperJoey loves Joey. damm right. That man is fine fine fine. wow I would think everyone would go for Justin. eh, he's cute to, but not as much as Joey. *SluvR smiles

"Hey Joey, you busy? I've got a question!" JC called from the other room. "Yeah give me a minute, JC."

hey guys I'll be back in a few. My friend needs me. ok SluvR, nice talking to you. yeah come back soon. oh I will. Bye all

Joey logged off AOL. "What's up JC?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to a club with Chris, Dani and I?" "Yeah of course. Where's Curly?" JC looked at him and smiled. "You know where he is. He's with Britney. Duh man!" Joey started to giggle. "Doh! I forgot. Ok, then where's Scoop?" "He's sleeping, he said he wasn't feeling very good." "Oh ok." "When do we leave?" "Ten minutes." Joey quickly took a shower and got dressed.

"So, what club we going to this time?" Dani asked. "Spice." Joey answered grinning ear to ear. "Oh brother, I knew I should have brought my leash to put around Chris." Dani said looking at her boyfriend. "Me? I'm not that bad." "Mhmm, right." They had no trouble making their way into the club. Of course as soon as they got in, Chris and Dani went straight to the floor.

Joey and JC found a table to sit down and ordered themselves some drinks. "So, see anyone worth having?' Joey asked JC. "Nah, nobody really hot looking." Joey just smiled. //I see someone hot.\ Joey thought to himself. //You.\ Unknown to Nsync, Joey was gay. He really didn't want to tell them. He was scared and what made it worse was his infatuation with JC.

During the course of the night they got really drunk. Joey and JC had the most to drink seeing as they really didn't feel up to dancing. They got back to the hotel and JC and Joey made there way to their room. Joey helped JC onto his bed, of course JC was passed out. Joey took off JC's shoes and socks. He placed the blanket over JC and smiled. He bent down and kissed JC on the lips. //What am I doing?\ He thought to himself. Joey just backed away and went into his own bed and fell asleep.

To Be Continued...

I know not much for the first chapter but I wanted to know what ya'll thought of it. I just thought I start this story up along with the new section to Justin's Real World.

I have to thank a few people. Everyone in the #Boybands chatroom, they had no idea I was going to use them. YOU GUYS ROCK!! BIG thanks to my two very best pals, DB and Scour. You know, both of you hold a place in my heart, and let's just say I hope it stays that way. Eric, what can I say that I don't say to you? You're my inspiration, you're my love, and my friend. A BIG BIG thanks to my editor, Schuyler. You rock girl.

I really suggest ya'll read This Gift, Any Path, Interludes, Decisions, and all the other great stories on Nifty. Anyways, please send comments and whatever to make sure you put Chatting Up Love as the subject. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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