Chatting Up Love


Published on Nov 26, 2000


Chatting Up Love 4 By Crunk

Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional it in no way suggests the sexuality of any character within its contents. This is pure fiction. If you're not supposed to be reading male for male content or are offended by it then don't read on.

Author's Comments: I can't believe how fast I update this story, and you know you all can thank over this? Schuyler. If it weren't for this girl, it would take me forever and a year to do this. So thanks girl!

"A Best Friend Is Someone Who Knows Your Favorite Song And Will Be There To Sing It When You Forget It."-Wolverine from The comic book X-Men

Chapter 4

Joey and JC stood in silence. It's been at least 15 minutes since they told each other they were gay. //What's wrong with you. The man of your dreams just told you he was gay, and all you can do is sit here and talk to yourself.// Joey thought to himself. JC didn't think anything, but decided to break the silence. "Well at least we have something in common, right?" He said with a small giggle that drove Joey wild.

"Yeah, can't really argue with you there, can I?" JC shook his head and laughed.

"We should get back to that movie." He said heading to the door. Both Joey and JC sat back on the bed and watched the rest of the movie.. That was two days ago.

The guys were gathered at Justin's house. Justin was having a Thanksgiving Party. Nsync, Britney Spears, and Dani, were all there. JC and Joey didn't say a word to each other. JC was busy cutting up celery when Joey passed by him. //What's wrong with you JC, your both gay and that should make you more happier than a pig rolling in shit. But for some reason you can't let him know that you love him.// He just sighed. Joey on the other hand was trying to keep his mind off of JC, but it wasn't working. //I just can't understand myself sometimes. I know I'm in love with JC, but do you think I can tell him? Of course not.// Lance walked into the kitchen and saw Joey's puzzled face. "Hey man, what's up?"

Joey looked over at him and gave him a faux smile, oh nothing dude."

Lance on the other hand knew better, but wasn't going to give in. "Ok, Can you believe this is like the first Thanksgiving that none of us are spending with family?" He said taking a sip of his soda.

"No, because everyone in this house is family." Joey smiled to himself.

"Yeah, I suppose that's the truth the man."

About an hour later. Everyone was seated at the table. Justin sat next to his girlfriend Britney. Chris was next to Dani. Lance sat at the end by himself and Joey and JC were side by side. Joey looked over at JC from time to time as did JC. Their eyes finally met. Joey just smiled at JC. He could tell something was bothering JC. He reached over under the table and placed his hand on JC's and gave him a smile.

"Oh crap guys, I forgot to go the bakery to pick the pies." Just said slapping himself in the head at the same time.

"I can go if you want me to?" Joey said removing his hand from JC's.

"It's up to you J." Justin said.

"I really don't mind, I think I have the fastest car here anyways." He said giggling.

"You so wish, superman." Justin said joining in the laughter with him.

Joey got in his car and started it up. He started to back out of the driveway when he heard a screech then a loud bang. The he saw nothing.

JC was quietly pacing back in for in the waiting room. "It's been 3 hours. How can they say they don't know what's wrong with him. IT"S BEEN THREE FUCKING HOURS!!" He hollered.

"Josh, calm down man." Justin said going up to his friend and pulling him into a hug.

Justin couldn't figure out why JC was all bent of shape. He knew that JC and Joey had known each other the longest. But he was really puzzled to see JC so shaken up over it. Just then the doctor came.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Dara Lynn."

Before anyone could say hi back to her JC quickly jumped in. "How's Joey? Is there anything wrong? Is he going to be ok?"

Dr. Lynn looked down at her charts then at JC. "He's in fine. He has no broken bones, He's just going to be sore for a few days. I recommend that he doesn't have any stress at least for two weeks. Is that understood?" She looked at everyone in the room and they all shook their heads.

"Can I..we see him?" JC asked.

"Sure, just be quiet."

"Guys maybe we should let JC go in their first." Justin said. The other guys just looked at him weird.

JC left the room.

"Why did you say that Justin?" Lance asked a little puzzled.

"Well, JC had known Joey longer than any of us. So I just thought it was right that he'd see him first." He said sitting back down next to his girlfriend Britney and resting his head on her shoulder.

"Justin, babes, I know that's not the reason. What's really up with JC and Joey?" She said whispering in his ear.

"I promise I'll tell you later."

JC was outside Joey's door. He slowly turned the doorknob and entered the room. The room was dark except for a lamp near the bed. Joey's back was turned. JC quietly crept closer and placed his hand on Joey's shoulder.

"Hi Josh." Joey said catching JC off guard.

"How did you know it was me?" JC asked not removing his hand.

"Lucky guess." Joey said turning around. His face had a little bruise on it.

"How you feeling?" JC asked.

"Better, just got a little headache. The doctor said I can go home in a few hours."

JC bit his lip. //Say it Josh.//

"Yeah, um, about that. You need to be stress free for the next two weeks, and since we are not going back on tour until the beginning up next month, I was wondering if you wanted to stay with me at my house until then." //There I said it.//

Joey just smiled. "Yeah, I do." He looked up at JC and smiled.

JC just looked back down at him and smiled back. JC's head crept closer to Joey's and soon their lips met. To both Joey and JC, this was a kiss that seemed to last an eternity but in reality only lasted for a minute.

"Happy Thanksgiving Josh." Joey said as he kissed Josh on the lips.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you too, my superman." He said back.

To be continued.....

See, I told you they were going to get together, I know a certain person who is happy now. Great thanks as always to Schuyler, and thanks to everyone has emailed me so far. The response to this story has been greatly appreciated.

I really suggest ya'll read This Gift, Any Path, Interludes, Decisions, Retreat and all the other great stories on Nifty. Anyways, please send comments and whatever to make sure you put Chatting Up Love as the subject. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 5

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