Chatting Up Love


Published on Dec 22, 2000


Chatting Up Love 5 By Crunk

Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional it in no way suggests the sexuality of any character within its contents. This is pure fiction. If you're not supposed to be reading male for male content or are offended by it then don't read on.

Author's Comments: Sorry it took me so long to get the next chapter up. But I had like lot of this done and deleted the whole thing on accident. Geesh!

"A Best Friend Is Someone Who Knows Your Favorite Song And Will Be There To Sing It When You Forget It."-Wolverine from The comic book X-Men

Chapter 5

Joey sat at the coffee table and was engrossed in watching JC make some tea. JC was in a white wife beater and gray jogging pants. Joey just had a tshirt and boxers on.

"So what are we doing today?" Joey asked, still not taking his eyes away from JC.

"Justin and Britney are coming by later. And I think that's about it. Unless you want to go somewhere or do something." Of course JC hoped he didn't.

Joey got up out of his seat, and placed his arms JC's waist. JC tilted his head back and looked into Joey's warm eyes. "Your very sexy Mr. Fatone." JC said with a giggle.

"Am I now?" JC just nodded. Joey moved his heads closer to JC and their lips met.

"Very much so." Then the door bell rang. I'll Get it." Joey said as he went to the front door and opened it.

It was Justin and Britney.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Joey asked inviting them in.

"Not much we just wanted to talk to you and JC." Justin said taking off his coat.

The tree of them moved into the kitchen where JC was.

"Hey Josh." Britney said giving him a hug.

"Hey, squirt. What brings you two by?"

"We want to talk to you and Joey." Justin said biting his lower lip.

//Uh, oh. This can't be good. When ever Justin bites his lower lip, something is bothering him.\ JC thought to himself.

"Well, I kind of noticed that you two guys have been spending a lot of time together."

"So? What's the point Justin? You know I don't like guessing games." JC said very bitter.

"Are you guys gay? I mean if you are it's ok. I really don't care."

"If you didn't care then why you asking?" Joey said defending himself and JC."

"Because if you guys are together, then I want to know about it." Justin said smiling.

JC looked over at Joey, and he gave him a 'I Don't Care' look.

"Yes, we are gay and together." JC said, finally giving in.

Justin and Britney both hugged JC and Joey.

"So when are you going to tell the Chris and Lance?" Britney asked.

"Not something we really talked about. Do you think either of them would have any problems with it?" Joey asked biting his lip. JC reached over and grabbed Joey's hand into his own.

"I don't see a reason for them to be."

Before any them could continue their conversation the phone rang. JC went over to get it.

"Hello?" JC asked into the phone.

"JOSHIE!" A female voice replied.

"Stacy! How's my favorite actor cousin doing?"

"I'm doing very good."

"How's the movie coming?" He asked.

"Actually that's why I'm calling. You see we have to shoot some scenes in Orlando, and I was wondering If I could stay with you?"

"Yeah, that would be cool. I wouldn't mind having a extra body around here for the holidays."

"Cool, so tell me Josh. Shagged up any guys yet?" She said giggling.

JC couldn't help but giggle. "You'll see."

"Ohhh, that sounds like a yes to me. Listen I got to go. I should be there sometime tomorrow. Is the spare key still in the same place?"

"Yep, right under the mat."

"Ok, I'll see you later then bye Joshie."

"Bye Stace." JC hung up the phone to meet up with 3 pairs of eyeballs staring at him.

"What?" He asked with a little grin on his face.

"Whoever that was made you act such like a little kid." Justin said.

"That was my cousin Stacy Diller, you know the actor? The movie she's in is coming to Orlando to shoot a few scenes and she wanted to know if she could stay here for the holidays so I told her yes. I hope you don't mind Joey." He said looked at him.

"Of course not, why would I?"

Justin's cellphone started to ring.

"Hello. Ok Lance. Yes Lance. Sorry Lance." He clicked his cellphone off.

"Do I even want to know what that was about?" Britney asked.

"Well I totally forget to tell you guys that we have a short meeting with Johnny about the material for the cd."

JC and Joey both made a "Doh!" sound.

About a half hour later Nsync, and Johnny Wright was in a small conference room at the Nsync Compound. They were just finishing up their meeting.

"So does anyone have any questions?" Johnny asked. Chris raised his hand. "Does anyone have any real questions." Chris lowered his hand. "Ok guys you are set. I'll be in my office if you need me. You can leave when you want." He got up and left.

"Um, Chris and Lance. Joey and I have something to tell you." JC said.

"We do?" Joey asked kind of shocked.

"Yes. What I am about to tell you, I hope doesn't change our friendship. Justin and Britney already know. Guys Joey and I are gay and dating."

There was a dead silence for about 2 minutes.

"Cool." Chris said

"You don't have a problem Chris?" Joey asked.

"No why should I care if you want to bat for the other team now?" This got a small chuckle from everyone in the room except for Lance.

"Lance. Do you have anything to say?" JC asked his friend.

"Nope." He said bitterly.

"So you don't mind that JC and are Gay then?" Joey asked.

"Do I mind that my friends are fucking fags? Hell yes I mind." He said heading to the door.

To be continued.....

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year To All My Friends And Readers.

This chapter is dedicated to two very good friends of mine Jere, and Nickers ;-). You guys are great. Also big thanks to SuperJoey and Schuyler for their everlasting friendship. Karen, your like a big sister to me, thanks, Eric, you know I love you with all my heart and soul and don' plan on changing that at all.

I really suggest ya'll read The All I Ever Wanted Saga, This Gift, The Any Path Trilogy, Interludes, Decisions, Retreat and all the other great stories on Nifty. Anyways, please send comments and whatever to make sure you put Chatting Up Love as the subject. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 6

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