Chatting Up Love


Published on Feb 19, 2001


This Chapter Is Dedicated To The Memory Of Richard Grayson

Chatting Up Love 7


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional it in no way suggests the sexuality of any character within its contents. This is pure fiction. If you're not supposed to be reading male for male content or are offended by it then don't read on.

"A Best Friend Is Someone Who Knows Your Favorite Song And Will Be There To Sing It When You Forget It."-Wolverine from The comic book X-Men

Chapter 7

Christmas and New Years came and went for Joey and JC. They sat in JC's bedroom, watching old reruns of Romper Room. JC had his back to Joey's

exposed chest and Joey had his arms around JC's waist with their hands

meeting at JC's heart.

"You know this feels so right." Joey said

"What does babe?" JC asked looking into Joey's eyes.

"Me and you." He smiled

"Yeah it does. Joey I want to ask you something. You don't have to answer me now. I want you to move in with me." JC said

Joey looked at JC and gave him a kiss on his lips. They let their tongues swirl in each others mouth. Joey let his hand fall to JC's abs. He slowly started to rub JC's abs. JC let a soft moan escape his lips. Joey took a chance and slid his hand inside JC's boxers, he felt warm flesh. He slowly started to stroke JC's cock. JC let a moan escape from his mouth. He loved it when Joey touched him and now this was a new feeling to him.



"Do you want to, uh ya know?" Joey asked.

JC looked at Joey and nodded.

Britney was in the bathroom when Justin her sobbing.

"Britney? Are you alright, let me in please."

Britney opened the door and Justin saw her eyes all red and puffy.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" He asked rubbing her back.

"Uh, oh Justin how could we be so careless?" She said, crying into his


"B, what's wrong just tell me." He put his hand under her chin and raised her face so they were eye to eye.

"I'm pregnant." She said.

"Oh, wow. Damn." He said sitting on the corner of the tub.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked.

"Huh, no. Of course I'm not mad at you. I mean I wanted to start a family with you, but wow, this is so soon."

"I know, but you know I could get an.."

Before she could even say it Justin cut her off. "NO! I want you to have this baby. I will be hard for us. But we will make it." He said as he got up and kissed Britney. "You know this is like so wierd, this is out first full week in our new house and already bad stuff is happening." "Oh babes, it's ok. We'll be fine, what ever comes at us, we will face together." "Promise me?" She said wipeing her tears. "This I promise you." He said smiling. "Corny Justin." "Well yeah."

JC and Joey just got done making love when the phone rang. JC looked down at Joey and he had his hand wrapped around JC. JC slowly reached over to pick up the phone.


"Hey Cuz, it's me Stacy."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Well I'm at Lance's house, and I was wondering if it was ok that I stay here instead of your place?"

JC just smiled to himself.

"You guys hit it off huh?" He asked.

"Yeah we did, he's a great guy." She said.

"Good I'm glad. Oh yeah thanks." He said smiling.

"For what?" She asked a little puzzled.

"For getting Lance to get come to the house on Christmas."

"How did you know." She said giggling.

"Eh, I'm good like that. I would love to stay and chat, but I'm tired and would like to sleep a little more."

"Ok kewl, I'll be by later on today to pick up my stuff."

"Ok bye."

He hung up the phone and had started to drift off to sleep when the phone rang again.

He reached over and picked it up again.

"Hello." He said a little pissed.

"Hey Josh." Justin said.

"Hey Just, what's up man?" He could here the worry in Justin's voice.

"You know how you and me had those chats some time ago about being fathers?"

"Yeah." JC said not liking where this was headed.

"Well, um, Josh, Britney's pregnant." Justin said.


"Josh, are you mad at me?" Justin said sniffling a little.

JC hated it when Justin would cry.

"No, I don't hate you. This is just going to be a big responsibility on you and Britney now."

"I know, Josh. I think I'm ready for it."

"Ok, then go for it man. I have faith in you." JC said.

"Thanks man. I'm just glad you didn't do what my mom did."

"Oh lord what did Lynn say?" JC holding back the laughter.

"Well first she started yelling, the cried then yelled some more. The she finally gave me her blessing." He said laughing.

JC just laughed and he woke up Joey in the proccess.

"Look, Justin. I'm going to go now ok?"

"Ok I'll talk to you later man. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

JC hung up the phone, then he thought to himself and knocked the phone to the floor.

"What was that about." Joey asked laughing.

"That was the second phone call since I tried to sleep. First Stacy then

Justin." JC said turning to Joey and hugging him.

"What did they want?" Joey said placing a kiss on JC's neck causing a moan.

"Well Stacy is going to be staying with Lance while she's down here. And

Britney's pregnant." This caused Joey to stop kissing JC's neck.

"Kewl and wow. How's Justin?" Joey asked going back to the kissing.

"He's happy."

"Good." Joey said starting to suck on JC's neck.

"You know, if you keep that up, we might have to repeat our earlier


"Oh?" Joey said

JC nodded. Joey then leaned down and kissed JC.

"I think I like that idea."

JC looked up at Joey and smiled.

"Me too."

The End For Now.

Why the end so soon? Well, because I really got a lot going on and I don't want to leave the story just hanging there, like some other stories. Also I'm doing The Nifty News Letter again. Plus I'm part of this years Boy Band Story Awards. So I want to do these other projects. Don't worry I am coming back to this story.. But if you would like to check out my other stories be my guest. Here is all the stories that appear on Nifty.

Justin's Real World

Christmas Wish

*N The New World

Ego II

Petals Of Love


Ok I have to thank a few people now.

Schuyler-My editor, my friend. Girl this story wouldn't be possible without you. You're a great inspiration to me. Thank for all your help.

Dede-You're such a great person, you will forever be in my heart. NY HERE WE COME.

Gary-You're a great guy, your like the brother I never had.

Dara Lynn-You are one very special girl. Your stories rock and so do you. I wish you the best in life. Blessed Be.

#Hollywood peeps-Nick, Jere, Kyle, Jay, Sammy, Roro, Zack, & Kat. All of you are great people. Each and everyone one of you hold a spot in my heart.

My readers-You guys are great. I love your comments and they are what keeps me writing.

Eric-My babes, my lover, my fiance`. I don't know where I'd be in life

without you. Sometimes I wonder why it took us so long to find each other. But I know, now , that we found each other, I'm never letting go. I love you, always and forever.

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