Cheating on Boyd

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 28, 2007




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Get out of there, Matt!" came the voice soon as I lifted the phone receiver up and before I could say hello. "Get out soon as you can, and hurry!"

"Hello?" I said stupidly.

"Get out of there, Matt! Boyd and his buddies are coming to get you!" hissed the voice.

"Who is this?" I asked. Honest, I didn't know! I mean, I knew Boyd, a redneck who lived down the road a ways (when you live in the country, you know your neighbors, can't help but know them), but I had barely spoken to him and couldn't have picked him out of a crowd of other rednecks to save my life!

"It's Monica! You got to get out of there, Boyd's after you!" Monica was Boyd's wife.

"Why's he after me?" I wanted to know. For good reason, Boyd was the sort of guy who thought with his fists and talked as an afterthought, if at all.

"My fault. I was cheating on Boyd with another man. Boyd found out but didn't know who and asked me who and I told him it was you!"

"WHAT?" I screamed. Well, shrieked. You try to shout the word while scared shitless and see how you sound!

"I didn't want to tell him who it really was, and I had to name someone. I just blurted out your name, and now he and Tex and Rick are coming after you! You got to get out of there, and I'll try to straight things out with him when he comes home. Hurry!" And there was the click of the receiver in my ear.

"Oh, shit! Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I said, looking around. What the hell was I going to do? I lived alone in an old trailer house over a mile from anyone else (a cheap way to live, a good thing when money is scarce). I had three big bruisers coming for me with blood in their eye and I didn't think I'd get a chance to explain what a lying bitch Monica was. I hadn't slept with her. And if you'd seen her, you'd know why I hadn't. Strictly the female version of trailer trash, tube top, polyester shorts, and trashy hairdo.

But I had bigger problems than fashion on my mind. What the hell could I do? Call the sheriff, maybe he could get out here before they could break in my door. Run like Monica had suggested? Only my pickup was old and had to idle a while before it could start up, I didn't think I'd have the time.

No, there was the sound of a pickup roaring up into my driveway. Like all country folks, I had built back from the road quite a ways, only a field of stubble from wheat now harvested lay around, hardly a place to hide in! No, I was better off staying inside and...God, the door, I had to barricade the door!

I got to the door just as I heard footsteps stamp up my steps. I turned the lock and then looked around, and the door went "wham!" and the lock sprang away in a splinter of cheap wood like so much tinfoil. I lunged against the door and braced it with all my strength.

Trouble is, Boyd had more of that, and two more guys to help him as well.

"Matt! Matt, you sonuvabitch, I'm going to kill you!" came the roar from the other side of the door.

"Go away! I didn't sleep with your wife!" I screamed out.

"Then how the hell do you know why I'm going to kill you?"

"Monica called me!" I was losing ground, sliding on my bare feet over the cheap carpet on the floor. They put a sort of stain-protector on the carpet, and it makes it slippery, especially at the door where the fibers are worn down from individual strands to a smooth sea of matted-down frazzles. "Told me you were coming!"

"The hell she did!" Boyd called. "You lousy two-faced bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

"I've called the sheriff!" I said. "He'll come get you!" And would have...eventually...if I had in fact called him.

"He couldn't have talked to Monica and called the sheriff both." came a voice other than Boyd's. "Sheriff can't be coming."

"I didn't sleep with your wife!" I said. "Go back, she'll tell you herself!"

A pause. "Okay. Let me inside and I'll call her and ask her."

"All right." I said. "But you got to promise you won't hurt me if I let you in!"

"All right! Now let me in!"

And like an idiot, I let them in. "The phone's right over there." I said, backing away as three major bruisers came in the door. Boyd was first, a hulking truck driver, with massive arms, a wide barrel chest and a body like a tank, no sweetly muscled bodybuilder here, he had no sculpting, but a form that spoke of raw power. He was followed by a guy with a ginger-colored beard, wearing a red plaid shirt and a younger guy in a white tee-shirt. Not as big as Boyd, neither looked to be a pushover in a fight, either. I pointed again to the phone's location in the kitchen, but they didn't go "over there," they came after me.

"Hey, now, you said you wouldn't hurt me, you promised!" I said nervously as I backed up, running all too soon into the edge of the couch behind me.

"To hell with that." Boyd said. "You fucked my wife, and now I'm going to fuck you up but good!" His two buddies grabbed me one on each side, and hustled me forward so they could stand sort of behind me. Exposed my body for Boyd to beat on at his will.

"But I haven't touched her!" I said. "Honest to God, Boyd, I never had sex with your wife! I don't even like your wife!"

"Get that, Boyd?" the guys in the red plaid shirt said. One of them were Tex and the other one Rick, but I didn't know either of them. "He don't like your wife."

"If he don't like a gal like Monica; then I don't think he likes women at all." the one in the white tee-shirt said. "What do you think, Tex?" So he was Rick.

"Maybe he don't at that." Tex agreed. "He looks like a bit of a sissy-boy to me."

I looked at Boyd in front of me, his fist rared back for a blow to my face, I presume and I grimaced, closed my eyes, waiting for it to strike.

When it didn't, I peeked open. "Well, which one is it?" Boyd said. "Did you fuck my wife, or are you a little queer-fellow, Matt?"

What a choice! I could either say I fucked Monica, in which case a beating was certain, or I could say I was gay, and probably get beat up just as badly, maybe worse. Probably.

"I...I...I'm gay." I admitted to these three bullies. "I didn't fuck your wife, and wouldn't fuck any girl. But I don't want any trouble, I don't chase any guys around this town, honest, nobody."

"What do you say to that?" Boyd asked his friends.

"He looks like a faggot to me." Rick agreed. "There's one ever'place you go, it seems like. Just got to find them."

"I don't know." Tex disagreed. "You gonna beat the shit out of him if he says he ain't one of them gay guys. Maybe he's saying it so's you won't hit on him, and he's banging your wife after all."

"How can you prove you're queer, Matt?" Boyd asked me.

How do you prove that? "I...I...I got some magazines in my bedroom." I said. "Bodybuilding magazines. Plenty of muscled guys posing in them."

"Hell, I got a couple of those kind myself." Boyd said. "That don't mean much of nothing, you might have got it to learn how to build muscle like I did. You got one of them fake dongs, maybe, or a movie or something? A dress and makeup in your closet?"

"No." I said miserably. "Don't have the money for those things. I'd buy them if I could get them. The movies, I mean." God, yes, I would! I'd spent some money buying out of the back of magazines, only to find each time it was a rip-off, and I got little or nothing from the purchase. Like the film of gay sex, it turned out to be a dozen or so movie film frames, how you were supposed to look at those things was beyond me, hold it up to the light with a magnifying glass and burn out your eye, maybe?

"Shit." Boyd said. "How do you find out if a guy is gay or not when he's claiming to be gay. I know how to find out when the guy's a fag and pretends to be straight. You catch the fucker checking you out in the john or something."

Boyd grinned and he cupped his basket. "How about it? You checking this out?"

"I haven't seen him checking anything." Tex put in. "Let's beat the crap out of him."

"I think he's queer." Rick added. "Let's beat him up anyhow."

"Only one way to test a queer." Boyd said. "You got to show him the goodies and watch him look at it." And Boyd reached down and unzipped his pants, making a sort of hitch with his hips as he yanked down the zipper, an upthrust of the groin. Now he had an egg-shaped white area in his crotch, the briefs showing up inside the unzipped fly.

"His eyes are getting wide." Rick said. "He's a fairy, all right!"

"I don't believe it." Tex said. "He's faking it."

"Take it out and show it to the fag." Rick advised.

Boyd undid his pants and opened them, then reached in and tugged his briefs down, letting his dong flop over the top. "There you go, there's my family jewels." he said to me. "What do you think of that?"

" looks fine, Boyd." I managed a sickly grin. "Real fine."

"He's faking." Tex scoffed. "He's no fag, he's balling your wife, Boyd, come on, let's beat the shit out of him, we came over here to beat the shit out of him."

"Naw, naw, make him taste it, Boyd." Rick said.

"Who's the faggot here?" Tex asked Rick suspiciously.

"He is. But we have to make sure. No straight man is going to chow down on a man's dick, he'll get beat up first. If he sucks on it, he must be a faggot. So we beat him up then for being a faggot."

Boyd's cock was slowly swelling from this, whether being on display or the thought of me sucking him or what. "What do you say, Matt?" Boyd asked me. He had a mean grin on his face, sort of like he always had. Rough, mean trucker bastard, I knew that much about Boyd, always getting into fights at bars both here in town and on the road. Stayed drunk when he wasn't working, and drank when on the road, too.

What did I say to sucking on his dick? "Do I have to?" I whined. "I'm gay, Boyd, but I don't want to do it with you any more than I would your wife. Shit, man, can't you guys just let me alone, I didn't do anything to your wife, she just had to tell you a name and picked mine. She's out fucking someone else. Go back, she said she'd tell you so when she called me, tell you when you got back."

"That lying cunt?" Boyd sneered. "Everytime I ask her a question, I get a different answer out of her. Fuck that. You're a queer, you like sucking dick, then get down and suck this!"

Tex and Rick worked to thrust me down to my knees and Boyd shoved that unwashed prick at my mouth. He'd just got home from being on the road, most likely, days of riding in the truck for hours on end, God, his crotch smelled of stale piss and foul sweat built up over several days without washing. He wanted me to suck that? I damned near vomited at the mere smell of it!

Boyd snarled and grabbed my hair. "I said suck it, you fuck-ass queer! Suck it or I'll break your fucking neck!"

I let out a small whimper as I opened my mouth and Boyd crammed his cock in. It tasted as bad as it smelled, he really had a nasty, funk-loaded dong, and he expected me to love it! I choked and gagged as he stuffed it inside me, all that disgusting sweat ended up in my mouth, my saliva dissolving it, letting it run down my throat. It stank all the way down, I could smell it through my nostril from the inside out, when I breathed out, that skanky odor wafted up into my nose. I gagged and nearly threw up, and Boyd grunted and said, "Don't puke on it, suck on it! Now, faggot, now!"

I pulled back and began to work it in my mouth, not taking it down very far, but performing the duties of a cocksucker on the first few inches. After I got it covered with my spit, it wasn't so bad, and Boyd shoved it deeper and I could take it then. Washed with my own mouth, all the dirt and sweat and musk ending up in my stomach, but at least it was clean now.

I got better at it and Boyd was grunting like some bull atop of a cow, whuff-whuff-whuff-whuff!

"You see, he's a queer." Rick said.

"Queers like doing it." Tex negated it. "He's just doing it in hopes we aren't going to beat him up."

"What would convince you?" Rick demanded. "Shit, he's sucking Boyd's cock and taking the whole nine inches down." Boyd was more like eight inches long, but I didn't try to correct Rick on that. "What'll convince you that Matt's a fucking fag and we got to keep looking to find the bastard who's balling my sister?" That was information I hadn't had before!

"I still don't believe it." Tex said.

"What's it going to take, Boyd pronging this queer up his ass for you?"

Tex considered that. "Why not? If he takes Boyd's cock up his ass, and comes from being fucked, then I'll agree he's a faggot, maybe."

"How about it, Boyd?" Rick asked. "You feel like boning a pansy for us?"

"Spin him around." was Boyd's only comment. "Damned if I'm going to fuck a used pussy like Monica and I got to get off somewheres."

"Let's get him up." Rick said to Tex.

I fought them as they did it, and ended up with my t-shirt torn completely off me before they got me around. Boyd reached around and undid my fly, and skinned my jeans down my legs. "Yeah, this looks like a pretty prime butt." Boyd observed. "If I can't have a wife's tight pussy, a fag's tight butt will do just fine."

"It does on the road, eh?" Tex kidded Boyd.

"Fuck you, Tex." Boyd said, but without heat, and Tex just laughed. "Get those ass cheeks apart, I'm ramming it in."

I didn't move, but Boyd kicked my legs apart with one foot and then he was pointing that slicked-up cock at my ass and shoving at my butt, hard!

"Ghhh!" I said as it contacted my sphincter and pushed inwards. Shit, I had been fucked exactly twice--count them, twice--and the last time had been over four years ago. I wasn't a virgin, but I may as well have been. "Ghhh! Uhhh-huuhhh!" I whinnied as Boyd poked at me.

"Shut up." Boyd growled. "Take it, you fucking queer! Take it!"

He had managed to shove the head in, and now he was working on worming that deadly length into me. Not letting me get used to it, he was just thrusting.

"A-huh! A-huh! A-huh! A-hunk-huh!" I groaned as he jabbed.

"Damned tight-assed faggot." Boyd muttered. "Take it all, you goddamned queer, take it all, you fucking pansy! God damn it, I ain't got half of it inside yet!"

Oh, God! More? Boyd's hand grabbed my waist on either side, and he rammed harder. Now all I got out was a sort of strangled wheeze with each painful jab at my insides. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!"

"Shit, I got to start fucking now, or I'll come before I get it all inside." Boyd groaned. "Damned tight ass."

"Virgin butt." Tex said. "He's no fag."

"He is, now." Boyd affirmed. "I got my cock in his ass, that makes him a queer. I'm going to start fucking this ass, you watch him and tell me when he's loving it."

"Limp dick so far." Tex observed.

"Oh, but there's love in those eyes." Rick chided me. He was looking right at my face, my eyes were watered up from the misery of that cock in my butt, and he mistook that glow for passion, I guess. I tried to argue, but my chest wouldn't pull in enough air to let me talk. It was like I was paralyzed, waiting for Boyd to.... "Oh! Ah! Ah! EEEHH!" I gasped with what little breath I had as Boyd's cock began to plunge in and out of my ass. Nothing gentle about it, nothing I could attach and change into pleasure or gentleness, I was this man's fuck-hole and he was working on getting himself off. As for hell with me!

My ass was raw hamburger by now, I was grimacing and moaning as the hard dong went in and out of me. Oh, God, I was being fucked by a nasty, beer-guzzling, foul-mouthed, stinky-crotched truck driver, I was, I was....Oh, God!

"Ah, shit, the fag's throwing a boner!" Rick's words affirmed my worst fears. My God, was I liking this? Being another man's fuck-toy, grabbed and held down and USED! Would anyone like that? Even if I hadn't had a handful of sex in my thirty-two years, even if it looked like I would never get away from this backwoods life that keeps you so broke you can't get away without starving to death so you stay and stay and hope and wait for the chance that never comes. I had been left living alone and hating the days and dreading the nights and beating off to muscled guys in magazines smiling out at me or at each other, they had sex, but not Matt, no sir, he was nobody. Nobody wanted to have sex with him...except a nasty-assed truck driver who was getting revenge for his wife more than loving me, who was fucking me with a rage and a fury that substituted pretty good for passion, that was driving into me and making me feel the closest thing to desire, real true desire, not the fake imitation you whip up with your hand and a bit of Vaseline, this was some real desire oozing out of me.

"God, Boyd, you got this fag hot and dripping! Keep fucking him, maybe he'll come." Rick hooted. "You still think he's straight, Tex?"

"Not anymore he ain't." was Boyd's assessment.

No. Not anymore.

I was held in place by Tex's and Rick's firm holds, I had Boyd hanging onto my hips while he rammed and thrust into me hard, grunting, thrusting like a regular hellcat at me, all raging animal and snarling beast, he was teaching me to mess with his wife! I was going to learn my lesson here, all right!

I heard the rising tide of Boyd's groans, and I knew this big man-animal was reaching his climax. God, soon I'd have a hot load of trucker jizz in my ass, and then maybe Tex and Rick would take their turns on me, a hands-around fag-whore, that was me, that was me, yes, God, yes, oh, yes, anything's better than nothing, come on, you bastards, all of you fuck me, then start over again, all night long, keep fucking me, teach me a lesson, you mangy straight bastards, come on, TEACH ME A LESSON!

And I howled and I sprayed my jism and Tex yowled as his jeans got splattered by me. Rick just laughed as I came and he was looking right into my lust-glazed eyes as I did, his smile, his eyes, his face mocking me. "Yeah, bo!" he said to Boyd, "You done made this fag-boy shoot his nuts! Got Tex right on his leg, too, hoo, yeah!"

"Ah-hah-ah! AH-AH-ANH, AH-HAH, AH-HAH, UH, AH-A-AH-AH-AH-AH, AH-GAH-HUNNNNHHHHH!" And Boyd was creaming my ass at last, at last, God yes, yes, hot salty jizz flooding my bowels, I was getting loaded with hot man come, even if it was only Boyd's, even so, it was something and it was good, God, yes, good, yes, yes, good!

Limp and sagging, Rick and Tex let me drop to the floor. I lay where I was, my eyes closed, not caring much what happened now, let them kick me, let them knock out my teeth, it was worth it, God, yes, it was worth it! Better this, even this, than the nothing I'd had for so long!

"Ah, fuck, ah, fuck, ah!" Rick was moaning and I opened my eyes to see Rick above me, flailing at his cock. "Ah, shit, I gotta come, I gotta come, shoot it on this faggot, yeah, yeah, ah-AH-AH-AH-GUH-GUH-UH-HAH-NNNNN-GGHHHH!" And hot man-come rained down on me and I let it splat on my face and my neck and I opened my mouth and extended my tongue and caught a few precious pearls on my tongue, to taste, yes, taste, oh, yeah, good, so good!

"Shit, you creamed on him." Tex said with infinite scorn. "Are you two faggots yourselves?"

"So you agree he is a faggot?" Rick said.

"Yeah, I reckon he is." Tex said. "Or maybe one of them bisexuals, you know, he likes pussy but likes getting a man's dick up his ass at the same time."

"I'll buy that." Rick agreed. "He's a switch-hitter. He fucked Monica, but all we did was give him more of what he likes."

"Yeah." Boyd said. And then to me. "All right, you bastard, I got to drive for a living, and I can't keep that bitch under lock and key. You want to keep fucking her, fine, go ahead, but know this. The next time I find out she's cheated on me, I'm coming over here and taking another piece out of your ass. You going to take on my wife, you got to take me on, too."

"You figure that's smart?" Rick asked. "I mean, if he bats for both teams, ain't you just giving him what he wants?"

"Paying Monica back for her cheating on me by fucking her boyfriend. I like it." Tex said. "This guy will get tired of being held down and fucked by the two of you and give her up. And if he don't, you still get a piece of his ass."

"Yeah." Boyd said to Tex, then to me, "So you remember the next time I'm gone what happens if you go sniffing around Monica again." He grabbed his crotch. "You'll get this!"

They left, Tex strangely cheerful and I puzzled over it. Tex hadn't believed I was gay despite me shooting my wad while being fucked. Did he think a straight man would do that?

Boyd took off on a trip two days later, and I got a call from Monica that same night, fulsomely apologetic for Boyd coming over, but her words made it clear she didn't know any details. She asked about my injuries and I said I was hurting but feeling better.

"He still thinks you're the one I'm cheating on him with." Monica said. "Nothing I say will change his mind on that. He's going to be back when he gets home, you know. Call the sheriff soon as I call you, and maybe he can catch Boyd whaling on you."

"It's okay." I said. "I can handle Boyd well enough, don't worry about me. But what about you? Are you going to cheat on Boyd with that other guy after all this?"

She stammered and I knew the answer was yes. After she finally finished talking, I said, "That's okay. He's over there right now, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is."

"Let me say something to him."

"All right." Monica said to her boyfriend. "He wants to talk to you."

"Yes?" came the man's voice.

"You and Monica cheat on Boyd all you want." I said. "I like having Boyd and Rick coming over to teach me lessons."

There was an astonished silence, then a very familiar-sounding laugh. "Okay, faggot, you got it. They'll be over to see you about Friday night. Good-bye, stupid!"

"Good-bye, Tex." I said and hung up the phone.

Well...that answered that!


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