Cherry Pickers

By moc.oohay@namyrotsyag

Published on Apr 7, 2023


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Cherry Pickers 11 Matt

Matt: I am pure Greek on all sides of my family, and yet am fourth generation American. I speak Greek as fluently as I do English and have excelled academically. Black hair and eyes and olive skin. At 5 foot ten and 200 lbs., I feel I need to drop a few, but I am a solid guy, not fat just, bigger than a twink to put it mildly. My stomach is firm, but no six pack, and yes, I have known since the sixth grade that I was gay. I realized that when the clothing catalogues of swim suits and underwear arrived at my parent's house that I would spend hours looking at the hunky men, but feigned interest looking at the women to so my parents would not guess.

My father left some of his porn in the office, which thank goodness included some naked men's asses as they got ready to push their cocks into a spread pussy. "God I want to tongue that ass I would think." I worked hard as hell in College to maintain my grades and get accepted into Medical School. The hard work paid off and I got my choice of the three schools I wanted. Of course the most expensive had cutting edge research on genetics, but I knew it was not a possibility as the family finances would not permit it and I did not want to enter practice so heavily in debt that it would take forever to be my own man and not be owned by the loan sharks a/k/a student loans.

And so I went for the interview at the school I coveted. The doctor who interviewed me, started with a quiet non threating tone, and by the end of the day, I had bared my soul to him, and he knew what no other person actually knew about me, that at 22, I was a gay virgin, afraid to act. I told him that after the confessed to me that he too was gay, and had been about my age when he had lost his virginity. "I have a tight group of friends, they are more than friends, and we are like a fraternity or brotherhood." These are the men I love and respect, and one day hope to find my partner and when the world is ready marry him," he confessed.

We continued to talk, and he said, "I know a great restaurant, so why don't we continue talking over dinner, and in case you are wondering, it would be unethical for me to lure you into my bed. So let's talk over dinner." And so it was that I met him in the nicest place I had ever set foot in, with appointments and a staff like I had only seen in movies, and food that made five star an understatement. "There is a way you can attend this school free of charge, but it will change your life forever. He went over the basics of bonding with men, and finally losing your virginity in a group setting by a man you may or might not know.

"So what's the drawback" I laughed as I looked him directly in the eye. "From your knowledge of the group, I'm guessing you are speaking from experience, and I can tell if this brotherhood is good enough for you, it is probably more than I could hope for."

"I am, and it certainly is" he replied and so I found myself enrolled in the school of my choice, willing choosing to give up my virginity on the Altar of the Cherry Pickers.

The only thing I fudged on my report to increase the bidding on me was I added, "Love to Kiss", in fact I had only kissed one man. That night as Dr. Ross Green drove me back to my motel, I reached over and kissed him, he responded and I found myself in a quick but sensual tongue duel. "OK hotshot, enough" he said as he pulled away, and I was given the signal to go to my room.

Some of the guys were nervous about getting fucked in front of a room of men. I was ready, more than ready. More so after participating in the "Fuck Him" chant the room had erupted with while Tom was being fucked.

And so when Tom called my name, I stood up, and so did my cock, all 7 inches. I peered into the darkness, and grinned from ear to ear as I saw Dr. Ross approach me. He dropped his robe revealing a body in his mid-thirties that while in shape, enjoyed a good meal, glass of wine or drink. Slight love handles were present, and his chest was full, but not fat. Pure Blond, from his head to his feet. I had never seen a man covered in blond down, so white that you might not have thought he had hair. His body was a white as his blond hair. What a contrast we made, me shaved from the neck down, and he the golden man.

I want to make love to you Matt, call me Ross he said, as he lowered his head and began to kiss me. We almost waltzed around this room kissing, deep throating each other, nibbling on each other's lips, sucking on the others nose, cheeks, ear lobes and our tongues probed and tried to explore the ear canal of the other. While others had erupted in a sexual frenzy, ours was pure love making as we lay on the Altar of the Cock and explored each other from head to toe and back again. There was not one part of his body that my tongue had not touched as I followed his lead and mimicked what he had done to me.

And then his tongue hit my ass, as he murmured, "Tomorrow, you are welcome to explore my ass, but tonight, I will help you become the man you have always wanted to be." Relax Matt, just relax, he said as he fingered my ass, reading it for his cock. His cock was about five inches long hard, some might complain there was not enough of it, but what he lacked in length, he made up in circumference. My hand or mouth could barely stretch wide enough to get my hand around it. And yet I yearned to feel this man burying his cock in my ass.

I felt the blunt pressure of his cock lubed and ready pushing against my virgin ass. My ass began to push back as the first ring joyfully gave into his battering technique. Push slowly then pull back, push slowly, then pull back, each time by rosebud, grew more and more receptive to the idea, I saw stars as he entered me, then he stopped and my ass began to hunch against him and centimeter by centimeter, he went forward, making my ass home to his cock. Others have talked about the pain, my ass welcomed his cock like an old friend.

Ours was a fluid lovemaking, fucking does not convey what happened. It was not brutal, It was fast, then languid, rapid then slow, as he chewed my lips, chewed my nipples, which enlarged each time he paid attention to them as my ears, nose and arm pits begged for his attention. My ass begged him to continue plugging way, pound and then make love to my no longer virgin hole. The momentum began to build for both of us as we reached a climax, he coating my ass, and I spaying white cum on his white down. As we finished I could have lain with him and rubbed his back, massaged him and felt him do the same for me, but our time had ended and we arose, as I tried out my new sea legs, glad I could walk, but missing the feeling of his cock in my willing ass which begged for more.

End of Chapter 11

Next: Chapter 11

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