Cherry Pickers

By moc.oohay@namyrotsyag

Published on Apr 16, 2023


Cherry Pickers 15 Frank

Frank: And now my turn, the last man standing as it were. I'm staring at an eight foot cock, with two huge balls that like mine are very low hangers with the balls lying to the left and right of the cock, with a ridge between the two balls.

After I witnessed by Coach Jerry's ass being spread by one, then two, then three fingers each expanding his virgin territory. Saw the look of pain and fear crossed with lust was on Coach's face, in his eyes, the set of his mouth, and even his nostrils, as pain, ecstasy, and desire each could be found on his face in rapid succession and like a collideascope changed from one to the other. I looked down to the greased cock that had the mushroom head pointed at my Coach's manpussy. Instead of watching the invasion of his hole, I focused my attention on Coach's face. After four years, I could read his face like a book, and knew bravado from truth, and keeping a "stiff upper lip" in the eyes of your opponents from his actual feelings. The great thing was I saw no regret in any of Coach's expressions, as his forty nine year old body accustomed itself to something he had wanted but denied himself for years. My only regret was that I wished I was the one that had tasted his very essence and taint.

Other's watching either the live action or the close-ups on the large screens saw the invasion of Coach's ass. I saw his eyes open wide, as he bit is lower lip hard. Coach made no sound as his nostril's widened, and he sucked in air. As he exhaled, I realized he was following the direction to pretend he was taking a shit, and suddenly the pain written all over his face disappeared and was replaced by the look of ecstasy and lust as Coach became a power bottom greeting each thrust of cock with his ass. Coach as usual became the man in control. My Coach was not getting fucked; he the bottom was controlling the tempo forcing the top to graze against his love nut, to bring pleasure to Coach. The top for a while appeared to be a live dildo, there to bring satisfaction only to my Coach.

I realized that I had better zone out before I shot my load just watching this hot scene. The last thing I wanted was to cream before getting fucked. Many guys have equated getting fucked to rape shortly after they have cum. I wanted to be in control, and began to think of anything but what was going on before my eyes. Cleaning the pool, picking cherries off trees, and the lush landscape of Cherry Hills filled my mind. In fact I was so engrossed in zoning out, that it took me a second to realize that the cock on which the next guy would willing offer his cherry was vacant. I had zoned out thinking of my ass on the cock when I heard the voice of the emcee say. "Awesome David welcome to the Brotherhood and now Frank, stand up and come to center stage to meet the man who has pledged the most ever to the scholarship fund." With a deep swallow I stood and slowly walked, head and cock held high to the center of the stage. As I approached, the man who had won my cherry walked out from stage left. The audience went wild. With a spotlight on me, I could not see who is was but, they must have recognized him, as the cheering, foot stomping, and applause must be for whoever this demi-god must be.

The voice of the emcee continued "Men, it's hard to believe, but after a thirty year absence, General Saxton has rejoined his group of brothers as a Cherry Picker."

General Saxton!!!! The man had been on the cover of every major magazine, front page on the newspapers, and featured on television and the web. He was my fantasy, growing up I could not get enough of the man. A man of mystery, this guy who had stoically endured so much tragedy in his life was a "Cherry Picker"? Had he one time been fucked just like I was about to be? And then what happened, why had he not come back until today? My mind was on overload again. And then I saw him, or rather I saw myself in twenty six years. His waist was firm, but middle aged, with what I guessed to be about a thirty four to thirty six inch waist. But like me he was covered head to toe in red down or fur, intermingled with some white and grey hairs. Many friends had kidded me when they saw his picture that he must be my Dad. Now seeing him up close, I had that funny feeling I was a clone of this man. He approached me and led me to the edge of the stage where he took my hand, and we walked to the edge of the stage where I could hear cameras clicking just beyond the wall of white. He grinned at me as both our cocks were fully extended. Looking like a proud father and son we stood there naked and exposed, proud to be standing beside each other.

He held out his hand and took mine. I expected him to lead me to the cock and ravish my ass, instead he turned and began to lightly kiss my face. His tongue then traced the outline of my eyes, nose, and then penetrated each ear as he began to make slow sensual love to me. My lips parted in anticipation as his tongue invaded my mouth. Suddenly his tongue retreated leaving his mouth open, and in reaction, my tongue entered his mouth as we French kissed each other. He broke the kiss, and again his mouth got close to my ear as he whispered, "this is the happiest I have been in years, your being here for me tonight, I can't believe my fortune that you are a virgin waiting, for me ...I want you so."

With that he extended his hand and led me to the cock. Damn, I couldn't think ..."How did we get too look so much alike? He acts like he knows me, but how? I had long known that I'm the product of a sperm donor...could it be that this handsome man or god is my father?" And to all of this I came to the realization, "I don't care, I just want this man to possess my body, to make me a man, and to take my cherry." Instead of having me lie down on the cock, he climbed on board the massive twin to my cock and scooted up so his head rested against the head of the cock, with his feet resting on the strip of flesh which ran between the two balls and acted as a footrest. It was then that I saw his cock, or should I say the triplicate of my cock and that of the eight foot cock. Pointing straight in the air was the familiar torpedo, large balls falling to each side of the sack. If GI Joe, or Ken had been alive an animated, each would have felt at home on the General's cock.

"Climb up, I want you to post on my cock, so that you will control how much cock you take. Go slow Son, I want you to have the same experience that I did long ago when I became a man, and gave up my cherry on this cock. Let's don't fuck Son, let's make love."

"Son as in his biological Son, or son as in the gay dad son?" It didn't really matter as I was into to do this man's bidding. Whatever he wanted and however he wanted it, my ass was his. Frank: Following his lead, I climbed up on the cock, and straddled him, his cock pointing up at my waiting hole, as I looked him in directly in the eye. "The choice is yours, whenever you are ready, slowly lower your ass on my cock; pretend you are taking a shit. It will probably hurt, stop and adjust and take deep breaths. Once you feel my pubes rubbing against your ass, you are there, and then the fun will begin."

It sounded so simple. I got into a couching position; my ass poised over his cock, and looked directly into his blue eyes, a mirror of mine. His hair, auburn red, like mine but shot through shades of grey. Most of all I was captivated by his smile. His mouth was shaped a little different from mine, mine is more like my mothers, and he smiled, melting any inhibition I felt. Placing my hole against the torpedo, I pushed down, my ass fighting to keep its cherry status, but my desire for this cock would not be stopped by my ass trying to say no.

I pushed and suddenly the tip was in. "Is that a cock or did a telephone pole get shoved up my ass I wondered?" My ass gripped his cock, not sure it liked being invaded. The General tweaked a nipple and said push out and let me in. And while my mind wanted to be possessed by this man, my ass fought the idea of being possessed, but I took a deep breath and pushed down more. His cock reached the second ring in my ass and I stopped fighting as the pain began to subside. Feeling a cramping in my legs, I pushed down harder and I felt his cock hit my magic button. My ass lit up like a pin ball machine when all of the lights go off at once.

"Don't rush it son", its ok came the soothing voice. "MMMMMMMMMMMM FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK" I think I responded. My mind had only one thought. Hit that button over and over as my legs pulled me into a half standing position as I then dropped by ass quickly onto his thick torpedo cock. His cock I realized tapered at both ends with a wide bulge in the middle. The thickest part was rubbing my prostate, and I did not want this feeling to stop.

"Pull out for a second; I want to take charge son. Lie down on the cock, and as I come to you place your ankles around my shoulders."

"Yes, Sir, SIR" I responded. My stretched hole was now awaiting an assault that I wanted. Slowly I felt his hard cock stretching me back open, He hit bottom, as he looked me in the eyes, and bent forward opening his mouth, our tongues assaulting each other, as I met each trust of his cock with my ass.

I moaned and moaned in pleasure as I assaulted his cock, and his cock assaulted his ass...His thrusts went from a piston like motion to long deep thrusts, going deeper and deeper into my waiting tunnel. His breath and mine each became short, my cock began to jump on its own, and spew ropes of thick cum on my belly and up my chest. My ass clamped down on his cock and I felt my ass being coated with his seed. I had been bred and loved every second of it.

"I could cuddle with you here and now for hours he said...but the show must go on." I know you have volunteered for a second round later tonight, but could you have lunch with me tomorrow, Son?"

"I'd love to have lunch with you, Sir. Where shall we meet?" As we exited the cock and he returned me to my chair, must like an escort returns a debutante to her seat following a dance, we made plans, followed by a light kiss, and I sat down, and wondered `Son', he kept calling me son, and hell except for him being a tad thicker and some grey in his hair, I'd just been fucked by my clone.

End of Chapter 15

Next: Chapter 16

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