Cherry Pickers

By moc.oohay@namyrotsyag

Published on Apr 23, 2023


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Cherry Pickers 16, Seconds:

And now in random order as the name are called from the hat for the second time being fucked in their entire life...we have first...Frank...gee and he just got his ass pounded...let's see if he still is up for more Cock the emcee gleefully announced...

The emcee, called the next name, but my mind was focused on the man that had plucked my cherry. I remembered that his wife and two of his best friends were killed at a private breakfast on September 11, 2001, at the Windows of the World Restaurant atop the World Trade Center. The General was supposed to have been with them as this was a visit to their financial planners. Duty had called the General to Washington, delaying his arrival to New York, saving his life, but placing him within two blocks of the World Trade Center as the first plane hit. That much I remembered from articles in newspapers and magazines.

I had not heard much about him since then, and was shocked when he was the person who had bid so high on my cherry. In my opinion I was not the best looking or the youngest. We were however like clones of each other. The cock I guessed must have been modeled on his member. Tomorrow, lunch was going to be an experience and I hoped that he knew more than I did about my history. But if he didn't I'd settle for round in bed with him, away from prying eyes, and he could take my almost cherry.

"OH FRANK, EARTH TO FRANK," I heard the emcee announce and I looked up dazed. "By Random drawing you are the first for the Seconds, and I may say I think they are going to be PRETTY SLOPPY SECONDS". I still was having trouble focusing thinking so much about the General, it was a total shock and surprise to realize that the man climbing onto the cock to fuck my almost virgin ass was none other than my Stepfather. "I too love you Frank he whispered in my ear. I've finished the separation agreement with your mother, and am back to claim what I've always wanted to experience, your hot body and ass. I'm glad that I will be your second, that if you want me. If you do not say so now, and I will appoint another to fuck you, Son."

FRANK: I realized then how much he had shielded me and protected me from my vicious mother and I broke into as smile and for the first time in my life, I called him Dad as I said, "Yes, sir, Dad, please fuck your son, make your son's ass yours." And with little to no fanfare, he plunged his thick hard cock into my waiting vessel, my love canal, as he said the words I had always wanted to hear.

"I love you son, I truly love you" and fucked me he did his cock pounding my hole, getting my cock harder and harder as I felt his cock began to expand in my hole as we both cried, "OH FUCK YEA" as he filled by hole and I blasted cum over him.


BRIAN: My fucking ass, hell it hurt and I had just gotten fucked. I guess I looked none too pleased when through the darkness I saw what must have been a telephone pole come though the darkness, connected to a man who stood six foot eight or so. He came over and said, "I would have bid higher, but I wanted you ready for my cock, so Sloppy Seconds are great for me." With that he grabbed my shoulder and propelled me to the cock, picked me up and dumped me into position before I could think about what was happening. His squirting lube on his fingers, I suddenly was invaded by two fingers then three as he methodically invaded my ass. And then wham, eleven inches of thick cock was shoved up my ass. I howled, twisted, grunted, and pleaded for him to take it out. I'd do anything, just get that fucking cock out of my ass. Please SIR, STOP, I begged. Looking down at me he grinned and paused for a second, before the assault began again. I whimpered and cried and kicked my legs, when suddenly, the pain turned to pleasure, a feeling that I still can't describe, Pain but coupled with euphoria. My ass responded and flexed trying to get more of his cock in my ass...and now he cried "Slow down Son, Cause OH SHIT, I'm CUMMING" and as he flooded my ass with so much cum I felt some leak out of my ass, I too shot, so hard that some hit his face, as he licked his lips, and then sucked all of the cum off my cock." With that he walked away, and it was then and only then I realized, I had no clue who had fucked me.

"Thanks to all of our participants, I think we can all agree that those who got their cherries picked, are a stellar class, and those who had the honor of picking the cherries and those who went for seconds got more than got their money's worth. My fellow Cherry Pickers tonight we have added to the Foundation over Five Million Dollars." Elated, I followed my fellow friends off stage, glad that the entire Cherry Picking had been filmed and hoping to be allowed to view the proceeding later. I wondered if I was the only one of us that had gotten lost in thought that the entire evening except for the time that I was being fucked was a giant blur. I had heard from friends who had gotten married, that except for a few minutes, the entire evening was a blur and now I understood."

"WOW, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT BRIAN WAS A SIZE MAN" the emcee all but shouted. "And now returning to the stage IS CROSBY"...

CROSBY: Me? I loved it that one man, a man who looked like my father or brother had taken my cherry I was not surprised that the man who selected me looked like me, a 19 year old who looked 30. I could not imagine who else would have started at the minimum bid for me. I peered into the lights waiting, and got the shock of my life when a model appeared. I don't mean he looked like a model, I had seen his face, abs, and legs, hell all of him except what a speedo didn't cover in men's clothing catalogues, modeling everything from underwear to white tie and tails. His facial features were chiseled and smooth with a deep dimple in in chin. His pectorals were well defined as was his taunt stomach. Of course his hair, eyebrows, all a deep chestnut colored hair shot through with strawberry blond highlights was immaculately in place. His pubes trimmed closely matched his head, no dye job here...and all I could think of was...why in the hell would he bid on me?

His cock, about 7 inches jutted out, framing his low hanging balls. His kind eyes looked into mine, as his lipped trembled. "Pleased to meet you he," he said, "I can't wait to get with you. I'm Danny by the way..." and with that his hands began to explore my body, lightly dancing over chest, tweaking my nipples, raising my arms as his hands then mouth explored my pits, right side, then left, as his hands cupped my balls and a finger played with the tip of my cock, fingering my precum and making it into a string much like a spider web string.

Why me, the least physically attractive of the men up here, why does he crave my body? As his lips reached my ear he whispered, "When I was in high school my best friend could have been your twin. People joked about us, as I have been blessed with a models looks that I capitalized on, and he while not swim suit model material, was my best friend and in my eyes, as handsome a man as God ever created. I was a year older than he, and experienced the joys of being a member of the brotherhood. A year ahead of him, I sponsored him to become a Cherry Picker, and had saved enough money that I knew I could be the one to take his virginity. On the way here, a drunk driver crossed the line and killed him instantly. That summer I was a pall bearer at his funeral. He died a virgin, and I went on with my life, as best I could. Imagine my shock seeing you hear ten years later. A fierce bidding war erupted as the man who won your cherry was just as determined as I, and I would have continued to bid, except I think he knew you and I was not going to deprive him of that right. So if you will have me...lets go."

My ass was primed and lubed from the earlier assault by Roy and Danny's seven inch, thick cut cock met my ass and the two began a tango. Midway through the fuck he called me John and I realized that in his mind he was finally mating with John the way he had intended to ten years before. I moaned deeper and harder as I truly meant it, never correcting my name, because for the remainder of the torrid fuck I was John and he was Danny, two lovers finally consummating their love...

"I love you too Danny, I love you too Danny" I murmured, unsure at that point if he thought it was Crosby or John's hands on his butt pulling him deeper into my essence, feeling his cum mix with Roy's.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Danny said wiping away tears of joy...

Crosby: I could hear sniffling in the audience, and I knew what a special moment this had been for many of the men who knew Danny's story.

AND NOW GREG, COME ON BACK... Was all the emcee said.

GREG: I was a lot more relaxed for seconds. I had seen that men came in all shapes and sizes, some smooth and some hairy. Roy encouraged me to enjoy the special qualities of a man and have a good time. My ass loved getting fucked and I was up for more. I peered into the bright light and was shocked when the large shape broke the light curtain. BIG or HUGE was all that came to mind. The man entering the stage was at least a foot taller than me. Topping at least 6ft 8, probably with a 50 inch chest, I guessed he was body builder by his muscles. Either naturally smooth or shaved, he was in complete contrast to my hairy frame. Wearing only a white towel, he picked me up in a bear hug enveloping my body and placed me in the natural seat created by the balls of the huge cock. Once seated, I ran my hand under the towel and felt his cock get harder. It was a least 8 inches long and was thicker than my wrist. His towel dropped from his waist revealing his smooth body. His rock hard cock drooled pre-cum, as he pressed his huge log against my lips. "Make love to my cock" was all he said as his fat cock head parted by lips and my mouth tasted the drippings of his nectar. "Get it good and wet he ordered as my tongue played first with the head and then the shaft of his dick. After I got his cock good and wet, he pulled my legs apart and took aim, his cock suddenly moving forward as he breached my waiting asshole. My ass was being assaulted. Unlike Roy, this fuck was primal and to the point. He wanted to seed my ass. We rutted like animals, howling, and fucking hard and deep. He paused to open a brown bottle and take a whiff of poppers. Sticking the bottle under my nose, he blocked one of my nostrils with his finger and told me to breathe deeply. The warm rush that enveloped my being was intensified as he made sure my second nostril received equal treatment. My entire body warmed to the hit, when suddenly, my ass responded to the warmth and took over. My ass possessed and owned his cock, forcing it to pound my hole harder and harder. My body ached to be filled and be possessed. I took the poppers and inhaled deeply, first one side of my nose and then the other. My body lusted for and craved the cock battering my ass, begging his cock to own my ass. God, I thought I love to be fucked. Then, his cock begin to swell and erupt. I not sure if he owned me or I owned him, but either way I loved it.

DAVID: And then I hear the emcee say, "DAVID GET THAT FINE ASS READY FOR MORE COCK." I was happy and elated to see a man of Middle Eastern descent come towards me. His skin was tan with pink overtones, and his dark hair covered his head, his chest and pubic region. I guessed he was about 40 years old our skin tones were so similar, as was dark black hair and eyes. His physique was average in height and girth. He said to me," I'm ready to fuck and you?" I winked and bent over showing him my ass, cum from the first session leaking out. We stood near the edge of the stage, just inside the lighted area.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"How do you want it?" he replied

"Hard and Deep, and show me what you can do" was my answer.

With that, he pushed on my shoulders, bending me so my ass opened. He spit on his hand, lubed his cock with spit, as he lined his throbbing cock up with my ass. I had not really had much of a chance to examine his member. I learned later that while only about 6 inches long, his cock was a fireplug, thicker around that it was long with a huge plum on top.

My outer ass ring gave way as I felt my ass being stretched to the limit as his wide thick cock breached by sensitive ass. He paused for a second before resuming his thrust, and sank all his thick enraged penis in my tunnel. My wife had bought butt plugs that she said she would use on my ass as soon as I lost my cherry. She had bought a variety, planning to start with a short rather thin one and work up to a much longer one that was extremely thick. As the assault on my ass began, I realized that I would be able to skip all but the thickest as his cock was thicker than the butt plug.

And so my almost virgin ass got plowed, royally plowed. Pushing back against him, by legs began to tremble as the assault turned by legs to jelly. He was the perfect height to plow my ass as I stood with my legs apart. I wished at that moment that I could have sucked on a cock as it felt so great to be used. My butt was being fucked, I had no control of the situation and I was in heaven knowing a room full of horny men were watching me getting fucked.

I began to rock back and forth. My prostate loved it and I felt cum begin to boil in my balls and then shoot out at least 5 spurts on the floor. As we stood parallel to the audience, they could see the ropes the first of which must have shot 4 feet. Clamping down hard on his cock, I felt my ass once again being flooded with more hot cum. As soon as he shot, he dropped to his knees and ate the warm cum dripping from my ass. I was in heaven and knew I wanted more hot cock in my ass.

As the Emcee said to the men in the audience, "OK men take a ten minute break, and see you in a few, and Oh buy the way as I see most of you have your pants around your ankles, go ahead finish working out that load and come back and get comfortable..."

End of Chapter

Next: Chapter 17

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