Cherry Pickers

By moc.oohay@namyrotsyag

Published on Apr 30, 2023


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Cherry Pickers Chapter 17

For once I slept the sleep of the just, the excitement of losing my Cherry on the giant cock finally left as my head hit the pillow I don't think I turned or moved until awaking the next morning about 10. My butt was pleasantly sore and tingled, yet it let me know it wanted the feel of hot cock again, as soon as possible. I got up and performed the 3 S's, the shit part a little gingerly at first, and got dressed. Lunch today with General Saxton? I think I have lunch with General Saxton today, I said to myself. Did I dream that up or did he ask me to lunch after seeding my ass? I heard footsteps entering the barracks and the intake of breathe as the many of my friends all still naked as I was, looked up and arose, almost coming to attention as General Saxton entered the room.

"At ease guys" he laughed realizing that his military presence brought out the recruit in most men, "You ready to get something to eat, I bet you are famished," he continued his eyes locked on mine.

"Sir, Yes SIR" I blurted, not knowing where my military response came from.

"Come on Frank, let's go Son" he whispered in my ear, and so I followed him out and continued to follow him to the most revered building on the Campus of the Cherry Pickers, the home of the Founder himself. Built in the style of a Green and Green bungalow, as we entered I realized was probably furnished with real Stickley furniture I watched as the General's ass beckoned me to follow him into this sumptuous masculine abode.

"Welcome Frank," I heard a voice, warm in tone, but with authority call my name. The voice stood up, revealing a man in his late 50's, 60's or maybe 70's. "He IS a treasure son," the Founder said to the General.

"Frank, I'll not beat about the bush" the General said, "I am your biological father and this Son is your Grandfather, the founder of the Cherry Pickers." Sit down" he commanded "because it is a fairly long story and I hope you are not too freaked out that your father blasted his seed into your hot hole last night, something I have wanted to do since I knew you existed."

"Let me start the conversation," the warm voice of my Grandfather interrupted. "Gay rights have come so far, and yet have so far to go. When I started the Cherry Pickers, I had through hard work amassed 20 million dollars, which twenty or so years ago was a lot of money. I was in a loveless marriage which I'm sure was somewhat my fault as I married because I was gay and trying to prove I was not. About the time your father entered junior high school, your grandmother and I divorced. She obtained quite a nice settlement and built this house and bought and planted the Cherry Orchards. She was not a business woman and she and her second husband quickly squandered the fortune and mortgaged this place. By the time your father entered Military College, he came to me, telling me he was homosexual as we called it in those days and stating that one of his favorite places on the face of the earth was about to be sold at foreclosure, and at his behest, I bought the place as my own."

"I was determined to make the place succeed as a working Cherry Farm. I realized after the first season, that there were young gay men who wanted to be able to express themselves and live and love outside the confines of society. Giving these gay young men a carefree summer away from the pressures of worrying about their sexuality was my gift to them, but they responded and put their heart and soul into the business, and this farm after the first season had the largest harvest, and the workers were the happiest. About the same time, the freezing of sperm and invetro fertization was being developed and I invested in a fledgling company that succeeded. I opened a sperm bank close to the Cherry Picking Ranch, and plowed one-half of all profits from each enterprise into the foundation so that young men could realize that being gay and enjoy the act of men experience love and sex. I also realized that I was dealing with some of the smartest people I had ever met, many who could not continue their education because they were gay and others who for whatever reason had not received scholarships. I really did not want male whores here, and a group of my friends and I devised the idea of having gay male virgins work here as Cherry Pickers. Over a game of cards, I revealed to some of my gay friends that I was an anal virgin, and he responded that he would give One Million Dollars if I would consent to being fucked by a man of his choosing in front of him. Instead of repulsing me, the idea of raising a million dollars and finally being fucked was enticing, and I would not even have to choose the man, as he would be chosen for me. There 10 men present, all of whom were gay or bi and had been fucked, and the remaining nine each agreed to match the one million dollars if they could be present. I assembled the workers and told them that they did not have to attend, but that in order to raise funds for a scholarship fund to send them to college, I was going to get fucked in front of an audience, and they were invited to attend as they were the beneficiaries. Later that evening, all of the workers came forward and said they felt that if I consented they would like to offer their virgin asses if it meant raising further funds. I assured them that I did not want them to think I wanted to whore them out in order to receive a scholarship, and dismissed the idea entirely. The next morning a spokesman from the group said that these men had stayed virginal all summer and many were knowingly around gay men for the first time and that the hormones were raging in the barracks. If he could assure them that before the end of the summer they would have experienced man sex, it would be easier on the men. And so began the tradition that as long as a man was an anal virgin, he could be a member of the Cherry Pickers, the students voting that in order to be fair, every man had to have his Cherry Picked in front of the audience. It was there that the idea of a Cherry Picking ceremony began."

"I was the first man to lose my virginity in front of a room full of men. The Board of Directors choose wisely, and elected the man who had come up with the idea. We were both in our forties at the time. If you want to know what I looked liked when I got fucked the first time, just look at your father now. He was tall, amazingly fit, with a smooth body and extremely hairy ass. I was shocked to see a 10 inch cock, but with ten million at stake, realized that one million per inch was the least I could do for the cause. That evening I realized that I was very versatile, that my ass after the initial shock of accepting a 10 inch cock responded and was a power bottom ass. My cock remained hard the entire time, and if it could have fucked an ass at the same time would have gladly done so. What became the Board of Directors was insure how to treat the remaining men who wanted to lose their virgin ass status. Fortunately, a member of that class came up with the idea of the auction. And so, the examining table that you saw the defloration take place on has a special place in my heart and my ASS, for that matter," he grinned, "as mine and over a hundred other guys had their cherry's popped on that very table. Oh the stories those stirrups could tell" he mused. It was then, when he smiled that I realized that the man's mannerisms and build reminded me a mix between Cary Grant and George Clooney. What a gene pool to draw from.

Grandfather continued, "I formed a Board of Directors from the original men who contributed one million each to watch me get fucked, and we developed the rules that you participated in this summer. Only men who had had their Cherries Picked could nominate new members, making sure that the newbies were virgins as far as anal sex was concerned. It's ionic how honest men are about whether they have been fucked or not. The fourth summer of induction, the Board decided to honor me in a special way, and the Altar of the Cock, based upon my shaft and balls was sculpted by a prominent gay Italian sculptor. I swear I wept when it was unveiled. Over 200 photos had been made of my cock, and the sculptor came over and had be get hard and studied my cock from every angle, as he decided the best way to interpret it in stone. The Board paid for the cock out of their own pocket the cost of the marble alone being what I thought was ridiculous, but the board insisting it had to match my skin tone. Every man since then who has had the pleasure of becoming a Cherry Picker has had his cherry plucked on that very cock, with the exception of your friend, Bill, who went through the defloration ceremony, and was the first man in ages to have his Cherry Popped on the examination table."

Frank: The cock gene in my family must be a strong one, as my grandfather, father and I all shared identical cocks, as there was no doubt my father's and my cock matched that of the statue, mine was a goodly heritage I mused.

At this point my father said, "I wondered what was wrong with me in high school and college as women did not interest me. I held myself in check and did not act on my emotions to experience another man, for two reasons, one I guess, since the men I knew were gay didn't interest me and, two, I did not know where to go to find a guy that would interest me. An older fellow classmate and graduate called me one day and said he was in town and would I be interested in dinner. `Hell Yea' I said and he without going into graphic detail, he found out I was a gay virgin in every way and bluntly asked if I thought I was into "man sex."

"And so it was that I became a member of the first class of Cherry Pickers to offer their virginity on the Altar of the Cock" my father grinned. I knew it was what I wanted but was nervous as hell that my father, the leader of the Cherry Pickers would be in the room watching me get fucked for the first time. There was only one kink in the works, my father said, "I had done extremely well in Military College and was being recruited by a preeminent government agency that did not favor gays kindly. We at the Cherry Pickers thought it would be a wonderful ruse to have a member of their revered agency to be a member of our group, and I was game, as I had found out there was a ceremony attached to losing your virginity, thought I did not know what.

Taking a deep breath, my father, General Saxton continued, "And so it was that entered as a newbie under an assumed name and became one of the guys, which I did and which is why you will not find my name in the minutes of the annals of the Cherry Pickers. Due to the fact that homosexuality was so disfavored, and the idea of having an auction for virgin asses would be so abhorrent to many, we had made this a secret society and brotherhood from the beginning. " I hope I'm not boring you he said. I assured him I was not and he continued "That was the summer that the Sperm Bank opened in this region, I made several deposits. Your Grandfather as the owner knew which test tubes were being used, and he kept tabs of each and every fertilization made using my sperm. Any sperm that was yours, he also, in the art of science followed the pregnancy and the growth of the children. Your grandfather monitored you at least on a yearly basis, and was able to find out many details of your home life. "

"Frank, The man who married your mother was a stoic and great man," my grandfather said," I think he realized shortly after your birth that all your mother was interested in was social standing and the trappings of wealth. I think she wanted a child solely to suck up to his parents who were very wealthy. He was able to keep your mother in check and I have always wondered if he would have been a member of the Cherry Pickers if he had been given the opportunity. As your father said, I was able to follow your growing up as there were members of the Brotherhood in your hometown who looked after you for me. After the man you loved as a father was killed in the wreck, your mother became a raving bitch and the Brotherhood feared for your safety. A bi member of the Brotherhood, who had a daughter by his first marriage dated and eventually married your mother and became your step-father. Bob loves you very much and ran much interference for you, which you will never know about. He protected you from her. Your mother sensed you might be gay at an early age, and did all she could to `keep you from depravity' as she put it."

"Your step father knew that one false move on his part result in his divorce and further your mother's plans for you. He intervened as your mother wanted you to attend a community college so she could monitor your every move and get you engaged to the "right girl" of her choosing. It was he who persuaded her that you would not be around `faggots' at the Military College, and this you escaped her clutches. The ironic thing, it was Bob who was ultra-rich and except for a few days each summer here, never strayed. Once your mother threw you out and Bob made sure you were here in the safety of the Cherry Pickers, he found that your mother was fucking the tennis coach at the County Club and started divorce. To avoid scandal, your mother accepted a few million dollars as settlement and now your mother and "Kind Mary" are now living an upper middleclass lifestyle, and she has entered law school." Bob, your stepfather is the man who had the honor of taking my cherry, a founding member, and board member. I had the honor of taking your father's cherry, and now Bob claimed seconds on you,"

My father spoke up and said "I was offered a chance at Military Intelligence, at a time when homosexuality would have precluded me from service. I guess you can figure the branch. Because of my summer here was spent under an assumed name, the US Intelligence was told I had spent the summer here as a worker. Although we think they suspected the true nature of the Brotherhood, even that agency could not prove that anything out of the ordinary happened here or that I was a member."

"The proudest moment of my life was the evening, I had the honor of being the first person to have his Cherry Picked on the Altar of the Cock." While I did not know who would pluck my cherry, I had hinted strongly to my father that he had been there for me for every important event of my life and that I would feel much more assured if a man with experience who I trusted with every fiber of my being was the one to bring me to manhood. And so it was when I stood up to meet my fate, knowing my life was to change forever in those few moments, I breathed a sigh of relief as your grandfather strode on stage, proudly naked at age 49, and took me by the hand and led me to the Cock. He positioned me so he could eat my ass, and eat it he did, he tongue probing my inner being. He sucked on my cock, and balls and then nibbled on my tits, and I began to beg him to fuck me. Burying his tongue in my right ear, he then squeezed by left nipple as hard as could, concentrating exquisite pain in my left nipple, and absolute pleasure in my right ear. I really did not realize that his cock was buried in my ass until he began to slowly fuck me to truly make me is son a man. My cock has never shot as hard as it did as I felt my father's sperm seed my virgin ass. The only thing that has ever come as close to that feeling was as my cock let loose last night and I flooded your manhole with more of the sperm that created you."

"Because of the nature of my work, I told my father, your grandfather that it would be wise for me to marry. Single men were suspect in the agency, and I wanted to succeed. I found a woman that I could love, and although for me the sex was not of the quality and intensity that I felt with men that summer, I functioned and my life went on as I served my county and helped prevent some disasters."

"That is an understatement", Grandfather said, "I personally some national disasters that were averted due to your fathers diligence, that will never come to light. Your father retired a couple of years before 9/11. His wife and daughters, were meeting with the Head Chef at Windows on the World the morning of 9/11 to plan a surprise birthday party for him, which I had agree to pay. The guest list was to be extensive and include many, but of course the party was scrapped following the death of his wife and daughters. Your father was devastated and I wanted to let him know that he had a son, but could not as you legally belonged to another person. Your father became a shell of the man he had been after 9/11. It wasn't long thereafter that the man you thought was your father was killed and Bob, your father and I all watched and waited to see what would happen with your life. Were you gay? It appeared you were, but we didn't know. We agreed that you were the fruit of our loins and that we would provide for you once you graduated from college or were free from your mothers clutches, whichever event occurred first. He and I set up the trusts for you, to become yours, even if we never had the opportunity to meet you. A sudden phone call to your Grandfather from Coach Jerry and Bob set the wheels in motion. At last, the Brotherhood and your family were free to act on your behalf. Had you been straight, your trust would have sent you to college and provided for you, as we in no way wanted to pressure you or have you choose to be gay from pressure, which would be just as bad as your pretending to be straight to avoid social stigma. It is ironic that what was probably the worst night of your life, feeling betrayed by all who you thought would love and support you was in fact the best night of my life, as I knew my son and grandson would be united. Not only united, but the blood that had created the Cherry Pickers was in your veins and that you longed to become a part of the Brotherhood. That is how you received your invitation to become a Cherry Picker," my loved and treasured grandson.

Hearing my Grandfather tell me my genealogy, and how I had arrived at the ranch to become a Cherry Picker, one of the elite, my true father, the strong General, who had stood before cameras calming the Nation in times of national disaster or tragedy, began to weep and sob, as he reached out his hand and stoked my palm. Grandfather said, "And so my very Grandson, I welcome you as a true member of the Cherry Pickers. I have invested part of my wealth in trust accounts in your name, which became yours this very summer. You are now worth about 100 million in liquid assets as well as two thousand acres of land adjacent to the Cherry Pickers Ranch. You my Grandson are loved and respected".

"I plan to make my home here" my father said. "I spent much time talking to Coach Jerry this summer learning about you, and what a positive influence he had in your life. In fact, I found myself waking up each morning ready for the free time when Jerry would talk about you, his matters and his philosophy of life. I had the option of taking his cherry or yours last night. He urged me to take your cherry, just as your father had taken mine . Telling me that you should have the same experience that I had, knowing that a loving father had thought enough of his son to bring him to manhood. I waivered until the end, afraid that you would not want me to be the one. My mind changed when I found that two Coach's former students had salivated over his ass in school and wanted both the honor of popping the Coach's cherry and taking seconds. I was happy to pay any amount necessary to grant their wish so these members of the Brotherhood welcomed their Coach. I plan to build a home on a smaller tract of only 1000 acres adjacent to your tract and will invest in the procreation of Cherry Trees and developing better strains of cherries, as we begin to run the Sperm Banks and Reproductive Centers which will help gay men have their own children. Do you want to be a part of this enterprise or do you have dreams of your own to follow?" he asked.

"I am for the first time in my life at home", I replied," And will finish my MBA and take courses in both the family enterprises over the next few years so I can really learn the family business, and have a great time as well. My Father and Grandfather you are both extremely wise, handsome and virile men. If I can ever do ANYTHING for either of you, it shall be my honor to so."

End of Chapter 17

Is this a good stopping point or?

Next: Chapter 19

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