Cherry Pickers

By moc.oohay@namyrotsyag

Published on Apr 5, 2023


OK Men, For most of you this isn't your first rodeo so: 1. If it's illegal or you are underage, exit stage left now. 2. Give to Nifty...they give to you all the time 3. Lead feedback if you care to, many thanks for taking your time to read this work of fiction

Cherry Pickers 9 Tom's Story:

Tom: All I could think was, at last for the first time in my life, it's finally MY time. The last few years seemed like tour after tour of foreign countries, and not the pleasant type of tours, land mines, bombs, nurses in the OR with guns strapped to their back. Yes, I served Uncle Sam, but after being in the army and ignoring who I am to please the upper brass, I took decided not to go for the twenty or thirty years. The army got me out of the hell hole home and town I grew up in and now I was ready for the GI Bill and ready to improve myself, at least I thought that is what I wanted until I caught the eye of a certain general who got me transferred to his staff for the last six months of my tour. I had returned to camp tired and dirty and ready to head to the shower when out of the corner of my eye I spotted something wrong. Don't ask me how I knew that the maid had a bomb on her I just did. She was heading to the General's quarters, and I acted. I knew as I pulled the trigger that if I was wrong it was pure murder, but I had seen the look in her eyes before, glazed, ready to get it over with. As the first bullet hit her in the leg, she fell and must have hit the device as she exploded as did everything within thirty feet of her. No personnel were hurt, thank God. I was debriefed and finally allowed to shower. Later I was summed to the General's quarters.

My sexual guard was down, when I entered his room he was alone. He too had just showered and I saw one hellva man, his back turned to me as he dried his back and I feasted on his perfect ass. He raised his towel and dried his hair as he turned and I saw his golden chest and furry body with the most perfect uncut cock I had ever seen in my life. I began to chub and my face I'm sure gave me away, I could not look away and pretend that this man did not exist.

"Thanks for saving my life" he said simply and quietly. "I've had your personnel file brought to me and I see that we are both short timers. "Tell me about your plans for the future", in a commanding but questioning tone, which made me know he really wanted to know about me. Over the course of the next few hours he learned everything there was to know about me, my background, the fact I was still a virgin at 34, and the fact that a women did not interest me, although I had never been with a man. It was then and there he proposed that I forego the GI Bill and enter a secret brotherhood of likeminded men. "Are you ready to give up your virgin ass, Sergeant?" You will become one of the elite. My mind began to spin, either of us could have reported the other, two red blooded American men, whose only flaw for the service was we loved and craved other likeminded guys.

"YES SIR, SIR, I've wanted this all my life, but I am a man of my word, SIR. This man's army told me not to mess around with men, and I have followed orders, sir." Saying this, I wondered if by body would respond to a stranger for I craved a particular kind of man, like the man who looking me in the eye. What if I joined this Brotherhood and failed not because I didn't want to mate with a man, but with a particular kind of man. I feared if I did not like the way the man looked, my ass would clamp down like a vice.

The summer of picking cherries was one of the highlights of my life. Hard physical work in an atmosphere that made me realize that a place existed like the Garden of Eden. I still caught myself looking over my shoulder to make sure that guns, bombs, and other weapons of mass destruction were not close by, but I began to mellow and felt human. All the time I began to develop an itch that needed to be scratched. And now naked as the day I was born, I stood up as my name was called by Sam who had just been fucked, and fucked hard. As I approached the giant cock, the smell of sweat, cum and musk invaded my being. Fuck, I felt at home for the first time in my life.

"OK TOM, IT'S YOUR TURN" the emcee announced

Tom: The entire time I had been waiting I had studied the sculpted marble cock. I had seen that cock before, and then I realized it was the General's Cock, but how did it get here? Or was it his cock? I had only seen it for a few minutes in his tent, but it was one of the most distinctive tubes of flesh I had ever seen, and for a few short minutes my eyes had feasted on it. My mind was in a muddle as I stood up. The dimples of my ass clinched as I nervously ran my hand through over my smooth chest and tweaked my nipples. Fuck the suspense was killing me. A man about my age or a little older who if he had not been an officer in one of the branches should have been, took me over to the cock and had me lay down with my legs spread and said "Assume the position". His voice was warm and mellow, and I detected a southern accent. Old school south, years of family breeding. I looked at him and quickly and liked what I saw, a stereotype for a southern lawyer or politician, firm chest, somewhat overweight, but carried oh so well, very very distinguished, even naked, his 8 or more inch cock ready for any task assigned to it. I was sure I had seen that face before, definitely of a military background, I was ready to follow any order my leader commanded and so leaning over, my eyes looked up and up to the tip of the sculpted marble my arms splayed on either side of the sculptured balls. I jutted my butt out and spread my legs as far as I could and waited for what seemed an eternity.

Without warning I felt one, then two and then three fingers stretch my willing hole, they withdrew quickly and my ass was on fire as his cock buried itself to the hilt, stretching my ass, pushing in and pulling out.

I heard a voice cry out "Fuck ME SIR" "Make THIS ASS YOURS SIR", and I realized that the chant was coming from my mouth, daring him to fuck me harder and deeper, which he did. I refused to let him fuck me, rather, my ass was in charge, forcing him deeper in me, He was not making me his, no I was making him mine. My ass was controlling the tempo, the speed and the depth. He was responding to my pace and rhythm as the pace continued. The men in the room responded as what started as an isolated "Fuck Him" became a chant, which the entire room responding to my ass thrusting on his dick, then his dick ramming my ass, "Fuck Him, FUCK Him, Fuck HIM, FUCK HIM, FUCK HIM" louder and louder the cheer became as our bodies reacted to the verbal onslaught, and our military backgrounds responded to the order.

"NO NO, slow down he moaned, I'm not ready to shoot, I want more of that ass", he drawled, as I continued to control him, forcing his cock to pick up speed. "Please, I don't want to CUM YEATTTTT..." he cried, in a falsetto as I finally felt what I knew I had always wanted. One huge blast of man juice flooded my love canal, and then another as I felt each spurt dive its way home to where it belonged."

Still in the position, my voice responded, "SIR, THANK YOU SIR for fucking me and Picking MY Cherry, Sir", my body naturally coming to attention.

"At ease" he replied.

I immediately went into parade rest, as I saw his beautiful muscled ass disappear into the lighted haze. Shit I thought, I don't know the name of the man who took my Cherry...Geez, Talk about anonymous public sex.

Next: Chapter 10

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