Chicken Thief

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 11, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Uncle Jayro sat on the porch in his rocker, a stubby-looking man, plucking at the banjo which he held like a lover. The tune was familiar-sounding, I'd `uv called it "Smokey Mountain Breakdown" iffen it had been a mite livelier, but as it was, I just couldn't. It suited the day, which had been hot and nary a bit of air was stirring even now when the sun was going down. Going to be a hot summer. Slow and lazy is how you do it, just the way to live in the hot days, even on the mountain. I stood on the clapboard porch in my bare feet, wearing just a pair of overalls and said, "Aunt Irma Mae said you wanted to talk to me, Unc."

"That's right, boy." Uncle Jayro said to me, but his fingers kept on picking that tune. "What'd you think of supper tonight?"

I shrugged. Corn pone is good for breakfast, but a mite unsatisfying for the evening meal. "It was all right, I reckon."

"Needed something more, didn't it?" Uncle grinned at me.

"Yes, sir." I agreed, grinning back.

"Yep, some hot fried chicken would have gone down real good with that corn pone, wouldn't it?"

I felt my mouth water. We were poor folks and didn't get much meat. Sometimes we could trap a squirrel or something, but Uncle's gun had broken on him and until he could pay to get it fixed or replaced, we was doing poorly for meat on the table. "It sure would have, sir."

"Old Widow Baker down the mountain, she's got chickens." Uncle pointed out needlessly. We could just see her house from here, those chickens as a flock of white dots around their coop, and her garden on that good bottom land of hers next to the Green Wazoo River.

"A whole bunch of `em." I agreed.

"You wouldn't mind having some of those chickens frying up for your dinner plate, would you?" Uncle Jayro asked me.

"Not one bit."

"You ever raided a chicken coop, son?" Uncle Jayro asked me.

"No, sir." I admitted.

"Not much to it. You wait until everyone's asleep. Got to avoid dogs, too, only she ain't got none. Then just ease on in and slip the latch, sidle into the coop and pick the chickens right off their roosts. Pop them into the bag and hitch on back here. Nothing to it."

"You aiming to raid the Widow Baker's chicken coop?" I asked him eagerly.

Uncle Jayro looked at me. "Now, you know my back's been poorly these past few days." he scolded me.

"I'm sorry." I hung my head.

"It's why we agreed to take you on when your Maw and Paw passed away." Uncle Jayro went on. "Figured you would be able to help us around the place. But you haven't done much of that."

There was nothing to help with, I started to point out, but I kept my trap shut. Just the house falling apart and Uncle Jayro sitting on the porch plucking his banjo. Sometimes Aunt Irma Mae would go into town and sell some of her stitching or work for a short spell and bring back some food for us. But he didn't have any livestock nor any cleared land, just the house and the plot of land it was on, practically all of it on the side of a steep hill and the house sitting on the little bit of level ground there was. I hadn't seen anything to improve about this place!

"So you can help us by getting us some of Widow Baker's chickens." Uncle Jayro pointed out. "Take a gunny sack and ankle on down there and find a place to hide and wait until she's asleep. Then sneak on in and get us about three chickens. More'n that and we won't be able to eat them or hide them if she comes a'calling. All there is to it. And tomorrow, we'll have fried chicken for lunch and then chicken dumplings for dinner. How's that sound to you?"

"It sounds powerful good." I agreed.

"That's a good boy." Uncle Jayro said. "Now move on and let me be, I'm plumb worn out by the day and will be on in to bed soon as the stars start peeking out. See, there's one of them right now, a'yawning at me." And he went back to his banjo, making liquid sounds in the dusk.

My one acquaintance with Widow Baker had been when she'd seen me with Aunt Irma Mae at the country store. She'd looked at Aunt Irma Mae, and at me, sniffed and said, "Well, looks like another useless mouth done moved in at the Bowlines." So I didn't owe her no never-minds. If I could get her chickens without getting caught, I'd take every last one of them.

It was a good night for stealing chickens; I had a full moon on the eastern horizon to let me see, but it made long shadows to help hide me. I kept to the shadows much as I could. The night was quiet and still, not even crickets fiddling in the night. Total silence and stillness, and the heat, too hot. I sat on the rock I'd found and watched her light for what felt like hours before it went out finally. Then I waited another ten minutes, decided I'd waited long enough, and skiddled on down the slope. The ground was soft beneath my bare feet, and I winced at the thought of stepping in wet chicken mess with no shoes. But shoes would have made clonking sounds and I could always wash my feet when I got away with the chickens. The thought of fried chicken tomorrow was enough to keep me heading on in, intent and watchful.

I lifted the latch to her chicken yard and slid in. The gate made a slight creak but not enough to wake up someone as old and getting deaf as the Widow Baker. I got in, and could see plain as day, thanks to that moon. The chickens were sitting on their roosts, not moving at all. A chicken won't move as long as its dark and I guess that moon wasn't enough to wake them up. I got hold of one of the chicken's legs and lifted it off the perch. It flapped a little, sleepily, as I lowered it quickly into the bag. Two more now and....

"Who do we have here?" came a voice behind me. A male voice.

I turned around, scared as shit.

"Looks like we found us a chicken thief, Martin." the second man said.

"Looks that way." the first man said.

I'd been caught! Good God! A man was in his rights to shoot a man stealing his property. In the hills, nobody would charge such a man with murder. Or they were allowed to take me prisoner and fetch the sheriff in the morning.

The two men walked into the coop. They were a bit older than me, and obviously brothers, having the same long, brown hair, the same straight, clean noses, the same cleft chins. One was a little taller and broader than the other, or I would have called them twins.

"I thought Widow Baker lived alone." I said sheepishly.

"We'll ask the questions here." one of them said. "The problem is, here you are. What are we going to do with him, Clem?"

"Don't rightly know." Clem said. "What should a fellow do with a chicken thief?"

"Turn him loose?" I offered helpfully.

That got a laugh out of them. "What do you say we just turn him loose?" Martin said to Clem.

"He'd just come back tomorrow." Martin replied.

"No, I wouldn't!" I insisted. They ignored me, talking to each other in a rapid-fire exchange.

"Yep, we'd need to teach him a lesson." Clem mused.

"Make him real sorry he ever come in to raid these here chickens."

"We could whomp on him a spell."

"Yep, I reckon we could."

"Be a shame to mess up a pretty face like this `un has, though."

"Sure would be."

"His face kind'a reminds me of Lizzy Harper, don't you think?"

"Sure does."

"Makes me just want to kiss it."

"So go ahead. I'm not stopping you." Martin said.

"Come here, boy, let me taste them lips of yours." Clem said.

I couldn't figure what else to do. They'd probably just embarrass the heck out of me like this and then let me go. After all, I hadn't taken any chickens, they hadn't lost anything. So I said, "Okay." and gulped, and walked over to him.

"Mighty purty lips on this `un." Clem said and took me in his arms. His lips fastened on mine and kissed me. I didn't exactly help him with it, but hell, I was being kissed. I could have played "cold fish lips" like some girls do when you kiss them and they don't want you to, just let you try to make something move, but nothing does, and it's about as satisfying as kissing a dead fish, so you cut it out. I didn't, I matched my lips to his and I guess I kissed him back. I mean, it was getting me out of a butt-whipping here, I was willing to kiss this guy for that.

Clem raised back and said, "Hey, boy, you kiss better'n Lizzy Harper." And he reached in and kissed me harder, his body pressed against mine.

I felt his cock push against mine, and it was hard and mine was hard. Clem's hands caught my buttocks and he pulled against me and ground us together and I struggled and pulled away and he said, "Hoo, boy! This un's got the hots for me."

"I should get a taste of them lips." Martin said. "They look all nice and smooth now you been kissing on them."

I started trying to inch around them, but both of them were between me and the door and Clem let me go around him, him circling me like a fighter in the ring, and I ended up between the two of the and Martin blocked my way, his arms open to me. "Come on, boy, let me have some of those rosy lips of yours." he said.

I tried to get past him, but he only had to step a half-step and he intercepted me easily and I ended up in his arms and Clem was right behind me and I ended up in the middle of these two men's bodies, and Martin got his kiss. I felt Martin's hard-on against my cock and Clem's erection pressing into my buttocks and I thought to myself, "Oh, shit, what have I gotten myself into here?"

Both of them took to rutting up against me, rubbing their crotches against me the way a cow rubs her butt against a fencepost when it itches her.

Martin's tongue slid into my mouth like a snake and it startled me. That's when Clem's hands caught hold of my nipples and he pinched them and I gasped and Martin sent his tongue all the way in.

"Mph, glgh!" I said around that fat tongue which was filling my mouth.

"You ever had yourself a man before?" Clem asked and I would have answered except my mouth was full of Martin's tongue and he let go and answered and I realized they were still not talking to me.

"Nope, I never have." Martin said.

"I wonder which is better, his mouth or his ass." Clem mused.

"Reckon we can try them both out and find out." Martin said.

Clem chuckled, a sound like low tones plucked on a banjo. "Reckon we will." he agreed.

And he spoke to me. "Young fellow, you are trespassing here and we got rights to plug you and throw you in the river. But you give us a bit of fun and we'll let you skittle on back to your Momma."

"Don't got no Momma no more." I said. "No Daddy, neither."

"Shameful, taking advantage of an orphan." Martin said.

"Well, if we like him well enough, he can come live with us." Clem said.

"I got a home." I defended myself.

"You give us our fun and you can go on back home, then." Clem said. "How you feel about that? That sound fair to you all?"

"Well..."I said slowly. "Iffen I gotta, I guess I gotta."

Clem scoffed. "With that poker in your pants, I think you wanna more'n you gotta."

I conceded, "I reckon you're right about that."

"So shuck outta them overalls and give us a ride." Martin said. "I want to feel those lips on me."

"The butt's mine." Clem agreed.

What else could I do? I reached for my overall buttons, undid the fastenings at my top and the straps slid off my shoulders and landed at my back. The buttons at my sides were next, and then the whole thing (my overalls were a bit big, they were some of Uncle Jayro's, handed down to me when he'd gotten too fat for them) fell about my ankles.

"Bend on over, boy." Clem said. "Bend nice, and I'll rub some spit on my dick for yuz."

Martin was opening the fly of his overalls. He could get them open, but his cock was still a bit too low down for him then, all he could do was make the head peek out. He grunted in annoyance, unfastened one of his straps, and that let the overalls slide down some for him and he could get his balls out to hold his manhood out and available.

"Get them smooth lips of yours working on this `un." he said to me as he sat back on a large wooden shelving that held a half dozen nesting holes for chickens. Three of them had chickens sitting on clutches inside. He hitched partway up onto the shelf, one leg still on the ground, his cock pointing at me.

This pose displayed all his muscles for me. He was a big, strong man, just like his brother Clem who was currently making disgustingly wet sounds behind me as he lubed up his cock. Martin in this pose was a picture-book man, his rounded shoulder, his square of pectoral with his nipple riding in an oval of brown, his abs making lines across his stomach until it vanishes beneath the coveralls. His face was good-natured and kindly. Both of them were kind men, I realized that, now. They'd caught me in a bad place and meant to teach me manners, and respect for their property, but they weren't going to hurt me. All that spitting Clem was doing was proof of that.

It was easy for me to lean over and take hold of that cock, and when my hand wrapped around it, Martin gave out a low, lusty groan. "Aww, yeahh!" he sighed.

I touched my tongue to the cockhead and it immediately oozed out a thick wash of clear fluid, salty precome, gushed over my tongue and I lapped at it, smoothed and moistened his cockhead.

"Aw, yeah, man, yeah!" Martin groaned.

"Better latch on tight, kid." Clem said. "I'm about to ram it into yuh."

I leaned on further and put one hand on the shelf beside Martin and my mouth took Martin's cockhead entirely and Martin groaned again. "Ooh, oh, yeahhh!" he said.

And with that warm sound in my ears, that warm cockhead in my mouth, I felt Clem's cock brush against my anus, catch on the tucker, brace up and then push inwards.

One reason I was so willing to take these guys was that I was no virgin. I'd been fooling around with my cousins for years, and we had done purt near everything two or more guys can do. But we'd been a bunch of horny kids, we had never done it quite like these two guys were going for me, lusty men determined to enjoy every bit of the encounter, rather than a "stick it in and get it off" like we'd been doing. So this was different that way.

For one thing, Clem was bigger than my cousins, and I grunted as that cockhead got past my sphincter and it began to crowd my bowels.

"Damn, you're a tight `un, but you're no cherry butt, either." Clem said. "My dick's going in smooth as butter."

"Hurry up and get it in `im, he's waiting for you to finish afore he sucks on me." Martin complained.

Martin was right, I began to work my lips on his cock, and he groaned appreciatively. "Uh, uh, uhhh, Clem, you're right, this `un's done it all before."

"Reckon we don't have to be so gentle on him, then." Clem said and he shoved into me harder.

"Ugh!" I complained. That hurt! But Clem's dong slid into me a good halfways when he did that.

"Ah, yeah, nice ass." Clem growled.

"Get back to working my pud." Martin ordered.

With Clem in my ass as far as he seemed inclined to, I had better luck pleasing Martin. My lips worried his cockhead and he was groaning non-stop in a little.

"Better keep it down, you don't want to wake the old woman." Clem advised.

I chuckled to myself. Yeah, I guess the old bat wouldn't want to see her kinfolk out in her chicken coop fucking the no-account neighbor at that.

Martin turned his groans into open-mouthed panting, he threw his head back and was gasping up at the rafters. Clem's hands held on to my hips and he plunge-fucked me pretty roughly. If I'd been a virgin, he'd've been hurting me, as it was, it was just a mite unpleasant. But he was hitting my button enough, I could live with it.

I began to make long, hard slurps on Martin's cock, trying to make this man vocalize once again. With his cock all slicked with my saliva, I could take him easily and I was giving him some deep-throated head.

Clem began to hunch at me faster, and I felt his cock like a hard rock in my butt. I felt Martin's cock warming up, too, and I wondered if these two brothers would come at the same time. The thought of that, of having both cocks pumping jizz into me at once, was a huge turn-on, and I grabbed my pud and began to whomp on it, wanting to catch up, wanting to make it a three-for-one, all our jizz flying at the same time.

Martin was moaning under my lips, his face was soft and vulnerable as he lowered his eyes, he looked into my own, and his eyes widened and I felt it then, as he gurgled deep in his throat, I felt his cock heat up to boiling and then there it was, there was that hot jizm pumping into my throat. I milked at Clem's prick with my ass, come on, let's do it together, do it and I'll join you, I pleaded silently.

Clem was groaning, but he was too late, Martin finished pumping his hot jizz into my mouth, filling my semi-empty stomach with his creamy load, when Clem finally began to grunt with frenetic energy, and then he yodeled out, "Oh, yeah, I'm coming, boy, I'm coming in you, now, I'm coming, uh-uh-uh, HUHH!"

The voice, in normal tones, loud and clear in our hereto-hushed conversation, was as good as a shout and I closed my eyes, felt my dick tingle, heat, harden...and begin to splatter. It hit one of those nesting chickens, and she cackled in protest as I sprayed her with my come, but it was night and she wouldn't move any. I had that cackle to accompany the sensations of lightning and fire in my brain, flaming through my senses, washing through me and leaving me empty and barren. And it was over, I was leaking jizz from my butt, Clem heaving and panting as he clung to my back, still catching his breath, and my head was resting on Martin's crotch, my cheek getting wet from the prick, all covered with my spit and his spunk, all wet and soggy and salty and musky.

"Ah, shit, man, you're a hell of a good fuck." Clem moaned as he straightened up.

"You all weren't so bad yourselves." I admitted.

"Reckon we taught him a lesson?" Martin asked as Clem and I were stooped over, fetching our overalls now puddled at our ankles.

"I reckon he taught us a thing or two." Clem said.

"But is he going to come back here and raid this chicken coop again?" Martin asked. "If he is, we'll have to whomp on him, for real next time."

"I won't come back." I said.

"You'd better not." Clem said. "Now get the hell on out of here."

I skittered out of the yard and back up the hill so fast it may as well have been level ground. Uncle Jayro was awake when I opened the door and he called out, "What did you get?"

What did I get? "I got caught, is what I got." I said to him. "Widow Baker's got two of her kinfolk living with her. I'm lucky they didn't beat the tar out of me."

"Oh." Uncle Jayro said. "Well, we'll leave it be until they leave. But I sure was wanting some fried chicken."

"I'll go to town tomorrow and see if I can pick up a day's work." I promised. I was sick of corn pone and tonight had convinced me I wasn't cut out to be a chicken thief. I skinned out of my clothes and crawled into my pallet on the floor. It was a hard bed, but I was used to it.

Early the next morning, there was an impatient knock on the door. Aunt Irma Mae was up, but not Uncle Jayro or me. Aunt Irma Mae answered the door.

Widow Baker was there and she had a real mad on her. "You sent your boy down to raid my chickens last night, didn't you?"

I was about to admit my guilt when she continued. "Eight of my best layers are gone. Where are you hiding them?"

Aunt Irma Mae wouldn't have let her in if we were hiding anything, but we weren't so she stepped aside. "Come on in and look around. We don't have them."

She was surprised at this, but came in and poked around a little. If we'd had chickens, we'd've been fixing them already, their necks wrung, a pot of hot water boiling to dip them in to take off their feathers, all that. But we were still in bed and Aunt Irma Mae was stirring up only a little corn mush for our breakfast.

"Well, I see you didn't take them, and I'm sorry. An old lady living alone like me, not a friend in this world." Widow Baker said.

"Living alone?" I said. "You don't have any family staying with you now?"

"Nobody." Widow Baker moaned. "All by myself and now someone's stealing my chickens. What am I going to do?"

Aunt Irma Mae started walking her back to her house down the hill, leaving the corn mush set aside on the counter. I got out of bed and put it back on the stove, I could finish it.

"Sounds like two other chicken thieves got your chickens last night." Uncle Jayro opined.

"I reckon so." I said, and that was all I said. But what I thought to myself was...

That wasn't all they'd gotten!


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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