Chipi - A.D. 2574

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 26, 2020


CHIPI - A.D. 2574 -- 1


"CHIPI - A.D. 2574" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHIPI - A.D. 2574

by Andrej Koymasky © 2020 written on December 20, 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Dave


Aska heard a light noise. He raised his weapon and scanned all around with his eyes, all his senses in alarm. The noise came from behind the heaped crates. It was like a slow, imperceptible creaking. Aska for a moment thought he was mistaken: nobody could be there - the only one entrance to the storeroom was controlled by him inside and by Fero outside. Unless they were mice... and in that corner there were provisions of food. He had to go and see. Mice were enemies worst than the warriors of the other gangs.

Without making any noise, slowly, guided by the faint noise that rose by time in time, he turned amongst the boxes and crates making a kind of labyrinth and advanced. The noise was now more perceptible. It was like a light brushing. Mice don't make such noise, Aska thought as he continued more cautiously. He held more tightly his weapon, ready to use it. Anyway, who could have introduced himself in there? The room was concretely sound, ancient but solid, and didn't have windows, just the aeration pit and from there... well, from there a very nimble person could also slip inside, and admittedly could avoid the sentry on the ground floor. But it was completely unlikely.

He turned into another narrow crate's corridor and saw him. He was an emaciated little boy, crouching in front of a food crates where he had yet to tear off one of the thin small boards, that he was forcing with his hands. The boy didn't notice Aska. The young man, amused, quite like a cat with a mouse, observed him still, but stood ready to jump on him as soon as he grasped some food and tried to run away with his loot.

The thin board gave away a little more with a low crackling. The boy slipped his hand on the obtained opening and pulled out a packet of hard tack. But, instead of pulling out other packets, as Aska foresaw, the boy opened it with feverish hands and thrust one biscuit in his mouth. He emitted a low, satisfied whining while chewing it with his mouth closed. He was about thrusting in his mouth a second one, when Aska, with sharp, ironical voice, asked:

"Are they good?"

The boy turned springing back, a scared expression in his eyes, letting the packet fall dawn. Aska raised his weapon slowly, ready to lower it on the little thief. The terror he read on the boy eyes, made him hesitate.

"So, then, do you know that stealing to the Raptors means to die?" Aska asked, drawing nearer the boy.

The boy leaned against the crate, crouching, and said in a low voice: "I am hungry."

"You are hungry." Aska repeated looking at him up and down.

The boy's face, even if emaciated, scared was beautiful. The clothes, that seemed to stick together for a miracle, revealed a well-shaped body.

"Stand up!" Aska ordered sharp.

The boy stood up, trembling.

"I too am hungry." Aska said slowly and in a low voice, looking again at the boy from head to toe. "Undress." Then he added after a while, starting to open his trousers with his free hand.

"But... I'm not a girl!" The boy protested when understood what hunger the young man had.

"And I like boys." Aska said with an amused smile, then added with a dry tone: "Hurry up, undress," and drew out his half erected member.

The boy looked between the legs of the young man, as if fascinated, and started to pull off the scanty tatters covering him.

"Good, well. As you are so hungry, I'll feed you. Suck it for a while, before I fuck your little ass..."

"I... I never did it...." the boy murmured, but knelt in front of the young man and took in his hands the palpitating rod.

"I will teach you, do not worry..." Aska said hooking his weapon on his back, then caressing with both hands the ruffled hair of the boy. "What's your name?"


"Good, Chipi. Start to lick it, and think that you never tasted anything more tasty."

The boy, shyly, obeyed.

Chipi was feeling pleasure having that firm and quivering flesh pole in his hands, and even more when he started to lick it. He at once noticed that between his legs his own pecker was rising and becoming very hard.

"Yes, good, that way! You see it is not difficult. Now take it all in your mouth and suck it... oooh, so, yes, very well!" Aska said pleased.

Chipi was sucking, getting down to it, and meanwhile he fingered the heavy sack of the young man's balls. Aska, caressing the boy's head, started to move slowly back and forth his pelvis.

"That's good, move your tongue that way... you are a fast learner... very good, boy..." Aska murmured. Then, after a while, he made the boy stand up. He noticed the hard on of the boy and smiled: "So, you did like it!"

"Yes..." the boy admitted, blushing.

"All the better. You are skinny, but you have a nice little ass... turn round and lean on the crate, so that I can fuck your little ass..." he said.

The boy turned without saying a word. Aska made him spread a little more his legs, made him push his ass backwards then, salivating his fingers, started to abundantly lubricate the boy's hole.

"I don't want to hurt you, boy, I just want to enjoy you. But if you never took it up your pipe, you will feel pain. Try not to shout, or else, Fero too will come, and would be less careful than I am. And he is also a lot better endowed than me. Spread well your buttocks with your hands and try to relax. Understood?"

"Yes." the boy murmured, obeying.

Aska salivated also on his member, aimed decidedly to the boy's hole, girdled his waist and started to push.

"Relax, Chipi, relax..." the young man panted gradually increasing his pressure.

"I am trying..." the boy murmured.

Aska pushed with more energy and felt the boy's hole muscle ring surrendering to his rod little by little, accepting his intrusion. "Oh, that's great... It's the first time I have deflowered an ass. How tight you are! And how hot! Does it hurt?"

"Push!" the boy answered with a low and choked voice, starting to masturbate himself rapidly.

"Am I hurting you?" Aska asked again, continuing to push with vigour.

"Yes, but I like it... push." the boy answered.

Aska pulled away the boy's hand from his member and started to masturbate the boy, while steadily pushing his tool more and more inside him. He felt him shudder, tremble, whine and moan lowly, and understood that the boy was feeling pain and pleasure at the same time. When at last he was inside the boy to the hilt of his strong rod, caressing the thin chest and tummy, and continuing to masturbate him, he started to pump inside the boy's channel. He confusedly thought that he liked a lot fucking that boy. He was so hot and tight!

For Chipi this was his first sexual intercourse, even if he was yet sixteen. It was painful, and yet it was giving him a very strong pleasure. He could feel the unrestrained virility of the warrior, his strength, the pleasure that he was getting in taking him. "I too am hungry... I like boys", he said. And now he was placating his hunger in him. Chipi pushed against the young man's groin, lightly moving his hips and felt that in that way he was increasing the warrior's pleasure. If he really satisfied the warrior, possibly afterwards he would allow him to eat some more biscuits. He was sure that the young man was not going to kill him, or he would not have worried about hurting him. Nor would the young warrior have taken the trouble to masturbate him thus giving him pleasure.

Suddenly Aska stiffened, pushed strongly, quivered and started to empty himself in the depths of the boy. Chipi came in the strong hand of the warrior. The young man slowly slipped out from the boy. Chipi felt a pang of pain, then like a sensation of emptiness.

"Aaaah, I liked you, Chipi. You can finish eating that packet of biscuits, now." the man said putting back in his trousers his softening member, and closing them again, with a satisfied expression.

Chipi crouched again and started to eat voraciously.

Aska caressed his hair: "Slow down, take it easy, or you will choke yourself. There is no more hurry, at this point."

"I'm hungry." the boy repeated, his mouth full.

Aska crouched near him and watched him eat, with an amused smile. Meanwhile he caressed his back and his body.

"A little more flesh on you, and you would be a handsome boy. Yes, a very beautiful boy." Aska said thoughtfully while Chipi made disappear in his mouth the last biscuit.

The boy looked at the warrior. "And now, what are you going to do with me?" He asked with a faint hope in his voice.

"Right. What can I do with you? I have three choices: kill you on the spot, hand you over to our chief and let him decide, or take you as my personal slave." Aska said pensively.

"Take me as your slave, please." The boy said with a captivating shy smile.

"So you will be sure to eat?" The warrior asked with an amused laugh.

"Yes, you sate your hunger and I sate mine. It seems to me a good combination." The boy said with a cunning look.

"Didn't it hurt? Aren't you sore?" Aska asked amused, caressing the boy's ass.

"Yes, sure. But an empty stomach hurts a lot more..." the boy answered seriously, then added, blushing, "... and doesn't give any pleasure in change."

"So, you did like being fucked by me?"


"Enough to want it again?"


"Good. Get dressed. I'll take you as my personal slave."

"Really? Thank you, master." The boy said relieved, without dressing.

"My name is Aska. Were are you from?"

"From the Maratta valley."

"A really bad place."

"No, not so bad. But there isn't any more food. Also the rats have disappeared, and who can catch a rat has to be careful not to be seen from the others, or they will jump on him to take it. But the valley is beautiful."


"There are thousand hiding places, and lot of wood to warm one in winter. Just nothing to eat."

"I see. Do you have a family?"

"Family? I don't know. It is six years I'm alone. I think my father is dead, and my mother... I think she left with a stranger."

Aska looked at him for a while, then asked: "And how did you manage to enter here?"

"Well, I..." the boy hesitated.

"Anyway, how..." Aska said him with an encouraging glance.

"From that hole." The boy pointed.

"The ventilation pit, yes, I guessed, but upstairs it is well watched."

"No, not from upstairs. I discovered that it is connected with the underground channels for the drainage."

"The sewers?"

"Perhaps. That channels maze ends in the river."

"Ah, so... And you, how did you discover the way?"

"It is a long while I and my mates explore the maze, since at times there are some rats or mice. Then I saw the square hole on the roof, and I asked myself where it could lead... and I arrived here."

"And how did you understand which crate contained food?"

"The smell... and then this one is made of thinner wood, easier to break, to open. I thought you couldn't hear me, so I could come here again. But now, if you take me as your slave, my problems are over, right?"

Aska ruffled his hair: "You will need new clothes, I think. And also a good bath, you are filthy like a rat. Come with me. We have to block that hole, I don't want your mates finding that way. Get dressed now."

The boy arranged in some way his poor rags. The warrior took him by the scruff and took him to the storeroom door.

"Fero, look for a substitute for me, I have to talk to Balko." He shouted through the door.

"Can't you wait until the new shift?" A voice shouted from the other side.

"No, it is urgent."

"You know that Balko doesn't like us to change our shifts!"

"He will be happy, Balko. Hurry up!"

"As you say, Aska."

After a few minutes, the door was unlocked from outside, and also Aska made slip away the bolt inside. When the door opened there were Fero and Tres who, seeing the boy, widened their eyes.

"Where the fuck did that one come from?" Fero asked.

"That's what I have to explain to Balko. You, Tres, don't lose sight of the aeration hole, he entered from there." Aska said and, always holding Chipi by his scruff, he led the boy up on the concrete stairway, three floors, until they emerged in an open court.

Other warriors that were on the courtyard, some caring their weapons, others chatting or engaged in other activities, looked with some astonishment to the couple. Aska went to a low building on a side of the yard.

To the sentry he asked: "Is Balko in?"

"Yes, but it will be better you wait, he is busy. Weno is there too."

"Did he take him back with him?" Aska asked with a cunning smile.

"Balko is Balko..." The other commented, shrugging his shoulders.

"But... and Gokko? What became of him?"

"Gokko? He was just a caprice, you know, the last arrived always seems the best. But rather, who's this ragamuffin? Where did you find him?"

"He is my new slave."

"And from when?"

"From now."

"Did you do a foray outside? I didn't hear about."

"No, he is a present of the sewers."

"I can see that."

"Well, I go to make him clean up, then I'm back." Aska said leading the boy to another building.

He took the boy in a room having a wide tub in its centre and some taps on around the walls. He made the boy undress and threw his clothes in the garbage, then handed him a piece of brown soap.

"Wash yourself thoroughly at one of these taps, then rinse well and dip in the tub." He said to him.

In the steaming tub there were three warriors chatting.

"Warm water?" The boy asked widening his eyes.

The warriors turned curious to look at the boy, but said nothing. Chipi opened a thread of water and started to soap and to brush himself vigorously.

"Also your hair." Aska, ordered, looking at him while standing by the door.

The boy obeyed. Washed himself carefully, soaped then rinsed all his body again. His skin became clear and fair, he seemed another person. Then went to dip into the tub, a satisfied expression on his face.

Aska, after some minutes, made him come out. Handed him a cloth and the boy dried his body and hair, brushing himself with the cloth for a long while. Now his skin was slightly reddened. He then led the boy, all naked, to another part of the building. He pushed him in a small room.

"Here, this is my room. Now I will look for something to cover you up with. Wait."

He gave the boy a pair of shorts and a sweater. The boy put them on; they were so loose fitting that the boy seemed even thinner than he really was.

Then Aska took a leather collar and put it on the boy's neck: "Here, so everybody knows that you belong to me." He said to the boy.

"The collar?" The boy asked.

"And the colours: green, blue and yellow are my colours. Let's go, now, perhaps Balko is free."

Balko received them. Aska explained how he found the boy and how he entered the compound.

Balko nodded: "Good, we will close the conduct with iron bars. But the boy cannot be your personal slave, he belongs to everybody. You didn't won him in battle."

"I could have killed him for entering our place."

"Sure, you could."

"He surrendered to me, therefore he is my slave." Aska determined said.

"Surrendered?" Balko asked knitting his eyebrows, "You mean you fought?"

"Sure we fought, even if it had not been difficult to subdue him." Aska said.

"In that case... I agree, you can have him as your personal slave. Make Kerse register him as one of your belongings." He said and with a hand gesture, he dismissed them.

When they were out, Chipi asked him: "Why did you lie?"

"Did you prefer being everybody's slave and whore?"



"But he didn't believe you."

"Sure he didn't. But if he did call me on my word, he had to challenge me in duel."

"Isn't he stronger than you?"

"Sure he is, that's also why he is our chief. But I am a good warrior, it didn't make sense to kill me just for you, and I knew that."

So, Chipi was registered as belonging to Aska. Then the young man explained to the boy his duties as a slave: to keep his room spotless and in order, to clean and mend his clothes, to serve him food and drink, to wash his dishes, to wash him when they went to bathe, to sleep in his bed and to be ready to give him pleasure each time he wanted. This last chore was the one Chipi liked more. He did all the other chores well and fast, but it was in bed that he gave the best of himself to "his" warrior.

At last he ate enough and well, and soon his body started to fill up and to harden. Aska seemed more and more happy with Chipi. When at night they went to bed, it was enough for the young man to caress the boy that Chipi readily slipped under the cover and started to lick and kiss the strong body of the young man. Little by little the boy had learned where Aska was most sensitive, so he could bring the man to a very strong excitation, sucking with devotion and greediness his beautiful member, until the warrior pulled the boy under him, lying on his back. Chipi turned and folded his legs on his chest and offered himself to the young man with a smile. Then Aska kissed the boy with ecstasy, and fucked his little ass with virile passion. The pain had ceased completely, and the pleasure had increased in proportion, so Chipi was happy to be the fuck-boy of his warrior.

Yes, Chipi was proud to belong to Aska. The young man treated him better than the average warrior's treated their slaves. The Raptors, differently from other gangs, didn't have, or want, girls in their group. That's why they captured boys as slaves. When the slaves were around twenty-four years old, if they were suitable, and asked for it, they could become warriors. Or they were freed, but that often was equivalent to a death sentence, because life outside was, as Chipi well knew, very hard for everybody and more than hard when single.

The warriors were rich, and had a comfortable life, thanks to the periodic raids or to the wars against other gangs. The war amongst gangs could have different reasons. To sack an enemy base if the rumour was that they were wealthy. To take possession of their place if it was more easily defended. And of course when boundary problems existed between the gangs over the territory.

During the evenings around the fire, Chipi heard the story of mythical warriors group living quite far from there, in the area near the sea called Niokko. Chipi never saw the sea, not even a lake, to tell the truth. Just the river, dividing the area of Maratta valley from that of the Raptors and the area under the influence of the Franme, the nearest gang of warriors. The Raptors had won in the past from the other gangs many parts of the river. They had warred on the Goriah, the Bronsy and the Dukas. So now the Raptors dominated all the wide extent of ruins around that part of the river. This, and other things, Chipi did learn from the ballads, the tales and the stories that were told in the evening around the fire. Especially the old Herte told many stories. He even remembered meeting a warrior whose grandfather did fight in the last planetary war, the one that caused the rays holocaust, happening ten generations before, and did the finishing stroke to the old civilization. Chipi listened, fascinated, sitting near his Aska, ready at his orders.

Chipi was living in the Raptors' camp for more than one year, and was happy. He adored Aska. He liked when, going out with the other warriors for a raid, Aska said to him: "Perhaps this time I can find some boy better than you." He now knew very well that he always came back with his plunder of objects, telling him: "No luck! You remain the best for the moment, nothing interesting out there, I cannot yet substitute you!" Chipi knew it was a game. He waited his warrior's return a little worried, at times he had to medicate him when he came back wounded. The people outside tried to defend with all means the food or the objects they dug out from the ruins. But the warriors were stronger, better nourished, better armed and, mainly, better organized. So the people of outside were overcome. The warriors, if they could, preferred not to kill the people of outside, because it was just thanks to them that they could from time in time go out to sack. And they never did two raids in the same place, to give to the people of the place the time and the way to start again to accumulate food and goods.

It was a kind of balance reached amongst the various groups. And some of the groups, to keep it's peace, started to send periodically food and objects to the warriors' camps. "We are the group living on the Dowee heap. This is a gift for you. It is not so much, but..."

"Good, leave all there. For a while we will not come to visit you." Was the magnanimous answer of Balko.

So, the Raptors were becoming more and more rich. They had good clothes, crockery, abundant food, and good material to make their beautiful and deadly weapons. Their only work consisted in their raids, in making and maintaining their weapons, in doing a continuous physical training. And in keeping away other gangs from their territory, giving some respite to the people living there. The slaves did all the less pleasant works.

The warriors were 279, their slaves just 62, amongst whom 45 personal slaves like Chipi. Several warriors had sex amongst them or with the 17 communal slaves. They did not want women with them, because they did not want children who would have just hindered them. Moreover the women, as Herte said, had been the cause of all the wars of the past times because, according to the old warrior, they are the most covetous being of all the earth. If a warrior had a woman, even a slave, Herte explained, he would soon or later become the slave of the woman. Therefore for the Raptors' law, a woman could not even put her foot inside the Raptors' base. Anyway they did not need one: they were sufficient to each other, and they had also slaves for their urges.

Chipi was growing healthy and strong, and Aska had more and more affection for his slave, and Chipi for his warrior. Now the two could understand each other even without words. Aska was determined to make of Chipi a warrior, therefore he made the boy train with him in the moments dedicated to physical exercise. Chipi did all the exercises that Aska requested him, with application and care, and when they after went to bathe, he washed the warrior's beautiful body with joyful anticipation, because he knew how to awaken his desire in that way. Aska would take him on his bed to make love to him with great passion and for a long time. Then Chipi loved to fall asleep in the arms of his satisfied and sated warrior.

"When you will make of me a warrior, will you take another slave?" One night Chipi asked to him.

"What makes you think that?" Aska said, caressing him.

"I don't know, I was just thinking..."

"And if I decided to have another slave?"

"Then I would prefer not to become a warrior."

"But so you would have to leave our encampment."

"I cannot stand knowing that you are here with another."

"Jealous?" Aska asked, ruffling his hair.

"Yes. I know that I have no right, but..."

"Chipi, my Chipi, nobody will never come here in my bed but you, I promise." The warrior answered, pulling him against his chest and kissing him.

Chipi was happy. He wore with pride the three colours collar of his Aska. He did not care being a slave or a warrior, as long as he could remain with him. At times he recalled his life before meeting Aska, and it seemed to him a far away nightmare. With Aska he had found happiness.

One night they were waken up by shouts, screams, heavy noises. The alarm that for years had not been heard, rang, the encampment was being attacked. Aska dressed, helped by Chipi and took his weapons. It was a surprise attack from the Franme who, in some way, had succeeded in passing the river en masse.

"You, wait for me here." Aska said.

"I want to come to fight with you." The boy implored.

"You cannot, you still are a slave."

"I don't want to be far from you, this is more dangerous that just a raid, I will die from fear for you, here."

"I order you to remain here. I have to defend our base. I could not take care of you too. Here you are safe. Don't worry, we will throw them back on the other side of the river." Aska said, leaving the room.

Chipi heard the screams, the weapons clanging, and from the narrow window could catch glimpses of torches and lights running in the square, and the warriors reaching their places to prevent the enemy entering the base. The battle lasted all the night-long and seemed to cease just before the morning, at the sunrise. A strange calm had come to the base. Chipi did not sleep at all. He wanted to go out to look for his Aska, but he did not want to disobey his order. It was yet half morning when he heard noises in the corridor and recognized the footstep of Aska. He anxiously went to open the door. Aska smiled at him and, entered the room, threw himself down on the bed.

"Are you all right?" Chipi asked in a whisper.

"Intact. They are many. But we have good defences, we have the advantage."

"Are they yet out there?"

"Yes, everywhere. But here we have food and weapons, they haven't. Also if they are so many, we are still in advantage." Aska assuredly repeated.

Balko assembled them: "They will attack again tonight. They are taking up position. We had just three dead and twelve wounded. They allot more. But there are also allot more of them." He announced, and organized the defence, specially in the weaker points of their base enclosure.

When Aska was back in his room, Chipi had prepared his food. They ate together.

"Why do they not attack in day time?" Chipi asked.

"Because with the light we could see from where they come, how many they are, and we could better organize our defence. Darkness is their ally, not ours." Aska said. Then said, "Now it is better if I sleep."

When darkness came, the attack started again. Again Chipi could not sleep all the night long, worried for his Aska. The following morning Aska came back safe and sound. Chipi noticed that his warrior had a worried air.

"What happens, out there?" he asked.

"They are strong, and they are well organized. I have the feeling they have a plan. They are studying our defences. The worst has yet to come."

"Aska, go to see Balko and ask him to give weapons to us slaves also. It is not just me wanting to fight at your side. Almost all the slaves are ready..."

"And, what for?"

"Well, to increase our strength by about twenty per cent, and that is not little. Weapons abound. Please..."

Balko accepted, so Chipi and other fifty-six slaves were armed. Chipi was at Aska's side in his first battle. Aska was proud of him. The Franme were attaching in groups, first at one point now at another, but it seemed that they didn't really want to enter in the base. They launched an attack and, after a short fight, they rapidly withdrew in the darkness. The loss's were few on both sides, but higher for the Franme.

On the ninth night of the battle, Chipi and Aska immediately felt that something was different. They knew they were at the last attack, at the final test. In fact the Franme advanced at once from all the directions, slowly, torches in their hands. They stopped and started to launch, with some kind of crossbows, a set of incendiary bottles. The Raptors never saw anything like that. They hurried to try to put out the flames, but the bottles continued to rain implacable, in the hundreds. All the enclosure walls were afire, and all the Raptors were busied trying to stop the fires. They were also trying not to loose sight of the besiegers, but from the centre of the internal square, unnoticed, started to silently flow other Franme. They had discovered the aeration pit connected to the sewers.

When one of the Raptor casually saw them and shouted the alert, it was too late. The battle raged inside the base, and from outside, hordes of Franme started to penetrate. Chipi and Aska fought side by side like madmen. Until Chipi heard Aska screaming. He turned and killed a Franme, but too late: the man had yet transfixed his Aska.

Chipi threw himself on the warrior's body: "Aska... Aska..." he shouted, but the man could no more hear him. Chipi screamed, killing all the Franme near him, but suddenly lost consciousness.

His inert body, completely covered with the blood of the killed Franmes, was believed dead by the winners, who killed the last Raptors, and started to pillage the store rooms.

When Chipi recovered his senses, the sun shone high on the ravaged base and there was no more trace of the Franme. Chipi looked around: the Raptor's corpses were everywhere - the Franme had taken back their dead. Chipi asked himself how long had he remained without consciousness. He bent over Aska's corpse. He caressed him on his face, took the weapon of his warrior, a weapon Aska was so proud of, and staggering he left the base.

He walked all the daylong. Those who crossed him, seeing that body completely covered in blood, more like a ghost than a living being, his powerful weapon menacingly shining, withdrew silently and rapidly. Chipi wanted just to go to the farthest possible place from the place of the slaughter.

He reached a stream. He let himself sink in the water, until all the dry blood was washed away. He felt hungry. He started again to walk even as the sun had set. The buildings in ruins were giving place to the country that had not been tilled for many years.. The night was clear and Chipi continued to walk, trying to gather all his energies. He reached exhausted a little building and collapsed in front of the door, without even having the strength to knock or to call out.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 2

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