Chipi - A.D. 2574

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 26, 2020


CHIPI - A.D. 2574 -- 2


"CHIPI - A.D. 2574" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHIPI - A.D. 2574

by Andrej Koymasky © 2020 written on December 20, 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Dave


When Chipi opened again his eyes, he was lying on a pallet and an elderly woman was looking at him.

The woman called: "Serek, he woke up!"

Chipi tried to sit up but the woman, with an amazingly strong hand, forced him to lie down.

A young man approached the bed: "Hey, at last. Are you back amongst the living?"

"Who are you?" Chipi asked.

"I am Serek, she is my mother Ligi, the others are out gathering food, that is to say my father Hore, my brother Jule and his wife Derta, my sister Batt and her husband Felly. You have slept for three days. You must be hungry."

"Yes, I am." Chipi said.

"Then ma' will fix you something to eat. Were did you come from? Who are you?"

"My name's Chipi, I'm coming from Batton's complex."

"Ah, that hell? Also ma' and pa' come from there. I never went there, but I'm not eager to, just listening at pa' and ma's tales. Who knows why people still stay there! But you don't seem to be a walking ghost as they say... There also is possible to live, now?"

"Let him eat now," the woman said handing to Chipi a piping hot cup of broth. "You'll have time afterwards for your questions."

Chipi sat up and started to eat. It was possibly the hunger, but the food seemed delicious to him. He ate all in a minute, under the watching eyes of the two.

"To be in such good form, he must be a warrior, but he wears the collar of a slave." the woman said.

"A slave? There are slaves at there?" the young man asked, astounded.

"Yes, I am a slave."

"And you fled away." the youth said with an understanding smile.

"No, they are all dead. There has been a war and I was the only survivor, so I left."

"Therefore, now you are no more a slave." the youth said, convinced.

"I don't know, I don't care. They killed my Aska." Chipi said sadly, caressing his collar. He told them about the battle, then asked: "Where is my weapon?"

"Pa' did put it in a safe place. You see, we didn't know you. But you seem a good fellow. We found you in the morning, in front of our house. You seemed dead."

"Thank you. You have been kind."

"We don't see people often around here. We are not rich, we live by gathering. We have what we need to live. We at times have just to defend ourselves from the passing gangs, but up until now we were lucky. You know, pa' was a warrior, he taught us all to fight. But your weapon is really beautiful. Did you make it?"

"No, Aska did, it was his weapon."

"What are you thinking of doing, now? Would you like to stay at our place?"

"Serek, is a decision of your pa', not yours." the mother said severely.

Chipi looked around. The house was made of only one large room, divided with various partitions with the beds for all. It was less nice than the warrior's houses - it had a rustic aspect that was agreeable. From all the beams hung baskets and pieces of dried meat. In the centre there was a wide circular fireplace, and the fire was out. A smaller fireplace was in one of the corners where the kitchen stood, which was part of the common space.

"Is this your bed?" Chipi asked to Serek.

"No, this was Bole's bed. He was the youngest. He died from a strange illness two years ago. He was about your age. So now it is empty. I sleep here, behind this partition. This is where the children were sleeping, but now that you are here, they sleep again with their parents."

"The children? What children?"

"Jule and Batt's children. Dema and Sore of Jule, and Sake of Batt."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, it's good that way."

"They are just three, the children?"

"Two more under way, just one more month for Batt, and five more for Derta."

"Don't you have a woman?"

"No, not yet. None of the girls in the surrounding areas appeal to me."

That evening the five adults and the three children came back. They sat at the table and while they ate, Serek told the others about Chipi. He also answered their questions. After supper, the men skinned two animals they had captured and the women put away the vegetables and fruits that had been gathered.

Hore indicated for Chipi to follow him outside, which he did. Hore asked. "Boy, what are your plans?"

"I... I don't yet know. To go somewhere, possibly to find another group of warriors."

"I see. If you wanted to stay with us... Ligi says you may take the place of Bole..."

"You need it for the children..."

"We have been thinking to enlarge the house again. There will be no problem. You seem to be a good fellow, and so..."

"No, thank you. You are very kind. If you can allow me to stay here for tonight... I would like to do something to thank you, but I don't know what."

"That's the lesser problem. If you want to go, even tomorrow, it's all right."

"Can I have back my weapon?"

"Sure, when you leave."

"Yes, I understand."

While Chipi was falling asleep, he recalled Herte's words about women. He was right. The chief of the house was Hore, but it seemed evident to Chipi, that the women made the decisions here, they made their men do as they wanted. Chipi didn't like that, even if women could be pretty, especially Derta was, how much more handsome were the men. Especially Felly, but also Serek. No, he had to find other warriors who didn't have women, possibly with the mythical Bakji of Niokko.

Chipi didn't leave the next day. Serek convinced him to go gathering with them, so that he could leave with a good reserve of personal food, to face the journey he had in front of him. So, for about ten days, Chipi every day went out with Serek who pointed out what plants and what parts of these were eatable. Serek also taught Chipi to set a trap for the animals. While they were roaming for the gatherings, Serek asked him a thousand questions about the life outside his area, or in the warrior's gang.

"But how? You didn't have women?"

"No, the Raptors didn't."

"But then, what did they do when..."

"Between us, of course. I was the slave-lover of Aska. And you, how do you manage without a woman?"

"I... well, you know, by myself."

"Poor Serek. Alone it is not so pleasurable, I think."

"Yes, it's true. Here we meet other people so seldom. I probably will have to leave for a while, to find a wife. My family insists - I am now twenty two."

"You said that the neighbour's girls don't appeal to you."

"Not really. So I have to content myself, or decide to really make my journey..."

"Why don't you leave with me? When you find your woman, you can come back home."

"It could be a good idea. Would you really have me with you?"


"I have to ask ma' then. I hope she agrees."

"Can't you decide on yourself?"

"Not really!" Serek answered.

You see, Chipi said to himself, even if they don't wear a collar, they too are slaves...

Ligi gave her approval. So one morning, each with his provisions sack, a rug for the cool nights and his weapon, Chipi and Serek left the house.

"Chipi, why now that you are again free, do you continue to wear the slave's collar?"

"Because I swore that I will never take it off, in memory of my Aska."

"Was he so important to you, your Aska?"

"He was, to me. With him I lived the most important and beautiful two years of all my life."

"Did he treat you well?"

"Better was not possible. He was strong, tender, passionate."

"And did you like making love with him?"

"Sure, very much."

"You know, I cannot figure out how two males can make love..."

"And I can't figure it out between a male and a female. Did you ever make love?"

"No, never."

"It is so beautiful." Chipi said with a serious but sweet expression, recalling the passionate hours he shared with Aska.

They walked for two days before seeing a house. There weren't young girls who appealed to Serek so, after sharing a meal, they said goodbye and resumed their journey. On the third day they passed near a house in ruin. Recent signs of a fire let guess a tragedy. The sun was near setting, with a light but cold wind, therefore they decided to spend the night between the ruin's walls. They gathered some wood to light a fire, spread their rugs and wrapped themselves in them. They talked a while and fell asleep.

During the night the fire went out. Serek woke up Chipi: "It's cold. If we put together our rugs and sleep together, we can warm each other."

"Yes, a good idea." Chipi lightly answered.

"It's better now, isn't it?" Serek asked.

"Yes." Chipi said. He could feel the warmth of his companion's body, and at the same time he was becoming pleasurably aroused.

For a while they didn't talk. Then Chipi lowered his hand and caressed Serek between his legs. The youth said nothing, didn't move. Chipi felt that his intimate caress was arousing the other. He continued to touch him and opened his trousers and parted its flaps. Chipi caressed directly the now hard and throbbing member. Serek emitted a sigh and quivered. Chipi leaned against him and started to kiss and lick him, while he was undressing him. Serek let him do it, and his breath was becoming heavy. Little by little Chipi freed himself of his clothes and then Serek started to caress the naked body of his companion.

As the excitement of the two youths was growing, Serek found more confidence, and he too started to do to Chipi, with growing ardour, what the boy was doing him. Then Chipi curled up under the rugs and dedicated himself to kiss, lick and suck the beautiful member of the youth, who started to moan, prey of a strong pleasure. Chipi knew how to bring a male see stars. Serek never before felt anything so intense and beautiful.

When Chipi felt that Serek was fully aroused, he crouched on his hard and shuddering pole, and made it slip all the way inside himself. Serek emitted a loud pleasure moan and grasped Chipi's hips. Chipi started to spring up and down on his pelvis, while he lightly squeezed the nipples of the youth to whom he was giving his first sexual experience. Serek seemed to become mad with the pleasure. On instinct, the young man started to give upward strokes each time Chipi lowered his pelvis on Serek's groin. In a perfect rhythm the two bodies moved in a hot and fiery embrace. Chipi closed his eyes and dreamed to be once again with his Aska.

They almost at once reached the peak of pleasure, Serek unloaded in him in a set of strong strokes, underlined by short low moans filled with passion. They stood still, shuddering, and Chipi abandoned himself on the panting chest of his companion, caressing him. Serek caressed the nape of his neck and back. They fell asleep in that way, still intertwined. The following morning, when Chipi opened his eyes, Serek was looking at him.

Chipi smiled at him, Serek returned the smile: "Did you do so, with Aska?" he asked in a whisper.

"Yes." the boy lightly answered.

"It was good, Chipi."

"Yes, it was good."

Serek caressed him lightly: "Will we do it again?"

"If you want."

"I would like." Serek murmured, his eyes luminous.

"But now, let's put on our clothes, or we will catch a cold." Chipi said parting from him.

"No, wait... let us do it again, now." Serek said holding him back and leaning against him.

Chipi smiled again: "Why not. Come lay on me. Kiss me."

"So?" Serek asked lying on him and holding him in his arms. Their mouths united.

Chipi felt the strong erection of the youth searching for him. Chipi spread his legs and made them pass over the shoulders of the excited companion and guided him gently.

"Take me, go on." Chipi said with a voice full of desire.

"Like so?" Serek repeated, pointing his turgid rod towards the boy's hole.

Chipi guided him inside his love channel, enjoying the expression of full pleasure that was depicted on the face of the young man as he was sinking inside him.

"Go on, Serek... " the boy urged him, excited.

Serek started to piston inside him, slowly, savouring each movement: "It's great, Chipi. It's really good..." he panted accelerating little by little his rhythm.

When they again lied down, sated, Serek murmured: "I like it so much!"

"Why don't you remain with me?" Chipi asked him.

"I can't, you cannot give me children. I have to go back home with a wife to make children. We have to be many, so that our house avoids becoming like this one, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand. Let's dress up, now, and resume our journey."

They walked lots of roads. They made love every night. Until, on the thirteenth day of their journey, they found a group of houses with six families, and several youths. Serek told them the reason for his journey, and more than one girl made sheep's eyes to him. Serek choose one girl, went to talk with her parents, and got their consent. The small community celebrated the union. They gave new food to the couple and to Chipi. The three left the houses, then they parted. Serek with his wife Tull, went back towards his home. Chipi continued in his journey towards the sea.

"Good bye, Chipi. I'll never forget you."

"Good bye Serek. Be happy with your Tull. And make lots of children."

"I wish you to find what you are looking for, a home, and a lover."

They parted. For a while they continued to turn back to greet each other from far, until they lost sight of each other.

Chipi walked for several days, until he reached the sight of an endless expanse of ruins. Behind them he found an expanse dark green-blue, the sea! He remained to stare at the scene for several minutes, breathless. The grey extent blotched with green and the round black craters and the immense spread of water shining at the Fall's sun.

He saw three people climbing towards him. They were two men and a woman, probably a couple with their son. The two men were armed, the woman loaded with an heavy burden. He waited for them. When they were at a few paces, the two men looked at him with suspicion. Chipi made a greeting gesture, without taking his weapon from his back.

He asked: "Is this Niokko?"

"Yes. Where are you from?"

"From Maratta."

"Never heard of it."

"Do you know a gang called the Bakji?" Chipi asked.

The elder man frowned: "And who doesn't in these parts? The Bakji are the lords of Niokko, don't you know?"

"No, I just knew they are living in Niokko."

"It is two generations that they defeated all the other gangs. Now their boss is a certain Klare."

"Can you tell me where can I find them?"

"Just walk... they will find you, for sure. But without their pass for safe-conduct it will be better for you not to enter in Niokko, believe me."

"And why?"

"Nobody enters or leaves Niokko without their permit. Change your road, boy!"

Chipi thanked them, but resumed going down towards his goal. The untilled meadows were leaving space for him to approach the first heap of ruins. They were a forest of concrete rocks and twisted metal skeletons, here and there softened by thick bushes and grasses, and trees with weird shapes. Chipi started to advance with a certain difficulty towards the huge ruins. An unreal silence accompanied his slow progress. He reached the edge of one of the black craters whose interior was smooth and polished. He walked around it, as his mother taught him when he was a baby - "never enter in those black places: at first it seems that nothing happens, but then you will slowly die amongst atrocious pains"...

He contoured two more of them when, suddenly, without him being aware how it could have happened, he was surrounded by half a dozen armed men.

One of them asked him: "Show your safe-conduct pass. You are not of this zone!"

"No, I came from far away. Therefore I have no safe-conduct."

"We don't want intruders, here. Go immediately back."

"No, I want to meet with Klare of the Bakjis."

The men, almost as if by signal, burst out in laughter. The one who seemed to be their chief, drew nearer to him: "So, you want to meet Niokko's boss! And why, if I can ask you?"

"I have to talk to him. I'm coming from Maratta."

"Never heard about it. And what would you have to tell him?"

"I have to tell him directly, and to nobody else."

"Hear the snotty kid! Do you know that we can even kill you here on the spot? You don't have a safe-conduct pass, therefore..."

Chipi deposed his bundle on the ground, took his weapon and said: "For sure you can kill me, but at least two or three of you will be preceding me, I'll grant you."

The men were ready to attack, at that open challenge, but their chief made a sign with his hand and stopped them.

"Nice weapon, is it yours? Or from whom did you steal it?"

"I didn't steal it. I am a warrior, as you are." he said. Thinking to himself, if by the collar they wouldn't understand he was in reality a slave. But nobody seemed to be aware of his lie.

The chief said: "If Klare had to talk with everybody asking for him, his full life wouldn't be long enough for that. And then, you are just a snotty boy and you are not even from Niokko. Or you can convince me, or you can also go back from where you came, and also in hurry!"

"I have to persuade you? And then how many more?"

"Me, and then my station-master, then his track-inspector, then Klare."

"Not so many."

"So? I don't have time to lose." the chief of the group drily said.

Chipi looked at him up and down, from head to toe, than said: "I have just fought a war where, I don't know how, I was the only survivor. My companion instead was killed, and yet he was more experienced and valiant than me. This is his weapon, a perfect weapon, powerful and dangerous. If this weapon will not be enough to protect me, I would go to join my Aska, I don't care. Would you like to measure yourself against me?"

"Willingly, snotty kid. And, as I am kind-hearted person, I'll content myself to a confrontation 'til first blood. If be mine, I'll take you to my station-master, if it is yours, you will go away running, without even turning your head back. If you do differently we will kill you without any pity. On guard!"

Chipi took his weapon and balanced it in his hands. Found the balance point, he started to whirl it vortically, so that it seamed light as a feather and it drew in the air the transparent and shining figure of an eight. The man watched carefully at Chipi's weapon. He grasped in his left hand a chain with a weight, and in his right a kind of dagger. He started to make the chain whirl vertically at his side. Chipi was quiet, he was looking straight at the man's eyes. Aska had taught him that the biggest mistake is to look at the opponent's weapon because when the enemy springs his attack, you have no time to avoid it. But, just a moment before hitting, the opponent's eyes unfailingly goes to the target, and so it will be easy to avoid the hit. Chipi was rapidly passing his double whirling blade from his right to his left, with the skill of a juggler (the hours when Aska had forced him to that exercise now were giving fruit), without loosing sight of his adversary's eyes.

The man at once released his chain and his dagger towards Chipi's legs. The boy jumped high avoiding them. He also stretched his blade towards the stretched arm of his opponent, a long purple strip at once reddened diagonally on the man's forearm. Too late the man jumped back. He looked at his wounded forearm while an amazed "Oooh!" rose from his men's mouths, then he looked up astounded at the boy.

"Hey, you have more than persuading arguments, boy! And I'm not telling about this wound. Where did you learn such a fighting technique?" he asked dabbing his blood with a red cloth he had hanging from his belt.

"Aska of the Raptors, who I belonged to, taught me." Chipi answered proudly, slipping his weapon into its sheath at his shoulders.

"Well, I promised you, I'll take you to my station-master. Let's see if you are able to persuade him too." the man said and, with a gesture he gave order to his men to set out.

Chipi was surrounded by the warriors and it was not clear if they were escorting him as a guest or as a prisoner. The man guided the squad to a ruined building that had just the ground floor still standing. They entered through a window, getting by the men on guard with a nod. They went down concrete stairs that recalled to Chipi the stairway of the storeroom of the Raptors. They went down for five floors. Then they reached a kind of wide hall with columns and doors, and from the hall two other stairways went further down.

Men on guard at all the doors, looked at the passing squad, until the group stopped in front of a door.

"Tell the station-master Merk that the chief Duna asks to be received." he said to one of the two sentries.

The questioned warrior entered the door that closed at his back. After a while he come out: "The station-master Merk waits for you."

Duna said to Chipi: "You have to leave your weapon here. Don't worry, you'll have it back, I give you my word."

Chipi nodded, a little hesitant, then untied the sheath and deposed his weapon, together with his bundle, near the door. Duna entered the room, followed by the boy. Here, another warrior opened them an internal door and they entered in another room. Differently from all the way, lighted with torches, this room was lighted up by a luminous rod hanging from the ceiling. Chipi looked at it in fascination - he never seen anything like that. But soon his eyes were captured by the man sitting behind a desk. He was massive, a bundle of muscles, with a hard and penetrating glance. Duna lightly bowed and Chipi, instinctively, followed suit.

"Station-master, we found this foreigner who entered Niokko from the West. He says he has to talk with our boss, so I thought to entrust him to you. He is a valiant warrior, notwithstanding his youth age." he said showing without any hesitation the wound on his forearm.

"Ah, so this snotty kid is a valiant warrior. As it is you, Duma, who is not yet a weakling, say so, I have to believe you. And he wants to talk with Klare. About what, let's hear."

"I cannot tell it to you. If I could, I would not have asked of Klare." Chipi answered.

"You are ready with your tongue, aren't you?" the man said scoffingly. Then added: "You can go, Duna, I'll take care of this little puppy."

Chipi felt that in that term there was no friendly sentiment, but he didn't get agitated. When Duna was about going out, Chipi said to him: "Remember your promise. I trusted you."

"What promise?" Merk asked.

"The boy left here outside his weapon and his bundle. I promised him that when he comes out from here, I'll give them back to him."

"Make them bring them here, I'll take them in custody. Quiet boy, I'll assume the promise of Duna. If you will go out alive from here."

When the warrior gave to the station-master Chipi's belongings and let them alone, Merk stood up. He dominated the boy by a good span, he was impressive.

"So, boy, what's your name, as a start?"


"Chipi... a name fitting a ragamuffin. How old are you? Do you know it?"

"Sure, I'm eighteen."

"You show less than that. Are you sure its not a lie?"

"I never lied. Never." Chipi proudly answered.

"And you want to talk with Klare. But don't you know that even for me it is difficult to be received by him?"

"But if it was your chief to ask him..." the boy said with an obvious tone.

Merk started to laugh: "Ah, the inspector Volle! Certainly. Well, you gave me an idea. I'll take you to the network, and let you free. If you find Volle and succeed in talking to him... But I warn you - you are an intruder, therefore any warrior seeing you has the right to kill you. Therefore..."

"And how can I find Volle?"

"Somewhere in the network. Where... I'll for sure not tell you. And not even how. I just will warn Volle that you are looking for him, and if you meet him, I'll give him your belongings. If instead you will be killed before meeting him... well you wouldn't need them any more."

"All right."

"I like you boy. Therefore I want to help you with two pieces of advice. First, try not to be seen by any warrior before being in front of Volle. And second, the network is a real maze, we also, without the maps, could be lost in it. Anyway, Volle's station has violet and white walls."

"I guess it will take me a good while before finding the place."

"I guess so."

"May I at least have the food that is in my bundle?"

"But yes, why not. Just let me control you don't have some weapons hidden in there." the man said with a condescending tone. He rummaged in the bundle, then handed it to Chipi: "Here it is. Come with me. I'll take you in the network."

Merk took a torch and they went down one of the wide stairways, until they reached a narrow and long square bordered by two trenches, and ending at each extremity by a dark tunnel. On one side of the square, there was a range of strange little houses, all filled with windows and doors, some faintly lighted, other dark, who were partially immersed on one trench. The trench was dry and on its bottom could be seen barely sparkling two long metal bars that continued at the right and the left, in the darkness.

"Here, you can go down in this trench and go right or left as you please. Good journey, Chipi." the man said.

The boy jumped into the trench and looked at the man: "I bet that you will not tell me how I can recognize the inspector Volle." he said.

"You won the bet, snotty boy!" the man answered laughing, than added: "Go, now."

Chipi was about to ask something more, but desisted. He looked to his right, then to his left - darkness on both sides. He prayed to his good star and went at a good pace. From the tunnels blew a light tepid breeze, with the smell of dust. He walked until he was aware he couldn't see where he was walking. Therefore even Merk couldn't see him. He stopped and turned back. A faint glimmer showed the square from where he had come. While walking he noticed that on his right there was a kind of long niche in the wall, in correspondence to the square, that passed under it. He slipped inside the niche and took the opposite direction, going back to the square. He had to walk bent, the space was narrow. Here, now he must be under the place where Merk told him to jump in the trench. If Merk was still there, he must be right over his head.

He squat down in silence. He waited. Voices. "... my rest shift! Never mind!" a voice was saying.

"Come on, to reach the inspector Volle it doesn't keep you so long time. Beware, the boy took the right direction, but having to walk in the dark, he well need more time, and it is not said that he doesn't take the wrong direction, admitted he is not killed before. Moreover, the boy doesn't know what route to take at the junction number 13. If you go down the aeration pit, after the third station, you'll get there before him for sure. Go fast, I'll wait supper for you, you can do it."

"Yes, a good run. If I meet him, do I have to kill him or not?"

"Merk said nothing - do as you like."

"All right. I go, then."

Chipi squatted even more. He foresaw rightly, now he had just to follow the warrior, without being seen by him. He heard him jumping into the trench and saw him a little farther, going towards the gallery. He was lucky, because the man never looked back, but proceeded at a fast pace. Chipi, always remaining inside the niche, tried to go back in the tunnel's darkness, without losing sight of the warrior. The man, entered the gallery, stopped to light a strange light, similar to that of the rod hanging in the station-master's room, but more faint. Chipi told himself he was lucky, he had just to follow that dim light.

Again in the dark, he could leave the niche and walk erect and move faster. He could see at times the faint light before him - the warrior was proceeding rather fast and the light was moving away. Chipi accelerated. The floor was smooth and flat and didn't have obstacles. Just at times he was hitting with his feet against one of these strange and long metal bars that seemed like guides. At times he lost sight of the light that was gradually parting from him, but he understood that it was just the tunnel bending.

He was almost out of breath, the warrior proceeded really fast. He had difficulties in following him, and anyway he couldn't succeed in keeping his pace. His heart was beating strongly. Then he noticed like a halo, a circle of diffused light. He walked more slowly, somewhat confused, asking himself what he was going to meet. The light was nearer and Chipi started to see the floor. He looked with his eyes for the niche, it seemed missing, but then he saw that it was starting again. He slipped inside it and walked bent in two, slower still. He again heard voices.

He was now in the trench of another square. At a tenth of paces before him, there was the warrior, in the trench, and he was talking with someone in the square. He could hear some of the warrior's words.

"... from here, absolutely... id it, nothing top say... open, you'd see him... urse, I know, it is on the right... for him, in a certain way... possibly not, not I, at least... nt be back for supper, I..." then he saw the man resuming his walk.

Chipi passed the long square and again found himself in a dark tunnel. He had lost time, he didn't see any more the light. He again accelerated his pace, strongly panting and was asking himself if his heavy breathing, that seemed to him so strong, wasn't heard. He hit with his right foot against the omnipresent iron bar so he slightly swerved to his left, but then at once he hit his left foot against the other bar. Strange, he thought slowing down, and again he hit his right foot. The two bars were converging and closing in one. He bent down and tested them with his hands. He felt that beyond the union point the two bars were again diverging. Was it a kind of signal?

He couldn't see any more the walking light in front of him. He brought his feet at the diverging point and walked straight, gropingly until he hit against a wall. The wall was narrow and bent, both at its right and its left at angle. Chipi was stupefied. Here clearly the tunnel was changing its shape, but how? He went back and searched the bars on the floor. Following both of them, he became aware that they bent one at the right and one at the left of that strange wall made in angles. Which of the couple of bars did the warrior follow? He again leaned against the strange wall and tried to scan in both directions. Not a light, not a sound that could guide him. It was pitch dark, and the silence was broken just by far echoes of dripping water.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

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If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 3

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