Chipi - A.D. 2574

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 26, 2020


CHIPI - A.D. 2574 -- 6


"CHIPI - A.D. 2574" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHIPI - A.D. 2574

by Andrej Koymasky © 2020 written on December 20, 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Dave


They went to call him. He went out into the courtyard -- the Jayas were all there in a circle. The boss asked him to choose his two opponents. Chipi chose a big, massive warrior and one more of less of his same building, but with muscled arms. The boss chose a middle size warrior, with intelligent eyes.

They decided the rules for the first match. The massive warrior drew a circle on the ground -- the first who was able to make his opponent touch with any part of the upper body, or make him go out of the circle with both feet, was the winner. It was evident that the Jaya confided in his own mass to win. Chipi relied on his nimbleness and rapidity. After several skirmishes, Chipi had still managed not to be put out of the circle by the skin of his teeth. Then his opponent charged him with all his weight to push him out of the circle, but Chipi at the last moment swerved to the side so that it was his adversary who ended out.

The second warrior chosen by Chipi decided for a battle using a wooden stick -- the first who could hit the other on any part of his body, was the winner. Here Chipi felt more confident. The fight lasted a long while as each of them always managed to stop the opponent's hits. But at a certain point his opponent gave an upward stroke that Chipi didn't expect and made Chipi's stick fly away from his hands, Chipi tried to fetch it again but when it was really close to it, managing to avoid in a miraculous way all his adversary strokes, Chipi finally received a hit on his calf and lost.

Now Chipi had to confront the warrior chosen by the boss, and he got to decide the kind of fight it was to be. He thought to put some spice in the match -- the classical free fight, with a variation -- the first who succeeded in completely undressing his opponent was the winner. Everybody laughed and someone proposed that, instead of simply undressing, the declared winner would be the one who succeeded in buggering his opponent.

Chipi looked at his adversary and said: "I am game. And you?"

The Jaya said: "Are you already longing to be my bottom? If my woman doesn't object..."

A she Jaya stood up: "Go, Okush, no problem from me. But be careful, if it is he who wins, I'll leave you!" Everybody laughed again.

The couple started to fight. They were almost even, but little by little it was evident that the Jaya was getting a slight advantage. Chipi gathered all his strength and for a while managed to recover his disadvantage. Now they both were wearing just their trousers. Chipi managed to untie those of the other that for the moment seemed to be in great difficulty. Everybody was instigating both of them with bawdy sentences, but mainly the women.

At a certain point Okush managed to hold fast Chipi and to lower his trousers to his hips. Chipi was aroused and everybody noticed that with a burst of laughter. Okush was trying to pull down completely the boy's trousers when Chipi suddenly lowered Okush trousers to his knees. Okush also had a hard on and this provoked more lewd comments. Okush rapidly freed himself from his trousers, and Chipi pulled his own up again and tied them. They fought some more being almost even, then again Okush held Chipi still and pulled down his trousers. Chipi was wriggling. Okush grabbed him by his wrists and pulled them behind his back. Holding them with just one hand he forced Chipi to his knees, his torso bending toward the ground. He approached Chipi's ass with his groin and tried to penetrate the boy. Chipi tossed and rocked, making the final act difficult. But Okush succeeded in keeping him still with his legs, made him fall down on his belly on the ground and finally, with a few strokes, sank into him with a triumphant yell.

"Fuck him, Okush, fuck him!" everybody was shouting.

Then the warrior started to vigorously fuck Chipi, who closed his eyes and a smile appeared on his face -- he was enjoying that strong covering with evident pleasure.

When Okush, reached his orgasm, let et him free, and then they dressed again.

Chipi said him: "Leave your woman, and take me in her place."

Okush laughed: "If I lost, it was possibly the only thing I could do. I'm sorry for you, but I prefer her."

"Anyway it has been great, even if I would have rather been the winner."

The boss asked who wanted to admit Chipi -- a strong majority voted to accept him. Then the boss chose the warriors who would see Chipi to the Polychia's seat. Chipi asked, before he had to go, if he could wash himself. They lead him to the bath. He washed, combed, and dressed again. Then he was lead away for his last test.

They reached a new five-story house. Chipi never saw so well built a building. He looked at it in admiration and thought that the Polychia must be powerful if they could build such a beautiful and big seat. He was taken into a kind of hall on the first floor. The Polychias wore a complete uniform with black trousers and a jacket with a tall collar pea-green in colour, really elegant. Several of them had, hanging at their belt, the black rod that Klare told him about. The Jayas asked for Chipi to be submitted to the test. One of the Polychias took control of Chipi and lead him to the second floor.

He was shown through a door where Chipi could read "truth machine". Here were four men wearing a kind of pea-green colour overall. They had Chipi seat on a chair and attached some small leather straps lined with metal plaques at his neck, wrists, chest and ankles. From the straps came out wires which ended at a black box. Chipi observed the four men and one of them caught his attention, as the man was looking at him in a peculiar way. Chpi read desire in the man's eyes. Chipi didn't dislike at all the looks of the man, he was rather handsome thus he thought he would have liked making love with him and at once got a hard on. Between them started a play of glances that aroused further the boy.

Then the questions started: "Are you a male?"


"Are you sitting?"


"Are you barefoot?"


"Is your jacket green?"

"No." Chipi answered thinking that they were silly questions, so resumed looking at the man he liked. He had on his chest a plate with his name written -- "Froem". 'I like you, Froem!' Chipi thought, 'I would like making love with you...' Meanwhile the questions from another man continued.

"Are you a member of a gang or a band?"


"Are you part of a group or a community?"


"Do you receive orders from somebody?"


"Do you have brown hair?"


"Do you want to be part of the Jaya band?"


"Will you ever betray them?"


"Do you have something against the Polychias?"


"Do you want to be sincere?"


Froem drew nearer to him and Chipi could read in his eyes a deep interest. Froem made a sign with his hand to his colleague and took his place asking the questions.

"Are you from Niokko?"


"Would you like to become a Polychia?"


"Would you obey all the orders?"


"Are you eighteen year old?"




"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Then do you have a boyfriend?"


"Would you be faithful to the one you love?"

"Yes." Chipi said thinking that he really liked very much this man. His eyes must have expressed that, because the man lightly smiled.

Then Froem asked: "Do you feel like applying to become a Polychia?"


"Do you have a second aim to enter in the Polychia?"

"Yes." Chipi answered thinking he would have really liked making love with Froem.

"Does this second reason clash with the Polychias' interests?"

"No." Chipi sincerely answered, as in that moment was not thinking at all about the black rods, but just about sex.

The man who was checking the black box, said: "He didn't lie not even once. He just had a hesitation when you asked him his age..."

Froem then asked Chipi: "What's the reason for this hesitation?

"Because I don't know exactly my birthday, so I could now be eighteen or nineteen. Anyway I am born in this month."

Froem smiled: "His hesitation is explained, then. Good, for me he is approved. What about you?"

"Yes, certainly yes. The machine spoke clearly."

Froem opened the straps.

"May I stand up?" Chipi asked.

"Yes, come with me. I would like to talk with you about the possibility of applying to become a Polychian, as it seems that it appeals to you."

He led him into another room, sat behind a table and made the sign for him to sit in front of him: "So, then, what's your name?"


"My name is Froem. You said you have a second target, in entering in the Polychians. Can you tell me what is it?"

"I would like making love with you." Chipi said and felt himself oddly blushing.

The man smiled: "I guessed it. I too like you, boy. You have a special fascination. It has never happened to me, before now, to feel so attracted to somebody at first sight. But to enter in the Polychias, you need to attend a course far from here, for a complete year."

"Thus we can't meet?"

"Yes, that is true only when I come to visit you. I think I'll come often to see you." The man said holding his hand and caressing it.

Chipi squeezed it -- that man had an almost animal fascination that awakened a strong desire in him.

"First of all I have to fill out for you the admission request to enter the Polychias. Then you will undergo a physical exam. Then you must pass some aptitude tests and last, if all goes well, you can enter the Academy."

"What's the Academy?" Chipi asked, as he had never before heard that word.

"It is a building like this one, where there are only young people wanting to be Polichias, and elder Polichias who train them and teach them all they need to know. It is a hard training, but if you pass it, you become a Polychia. I can ask that you to be assigned to this base, so that we can live together."

"Will we sleep together?"

"Of course." Froem said pulling him to himself.

Chipi stood up and circled the desk. Froen turned on his chair towards him and made him sit on his lap then caressed him feeling his turgidity.

"You are aroused, Chipi."

"Yes, from the first moment I saw you."

"Are you a top or a bottom?"

"That is?"

"Do you like to penetrate or to be penetrated?"

"Both ways."

"Good, the same for me. I feel we can fit well together."


"Now I'll get you a room. Tonight, after supper, I'll come to see you. We will spend the night together. Be ready to face a long night, Chipi."


The room was small and had a bed similar to that of the Bakjis. After supper Chipi undressed and slipped under the blanket, waiting. After a while Froem entered. He didn't wear any more the green overalls, but the uniform like all the other Polychias. He came near the bed.

"Do you like best with or without lights on?"

"With the lights on."

"Good, I do too." Froem said pulling off of him the blanket. "Ah, already naked? You have a beautiful body, I like you." The man said with an appreciative smile and started to caress him all over.

Chipi, quivering, sat up and brushed his face on the man's fly, feeling his strong erection. The man untied his trousers. Chipi made them slip down and seized the strong palpitating member, starting to give him pleasure, at first with just his tongue, then with all his mouth. Froem rapidly freed himself of all his clothes, shuddering, then pushed Chipi against the mattress and lay on top of him. They started making love with growing passion.

Froem deeply kissed him and meanwhile brushed all his body with his own, and pushed with his hard member against the boy's groin. Chipi spread his legs and arched upwards his pelvis, searching with the furrow between his buttocks the strong man's rod. Froem smiled and manoeuvred until the tip of his strong stick lay against the palpitating hole of the boy. Chipi pushed upwards -- he was longing to feel all of it inside himself. Froem again smiled and pushed. Finally the boy felt he was opened, invaded, filled by that sound, hot, strong tool and emitted a long pleasurable moan.

Froem settled himself better, so that he could apply more energy to his pelvis, and started to pump inside the boy with enthusiasm, bending down to bit his nipples. Their pleasure increased in a dizzy rhythm, and soon they both had cum, a fraction of time one from the other, in a frenzy of pushes and moans.

Froem slipped to his side, shuddering and panting, pulled Chipi to himself, embraced and kissed him. Neither of them said a word. They fell asleep embracing. Chipi didn't hear, later, the man slipping away from his bed, dressing and leaving.

The next day Chipi received an accurate physical check up, with strange machines he never saw before, measuring his strength, his resistance, his physical characteristic one after the other. Chipi passed all the tests with results higher than average. During that day the Jayas came and were informed that Chipi had decided to enter the Polychias.

At evening Froem went again in Chipi's room: "They say you have a perfect body. But I always knew that. Perfect to make love. Do you promise me that when you'll be at the Academy, you'll never make love with anybody else?"

"Sure. But will you really come often?"


On the third day he had to do a set of little games that Chipi thought to be silly -- they explained to him that they were to measure his intelligence. He solved all of them without any difficulty. And that evening, for the last time before he entered the Academy, they made love. They took each other in turn, several times, enjoying for a long while each other.

The Academy was a little outside Niokko, in a thicket of trees. Chipi was impressed by the complex. A building with rooms for about seven hundred students who slept in six bed rooms. Each floor had twenty-four rooms and a common bathroom. In another building there was the dining room, the kitchens, the rooms for the free time and the gym. In the third building there were the classrooms and in the fourth one the offices and upstairs the teachers' quarters. There were also four fields for the physical training and a wide square for the gatherings.

Chipi got his students' uniform -- pea-green trousers, jacket, and underwear of the same colour. It was the first time that Chipi had seen underwear and they had to explain to him its usage. He also received a pea-green tracksuit for the physical activities.

Chipi started the courses. Each morning they had the theoretical teachings and each afternoon the physical training, with a really intense rhythm. Amongst other things they were taught to read and write. At evening, when he went back to his bedroom where he met his mates, they talked little as they all were tired, and they fell asleep rapidly.

From time to time Froem went to the Academy where, in the teachers' building he had a room. He summoned Chipi and spent with him some hours making love.

Once he asked Chipi: "Did you cheat on me?"

"Of course not! I gave you my word."

"Teachers are happy with you."

"And you?"

"Me too. I'm longing for this year to end. To have you always with me."

But Chipi was longing for that year to end for another reason. He hadn't forgotten his mission and, notwithstanding the fact that he liked making love with Froem, all the same he hadn't forgotten his Klare. At the Academy they explained the use of the various weapons in use by the Polychias. So, one day they also explained the use of the black stick, called matra. The group of the Polychias had been born exactly when had been found an ancient depot with thousand of those weapons. Those weapons were their force, notwithstanding they had limits of fire range.

Their paralyzing effect (effect A) lasted only thirty minutes when used at the maximum power. The pain effect (effect B) a few minutes and that Mortal (effect C) was effective after a few seconds of exposure to the invisible rays that the weapon threw from its tip. Each weapon could be used for about ten thousand discharges, then lost its effectiveness, first at the C level, than at the B level, then, when it was completely unloaded, also the A effect ceased. The students trained with almost unloaded matras, having just the A effect. All the other weapons were traditional ones, side-arms, throwing weapons, and beating weapons.

In other lessons they were taught to frisk, search, chase, surround, immobilize, fight, and protect themselves. Then there was physical skill training, running, jumping, swimming and so on. Couple or group tactics. Chipi was learning several things that he thought could be useful to teach to the Bakjis once he could go back. But he was asking himself how to steal a matra and how to reach with it one of the entrances of the underground city of the Bakjis. In fact the matras were assigned only for the service in the section or when they went out in a group for some special mission. Then they had to give them back.

But, as usual, Chipi told himself: "One problem at a time". Now he had to learn the most possible and end the course. Therefore he devoted to it his maximum of means. Finally he ended his year and for him too came the passage ceremony in the regular contingent. Froem assisted him in this ceremony.

At the end, when Chipi wore the regular uniform, he said: "Let's go. You are assigned to my base and you will sleep with me. I already changed my bed with a wider one. Are you happy?"


"All day long you will be on duty with the others, but in the evening you will come with me. I'll make sure that you will be on duty with our best men, so that you can move rapidly through a good career."

"You are very kind."

"No, I just want you with me, just that. I missed you in this period, in spite I managed to come often as I promised you."

Chipi knew he would disappoint Froem, but he was not so really sorry, as he was always deeply in love with Klare and was longing to meet him again. Taking him as a gift a fully functioning matra.

He started his service. And started also to look for the system to make disappear a matra. He decided first to steal and hide it and only later he would find the way to take it to the Bakjis. But that didn't seem so simple. In his plan there was only one weak point -- if they became aware that a matra had disappeared, they would make inquiries and possibly used the truth machine. He had to discover if there was a way to cheat on that machine from Froem.

"How does that machine work?" he once asked him.

"When one lies, his body has reactions that the machine can detect, and a red lamp lights."

"The machine is never wrong?"

"Really very seldom."

"But at times it could be wrong."

"At times."

"And why?"

"Well, a sudden emotion, for instance, could be interpreted as a lie."

"And the contrary?"

"A lie interpreted as the truth? That's lot more difficult. Unless the person doesn't know he is lying."

"That is? How can someone lie without knowing it?"

"If I slip in your pocket something without you knowing it, you'll say to the machine you don't have it. And that would be a lie, but evidently the machine cannot know that. So it would take your answer as the truth because in reality you will be sure you are telling the truth."

"Way too complicated!" Chipi said laughing and changed the subject.

How could he steal a matra without knowing he stole it? It really seemed a problem without solution. Moreover, when he was in service with a matra, he always was with other agents, and he certainly couldn't hope to run away on that occasion. But neither did he want to spend all his life in the Polychias, even if, to tell the truth, life there was not bad at all.

One day fifty of them were sent to attack the base of a gang called Eiris, they hadn't accepted to become allies with the Polychias. Twenty of them carried matras. The commander decided that the Eiris had to be eliminated. The plan was simple -- surrounding their camp, paralyzing the Eiris one after the other, while the agents without matras tied them up and took them away prisoner. The order was to take most of them alive, if possible. The prisoners would be brought to the "rehabilitation house" hoping to convert many to the cause of the Polychias.

They left at dawn and reached the Eiris base attacking by surprise. They paralyzed the sentries and entered the base. But the resistance was more than foreseen. The battle raged, almost a hand-to-hand struggle, and split in the rooms of the base, with chases, fights, ambushes. Chipi, with another agent, were chasing three Eiris up a stairway, when two more Eiris appeared and one of them killed Chipi's companion. Chipi paralyzed them at once then, instead of chasing the others, took the matra of his dead mate and looked for a place to hide it. He walked into a corridor with the two matras in his hands, and peeped in several empty rooms, until he saw a concrete cantilever. He took a table, climbed it and put the matra on the cantilever. Went down and checked -- from the floor the matra was not visible. He moved away the table, went out and started again to raid the rooms. He met other agents.

"Do you know where is Dople?" he asked them.

"Wasn't he with you?"

"Yes, he was, but during a chase I lost his sight of him." Chipi lied.

"You were not to split up!"

"I know, but he split. He was at my back and when I turned, he was no more there." Chipi protested.

They found Dople dead, with the two Eiris unconscious near him, and saw that his matra was missing.

"We have to be careful, there must be around an Eiri who stole his matra!" one of the agents said to the others.

Chipi thought he had been lucky. With the others he carried out the chase of the Eiris and at last, when the battle was over, three Polychias and nine Eiris were dead, but they had as much as eighty-six prisoners. When all the prisoners, tied up, recovered their senses they took them in a column, in chains, to the Polychia's seat.

Now Chipi had only to find the way to go back to the former base of the Eiris, retrieve the matra and go to the Bakjis. As they cleaned up that area from the Eiris, the Polychias decided to build a new seat in that area to control the population. While the building squad was starting the works, Chipi with others were sent to patrol the surroundings. This time Chipi's companion was an aged man, and was the one to carry a matra.

They were close by the old Eiris camp. Chipi was fretting, he didn't know what to do. If he just was able to part from his colleague with a good reason, enter in the camp, get hold of the matra and run away to an entrance of the Bakjis city...

At a certain point his colleague said: "Let's sit down a while in a shadowy place. We will have to walk all day long. If we just had something to drink..."

"Nearby there is the old Eiris base. There they had a water tap." Chipi said.

"Did you take part in the battle?"


"Therefore you know where the tap is?"

"I think I remember."

"Let's go, then. We will take a break there." The colleague said.

They entered the deserted base, Evidently after the battle the people of that area passed there -- all that was possible to move they had taken away, doors, windows, furniture... There was a feeling of desolation. Chipi guided his colleague in one of the two camp building, to the water tap. They drank.

"They took away everything." Chipi observed.

"Of course." His colleague answered and his voice resounded in the deserted room.

"Didn't you hear something?" Chipi asked, pretending to be alarmed.

"No, nothing."

"A noise, upstairs."

"No. Are you sure?"

"Somebody can be there..."

"That's possible. Possibly somebody settled here."

"Let's go to check."

"Yes, it could be better."

They went upstairs and checked all the rooms, with caution. The matra was hidden right in that floor, but how to manage to take it? Moreover without the table, how could he climb up the cantilever? They were approaching the room where Chipi hid the matra, when a rumble came out from everywhere and all started to violently tremble.

"The earthquake!" his companion screamed scared. "Let's go outside!" and ran headlong towards the stairway.

Chipi followed him. They were mid-flight when part of the upper flight crumbled down falling on Chipi's colleague. Chipi stopped just in time not to be swept away also. A few seconds later the violent trembling stopped.

The man was dead. Chipi caught a glimpse of his matra amongst the ruins. He was about to go down to take it, when he recalled the other matra in the room. He ran back -- the matra was on the floor. He picked it up and checked it -- it was still working. Then he went back to the half collapsed stairway and took also the matra of his colleague. This also was still working. Stepping over the ruins, he climbed down to the ground floor and took the direction to one of the entrances of the Bakjis' city. He was walking fast, for a good while, and he was lucky not to meet other Polychias.

When he was in sight of the entrance, from far he started to yell, going forward with the two matras in his hands raised high over his head. He saw the Bakjis taking the defensive, and calling for reinforcements. Chipi was proceeding slowly, until one of them ordered him to stop.

"Put your weapons on the ground and step back three steps!" one of the warriors ordered him.

"All right. But I am Chipi. Here, you can come and take the weapons. But take me to your boss, he is waiting for me."

Cautiously, the Bakjis drew near. One seized the two matras, other four surrounded Chipi aiming at him with their weapons.

"You are of Therty station, aren't you?" Chipi said recognizing the colours of their armbands.

"Yes... so then, you are Chipi? We all thought you were dead, or disappeared. How come that you are wearing the Polychias' uniform?"

"Because I became one of them to steal those two black sticks. Accompany me to Klare, now."

"No, first we will take you to our station master, who then will decide. Walk." The chief said to him with some harshness. It was clear that he didn't trust Chipi.

The station master took Chipi at once to his Inspector Made, who in his turn communicated with Klare: "There is here a boy affirming he is Chipi, wearing the Polychias' uniform, with two black sticks..."

"Chipi? With two sticks? Bring him immediately here, to my place!" Klare's voice said from the black little communication box.

Made with the two matras in his hands, went downstairs to the square, and took the small gravitating platform and made it dart through galleries and junctions, until they reached Klare's station. The boss was already in the square waiting for them.

As soon as he saw Chipi he became bright: "Chipi! So you are still alive! And you have succeeded! Come, come!" he merrily said. He took from Made's hands the two matras and weighted them: "Not less than two! But why did it take you so long? Sixteen months have elapsed! Thank you, Made, you can go. Come, Chipi. You have to tell me everything."

The boy, while going upstairs with Klare to his rooms, felt happy. Just being near Klare, and the smile with which he had been welcomed, were a sufficient reward for him. He felt excited, he felt a huge desire of being in that man's arms. He followed him to a room where Klare made him sit near him and Chipi started to tell him about that long period of absence.

"They have an efficient organization and they are rapidly spreading all over. They already have 513 bases only in Niokko, and several more outside. And each year about 6-800 new Polychias enter the organization, through the special school they have and I too attended, They control a wider and wider territory. They have sophisticated machinery, they really are powerful." Chipi concluded.

"Therefore, how many are they in all?"

"At least 60,000... but I don't know exactly."

"Almost six times more than us. But we have the underground city. We too are strong."

"But they are growing rapidly. We don't. They are super-trained. They are a danger, Klare. And they, with their truth-machine, can choose who to enrol. If we too had it..."

"But it didn't work with you."

"Not completely, but it has been mainly luck. If they had asked me slightly different questions, I possibly could not have entered in the Polychias."

"With the information you have, we will improve our situation. We will have time to talk about that later. You will be precious for that. But now I have to abide to my promise -- first admitting you to the Bakjis, in my group, and then..."

"Can't you change the order?" Chipi asked with a cunning smile.

Klare smiled: "You waited for as much as sixteen months, can't you wait some two or three days more? Just the time to summon the Inspectors to ask them to admit you not just as a simple warrior but as... I still don't know, but I would like to create something special for you, to reward you for all you did."

"My real reward will be you." Chipi answered with a charmed smile.


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 7

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