Chipi - A.D. 2574

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 26, 2020


CHIPI - A.D. 2574 -- 7


"CHIPI - A.D. 2574" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHIPI - A.D. 2574

by Andrej Koymasky © 2020 written on December 20, 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Dave


"Councillor Chipi, if you want to follow me..." Klare's secretary said him after the ceremony of his admission in the Bakjis.

"Where?" the boy asked.

"Klare is waiting for you." the man answered.

But he didn't take him in the boss' office. He stopped in front of a door not far from that of the office and said to the sentries: "The boss is waiting for him." The sentries let him pass and closed the door at his back. It was a kind of adjoining room. Off it opened three more doors. Chipi looked around hesitantly. The door on the right opened and Klare appeared.

"Oh, Chipi, come. I was waiting for you." he said.

Chipi went towards Klare who moved aside and gave him the sign to enter. It was a bedroom, furnished with carpets and with diffused lights, and in its centre there was a wide, square, inviting bed.

"Time has come that I keep my promise." Klare said with a smile.

"Yes, it is time." Chipi answered with emotion.

Klare started to slowly undo his jacket in front of him, looking at him with a sensual expression, then he pulled off the white coat exposing his bare chest. Chipi was still, holding back his breath -- he shuddered seeing the wide, well chiselled chest, the firm and hollow belly. Klare untied his trousers and let them glide to the floor, freeing his feet from them, and was completely naked in front of the boy. Chipi at once felt terribly excited -- between the firm legs, slightly spread apart, in a thicket of dark blond hairs, was rising the magnificent member, half erect, palpitating, adorned on either side by the full sac of his testicles.

Chipi looked at him fascinated: "You are... gorgeous!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with desire.

"Don't you want to undress too?" the young man asked Chipi while his member continued to rise, turgid and strong.

Chipi nodded, swallowed, and rapidly freed himself of all his clothes. Then, stark naked he too, drew near Klare and murmured: "You can now pull away my collar -- I now belong to you."

Klare smiled, untied his collar, then took the boy in his arms: "You too are gorgeous, Chipi. Come into my bed, nobody will disturb us until we leave this room."

"How many males have you already taken in this bed?"

"Enough. But no more, from now on. This will be our bed, only for us. Did you think about me in these past months?"

"Always. And you?"

"Yes, even if I was afraid I would never again see you."

"Were you afraid?"

"Yes. You hit me from the first moment, I desired you at once. I felt you were special. That's why I asked of you so difficult a test. And now, at last, you are here."


"Yes, mine. Come."

Klare guided him to his bed, made him lie on his side and wrapped him with his arms and legs, and French kissed him for a long while, savouring with pleasure the boy's kiss. Chipi could feel the strong erection of the young man pushing against him, and was happy. Amongst the many men he had, nobody was more beautiful, hot, strong as was Klare, not even his beloved Aska. Klare resembled Aska, but was more beautiful. Klare's eyes were looking at him with desire and tenderness.

"You are so beautiful, Chipi." He whispered while caressing him.

"Take me." The boy murmured in enrapture.

"Yes, but later. Now I too want you inside me. You are so beautiful." Klare said lowering to kiss and suckle his nipples. Chipi shuddered and abandoned himself on the bed.

Klare lowered himself further along the boy's body, exploring it with his tongue, with his light fingertips, and Chipi was a quiver. He turned to kiss and caress the young man's body, and almost at once they reached for each other reciprocally, licking and suckling their erect members.

"You taste good, Chipi!"

"You too. Push it down my throat."

"Yes, but you must too..."

Bound in a pleasurable, passionate sixty-nine, they sucked each other greedily and started to tease the partner with their fingers in the warm folds between their buttocks, quivering in the unison. Klare pushed his face between the spread legs of the boy, licked and sucked his testicles, then under these, at the root of the member, then spreading with both his hands the small firm butt of the boy. He started to titillate his hole with his palpitating tongue.

"Oh, Klare!" Chipi moaned incredibly excited.

"Do you like it?"

"To die for. Take me!"

"Not yet."

"Please, please Klare, take me." The boy begged.

"Yes, in a short while." The young man answered resuming to rim with passion the tender hole.

"Oh, Klare, I can't resist. I want you inside me! Take me, take me, I beseech you!" Chipi murmured, seized by incredibly strong pleasure.

"Do you want me so much?" Klare sweetly asked making him lie on his back.

"Oh, yes!"

"You really can't resist any more?" he asked smiling while taking Chipi's legs an making them pass over his shoulders.


"So then, now..." the young man continued brushing the tip of his stiff member between the boy's checks, and finding the hot palpitating hole, "... now I make you mine!"

"Oh yes!" Chipi smiled radiant, preparing himself to welcome him.

"Do you feel it?" Klare asked stating to push,

"Yes..." the boy shuddered, happily.

"I'm entering you."

"Yeeees... it's great."

"Really great, Chipi?" Klare whispered slowly but irresistibly slipping inside him.

"Oh Klare, at last..." the boy sighed savouring each millimetre of that pole that was filling him and giving him such intense pleasure, "... it's beautiful!"

"Yes, very beautiful." Klare, who reached the deepest point, sighed also, caressing Chipi's chest.

He bent over the boy, kissed him on his mouth and started to gently move back and forth. Chipi made his hole palpitate, to intimately massage the strong pole that was slipping inside him.

"You are mine, Chipi!"

"Yes, yours."

"All mine?"

"Yes, all of me."

"And only mine?"

"Only yours!."

"I love you, Chipi."

"I do too..." the boy murmured stirred up, pushing himself against the man's strong body.

Chipi caressed his torso, feeling under his fingertips Klare's muscles rhythmically darting under his touch. He suckled his tongue playing with his own. Nothing else existed for Chipi -- just this manly, splendid body, that dominated him with sweet force, and that was melting into his body.

Klare continued for a long while to take him with virile tenderness, while kissing, caressing him, and telling him sweet words. Their eyes were magnetized, full of light, of warmth, and of passion.

"Oh Chipi, this is so beautiful!" Klare murmured starting to move more vigorously as his excitation was growing stronger.

"Yes." The boy said, happily.

Klare reached the peak of his pleasure and, with gentle vigour, sank one last time inside Chipi . He poured inside him wave on wave of warm seed, moaning at each contraction, seized by an orgasm so strong to make him vibrate all over, as if he was seized by a tertian fever. Finally he emitted a long and low sigh and, embraced tightly and the boy kissing, panting, abandoning himself to Chipi.

Chipi was in seventh heaven. He heard him breath on top of him with force, while little by little he found again the control of his own emotions.

"I really love you, Chipi. I missed you in this year or more. I was afraid not to see you any more, I regretted having imposed on you such a difficult task."

"But I succeeded. For you. Because I too am in love with you."

"I know. I felt it on that day, I feel it now. I never felt anything like this towards anybody. You, instead..."

"Aska... I loved him, certainly I did. But now I am in love with you, that's why I asked you to take away my collar, that collar that I never pulled off."

"Yes, I understood. But now... take me, Love. I'm longing to feel you inside me."

Chipi, still fully aroused, filled with desire, rolled on the bed until he was on top of his partner. Klare girdled him with his legs, offering himself to the boy. Chipi caressed his hair, kissed and licked all over his face, then went down to suck his nipples, until Klare was again aroused. Then gently caressed the beautiful, hard member once again, and Klare sighed in happiness.

"But in this way, you are awakening again my desire." He quivering murmured.

"You can take me again." Chipi said.

"No, I now want you inside me." Klare excitedly whispered.

Then Chipi prepared himself to unite with the man he loved. Klare welcomed him with such a luminous smile that Chipi felt a deep emotion.

They made love for a long time, with sweet calm, tender vigour, dedication and passion, filled with pleasure and seemed never sated, cumming several times and enjoying each other. At last they fell asleep, feeling happy with one another..

When Klare woke up, he looked at Chipi for a long while, being careful not to awaken him.

Chipi opened his eyes and saw his man's face, looking at him full of sweetness. "Did you have a good sleep?" Chipi asked him.

"Very good. Do you know that you are wonderful?"

"You see me so, because you are in love." The boy said, happily.

"I see you wonderful, because you are wonderful. Do you know that I never felt so happy?"

"Neither have I. I love you so much, Klare!"

"And I love you. Chipi... what a beautiful name!"

They lingered some more on the bed, lightly caressing and kissing each other. But they finally had to get up.

"If we don't show ourselves out there, they will start to think we passed out." Klare said with a smile when they were dressed. "Do you feel hungry?" he then asked.

"Yes, rather."

"Well, I'll ask them to fix something, then. Come."

Klare opened the door and asked for a meal for two. When they brought it, Klare said to the warrior: "Chipi. From now on, will live here with me. He can enter and go out when and as he wants. Tell that to the others too."

"Sure, Klare."

"And he can also give you orders for all he could need."

"Understood. I shall pass that along also." The warrior answered.

Thus Chipi started his life as lover and councillor of the boss. One of the first effects of Chipi presence at Klare's side was the reform of the warriors training. A second one the way to recruit new warriors. Chipi was convinced that sooner or later the Polychia would try to eliminate the Bakjis, as they did with all the bands that didn't submit to them. The Bakjis were certainly the most hard nut to crack, they were not a small gang but a strong group, but the Polychias' strength was increasing at a very fast pace.

Another effect of Chipi's presence, was that it was decided to make stronger the defence of all the numerous entrances' of the Bakjis' underground city network. To make at least problematic an eventual attempt to invade it. Where possible, they used again the ancient metallic, sliding doors shutting off to the exterior the access to their stairways. They often simulated training of a mass attack from outside.

Chipi explained to the station masters the battle techniques of the Polychia that he had learned in the year at the Academy. He asked them to come up with proposals about the way to react and neutralize these techniques.

Chipi was thus very busy, as also was Klare. He personally visited all the stations and the fortification work at the entrances. There was a general mobilization feeling and everybody did his best, as for a long time everybody became conscious that the Polychia were a real danger, rather than the only real possible danger.

Once, during an inspectors' reunion, one of them said: "If it is true that the Wise Men exist, and that they still know the techniques of the old civilization, it could be good to find them."

Chipi asked: "What do we know about the Wise Men?"

"Very little. Didn't you hear about them, at the Polychia School? I would not be surprised if at the Polychia backs there are the Wise Men."

"No, they too just use the old civilization's products, as long as they work. But they are not able to make or repair them. And I never heard them talking about the Wise Men. Can we make a survey amongst our men to gather any news, information, rumour or gossip that we know? Even in unlikely tales could be hidden the key to find them." Chipi said.

"Admittedly they really exist." Another inspector commented.

"I think they do. Anyway Chipi is right, it is worth making these inquiries." Volle said.

Another innovation that Chipi proposed was the institution of a school to teach reading and writing. Many warriors were opposed to this project, it was decided that entering the school was voluntary. But at the same time it was also decided that any chief, station master or inspector had to have at his side a man able to read and write.

So, in few weeks, Chipi started to receive the written reports about the Wise Men. A small group of secretaries screened the news, ordered them, classified them, so that little by little an interesting and for some aspects surprising picture came out. About who they were, the rumours were the most disparate. About where they had their seat, there was a certain convergence of opinions. There were mainly three areas where their presence was more probable, even if they were defined in a summary way. They were the peninsula south of Niokko, the desert on the west and the lakes zone on the north-west. Moreover, everybody talked about underground, very well hidden cities.

Another common point was that the Wise Men were always depicted as males, with very short cropped hair, able to appear or disappear suddenly. They also possessed the ability to make somebody appear or vanish at their will. About their attire, on the contrary, it seemed that there was nothing special, different from all the other groups who had always at least a detail making them recognizable as members of the group. Unlike the Saints who had a special behaviour or the warriors who used some part of their clothing, nothing similar resulted from the stories of the Wise Men.

Then, there were thousands of unlikely rumours -- they could fly, they could communicate without talking, they could mover objects without touching them and so forth. Also the ability of appearing and disappearing at their will was unlikely, but it was so commonly diffused that Chipi put it amongst the inexplicable but likely things. The picture was fragmentary but fascinating. When this inquiry was over, and all the material ordered, the result was a voluminous dossier that Chipi read and read again several times. The presence of the Wise Men in Niokko were scarce, and always in different places, so that Chipi concluded that the Wise Men didn't live in Niokko.

Chipi was back amongst the Bakjis for about eight months. His relationship with Klare was more and more beautiful and intimate. Their love seemed to grow and become stronger day after day. They often understood each other even without talking. As much as they both were busy, they allowed themselves to have long moments of sweet intimacy.

But one day, sudden, there was a Poloychia's attack to the Bakjis' city. It started at once against all the entrances, no one excluded. The battle lasted all the day, but the Polychia were stopped at all the doors, just by shutting them, or with a fierce resistance where there were no doors or where it was impossible to shut them. At evening the Polychias withdrew. It was a strange battle where, contrary to usual, there were no dead.

"They just wanted to test our defences," Chipi said at night, when the inspectors were gathered, "and it is evident that they perfectly know where we are -- not a single entrance was left over. I feel they are just preparing for an attack in great forces."

"They were fighting in an odd way, it seemed as if they didn't really want to enter. That on purpose they avoided having losses." Klare said.

Chipi asked: "Did they capture some of our men, paralyzing them with their matras?"

"No, it doesn't seem so. In my section everybody was present at roll call."

"Also in my section."

"And in mine too." One after the other the inspectors confirmed.

"That's weird. To paralyze and kidnap their enemies is one of the most useful techniques of the Polychias."

"They know that not one of us would ever pass to their side."

"On the contrary, their pride is to transform yesterday's enemy into a faithful ally." Chipi said thoughtfully.

The next day and on the following ones, the Polychia didn't show up at all. The Bakjis were exultant. Chpi on the contrary was more and more tense and worried. What had been the reason for that odd attack? Testing at each entrance the quality and quantity of the resistance? To better organize the real attack, concentrating their forces where the Bakjis were the weakest? Contrary to the current opinion, Chipi was certain that the Polychia would come again.

There elapsed exactly twenty-nine days from that attack, when on a morning, at the first lights of dawn, the alarm came from every entrance. The Polychias were waylaying surrounding all and every entrance, in a bigger number than the first time. They were not attacking, they were doing nothing, simply each entrance was completely surrounded. The Bakjis, armed, flowed instantly to the entrances en mass, while Klare consulted with the inspectors through his communication box. The opinion was not to go out to attack them, but just to wait. The Bakjis in open field would be inferior to the Polychia, both for number and than because of the matras that one out of five of the Polychia clearly carried. But sheltered by the concrete structures of their city, the Bakjis were decidedly stronger.

The minimum indispensable number of warriors were sent to the doors that could be shut. Instead they concentrated them where the entrances could not be closed. They nervously waited, but feeling sure they could again push away the attack, when it would start. But the Polychias were still in their closed ranks, as if they were waiting for something. Possibly they hoped it would be the Bakjis to start the attach, coming out from their shelters. The sun was rising in the sky, the day was almost sweet.

The voice of one of the inspectors suddenly rose from Klare's small communication box: "Klare, Klare, a disaster -- the water, all flooded!"

"Suxa, what's happening?"

"Here, the station, others too... water invading..."

Another voice inserted: "Klare, water, here too... we can no more stay in the station..."

"Here too, Klare, a flood..."

At that moment they heard a rumble coming from the tunnels and they saw coming up the stairs a wave of turbid, whirling water, preceded like by a long blast, like a long, huge, appalling sigh. They abandoned the floor they were on climbing towards the exit and the water at their back stopped at mid stairway, boiling from the air imprisoned in the tunnels that was slowly going up to the surface in great bubbles.

"They blew up the galleries that passed under the river. Our city is lost." Klare said in rage, understanding how it could have happened. "We can now just go out and face them. We lost our city, we lost everything. Damn them!" He took his small box and threw out a few orders: "We will sell dearly our skins! Fight to the last blood! Everybody at the attack!" he shouted an climbed headlong the stairs to the door. Outside the Polychias were waiting still. "Everybody in one single point, let's try to break through and to face them on one side only. If we don't succeed we have little possibilities to win. All together, all in a single point, understood?"

"Yes!" the warriors shouted like a single man.

They threw themselves outside running and shouting with all their lungs. And as soon as they came in contact, the battle raged. The matras blocked some of the running men making them fall down paralyzed, but the others continued until they reached the Polychias and started a hand-to-hand furious fight.

Chipi saw Klare falling paralyzed, he ran towards him to protect him but in his turn was hit by a ray and fell down unconscious. The battle, on the impact of the Bakjis attack, slowly drew away from the point where it first started.

Chipi didn't know that, at the back of the Polychias the ruins were swarming with surface people. Having seen during the night the Polychias' squads, a little out of curiosity, a little with the hope they could get some profit from the imminent clash, they gathered hiding here and there. Amongst them there were also the Saints that Chipi had met, and one of them recognized him. Thus, when the battle place shifted off several meters, a little group of Saints slipped near Chipi, picked him up and took him away in great hurry.

When Chipi recovered consciousness, he was in a kind of hole where the sun light was filtering.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

"Saints. Why were you amidst the battle, brother?"

"The battle... the battle... is it over?"

"Yes. The Polychias are taking away all the Bakjis still alive."

"I have to go." Chipi said, even if feeling still weak and dazed.

"No, brother, what for? But, explain to us, how did you get mingled with that battle? How come you are wearing the Bakjis' armband? Did you perhaps betray your ideals?"

"No. In reality I always was a Bakji, I am no Saint."

"I see. But we have saved you in time to convert."

"No, forgive me, thank you... Klare... Did you see a blond warrior wearing a half green and half white jacket?"

"No. We just saw you and as soon as we could we came to rescue you.!

"I have to go out. I have to look for him."

"No, they would just take you too. Wait until they go away. If he is amongst the dead, you will find him. If not, it means that they took him prisoner. In any case, you can do nothing for him."

"If he is a prisoner, I have to free him."

"You alone against the Polychias? Don't you understand it is impossible? Stay here, now. Recover back your strength. Then... think thoroughly about it -- will it not be better for you to finally became a Saint?"

"I cheated on you once. I don't want to do it again."

"No, you didn't cheat on us, but on yourself. Why don't you think about it?"

"No, really. I must find Klare. My faithfulness goes to him. If they took him, I have to free him. If they killed him, I have to bury him and seek revenge."

"Revenge.. and what for? If they killed him, it is not with revenge that you can give him back life."

Chipi thought. Then said: "If they killed him, I will bury him then I will become a Saint with you, all right. But if he is prisoner..."

"You will never be able to free him, can't you understand that?"

"Not alone, but I will go in search of the Wise Men and I will ask their help."

"The Wise Men?! Why do you think they will help you? They are proud and selfish, they hate human beings." One of the Saint said with contempt.

"Do you know where the Wise Men are?" Chipi then asked with hope.

"No. I just met them once, before becoming a Saint. I was living in the South, in the country with my family. They came, asked us a lot of questions. Then they disappeared and with them they took one of my brothers."

"How can you know they were Wise Men?"

"They just told us. They all had a black bracelet on their left wrist. And they disappeared -- an instant before they were with us, an instant after they were no more there. Who else, if not the Wise Men? It was them, for sure."

"Where is your family house? Would you take me there?"

"Well... if you really want..." the Saint said, shaking his head.

When they told him that the Polichias had gone away, Chipi went back onto the battle field. Klare was not amongst the dead. The surface people had completely undressed the dead taking away everything that was useable, so that if Chipi didn't know them, nobody could have said who had been a Bakji and who a Polichia. Helped by the Saints, Chipi took all the corpses to an ravine amongst the ruins, that then they covered with heaps of the ruins until they closed it completely. Then, following the Saints, he went to their refuge.

"When will you take me to the house of your family, Kleu?" Chipi asked the Saint who had met the Wise Men.

"Tomorrow, if you like. Tonight I will say good bye to the brothers. Then, if you want, tomorrow morning we can go."

Chipi nodded. He ate with the Saints, then slept a troubled sleep. In the morning he exchanged his jacket with an old one of a Saint then, together with Kleu, he left. Along the way they sang and danced, begging for their food. Kleu guided him out of Niokko, then decidedly toward the South.

After eight days of walking they reached Kleu's house. It was a not a big building, where lived the old mother of Kleu, her four sons with the respective wives and about twenty grand children, between the ages of two and sixteen years. They were cultivating the land and raising chickens and rabbits. Kleu was received not with joy and neither with hostility. He stopped at his house just for one night and on the next morning he took the way back to Niokko. Chipi instead remained as a guest in the house -- they gave him a pallet under the well canopy.

"So, you would like to know from us about the Wise Men, boy?" the old woman asked him after Kleu left. "One of my sons was taken away by them, another by the Saints. But at least we can still see Kleu, at times.

"When did the Wise Men take your son,?"

"Four years ago. But they came here again last year. We were afraid they might take another of our boys... but we have been lucky."

"You never again met your son?"

"Who, Fulba? No. Never. When the Wise Men came again, last year, I asked them. They say he is fine. Not to worry. But why can't I meet him or see him? And why do they kidnap boys?"

"But... didn't you oppose, resist?"

"And how? The Wise Men are powerful. Do you know that we cannot even touch them? When I tried to take the hand of one of them to beseech him to allow me to see again my son, my hand stopped at a span from his body, as if there was glass to stop my hand, and yet there was nothing. They were four. The just appeared inside the house one night, suddenly, like on the first time. Just as suddenly they disappeared, but this time, luckily, they didn't kidnap any of my boys."

Chipi asked more questions of the woman. He got to know that in other houses of the valley appeared the Wise Men and, at times, kidnapped a boy, always around sixteen and twenty years of age. So Chipi decided to visit also the other families. Accompanied by Kleu's elder brother, he reached another house. The tale was similar. From here he was introduced to another family, then to another and the story, with slight variations, was always the same. No hints about their provenience. But Chipi found an order in the various apparitions. He drew a sketch of the valley and of the houses, marking near them how many months before the apparition happened. So he understood that the Wise Men could come from a well defined direction. Moreover he noticed that the disappeared boys were always described like the most intelligent of the family, never as the stronger or the most handsome or other characteristics.

Therefore the Wise Men, a men only community, recruited in that way new forces. But why no one of the kidnapped boys went back to their family, even just for a short visit? A aura of mystery surrounded the Wise Men. Chipi never forgot the reason for his quest, although he was now also getting curious about this group that, differently from others he met, always in search for food or goods, seemed not to be at all interested in these things, but only in choosing new members.

Chipi was in the valley for about a month, touring from house to house, when met a boy who gave him a description somewhat different from that of all the others. His name was Lopin.

"Every night I have a dream, always the same. I dream about the time before the last when the Wise Men came, that is five years ago. I was thirteen years old. They came suddenly, here in our house, at the dead of night. I was in my brother Mety's bed and... well, he was... doing me those things. Well, there was a great light then we saw that the Wise Men were inside our house. They said: "Don't worry, we will not harm you." Then we all were no more able to move. Then one of the Wise men came near us and I was terribly ashamed because Mety was still inside me. We could not part and that man was looking at us. Then he puts a kind of small white stick on Mety's temple and says: "Do you like what you are doing?" "Yes." Mety says. "How old are you?" "Seventeen." Mety answers. "Stand up," the man says, and Mety, all naked, complies but I was still unable to move. I can see the other members of my family and think that with all that light they for sure saw what my brother and I were doing, anyway they too are all still like statues.

"The Wise Man caresses Mety between his legs and says: "Would you like living in a wonderful place, where you can do these things with anybody you like, when you like and not hiding?" "Does such a place really exist?" Mety excitedly asks. "Yes." "Take me there, then." "You have first to pass a test." What if I don't pass it?" "You will forget all this, as they will. Come here." The Wise man said and put at Mety's wrists and around his head something like black rings and the four Wise Men touched their wristbands staying still and in silence. Mety widened his eyes as if he was incredibly amazed, then he said something but they told him not to talk, just to think. Then they took off the rings from Mety. "Put on your clothes and come with us." "Where are we going?" "To the city." "Where?" Inside the mountain, behind the fall". Mety dressed. Then, with a kind of small mirror, one of the Wise men passed it in front of our eyes and we all forgot all they said and did with Mety and when we were again normal. They simply were no longer there, and neither was Mety. But I, gradually, started to dream and to see everything again, so I told it to my family, but they don't believe me, they say it is just a dream."

"Why did you tell me your story, then?"

"Because you wanted to know."

"Did you ever go to look for Mety at the mountain, behind the fall?"

"Yes, but I couldn't find anything. There is only an old man living in a small hut near the fall and he says that the Wise Men don't exist."


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 8

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