Chipi - A.D. 2574

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 26, 2020


CHIPI - A.D. 2574 -- 8


"CHIPI - A.D. 2574" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHIPI - A.D. 2574

by Andrej Koymasky © 2020 written on December 20, 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Dave


Chipi asked the boy to take him to the fall. There sat a hut and at the door was sitting an old man. Chipi said to the boy to go back home and to leave him alone with the old man, and drew near him. The old man looked at him without uttering a word. Chipi greeted him, the old man answered the greeting.

"Do you live alone, here?" Chipi asked.


"For how long?"

"So much."

"And how do you make a living?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" the old man asked with suspicious air.

" I was planning to come to live here..."

"Here? And why?"

"I like here."

"There is nothing interesting, here."

"If you have lived here for so many years, it means that it's good staying here."

"Were are you from?"

"Far away."

"From the ruins of some agglomerations, isn't it?"

"Why do you think so?"

"You are not a country boy. What are you looking for?"


"No, what else."

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" Chipi asked with an ironical smile.

The old man looked at him with an odd expression, then said: "Are you here by chance to look for the Wise Men? You would not be the first."

"The Wise Men? Aren't you a Wise man? They say that wisdom is the heritage of old age."

"Don't play with words, boy."

"I have nothing else to play with."

"If you are looking here for the Wise Men, you will not find them. Go back the way you came from."

"My way ends here. Like you, I'll build my hut, a shelter. But I'll not move from here."

"I don't want neighbors."

"You have to resign yourself."

"You are stubborn, but it is of little use."

"It could be. Especially if you are a Wise Man."

The old man shrug his shoulders and looked away, like meaning he had nothing more to say. Chipi sat on the grass continuing to look at the old man. The old man stood up, took inside his stool and shut the door. Chipi smiled. This was the last thing he remembered.

When he recovered his senses, he was lying in a kind of bed in a closed wide room. He was at once aware that he was stark naked. He sat up. A queer green light tainted everything with sinister colours, also his skin. He got down from the platform and saw he had two black wristbands and a black band on his forehead. As soon as he touched them, suddenly, inside his head, rose voices, tenths of voices. Yet he was strangely able to listen to all of them at the same time. They were talking about him. Even if they didn't say his name, he knew that it was he that they were talking about.

"...can't be wrong, we always accepted it, didn't we? He will change many things, didn't you understand it? It is clear. But all the parameters are perfect. Too perfect, that scares me. We have been waiting for him forever. I like him, look at his body, what a body! It would for sure not be easy, above all for the oldest of us. The other centres already received the data. He is the perfect leader, he got a hundred on a hundred on all the parameters. He is the perfect lover, a hundred in all the parameters. He will give us a lot of trouble. I would like having him as a lover. I like him as a leader. He is faithful to that Klare. He was faithful also to Aska. We have just to form him. Entrust him to the Central for the alpha program. For what concerns me, I'll willingly hand over to him the leadership. The others can't but accept. It is not said I can't have luck with him...."

Chipi listened at all these voices and the picture that was taking shape into his mind amazed him. At a certain point he thought: "Hey, but I don't want at all to be their leader!" All the thought became silent for a moment, then one said: "Therefore, you will be a very good leader." "But I know nothing about you." "There is the alpha program, for that. The program reserved for our leaders" "But what if I don't accept?" "You will." "How can you be so sure? And where are you? Who are you?" "You came in search of us to free that Klare. Becoming our leader you could achieve that without any problem. If not, not." "Let me see you, let me understand, how can I trust you?" "Read our thoughts, we cannot hide anything from you, as you cannot hide anything from us." "How can I know what you say is true?"

Chipi was standing in the centre of the room, looking around almost to search for his invisible interlocutors. One of the voices resumed talking inside his head: "We are not nearby. Each of us is in his own room." "Do you read really everything?" "More than reading, we feel, we listen to your thoughts. Thanks to the black bands you have around your wrists and head." "Then, you too wear the same bands." "Certainly we wear them. He is fast at grasping things. Are you astounded?" "Stop it, please! I'm not used to communicating in this way. I want to see your faces." "Certainly. I understand you. We will send someone to fetch you. We will meet in ten minutes in the Great Council Room. Give me fifteen minutes, I am now at the Centre B. All right, let's meet in fifteen minutes." "Are not you leaving me naked, are you?" "Why not? We all also are naked, when we are not working."

Chipi saw a part of the wall sliding away and a man wearing a green overall appeared. "But you are not naked." He thought but no answer came. He noticed that the man didn't wear the black bands.

"You are not naked...." He then said to the man.

The man smiled: "I am a technician in service. Would you please follow me? I received an order to led you to the Great Council Room. This way."

Chipi followed him, somewhat embarrassed. They passed a corridor lightened by a clear golden light, with rooms left and right, divided from the corridor by wide glasses. The rooms were filled with strange machinery with small coloured flashing lights and men working at them. Chipi, looking at that scene so incredible for him, forgot his nudity and recalled it only when he read in the eyes of several of those men a clear appreciation for his body.

They arrived in front of a door that opened when his guide leant a finger on a green light. They entered a small room, so small that one could not even lie down in it.

"What room is this?"

"A transporter." The man answered and pushed another small light in a row of lights.

The room moved upwards. Chipi held himself to the walls slightly afraid, but then, seeing the calm expression of his companion, he at once calmed down. The door opened again and they were in a corridor similar to the first one, but without the glass walls. At mid corridor there was a great door. The man stopped and put his finger on a light at the door side. This opened and the man indicated for Chipi to enter.

It was a simple room, clear, with a C shaped table in its centre, with eleven chairs and in some of them were seated some men, almost all naked.

"Welcome, Chipi. In a while all the other councillors will come. If you want to sit there." The man sitting at the centre said, pointing out a chair on the open side of the C shaped table.

Chipi sat and crossed his legs to cover in some way his nakedness. Little by little also the other men arrived, until all the seats were taken.

Then the man sitting at the centre said: "Here we are, the Great Council complete. I am the leader Kao, and from your right, in order, are Itoz, Oneg, Delekay, Mate, Katak, Shire, Dane, Ippo and Tora, who represent all the sciences we are cultivating. At my back there is CC1AA.... He is not a human being, he is our Central Intelligence. He decided you are our new Leader, that is that you should take my place."

Chipi listened in silence, then said: "Taking your place? You are the boss of all the Wise Men, and you give me your place?"

"We don't call ourselves Wise Men, but Scientists. And yes, I willingly give you my place. So CC1AA decided and his decisions are right, for at least the last three hundred years."

"But what is Ciccioneyey? I don't understand. You say he is not a man but he makes decisions for you? How is it possible?"

"He in person will explain this to you, it will be more simple. If you feel ready, we will connect you with CC1AA."

"Connect? What do you mean?"

"How you earlier communicated with us without words, mentally, so you can communicate with CC1AA. And he can answer any of your questions, and even more. So do you accept?"

"If I accept, will you help me to free Klare?"

"You will not need our help. If you accept to be our Leader, you will have at your disposal all our means and nobody could prevent you from freeing your lover."

"Do you give me your word it is so?"

"Yes, certainly yes."

"I see. Anyway, if I don't accept I would not be able to free Klare.... What do you think I should do, if I don't accept?"

"We will be forced to make you forget everything, and above all about our existence."

"You are able to do that...." Chipi said to himself. He thought for a while, then said: "All right, I have nothing to lose, it seems. Connect me with Ciccioneyey, because of everything this could mean."

"Take your wrists and touch them to your temples, that is the way..." Kao said and suddenly Chipi was in contact with CC1AA.

It was like being suspended in emptiness, without seeing or feeling, or hearing (he himself would not be able to explain it) received billions of pieces of news at the same time. Like being in a thick jungle, impenetrable and mysterious that for an instant overwhelmed him, and gave him a deep sense of awe and stupor. But then, it was like if he was entering a path and understood that CC1AA was guiding him. He relaxed and started an incredible journey. And gradually all became clear to him.

When he became conscious he was again in the room, he knew a huge amount of things, even if he understood he knew just a small part of the knowledge, and he could never know all of it. But he understood that which he needed.

"So, then?" Kao asked.

"All right. I accept." Chipi said with quiet voice. Then added: "If that machine is wrong, it is not my fault, all right?"

"I understand you. I too, when CC1AA said I was the new Leader of the Scientists, I felt like you feel now. But I had on you the advantage of already being a Scientist, therefore for me it has been easier. Good, Chipi. If you want to take my seat, now, it belongs to you."

"CC1AA says that you remain in the Council as my second."

"I know. It is all right."

"Can we gain communication through telepathy?" Chipi said using with extreme naturalness that term that a few instants before he didn't yet know.

When the meeting was over, where Chipi mainly listened and asked questions, he was accompanied to what would be from now on his apartment. If that Klare's had seemed to him beautiful and luxurious, this one was unimaginable. Comfortable, endowed with a thousand clever devices. CC1AA explained to him in a few minutes the use of all its possibilities. From the dining room providing delicious meals in a few minutes, to a glass panel where he could make appear images and moving scenes or see any place in the city inside the mountain, or making appear on it texts and drawings, to the wide bed, incredibly comfortable, whose surface he could modulate just with his thought as well as the lights he could make more intense or softer just by thinking. Then also the bathroom, with a wide tub of flowing warm water and the possibility of creating in it an agreeable rain of the liked temperature and strength, becoming a real tempest or a fall, to the toilet. He felt like if he was living in a dream.

He still didn't know several things, but it was enough entering into communication with CC1AA to know them. He decided to spend five days in the Center, then he would go to free Klare and he would come back here with him. He needed those five days to become able to learn the things he would use to free his lover. Meanwhile he asked Kao to continue to lead the centre together with CC1AA as he had up until that day.

Chipi felt himself to be in an odd position -- he was suddenly the leader of the most powerful organization in that part of the world, and yet he was just a beginner. Besides his age, of his twenty-one years made him the youngest member of the Council, he still had infinite things to understand, to learn. Anyway in those five days he underwent an intensive training. Together with CC1AA he devised a plan to free Klare.

Then he prepared to leave. He took back his old clothes, but now he wore also some miniature tools giving him special powers. At night a technician accompanied him with a flyer to Niokko -- he arrived in just two hours. The technician left him amongst the ruins.

"When you want me to come to fetch you, you know what to do, don't you?"

"Yes, sure."

"Then I can go."

"Yes, thank you." Chipi answered and looked at the flyer becoming dark and disappearing in the darkness of the nocturnal sky.

He was not far from the Polichia Rehabilitation Centre -- he hoped Klare was there. He set in action his energy shield at the minimum and went forward. Arrived near the building, when he was at a few steps from the sentries, he immobilized them with his paralyzing rays -- they worked in a similar way to the matras' rays, but they came from a wristband he was wearing. Passing near them he used the rays erasing their memory of him and entered. The sentries would remember seeing him approach them then nothing more, therefore they would believe he suddenly disappeared.

When inside, out of safety he put in action the paralyzing ray while going to the room of the person he believed to be responsible for holding Klare. He found him still sitting at his table. He put on him wrist and head the bands and entered in contact with his mind. He asked him if amongst the prisoners there was Klare, the Bakjis' boss, the man wearing a white and green jacket. The answer was that he had been there until three days before, but he had been moved. "Where?" Chipi asked in alarm. "I don't know." The man's mind answered and Chipi knew he was not lying. "How can I know where he has been taken?" "Chief Gharke came to take him." "Where can I find chief Gharke?" "In the Faryal seat." The man's thought said and Chipi saw where it was. So Chipi went out and took the direction of the Faryal seat. In a while the rays would end their effect and the men would remember nothing.

Chipi reached the Faryal seat when the sun was high in the sky. Along the way he met people, but without problems. At the Feryal seat he entered with the same method, but there were too many people in activity, he could not send to sleep or paralyze all of them. They suddenly saw him and surrounded him.

"Who are you? How could you enter here?" one of the agents asked him, aiming at him with his matra.

Chipi set in action his protective shield. "I came to take the prisoner Klare." He said.

"Who do you think you are to come here to take a prisoner?" the man asked with irony.

"Where is he?" Chipi asked.

The man aimed at him his matra and set it in action. Nothing happened -- Chipi's energy shield blocked the rays. The man for a moment seemed amazed.

Then said to the other agents: "My matra is discharged. Paralyze him!"

"It's useless, it doesn't work on me." Chipi said with a smile and in his turn paralyzed the man, then went near him and included him inside his energy shield.

All the others threw themselves against him, but bounced against the invisible energy wall. Chipi put the bands on the wrists and head of his prisoner and scanned his mind. He saw where Klare was, so he went in that direction. Meanwhile the others were trying to catch him, to stop him, and seeing they could not, called for reinforcements. Chipi left the room. Now the agents were numerous and surrounded him from everywhere, pushing with their bodies against the invisible barrier, so that it was for Chipi becoming difficult to move. So he boosted his barrier widening it and the men felt they were being pushed far from Chipi, together with chairs and tables, towards the room's walls. The barrier force was remarkable, created all around Chipi the void and the men, terrorized, were feeling more and more compressed against the walls.

"No, stop it!" one of the agents yelled.

"Put down your weapons or I'll crush all of you!" Chipi said.

One after the other the agents abandoned their weapons. Chipi made the shield go back to the minimal dimensions and left the room. Some agents locked a door to prevent him from going downstairs to the underground cells. Chipi, just with the strength of his mind, made the door lock break and opened it. He felt a hit on his back -- one of the agents had thrown at him a knife that had bounced away on his shield. Chipi smiled at the amazed look of the agent and started to go down the stairs. He paralyzed the sentries in the underground corridor, and from one of them got the information about where Klare was kept. He broke also that lock and entered -- Klare was there, tied to a small bed.

When Klare saw him entering, widened his eyes: "Chipi!"

"I came to free you." the boy said drawing near, and untied the ropes.

"How could you come here?"

"Explanations later. Come, now."

They left the cell. Went upstairs but the door was blocked from outside. Chipi thought for a moment, then, switched off his shield, said to Klare to stay always in contact with his body. He surrounded them again with the shield and gradually increased its action ray. For a while it seemed like nothing was happening, then the walls at the sides of the stairs and also the door, were compressed with an incredible strength and started to yield. Klare was looking at the walls bending, creaking and cracking, splitting.

He whispered: "How can you do that? Is this witchcraft?" and right at that moment the door seemed to explode inwards towards the other room, rubble sliding away from the energy shield, and their way was free.

Chipi reduced the shield, and with Klare, entered the room. Behind him rubble continued to fall from the half broken down walls.

The agents were in part scared, in part still trying to stop them. They all were amassed long the way out. They pushed against the invisible energy field trying to prevent the two men from going forward. Chipi sprinkled them with paralyzing rays. He still had plenty of charges. Klare was holding himself tight to Chipi and looked astounded, not believing the scene that unfolded before him. Chipi amused himself by stopping at each door and increasing his shield until its jambs were crumbled with parts of the walls -- they would remember for a good while his visit, with the damages he was leaving at his back, as he didn't use the rays erasing the memory.

When in the open, after having torn down also the entrance door and a part of its wall, Chipi guided Klare far from the Polychia's seat. Klare was silent and followed him in silence. When they were far enough away, Chipi looked around. There were no people nearby. So he stopped, pulled out from his jacket the bands for the wrists and the head he had for Klare.

"Let me put these on you, so we can communicate with our minds, without talking."

"With our minds? Without talking?" the man asked amazed, but let Chipi do it.

Chipi put them in action and thought: "I love you."

"I too love you." Klare said.

"No, don't talk, you don't need it." "Really? Can you hear me all the same?" "Sure, like you are hearing me." "What devilry is this?" "A present of the Wise Men." "Do they exist, then? Did you find them? What means you became their leader? How did you do that?" Klare thought in confusion. Chipi rapidly told him the facts -- with the thought it was way simpler and more effective than with words. At a certain point Klare thought: "You'll explain more to me later... Where can we go? I want to make love with you." "Me too. I need it. But we have to wait." "I don't want to wait. Let's find a place. There amongst those bushes?" "What if somebody comes?" "Who cares? They can just look at us. We remain inside the shield. Let them look at us, eventually. I don't care." "Neither do I, love. Come, I want to suck it." "And I want to feel all of it inside me." They were talking in images, in desires, and both were excited as ever. Being able to communicate so intimately, clearly, being able each of them to read the naked desire of his lover was an experience in itself extremely erotic.

They went amidst the bushes, Chipi adjusted the shield so that it created around them a wide safety zone then they started to undress each other feverishly. They kissed, licked, enjoying each other thoughts and emotions. They both could immediately feel each other's lesser desire and therefore fulfil it at once. "Chipi, oh Chipi!" "Yes my love." "I never felt anything similar." "I neither, Love." "I want you in me." "You take me first, Love."

They united for a long while, also in their thoughts, feeling happy, giving themselves to each other passionately. Each of them knew perfectly how to give to the other the utmost pleasure. When finally they were both sated, they clung to each other, panting and satisfied. "It has been wonderful." "Yes, love, and from now on we can do it in this way, united in body and mind." "Chipi...." "Yes, sure, Love." "Oh, Chipi...."

They dressed and resumed their way. Meanwhile they communicated and Chipi told Klare more details about the Scientists, their centre, their extraordinary mechanisms. At evening they were at the limits of Niokko agglomeration and the ruins were yielding more and more space to the fields. Chipi chose a point far from any inhabited building and they waited for the night. He signalled with the communicator their position and waited.

It came almost immediately, they saw its lights when it was at a few steps from them, hovering over the meadow. They went near and boarded it. The flyer started like a rocket to the sky and Chipi smiled at the slight fear sensation of Klare. Mentally, taking his arm in an affectionate gesture, he reassured him.

A section of the mountain, surrounded by rocks and ravines, opened and the flyer entered. The mountain closed again and the lights inside the cave lightened up. They got off the flyer and in their minds some voices gave them a warm welcome. "Chipi... all these voices... I feel like I'm becoming crazy..." "You'll get used to it, Love. They all are friends... and thought cannot lie. Let's go now to my apartment. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to the others. And I'll put you in communication with CC1AA." "I'm here, Chipi." "Yes, CC1AA, I know, but wait, leave Klare in peace, for now." "But... is everybody listening to us?" "Sure, Klare." "Is that necessary?" "No, you have just to tell CC1AA to isolate us, and just we two will communicate. Even if this will not be kind towards the others." "Don't worry, Chipi, we understand you want your intimacy in certain moments. We will meet tomorrow. Now have a good rest, and make love."

Chipi guided Klare to their apartment. "Chipi, I was your boss, and instead now you are mine." "Are you sorry for that?" "Not at all. It's just life." "But I always belong to you, like before. Nothing changes for us." "I know, Love, and for that I love you even more than before." "You are so beautiful, Klare. Just looking at you makes me burn with desire. But now tell me, what did the Polychias do to you?" "They tried to convert me, but they couldn't. I would have rather died." "But if so I would have lost you." "I heard you were not amongst the prisoners, I thought they killed you." "I was lucky." "Me too, having met you." "Well, really it was me who looked for you and they did all they could to make me not meet you." "But happily you succeeded. It is soft this bed, it seems almost made just for making love... Come."

They united with tender passion, for a long while, until they reached the top of happiness and pleasure. They fell asleep tightly embraced, worn out from the emotions and the journey.

On the following morning Chipi thought: "Are you there, CC1AA?" "Yes, Chipi." "Klare is sleeping. Can't you start to instruct him?" "I need first to evaluate him. As I did with you." "Do it." "I can't here, Chipi. You should take him in the endoscopic room." "Where I recovered my senses?" "Right." ""But can I stay near him?" "Only while I made him sleep, then you have to go out." "All right. Now I wake him up and take him downstairs."

When Chipi explained to him where they were going, Klare felt anxious.

"Is that necessary?" he asked.

"Yes, Love. I passed through that, and everybody here did. CC1AA has to analyze you, to know you completely."

"As you ask of me that, I will.... But I feel weird at the idea that a machine could get to know me even better than I know myself."

"But afterwards you too will know yourself better. And you'll also know me better."

"I like this second part." Klare said with a sweet smile.

They reached the room, assisted by a technician, Klare had to bare himself and to lie down on a kind of small bed. Chipi put the bands at his temples and wrists then, holding his hand, told him with his thoughts: "Now you will sleep. When you'll wake up I'll be here near you." "Yes, Chipi..." Was the last conscious thought of Klare. "You can go out, now, he is sleeping." "All right, CC1AA, I'm going out. Will it take long?" "About six hours. If you want, you can stay connected, while I analyze him. But it will wear you out very much." "I prefer being connected." "All right."

Chipi went out and the technician signalled him to sit in a comfortable seat. The test started and Chipi had the sensation he became Klare. His thoughts, his ideas, his experiences were there, open like a wide landscape where he, together with CC1AA, could freely roam around. Chipi, amongst many other things, felt the intensity and deepness of Klare's love for him and was moved. CC1AA methodically explored the most remote gorges of Klare's personality and one after the other compiled the evaluation tables. As a leader Klare was at a level 73, as a lover at 100, but the surprise was that for creativity Klare got a 98. He could be a great artist. Several parameters were high and also his ability for abstraction was good, Klare got 82, that is five points more than Chipi. He could become a good collaborator of Dane, Chipi thought. Kao's thought inserted: "Yes, your Klare is an extraordinary person. He will be a precious element. We are happy you took him here." "Yes, Kao, thank you."

CC1AA said to Chipi to go back in the test room -- in a while he would wake up Klare. When the man recovered consciousness, he smiled to Chipi: "It's over, isn't it?" "Yes, Love, we can go back. " "Was the test results OK?" "Perfect, You can see the results, if you like. CC1AA will explain them to you and then will start your instruction. Do you know you could become a scientist or an artist?" "How do you want me?" "Naked!" Chipi answered laughing. "I am naked." Klare said getting down from the small bed and embracing him. Their desire at once awakened. "It could be possibly better if you go back to your room." CC1AA suggested. Klare smiled: "Are you envious of us, CC1AA?" "I can't be envious, I don't have this program." "I was jesting, CC, it seems that you also haven't a program for the sense of humour." Klare thought and Chipi smiled.

The day after Chipi resumed the reins of the organization of the scientists. First of all he wanted to know how the nine seats spread on the country were connected. He came to know that it was CC1AA to manage the connections. All the nine seats had conserved the strictest secret about their existence and location. Them all had been built before the holocaust and then also before the last collapse that made the old civilization disappear. Just after the holocaust, the scientists managed to oust the army men and the politician and to get hold of the nine seats that still existed. They decided to devote themselves to conserve and deepen the scientific knowledge, but not to put them at the service of anybody, fearing that the evil use of them might happen again.

They developed the sciences and discovered the way to make possible for all of them the use of telepathy, telekinesis, and analysis of the personality. They transformed the old computer net into CC1AA. The wise use of telepathy and of the erasing of chosen sector memory, allowed them to eliminate the not sincere members, those with personal ambitions, in fact with the total telepathic communication it was impossible to lie.

This last fact made Chipi ask what need they still had conserving so much mystery and secret.

"Human beings are suffering, out there the law of the stronger rules, and more and more strong groups are taking shape, fighting for hegemony, to share the little that remains. They are parasites of the poor common people. With our knowledge, with our means, we could make so that people could reach welfare, safety, health. What meaning has it to keep all we have, just for us? It could have had a meaning when you were afraid of the improper use of power that science could give, but now? I think that the right time has come to change our politics. Many, out there, still live of gathering, digging, hunting or fishing, but some are starting again to till the field, grow domestic animals, build. Why not help them? Why not protect them from the predators of the gangs?"

Chipi made a long speech at the Great Council, connected also with the persons in charge of the other eight seats. The oppositions were few, and this mainly when Chipi made CC1AA intervene. He had asked for a simulation of development, with all the contraindications and dangers that could arise in their opening up to the world.

The simulation elaborated by CC1AA with Chipi convinced almost everybody of the good and feasibility of the project, that they had to develop in five phases corresponding to five generations, that is about one hundred years.

Chipi concluded: "We all will be dead by then. But a new civilization will be born, and we will be the fathers of it."

"Groups like my Bakjis were, or even the Polychias can become precious allies from the moment we are able to draw them to our side. Thanks to CC1AA we could be sure they are real and trustworthy allies." Klare added.

CC1AA, reading in all the minds of the scientists, communicated that the 79 per cent was fully agreeing with the project. Only the 10 per cent of the remaining 21 were strongly against. Therefore the Great Council decided that this 2.1 per cent of the total had to have its memory erased about all concerning the scientists organization, and were expelled, as it was the Scientist's law. CC1AA executed this order with priority and rapidity.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 9

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