Chocolate Chip Cookies

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Oct 30, 2012



Chocolate Chip Cookies

When the doorbell rang, Simon rushed to open it. He expected to see Paul, Margaret and Lucy, but Paul was standing there all alone. He was holding a capped bottle in his hand, which he thrust at Simon.

"I made us mimosa to go with brunch," Paul said.

"But where's Lucy and Margaret?"

"It's a long story. If you invite me in, I'll tell you all about it."

Was it only yesterday, Saturday morning, when Simon answered a similar ring to his doorbell? He opened the door, and there stood the cutest little girl in a Brownie uniform. With her was one of the handsomest men Simon had ever seen. He stood about six feet, two inches tall. His hair was dark brown, as were his eyes. He had a straight nose, a square chin, and he created dimples when he smiled. Simon tried to envision the man's cock, and he imagined it uncut and super-sized. Simon was speechless for a moment as his heart skipped a beat.

Finally he got himself together and asked, "Can I help you?"

"You sure can," Mr. America responded. "My daughter, Lucy, here, is taking orders for girl scout cookies. You can appreciate why I am accompanying her in this day and age."

"Fantastic," Simon answered. "Why don't you come in and show me what you've got, and I'll place an order." Simon had no intention of letting this hunk go anytime soon, and he prayed that the man got his double entendre.

His visitors followed Simon into the kitchen, and he motioned for them to be seated at the table.

"Do you live in this building?" Simon asked. "I don't recall seeing you here before."

"We moved in on the sixth floor about a month ago. In fact, we're right above you. Our apartments are replicas of each other."

"Well then, welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Simon Demarest." He stuck his hand out for his new neighbor to shake.

"I'm Paul Spenser," Paul said shaking Simon's hand. "It's a real pleasure to meet you. Is there a Mrs. Demarest?"

Simon shook his head. "Is there a Mrs. Spenser? Usually the mothers come around with the kids."

"My wife, Margaret, is a nurse. Her hours are very haphazard. She's at work right now."

"Can I get you guys a drink?" Simon asked. "How about a glass of milk, Lucy?"

"No thank you, Mr. Demarest." Lucy set about spreading pictures of the various cookies available all over the kitchen table. While she was doing that, Simon grew especially bold as a result of the lust raging within him.

"I would sure like to meet your wife and welcome you to the neighborhood," Simon said hopefully. "How would you, Margaret and Lucy, like to have brunch here with me tomorrow?"

Simon was not mistaken, when he thought he saw Paul's face light up. It literally beamed. "That is so nice of you," Paul said. "I'd really like that. What time would you like us?"

"Ten o'clock would be great."

"Everything is ready now Mr. Demarest," Lucy said. She had no way of knowing that she had just interrupted some very yearning looks passing between her father and her neighbor.

Lucy pointed to each picture and described the ingredients of the cookie on the picture. Simon ended up ordering six boxes of chocolate chip cookies. "I'm a sucker for these," he said. "I just can't resist them. I consider it to be comfort food."

Lucy wrote up the order with Paul's help. Simon gave her a check made out to the local troop, and she gave him a copy of the order marked `Paid in Full'.

As they got up to leave, Paul shook Simon's hand again. He held it tightly as they walked to the door, and only reluctantly let go of it when they reached it. Simon was really confused. Paul's actions were arousing him. They were seemingly inviting him to bed, but Paul was married. He reckoned that he must be mistaken.

Well, are you going to let me in, or are we just going to stand here?" Paul asked.

"Sorry! Sure come on in." Paul came in and Simon closed the door. "So what's the story?" Simon asked.

"A couple of nurses called in sick, so the hospital called Margaret and asked her to please fill in. I dropped Lucy off at her friend's house. Her parents are taking the girl's ice skating at Rockefeller Center. I figured it would be more fun anyway if it was just us guys."

"I like the way you think. Let's kick back and get comfortable." As he said that Simon removed his shoes.

"So tell me about yourself, Paul. What's your line?"

"I'm an accounting manager with Ernst and Young. How about you?"

"I'm a manager too, a stage manager. Right now I'm doing rehearsals for a new musical due to open next month."

"That's great. If the show's a hit, I'll bug you for house seats."

"No problem. Come into the kitchen. Since there are only two of us, I'll set brunch up in the kitchen and we can talk while I get everything ready. First off, where are you from? Your accent is pure Midwest."

"Very astute. I'm from Chicago. I was transferred to New York two years ago. We rented at first, but when we decided where we wanted to live, we bought the condo upstairs from you."

"I've lived in New York all my life," Simon commented.

"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Paul asked.

"Sure. I'll answer it if I can."

"This is a pretty large apartment for a single man. Was there ever a Mrs. Demarest?"

Simon laughed. "Not exactly. There was a Darren Gray living here once. I used to call him Dorian Gray. He never seemed to age."

"You had a room mate then?"

"Not exactly, Paul. We not only shared an apartment, we shared a bed." Simon grew silent, allowing Paul to absorb what he just told him.

"Are you telling me your gay?"

"Yes, for sure. I hope that doesn't mean you want to distance yourself from me."

"On the contrary. It means I want to get to know you better." Paul walked up to Simon. "Don't ask questions. Just follow my lead." He put his arms around Simon and offered him his lips. Simon responded immediately and soon their kisses became passionate.

Brunch was forgotten as Simon led Paul to the bedroom. They got naked very quickly and stood back to admire each other. Paul's cock was exactly as Simon had envisioned it; uncut, fat and seven inches or so erect. He had plenty of muscle from working out in a gym. Simon was exactly six feet tall, brown hair, brown eyes and a cut cock about the same size as Paul's.

Paul pushed Simon down on the bed and fell on him. He engulfed Simon's cock in his wet slobbery mouth and proceeded to give his host a very wet blow job. Simon felt himself cumming almost immediately and asked Paul to please stop.

"I don't want to cum so fast. Lie in bed with me for a little while and explain what's going on. You are moving very fast. Don't misunderstand, I love it, but I'm very confused."

Paul Spenser was always big for his age. He tried out for the high school football team in his freshman year. At fourteen he was already at least as big as any of the juniors. His coach would have liked to have put him on the team, but the school rules forced him to put Paul on the junior varsity team. Nonetheless, he allowed Paul to scrimmage with the older boys, and he and the coach became fast friends. Even at that age, Paul knew that he was gay, and he had a wild crush on Coach Hanson, which he valiantly suppressed.

One day, when Paul was a junior, the team was showering after a game. When he got out of the shower, he saw one of his team mates pushing around a much smaller boy, who was just trying to get something out of his locker.

"Faggot," his team member yelled at the cowering boy. "Wanna suck my cock?" The bully waved his cock in front of the boy's face.

Paul was at least four inches taller and twenty pounds heavier than the bully, so he had the balls to yell, "Leave him alone, Johnny. He's not bothering anyone."

Johnny laughed and started to leave the boy, when Coach Hanson yelled, "Don't be a wuss yourself, Johnny. Give the sissy faggot a fist in the face."

Paul's world fell apart right then and there. The man he so loved was a bigot of the worst kind. Fortunately, Johnny just continued to laugh and he walked away. The young boy beat a hasty retreat. That day Paul quit the team, and vowed to keep his impossible secret forever.

In college, Paul avoided joining any sport team, although he yearned to play football. He kept his visits to men's locker rooms to an absolute minimum. He also dated a lot of women, but avoided having sex by limiting himself to two dates per lady friend.

In his junior year, Paul was still a virgin. He had a deep crush on Gary Sherman, a male member of his class in Operational Auditing. The two men were good friends, and often double dated. It did not escape either of their attention that on their dates, they were more attentive to each other than to their female companions. One day, in the school cafeteria, Gary asked Paul if he would like to share an off campus apartment with him for their senior year. Paul jumped at the chance. They found a two bedroom furnished apartment, not far from campus, and rented it from the following August until June of the next year.

They both arrived at the apartment on August 1, three full weeks before school was to start. The moment that they were settled in, they just stood and stared at each other. No words were spoken, none were necessary. Telepathically they knew what each yearned for. They fell into each other's arms and began to kiss. Their arms flailed all over the place, trying to explore the other's body. They undressed rapidly.

The sight of their naked bodies was not new to them, but the sight of their erect cocks was. Both of them were uncut, thick and long. Paul was at least seven inches, and Gary was a fraction bigger. They fell to the carpeted living room floor, and twisted into a sixty-nine position.

They were both virgins, but pure instinct made them into two fantastic cock suckers. Paul came first, and Gary continued to suck him. Gary was holding Paul's cock so tight with his lips that he was about to beg Gary to let him loose, but he couldn't speak because he was still sucking Gary's cock. Suddenly, much to Paul's relief, Gary stopped sucking him, because it was his turn to gush out his jism. There was no mess. Each man had completely swallowed what was offered to him.

They turned and lay side by side, kissing and fondling, basking in the afterglow. Paul whispered in Gary's ear, "Will you fuck me tonight?"

"Of course I will, and I can't wait until you fuck me."

They made love nearly every night that school year, but after graduation, Paul went to work for Ernst and Young in Chicago, and Gary went to work for Price Waterhouse in Los Angeles. After a few months they stopped writing and telephoning. They just lost touch with each other, getting all tied up in their busy lives.

Paul was determined not to lead a gay life style. He stayed firmly in the closet. He rarely dated even when his co-workers offered to fix him up. Then he met Margaret, and he erroneously believed that he was `saved'.

She was a blind date, and as blind dates go, she was the prettiest. She was a nursing student, and would soon get her RN. Paul was blind-sighted by the fact that she actually turned him on. They slept together on their third date and got married soon after her graduation. A year later, Lucy was born.

Before Lucy came on the scene, Margaret worked erratic hours. Paul had plenty of free evenings. Much to his dismay, he could not resist the allure of male sex. He knew he should never have married Margaret, but he was powerless to change the situation. He would frequent gay bars, and his uncanny good looks assured him of scoring. He always made sure to get home before Margaret. Fortunately for him, his pregnant wife did not demand much sex from him.

When Lucy was eighteen months old, she was placed in day care, and Margaret returned to work part time. She still had crazy hours, but Paul had to baby sit when she worked nights. He was so frustrated, that he actually dared to have a trick visit him while Margaret was working at the hospital. He was so scared that she might walk in on them, that he never did it again.

When Lucy was six years old, Paul was transferred to New York in a managerial position. Margaret had no trouble obtaining a position at NYU Medical Center. For the next two years, Paul had no opportunity to have sex with a man, and then he met Simon.

When Simon opened the door for Paul and Lucy, Paul knew immediately that Simon was gay, and he determined to have sex with him. The thought that he might fall in love with him, never entered his mind."

Lying in bed and holding Paul tightly, Simon said, "Wow, Paul, you sure have complicated your life. One might even say, you have fucked it up. Why were you so afraid to be yourself?"

"I know I've been a jerk, but it's nothing I can reverse anymore. Please Simon, make love to me. It's been quite a long time, and I really am getting unhappy and more frustrated every day."

"Are you telling me that you just want to use me as a vehicle to get your rocks off? Be honest with me. If that's what it is, I don't mind. It's just that...." Simon's voice trailed off.

"That's the problem," Paul said. "When I laid my eyes on you, that's what I did think. I thought of you as a fuck buddy, and living right next door, so to speak. I got really excited, but then I realized that you meant more to me. I can't explain how it happened so fast, but I want more from you?"

"What do you want, Paul?"

"I want your love," Paul sighed, and he started to cry softly. Simon held him closer.

"This is pure insanity. I don't believe in gay men getting involved with married men. It's a recipe for disaster, but I feel something for you also."

"Simon, please make love to me. I know it's complicated. We'll figure it out afterward." They were still in bed, still naked, and still sporting hard-as-rock erections.

"Lie on your back," Simon told Paul, "and don't do a thing. This is going to be my big scene."

"Whatever you want," Paul said, and the two men kissed.

Simon laid himself on top of Paul so that their cocks were rubbing together. He kissed Paul with an open mouth and Paul kissed back. Their kisses got more and more passionate. Little by little, as slowly as he could, Simon began to descend down Paul's body. As he did, he continued to kiss his lover. He spent a lot of time kissing inside Paul's ears, making him squirm, and then he started kissing Paul's neck. Neither gave a damn if Paul got a hickey or not.

Eventually Simon reached Paul's nipples. He nibbled and bit and sucked each tender tit until he realized that Paul was crying, so he stopped. "Please don't stop," Paul sobbed.

"Are you OK?"

"Yes. I'm just so happy. It's never been like this before. It's so good."

Encouraged to move on, Simon began to suckle Paul's innie, trying darn hard to convert it to an outie. It seemed to take forever, but Simon continued his downward spiral until he was sucking Paul's trimmed pubic area, and then his balls. He was careful to avoid Paul's cock, which was now bathed in precum. From there he ran his tongue inside both of Paul's thighs and his legs, and finally he suckled all ten toes.

"Please turn over," he said very softly. Paul turned over and Simon placed his entire body on top of Paul's so that his hard cock was probing Paul's crack. Simon began to kiss Paul's neck and little by little, centimeter by centimeter, he descended down Paul's muscular body. He bypassed Paul's ass, and kissed his way down Paul's legs and the souls of his feet. Finally he put both hands on Paul's southern cheeks and began to spread them.

Simon spit on Paul's crack and then he buried his face in Paul's ass. His tongue started to dart up and down Paul's crack, and finally it stopped at the entrance to Paul's luscious, pink, fucking hole. Simon made his tongue as hard as he could and tried to penetrate as far into that beautiful crack as he could.

"Fuck me, please. Fuck me right now," Paul whimpered. Suddenly Simon became an animal. Without protection and without lubrication, he positioned his cock at Paul's hole and pushed in. Paul gave out one scream, but Simon was already all the way in. He lay there doggie style and didn't dare move. He felt Paul's body relax beneath him, and Paul whispered, "Now Simon, please, fuck me before I die from desire."

Simon began to pump slowly, but after a few strokes, Paul begged him to push harder and deeper. He increased his pace and it wasn't long before he felt his climax coming on.

"Shall I let loose inside of you or withdraw?" he asked Paul.

"For God's sake, don't you dare withdraw. I want to feel you gushing inside of me."

Simon increased his pace, and yelling out one long primordial scream, he unleashed his cum into Paul's welcoming receptacle. Afterward, he lay still until nature took its course and his cock slipped out. He turned over on his side. Paul was still lying on his stomach. He rolled over also, and Simon could see that the sheet was wet with semen. Paul had cum also. The two men turned to each other and embraced. Paul's residual cum squished between them.

"It's time," Simon said.

"Time for what?"

"Time to think about what we are going to do about this. You said we should think about what to do after we made love."

"Let's think about it tomorrow," Paul said. "After all, tomorrow is another day. For now, let's just make love."

Just then, a knocking was heard from the front door, and after no response was given, an incessant pounding began that would not quit.

"Fire! Fire!" yelled an almost inaudible frantic female voice. The knocking was ceaseless. "Fire! Fire!" she yelled again and again.

Simon jumped out of bed, and threw on his gold and brown shortie kimono, which covered nothing lower than his semi-aroused family jewels. Paul pulled on his trousers without his underwear, and slipped into his loafers without sox. Neither man gave a thought to the nearly freezing temperature outside. Paul was thinking how glad he was that both his wife and daughter were out of the building.

Throwing open the door, they were forced back by a puff of hot fiery air. Once the air pressure equalized, they could see that the hallway was engulfed in flames. Simon grabbed Paul's hand.

"Come with me," he yelled over the roar of the flames. "Thank God this is an old building. We can use the fire escape." He pulled Paul back into his bedroom and ran to the window. They both worked hard to open it. It hadn't been opened since Simon had the apartment painted the past September. Finally, and thankfully, it gave. They opened the window, and wended their way down the fire escape. They had to drop about six feet from the bottom rung of the ladder to the sidewalk below. Fortunately, there were many neighborly arms to help them.

When they reached safety, the fire engines were just arriving, followed closely by ambulances. Both men had suffered burns when they threw open the front door. One of the bystanders yelled to a firefighter, "These guys need attention." Almost immediately, an EMT ran over, and hustled them into an ambulance. She applied some soothing salves to their faces, arms and torsos, and appreciated the fact that both men were near naked, and that they were both hot guys.

"It doesn't look too bad, but we'll get you to the hospital at once," she said. As the ambulance sped away, many others were arriving on the scene. The ER had been alerted, and most of the hospital staff was standing at the emergency room door waiting for the ambulances to begin bringing in victims.

Margaret spotted her husband almost at once. She ran over to him, and even as he was being wheeled in with Simon right behind him, she yelled, "Lucy?"

"She's safe. The O'Tooles took her ice skating with Marci. Hopefully they're at Rockefeller Center."

Margaret realized that another gurney had come off the ambulance right after Paul's. She ran over to see what condition the other victim was in. She was glad to see that both men had suffered only first degree burns, hardly more than a bad sunburn.

The two gurneys were placed side by side in the ER, and Paul said, "Honey, meet Simon Demarest. He was nice enough to make the brunch he promised us, even if you and Lucy couldn't make it."

She smiled at Simon. "Neither of you looks too bad. We should be able to release you today, but where are we all going to go?"

"My folks are empty nesters," Simon said. "They have a big house in New Rochelle. I'm sure they would put all of us up until we see what's what."

"That would be a terrible imposition," Margaret said.

"You don't know my parents," Simon countered.

Margaret and another nurse set about attending to the victims' burns. Suddenly it hit her in a disturbing flash of light. If they were having brunch together, why were they both practically naked? Ever since she had met her husband, she had a gnawing suspicion about him. One of her nursing school friends had even advised her that she had heard some nasty gossip about Paul, but Margaret chalked it up to just that; nasty gossip.

Margaret was attending to Simon, and the other nurse was attending to Paul. Margaret whispered softly so that Paul could not hear, "Before I take you up on your generous offer, I have to know something."


"The rumor in the building is that you are gay. Is it true?"

"Yes, ma'am it's true. I hope that you aren't going to let that stand in the way of allowing my folks to put you up for a short while." Margaret didn't answer. Instead she turned to an orderly. "They're ready," she said. "Wheel them over there and get a doctor to see if he wants to discharge them."

Just then Margaret's cell phone rang. It was Lucy. She assured her daughter that she and her daddy were safe, and asked to speak to the O'Tooles. Mrs. O'Toole graciously agreed to allow Margaret and Lucy to stay with them until they could find housing. When they inquired about Paul, Margaret informed them that he would be staying with a friend in New Rochelle.

Simon called his father, who came to the hospital with clothes for him and Paul. Simon's father was a big man, and his clothes were baggy on both of them, but nobody gave a damn.

A couple of days later, Paul met Margaret after her shift at the hospital. She confronted him with her suspicions, and he didn't deny them. She told him that their marriage was over.

Their building was condemned. With the help of insurance money, Margaret and Lucy moved into a small two-bedroom apartment in the same neighborhood, so that Lucy did not have to switch schools. She started divorce proceedings as soon as she was settled in.

Paul and Simon took a modest two bedroom apartment farther downtown. They would have taken a one bedroom, but Paul had Lucy every other weekend. She personally delivered the chocolate chip cookies when they arrived. Between the three of them, all six boxes were gone in a couple of hours.

It took Paul a long time to get over his feelings of guilt, but time does indeed heal all wounds. Within a year, Margaret was dating a recently divorced doctor, and that was very helpful in assuaging Paul's guilt. His greatest balm was Simon's love and generous TLC, which was going a long way toward healing him. Whenever Simon wrapped him in his arms, it was easy for Paul to forget about his failed marriage. What he had with Simon made up for all those years of yearning to be with a loving man, and far exceeded all his expectations.

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