
By Love

Published on Sep 17, 2004


Standard warning: If you shouldn't be reading this, don't. You know you who you are, although I have to say warnings like that never stopped me. You know if pornography is illegal, if you're underage, and all that jazz. I am not responsible, nor liable, for any legal or parental trouble you may get in as a result of reading this. You're on your own.

On a different note, if you have read this far in the series, it's mandatory that you tell me what you think. Write me at No exceptions, no excuses. Look forward to hearing for you!

And remember, sex is only sex between two consenting partners of any kind. If someone doesn't consent, that's rape. Sex is good. Rape is bad. Long live sex.


It was dark when Chris woke up. Because of the black-out blinds on Adam's window, he really couldn't see the daylight but he could feel it in his body. It felt well rested but achy, the kind of achy that says he had slept on the floor for a long time after his visit to Nicole last night. And why not? He was very tired after staying up so late with his friend's little sister.

Before opening his eyes, his mind instantly drifted to pictures of his recent sexual engagements. He saw Mrs. Barbara, her legs spread-eagled and her face contorted, moaning as he fucked her with everything he had. He lazily thought of Adam's cock, big and sexy, as it came towards his mouth and he swallowed it down. He thought of Nicole, her little body heaving with her first orgasm as he knelt between her legs.

Crap! Just thinking about it made his dick hard. He realized that his dick was standing straight up and probably tenting the blanket. For a long moment Chris hoped no one saw; then, it began to dawn on him that everyone in the house had seen and tasted his dick. That was enough to keep the erection going, but he had to get up. Life wasn't ALL about sex, after all. It was just its chief pleasure.

He yawned and opened his eyes. The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by the edges of light filtering in through the blinds. It was, what, a Monday? He couldn't even keep track of days of the week when he wasn't in school. Monday meant Mrs. Barbara should be at work. That stunk. He had been looking forward to some hanky-panky. Oh, well. Maybe tonight. (He realized that he was insatiable. But then again, most men are. And even more so the sex fiends.)

He stood up in the empty room, unsurprised to find that Adam had already gotten up. After all, he had gotten a full night's sleep, hadn't he? That bastard. But Chris thought it with a grin.

He opened the door and stepped into the hallway, his eyes blinking in the bright glare of the newfound sunlight. As his eyes adjusted, he proceeded into the living room.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Did you have a long night? Or are you just lazy?" Mrs. Barbara called from the kitchen. She was in the kitchen, just setting it up for breakfast. Apparently they had waited on him for a while. She was wearing a cute jean skirt, which came about midway down her tanned thigh, and a white, almost-but-not-quite see-through button up shirt, with sleeves rolled back, and black flip-flops. It looked very chic, and very un-Mom-ish. Chris wondered how Adam felt about his mom dressing like she was a girl in her early twenties.

"Just lazy," he said with a laugh, and she returned a bright white smile. She held the smile and looked at him for just a second too long, though, it seemed to him. For an almost panicked moment he thought she knew what had happened the night before- but how could she? He was just paranoid.

"Yeah, you've always been a lazy bum," teased Adam from the left side of the table closest to Chris. "When are you going to become a productive member of society?"

"Pretty much the day you get a job, Mr. Hard Work. I figure that gives me plenty of time," Chris retorted, taking his place at the table next to Adam. Adam took a pretend swat to Chris's head, and Chris ducked.

"Hey, you two, settle down. You're acting like wild animals," Mrs. Barbara scolded, with a slight smile at Chris and an emphasis on wild animals.

"Oh, please Mom, who was tickling me like fifteen minutes ago? And I'm seventeen, way too old to be tickled by old farts like you," said Adam, smiling and awaiting the coming blow.

Mrs. Barbara gave a fake sob. "I slave every day to take care of my beautiful children, working myself to the bone, loving them like no one else does, and sacrificing everything for them. And what do I get in return? Mean-spirited jabs about age! Kids these days!"

Adam shook his head with a half-smile. "Cry me a river."

"At least Nicole loves me, right, Nicole?"

Nicole had so far been silent, sitting in the opposite corner of the table from Chris. She looked shyly at Chris before smiling, radiantly, but silently, at her mother.

Taking the obvious cue, Mrs. Barbara groaned. "None of my children love me. Alas, alas! Woe is me!" And with that melodramatic line, she threw her hands up in the air, and returned to fixing the remainder of breakfast.

Chris laughed and looked briefly at the other two members of the table. Nicole was dressed in a white cotton tank top that had a picture of SquareBob SpongePants on it. She was also wearing those athletic sleep pants, whatever they were called, that girls were so fond of wearing. They were tight on her little body.

Nicole caught him looking her over, and she smiled again, more mischievously this time, the smile of a girl who knows she's wanted; to think she was only twelve and a half years old...

Adam was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. They were both loose on his thin body, which may not have been bulky, but was nice and ripped, for the most part. The jeans concealed a tight, round butt, and a big dick. Although Chris was not an expert, he knew Adam's dick was at least eight or eight and a half inches long, and that was a lot for a teenage guy, Chris thought. Adam's face was cute, but not gorgeous or anything; at least, that was what the girl's told him. He really couldn't tell, having been friends with him for so long.

Chris stopped staring and looked in the kitchen as Adam and Nicole carried on a conversation about some baseball game of was back and forth, with Nicole claiming he hadn't done something and Adam claiming he had, until Mrs. Barbara brought the food. He wasn't really paying attention to them.

"Why aren't you at work today, Mrs. Barbara?" Chris asked.

She smiled condescendingly at him. "It's Labor Day, crazy. You know that."

"Oh yeah," he said, laughing a bit at himself and trying to recover, "Of course I did."

Mrs. Barbara's smirk said all there was to be said for that recovery.

They sat and ate, talking amongst themselves like family, which they really were, he guessed. He had been here more times than he could remember, and the talk between them was easy and familiar. By listening to them, you wouldn't think that all of them were sex fiends. But really, they were. Mrs. Barbara had slept with a fifteen, soon to be sixteen year old, her son's best friend. Adam was also sleeping with his best friend, as both were bi, although they had never been with any other guy. Nicole was only twelve and had already been eaten out and swallowed cum. How could they not be sex fiends? Chris wondered if most people had such "twisted" desires, or experiences, and just never talked about them.

After breakfast Nicole retreated to her room to talk on the phone, and Adam headed to his room to play a video game on the PE2, though of course he called over his shoulder, "Hey Chris, you coming?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute. I was going to help your mom put up dishes."

Adam gave him a strange look and a laugh. "All right, suit yourself, loser face."

Chris started gathering up the dishes with Mrs. Barbara and putting them in the sink as she rinsed them. As she was rinsing the last of them he snuck up behind her and ran his finger softly down the inside of her right thigh...slowly...and then back up again, until he was almost touching the source of her heat.

She grabbed his finger, deep inside her skirt, as he touched her pantied pussy. She stopped him, although she didn't remove his finger. It was gentle, the way a woman does to a lover that she wants to fulfill but can't.

"Sorry, camper. Not today. The park is closed to visitors," she said softly, teasingly, making sure that her voice didn't carry.

"But miss, I'm a wildlife specialist. I'm trained for this sort of thing," he said humorously.

"Nice try, babe. But no clearance for you." She turned to him with a smile, still holding his finger. Unable to resist a tease, however, she put it to her lips and let it graze down, moving between her breasts and lower belly, before releasing it.

"Why not?" he asked, a little put off.

"Look, I know you're horny. I am too. But we're getting a new house-guest today, and I can't be all hot and bothered, and neither can you. I've got to get things ready, and I can't do that if I'm screwing your brains out. Besides, Adam wants you to play a video game. You can't just disappear."

Chris thought it was hot the way she said screw your brains out...anyway, he was disappointed. "But..."

"No buts."

Chris stood there for a minute, looking into her mischievous eyes. "Who is this new houseguest, anyways?"

Mrs. Barbara sighed. "It's Adam's half sister. My ex-husband's other child."

"Really? So why is she moving in?"

"Well, she's nineteen, and she's...a bit of a partier...and a sexpot. I told her mom that she shouldn't have let her be a model at such a young age, that it would corrupt her, but she doesn't listen to me. Of course, I didn't listen to her about Rob, my ex-husband, either. Only fair, I guess..." she sighed.

"Anyway, she apparently tried to put the moves on her mom's new boyfriend, and when she did, he pushed her off and told her mom. Well, of course, her mom was really angry about it and kicked her out of the house. Told her not to come back. After she said that, though, she softened a bit and asked me if she could come stay with us for awhile, take a leave from modeling, to see if maybe a change in venue would straighten her out. So, she's going to stay her for awhile, in my room, and we'll see how it goes. Maybe she'll learn not to do stupid things like go after her mother's boyfriend."

Chris was quiet, thinking of the possibilities but unsure of what to say to Barbara. After all, he was currently screwing Mrs. Barbara. How would she take it if he screwed another girl? Not to mention this girl was coming over here to be "straightened out".

So he played it safe. "What's her name?"



"You better be on your best behavior, young man. Her parents will kill me if she gets in more trouble." It was said sternly, but with a glint in the eye, as if she, too, had thought of the possibilities.

"Yes ma'm," he said, with mock respect. Then he saluted.

"Get out of here," she said, laughing, and pushed him out of the kitchen.

"Wait, wait!" he said. "One more question."

"What's that?" she asked.

"How come you're on such good terms with your ex-husband's ex-wife? I mean, isn't a little strange to be taking in a child that isn't even yours and belongs to your to someone related to you the way she is?"

Barbara sighed. "Well...she's really a nice lady. We knew each other before her and Rob ever got married. And we both got screwed by the same bastard. That counts for a lot."

"Ah..." Chris said, "I suppose it does."

He stumbled into the room with Adam, who was already engrossed in "Raphael", a game about an archangel who decides to serve up justice the hard way. It allowed to players to play cooperatively through it, and it was all Adam and he had played lately.

As Adam started their saved game Chris picked up a controller and settled onto the bed.

"Hey, I heard you're half sister's coming to stay with us," Chris said, by way of making conversation.

"Yeah, she's here to look for a job, or something like that," Adam replied. Chris realized he didn't know the whole story and decided not to share it if Mrs. Barbara had decided it shouldn't be shared.

"Your mom told me she does some modeling. I bet she's hot," he said, trying to tease him.

To his surprise, Adam only said, nonchalantly, "Yeah, she is."

"Doesn't it feel weird for someone related to you to be hot?" Chris asked curiously. He didn't know what that was like, seeing as none of his relatives were blessed with the same good looks that he had.

"Yeah," Adam said uneasily, "It makes me feel weird around her. I don't ever see her, really, and that makes it worse, you know? It's like I know she's my half sister, but it doesn't really FEEL like it because I never see her. And she's like, really hot, and I don't know...sometimes when I masturbate I think about makes me feel guilty."

Chris decided to play it off. "But then you think of me, and everything's all better, right?"

"Ha ha, very funny. I'm not attracted to morons like you."

"Oh, really?" Chris asked. "That sounds like a challenge."

Adam smiled, still looking at the screen. "Take it how you will."

In the dim light, Chris could already see a visible bulge in Adam's pants. "Then something like this," he said, "won't bother you at all?"

He exited his side of the game, leaving Adam to play alone, and locked the door.

He sat knelt on the floor between Adam's legs, face to face with the bulge in Adam's pants. He ran his fingers along it, rubbing it through the jeans, and it grew bigger.

"Seems like someone's ready to come out," Chris said gleefully, as Adam pretended to concentrate all his attention on the game. He unbuttoned the buttons on Adam's jeans, and unzipped the zipper, revealing a boxer clad lump that was growing by the minute.

He fished inside the slit, and pulled with some effort, freeing the beast. Adam's cock was already full-grown, huge, eight inches sprouting from his lean body. It was flesh-colored, with only a few veins running here and there along it. His huge mushroom shaped head was soft and pliable, and Chris gleefully mashed it between his fingers. Adam twitched, but continued playing the game.

His quarry now free, Chris turned to other things. He took off his shirt, revealing his muscular build, his large biceps and triceps, his abs, his pecs. He pulled down his shorts, where his own dick was now at its full six inches. It had grown a bit recently, and he understood that six was supposed to be one above average, so he didn't feel embarrassed by Adam's huge cock.

Chris stepped out of the shorts, now completely naked, and crouched back down. Slowly rubbing his own dick with one hand, he took Adam's cock in his mouth. The warm, throbbing member felt so good in his mouth. He slurped on it a little bit, taking a large portion in his mouth, maybe six inches or so. He moved his head up and down, slowly, keeping his suction on Adam's dick. He could taste the salty taste of pre-cum.

He moved his tongue around in his mouth, running it over the tasty head of his cock, swirling it around his pole. His mouth made sucking sounds as he moved his head back and forth, loving this little moment of cock. As much as he loved girls, tits, and pussy, he had to say that he liked cock a whole lot. Not as much as girls, but still a lot.

Adam turned off the game, and Chris released his cock, which was now soaked with Chris's saliva. Adam pulled his shirt over his head, and dropped his pants, making him completely naked now, also. The two teenage boys stood, facing one another, both rock hard and completely naked.

"Not distracted, huh?" Chris asked, cockily.

"Not at all," Adam replied, "I just felt like getting out of the confines of my clothes."

Adam locked his warm lips around Chris's, and they came together, there dicks side by side on each other's belly. Chris put both hands around Adam's ass, squeezing his cute cheeks, and pushed him back onto the bed.

They lay on top of one another, their tongues slowly touching each other, like a ballroom dance in their mouths. Unconsciously, they thrust against each other's bellies, trying to find the non-existent pussy. Adam, on the bottom, grabbed Chris's ass, and fondled the plump, juicy, bubble butt, massaging it in his hands.

Chris began to kiss Adam's neck, slowly kissing down his chest, pausing at his nipples. He licked them until they were hard and stood firmly up in the cool bedroom. Then he kissed, little by little, down his stomach, until he came once again to Adam's horse cock.

He spit on his hand and rubbed it on Adam's dick, lubricating it further. Then he took the slippery serpent between his hands and squelched it furiously. As he jacked him off, he grazed his tongue along Adam's dick, caressing his head and tasting the saltiness issuing forth from his slit. Adam lay back, put his hand on Chris's head, and softly moaned, mindful that the walls were thin.

As Adam began to moan more furiously, Chris slowed down, feeling especially dirty. He felt like getting fucked.

"Adam," Chris said. "I want you to fuck me..."

Adam kept his eyes closed as he replied, "Okay, let's do it."

Hurriedly Chris fished a condom from his pants, and some petroleum jelly he had stolen from his mom before he came...he had thought he might be trying something new.

Chris quickly took a finger and lightly brushed a good gob of petroleum jelly onto his asshole. Then he opened the condom and slipped it onto Adam's dick, rubbing some more Petroleum jelly on it, for good measure.

"That way," he said, "Your dick doesn't get shitty or whatever."

"Ok," Adam said, starting to look a little excited himself. This was kinky, at least for wasn't something that happened often.

Now Chris bent over the bed, with his knees touching the side, and his ass facing away from the bed. He spread wide his beautiful cheeks, revealing the small, puckered hole about to be violated. Spread across, right in the middle of the hole, was a mass of petroleum jelly. Chris rubbed it with his finger, dipping it slightly in his ass, delighting in the warmth of his cavity.

"Go slow...don't hurt me..." Chris said, excited but hesitant.

"I won't," Adam said, breathing hard.

Chris felt like a slut as Adam put his hands on Chris's hips. Chris spread his butt as wide open as he could without using his hands, because he was leaning against the bed.

As Adam's dick first touched his hole, he took a little breath. It pushed at his entrance, big, warm, human.

"Slow..." Chris cautioned.

"I'm going slow."

Slowly, his ass opened up, folding hotly around Adam's head. Adam gripped Chris's hips a bit tighter, and Chris tried to suck in the stick that was plowing his butt. It was moving in, slowly, inch by inch. Chris felt his rectum folding outward as it explored, opening up spaces that had never been opened before.

Adam got about six inches in before Chris said, "Stop. That's as far as it's going to go."

"Okay," he replied, and began to move it slowly back out. It slid, and the walls closed behind it, only to be opened again as he slid back in, slowly. The petroleum jelly did its job in making the transition easy. Soon he was slowly pumping his dick six inches in, six inches out, over and over, but still slowly.

Eventually he picked up a little bit of speed, and whimpered. His cry was half pleasure and half pain; if hell and heaven has existed side by side, they might have felt like this. He took one hand off the bed and put it on his dick, massaging it. Adam moaned, moving back and forth, and the whole bed was creaking but neither one knew, and if they had, they might not have cared.

In the heat of the moment, strangely enough, Adam slapped his ass. The surrounding skin made a smacking sound, and it jiggled just a bit from the blow. Adam rubbed it as it recovered, reveling in the warm sensation of being encased in his best friend's ass, of fondling it as he stroked it rapidly inside.

Time passed, feeling like both an eternity and a flash, both of them lost in a fleeting moment of pleasure. Chris still felt that pleasurable feeling of being a slut, of being penetrated by a man. He could understand how a girl could want a dick so badly, although he preferred to be the penetrator. He continued to whimper as Adam pounded him.

Eventually, Adam slowed down. "I'm about to cum," he said, breathless.

"Stop!" Chris said.

Obediently Adam stopped, and Chris pulled away from his cock. It emerged with a small, wet, pop, and stood there, twitching. From the underside of the dirty condom, Chris peeled away the rubber, carefully tossing it in the garbage.

"I want to taste your cum," Chris said, carried away into wild abandon. He was horny, hot, and insatiable. Somehow, being ravished had increased his liking for boy sex, and he wanted nothing more at the moment then to jack Adam's thick, juicy cock and receive the jizz he had coming. His own dick was close to cumming from the pumping that he had put it through.

"Mmmm..." Adam said as Chris knelt at his feet and his warm mouth wrapped around his cock. "I can't believe I love putting my cock in your mouth so much. It's weird."

Chris tongue went to work, and it was mere seconds before Adam's body tensed and began to surge. Chris sat back and let the cream spray on his face, briefly remembering his tryst with Nicole. It could have been Nicole sitting here, getting sprayed by her brother, he thought...although the thought had never really appealed to him. Until now, that is. Perhaps it was because he had never thought about it before, or perhaps it was his heightened state of horniness, but the thought of Nicole swallowing her big brother's cum sent him over the edge, too.

Even as Adam's dick painted stripes across his face, stripes that he eagerly licked, he shot his own load upward, where some it undoubtedly clung to Adam's sack, but the rest plunged with gravity to the floor.

Both boys released pent-up breaths at the same time they released their sperm. After they were done, both boys stood up, facing each other, limp and soaking dicks pressed together.

"I'm really attracted to you," Adam said. "It's not just like getting release because I'm not screwing a girl."

"Yeah," was all Chris offered. It was all he had to as their lips locked again, Adam's hand gripping and rubbing Chris's chest muscles, and Chris's hands grabbing Adam's butt. Their kiss ended with a tiny smack. And that was that.

"You got cum on my floor, you little retard!" exclaimed Adam after the moment had passed.

Chris just laughed, and soon Adam did too. That is, after he cleaned up the mess. After all, he had been the one getting a blowjob.

A knock at the door interrupted their game of "Raphael".

"Hey guys," Mrs. Barbara said, "Come on out. She's going to be here any minute. She just called from her cell phone."

As they followed her into the living room, Mrs. Barbara told them, "Now, I haven't seen her in forever, so I'm not even sure what she looks like now. You boys," and, with a glance to Nicole sitting on the couch, "and you girls be nice to her, no matter what she looks like or how she dresses. She's going to be staying for awhile, so, be on your best behavior. Ok?"

"Ok! Jeez..." rolled the chorus from three mouths.

Pretty soon, the doorbell rang throughout the living room, and immediately, Mrs. Barbara jumped up to answer it.

When she opened the door, everyone in the room dropped their jaw, including Mrs. Barbara. What came through the door looked more like a succubus with clothes on than a real girl. Her long and shiny, curly brown hair rolled down to her shoulders. Her eyes were the prettiest green any of them could ever remember seeing, set atop a cute, perky nose. Her lips were round, full, almost comparable to Angelina Jolie's, only a bit smaller.

Her body was the stuff of dreams. Although she only wore a tank top, her big (but not too big; Mrs. Barbara guessed they were a 36C) breasts filled it out like it had been made for it. Her stomach beneath however, was round and flat, giving a hint of well-developed abs underneath the shirt. Her waist was tiny, but her waist flared out and around into a full, muscular ass. Out of her skirt her tanned legs flowed like a river. They were long, luscious, and muscular without a hint of fat. Even her calves were perfectly formed.

It took everyone in the room a minute to draw their breath, although Julie came in as if she had no idea of the effect she had on those gathered around her.

"Hi," she said, almost shyly, her hands held demurely behind her back.

"Hi," said four voices in unison, still amazingly awe-struck.

Mrs. Barbara recovered first. "Oh my God, it's been so long since I've seen you, Julie! You've grown, uh, up so much! How are you?"

"Oh," she said sweetly, "I'm doing okay. How are you, Mrs. Barbara?"

"Oh honey," said Miss Barbara as she drew her in for a hug, "Don't call me that. You're really family. Just call me Aunt Barb."

"Ok," she said, "It's nice to see you again, Aunt Barb."

"You, too, baby. Let's go out to the car and get your stuff."

"Yes ma'm," she said meekly, but as she left she gave a parting, sultry glance at Adam or Chris, one, that made them both feel instantly as if they were running a fever.

Nicole was the second to recover, darting outside to help with Julie's stuff. Adam and Chris both just stood there, staring at the empty air.

"You didn't tell me she looked like that," Chris said, tone empty of all accusation.

"Man, I, uh, didn't know...I mean, last time I saw her..." Adam stumbled over his words, blushing, realizing that the stirring in his pants was for a girl that was at least half related to him. Even so, the little erection remained, and so did the thoughts.

"Damn, dude...I can't deal with having someone in the house that hot."

"I don't know if I can, either," Adam confessed uncertainly.

Soon Julie was moved in, her suitcase in Mrs. Barbara's room, her toiletries unpacked, her tour of the house she had not seen in so long completed. At Mrs. Barbara's suggestion, they all sat down to watch some T.V., some sitcom on Flick at Night. The way Chris's mind raced though, it felt like should be Dick at Night, or Lick at Night, or something. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch next to Adam, trying not to be too obvious when he stared.

Julie sat by herself, opposite the couch, on the loveseat. Nicole huddled close to the T.V., the newness of the guest worn off, for the present. Barbara sat in the recliner, kicked back, though careful to cross her legs of her least for now.

Julie seemed at ease, leaned back on the couch, taking in the show and the people. She seemed as if she was in her own house, watching her own T.V. Whether that was good or bad, Chris couldn't say. Was she merely easygoing, or presumptuous? He leaned towards easygoing, but he couldn't be sure. And maybe her looks had blinded his judgment a bit. Shoot, who was he kidding? He knew they had.

"So, Julie, what do you plan on doing tomorrow?" Barbara asked, curious.

"Well, I don't know," Julie said thoughtfully. "I need to look for a job, but I don't know my way around...I wouldn't know where to look."

"No problem. You can just hang around the house here until I get home, I guess, and then I can show you around a little bit. I'd do it tonight but you got here a bit late."

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. "I got lost on the way."

"Helps if you read the directions," Adam chimed in.

"Thank you, Adam. I'll remember that next time," she replied sarcastically.

"Better watch out, Adam, she might be a match for you," Chris said teasingly.

"Oh, you know it," she said, jauntily, with a smile at Chris that made his heart flutter.

"Yeah, you and what army, little girl?" asked Adam.

"You know, Adam," said Mrs. Barbara, "She is taller than you."

Everyone laughed as Adam turned red. "Shut up, Mom!" he said, laughing embarrassedly.

"Hey, I was just saying," said Mrs. Barbara, getting up to go in the kitchen.

"That's okay, Adam," said Julie, "I still like you. Even though I could SO beat you up- you and your friend."

"Yeah, yeah," said Adam. "Bring it on."

"Maybe I will..." she said, and the suggestive comment brought silence. Chris couldn't tell if she meant to say it that way or if it was just that everything she did came out sexy.

As Mrs. Barbara came back in the room, she had a bottle of wine and a couple glasses. "I figured we'd celebrate you're coming a little bit, Julie. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Julie said, "As long as I'm allowed to celebrate with you."

"Of course," Mrs. Barbara said, "You're a big girl. I figured you could have some. The boys, I'm afraid, aren't so lucky, however," she continued with a smirk on her face.

"It is beneath me to beg, anyway," said Adam, holding his nose up in mock snobbery.

"Yeah, I bet," said Chris. "But not me. Come on, Mrs. Barbara!"

"No boys, sorry," she said. "Maybe next time."

A little smile formed on Julie's face as she watched the exchange. Nicole, however, sat oblivious to the whole thing as Mrs. Barbara popped the cork and poured some wine into the two glasses.

"If you finish your glass, Julie, by all means, help yourself."

"Yes ma'm," she replied demurely. "Thank you."

The two sat nursing their glasses and everyone's attention turned to the TV. Soon, however, Chris's attention wandered. As he looked at the opposite side of the room, he soon realized that Mrs. Barbara's skirt was ever-so-slightly hiked up, and even though she had her legs primly together he could see quite a bit of her leg. He eyed the smoothness of her thighs while her attention was focused elsewhere.

His lap was just beginning to rouse itself when she moved to pour another glass of wine for her and Julie. As she moved out of the recliner, he saw a flash, but it was not the white that he expected. Instead, he thought he saw little blond curls where her hair had grown back after she had shaved herself, and maybe- just maybe- he saw a flash of pink. When had she taken off her panties?

Mrs. Barbara caught the direction of his eyes as she sat back down, and she smiled wickedly. Mimicking Julie, she tipped her glass back to her lips and drank deeply, and as she did she opened up her legs, just a little bit. The flash appeared again, searing itself deep into Chris. It flashed heat from directly between her thighs to his.

After she was done drinking, she noticed that both glasses were empty, so she filled them again. Julie thanked her and began looking at the other side of the room, bored by the sitcom. She never watched the things...they weren't exactly the kind of "show" she liked.

She looked over at Adam, noting with approval his growth since the last time she had seen him. He was definitely a cute little thing now, and if his dick was anything like his dad's, probably well-hung. She caught the last thought just as it was leaving her mind, and she shook her head, inwardly. What was she thinking? He was her half-brother, for heaven's sakes. Though it wasn't like he hadn't eyed her quite a bit, the horny little devil. She felt sorry for him, though. He couldn't help how he felt.

She decided it was time to stop thinking about Adam. She noted how Nicole had grown, grown hugely, since the last time she had seen her. Nicole was almost a teenager now. She was definitely going to be one hot little thing when she got older, Julie thought, but even now she was cute. Julie was willing to bet she had a lot of little boys lined at her door. She never would have imagined that there were big ones, too.

And Adam's friend...whew. He was hot. What was his name, Chris? He was so young, only sixteen now, but he was a looker. His face was good-looking, although not completely stunning. Mostly it was his eyes and lips that might drive a girl wild, but the body he had beneath it...those muscles...

Speaking of his eyes, she noticed they were intently focused on something to her right. As she leaned forward to refill her wine glass, she took a quick glance in that direction. Even so, she didn't see anything, just Aunt Barb, stretched out on the recliner...

Oh. The thought snuck up on her, filled her with excitement. He was trying to look up Aunt Barb's skirt. That dirty little boy! She almost laughed inwardly at her descriptive phrase, but she felt her motor beginning to rev. Maybe it was the alcohol, but she was starting to get hot watching Chris check out the older woman's panties...not that she blamed him. Aunt Barb was a very attractive woman, looking more like a twenty year old than a thirty-something.

As her eyes wandered over Aunt Barb, she realized something else that shocked even her jaded mind. She realized that Aunt Barb was not only letting him look up her skirt...she was spreading her legs out so he could see. What was going on? Wasn't he her son's best friend, or something? She hadn't realized Aunt Barb was such a freak...

She looked over at Chris again, and noticed the lump in his pants. He was trying to hide it, she thought. How cute.

She was almost weirded out, except for the fact that she, too, was a freak. Hadn't she tried to fuck her mom's boyfriend? That, and the alcohol. And the fact that her motor was already running. In fact, her panties were starting to get wet, it felt like. Staying in this house might be many things, she realized, but it certainly wasn't going to be as boring as she thought it would be. So she watched the action.

The TV's laugh track continued to wash over them, and by now, Adam and Nicole both had nearly dozed off. It was almost 10:00, and school and work called tomorrow for the kids and Mrs. Barbara. So she decided to do the responsible thing, although her naked pussy was wet and the alcohol had buzzed through just enough her brain to make her a bit more relaxed.

With a wicked smile, knowing she was being a tease to Chris, she stood up. "All right guys, time to hit the sack. Sleep good," she said, as she flipped the TV off.

The teens and almost teens stirred like zombies, except for Chris, who looked both amused and frustrated.

"Well," said Barbara, turning to Julie, "You can stay up if you like. Treat it like your own house, because it is for now, at least. Do whatever."

Julie stood up and stretched, with, it seemed to Barbara, an odd look in her eye.

"No, I'm a little tired," she said, sweetly. "I think I'll just go to bed with you."

"Ok," said Barbara with a smile at the pretty young woman. "Let's get ready for bed, then."

They entered the room and Barbara shut the door behind them, locking it. "Gotta make sure Chris doesn't try and sneak a peak, that horny little..." she thought to herself.

Julie stretched as she entered the room, with a soft sigh, and sat down on one of the chairs. Barbara collapsed onto the bed, opposite her, unthinkingly exposing herself to Julie. If she had noticed it, she wouldn't have thought much about it. After all, it was just girls in here.

"So, uh, what did my mom tell you before I came here?" Julie said, a bit awkwardly. Normally she wouldn't have asked at all, but the relaxed feeling of the drinks and the fact that she was going to be here a while compelled her to ask. After all, if she was going to live here, she might as well know what Aunt Barb thought about her.

While Barbara thought about her answer, Julie noticed the same thighs Chris had noticed earlier. In fact, she saw the same flash, and her focus zoomed in. There was something fascinating...and...maybe...a bit, um, exciting about seeing another woman's lips. It wasn't that she had never seen them before, it was just this very attractive lady with her skirt open, and she was already a bit randy, and, well, whatever. It wasn't like it made her a lesbian just to look. It wasn't like she wanted to touch it or anything.

"Well," she replied, "I think you know. But what's your side of the story?" she asked as she sat up in interest, obscuring Julie's view. She looked closely at Julie's face to see her expression. Surprisingly, it didn't hold guilt, although it did hold the expected anger. What a little vixen.

She watched Julie sit back in the chair and sigh a little bit before folding her hands together.

"Well, it all kind of started when Daniel first moved in with us. I'll admit it, I thought he was hot, you know, but he was a lot older than me, and all, and besides, I had a boyfriend of my own at the time. So I was just kind of happy for Mom, because he was really good-looking, and he seemed like a really decent guy, you know?"

Barbara noticed her eyes were downcast as she talked, only looking up occasionally. Maybe she wasn't the backstabbing little girl she had sounded like. It's just that she was a gorgeous, stunning girl, and girls like that often know their power and use to the best of their ability. Barbara had been shocked when she heard the story, because it just didn't sound like the little teenager she had seen before, but she hadn't been surprised.

To make her feel more comfortable, Barbara averted her eyes also, although this fixed them completely on Julie's beautiful legs. Barbara was almost jealous, though she knew her legs were nearly as good...they were mesmerizing, those legs. They were smooth and well-defined, tantalizing, and she almost reached out to touch them, because they looked so perfect, with no blemishes or marks...

She shook her head. The alcohol was getting to her.

Julie, after moment's hesitation, continued, "Anyway, when he moved in with us, he was really nice to me, more like a friend than a step-dad, kind of. We would kind of pretend flirt, make fun of each other, and tease one another. It was all harmless fun, really. Of course I didn't mind the flirting, but it was just playful stuff, and I had no intentions of following through...I had my own share of guys to worry about."

"Of course. So what happened next?"

"Well, it started getting a little weird when I saw him get out of the shower one day. I was just passing by my parent's room, and Mom had gone somewhere, and I just looked in, and the door to the bathroom was open in their room and he toweling himself off. Um, and of course he was naked, and all, and I just kind of" she faded off and blushed a little bit.

Barbara guessed it was only because Julie thought of her as an "adult" that she was embarrassed. She decided to reassure her.

"What did he look like naked?" Uh, bad question. Damn, she was so randy. Chris had really gotten her horny, and now she was acting crazy, stupid. She couldn't masturbate in here, anyways. Why feed the fire?

Julie blushed deeper at the question but looked up at Barbara, and she thought she caught just a glimpse of a strange look on Julie's face. But it didn't seem to be surprise at the question...that was strange.

"He was, uh, really good-looking. He's one of those weight-lifting types, you know, and he had all these rippling muscles. His whole body was ripped, from his shoulders, um, to his massive chest and arms, to his six-pack cut of abs..." she paused a minute, and then decided that Barbara was a big girl and that there was no need to be embarrassed.

"And, um, his dick was huge, even limp. I mean, it was, uh, like three inches just hanging, and, I don't know, it gave me shivers just seeing him standing there, you know? He's really hot."

"Mmm, I bet," said Barbara, a bit too enthusiastically. In her mind's eye she could see the stud, with hard cock dipping between those perfect thighs in front of her...she stopped herself. Her inner sanctum was still a little damp, and she willed herself to stop getting aroused. She HAD to get her mind off sex or she wouldn't be able to sleep. But his cock...and yes, his cock in her body...she couldn't get it out of her head!

Julie just looked at her, licking her beautiful lips a little nervously, and replied, " he saw me there, standing there, practically gaping, and he just turns around and looks me up and down. He just kind of smiles and rubs himself once, real quick like, and keeps looking at me. My heart was pounding like a million miles per hour so I ran, as fast as I could to my room, and locked my door."

They both smiled a little bit at that thought, Julie looking Barbara's face, which was staring down at her thighs. The gaze made Julie feel strange, although she knew Barbara was just admiring what she saw, though she didn't know why- Barbara's legs were just as nice as hers. Maybe it was just her guilty (horny) feelings about having seen what she saw in the living room. She was kind of nervous, as if Barbara was using her X-ray vision to see through her skirt. Julie knew that her own pussy was wet, though she didn't know why it had been like that so long.

"I, you know, felt kind of weird, and I...uh..."

They both looked up into the other's eyes, Barbara's slate gray, mature eyes, to the deep, seductive green of Julie's. Barbara knew what had happened; Julie knew she knew.

"It's alright, Jules. I masturbate sometimes, too. It feels good. No reason to be ashamed. It's natural..." she trailed off, realizing exactly what she was saying, unashamed but feeling ashamed because she wasn't.

Julie nodded, and they both smiled at each other in a knowing way, before she looked down and started again.

"Well, it's not like I haven't had sex before or anything."

Barbara was sure of that. She just smiled wickedly and nodded.

"But, I just couldn't get it out him out of my head. I had never really thought about him like, well, like that and now I was, um, frigging myself while I thought about him..."

Barbara's mind jumped to what she imagined Julie's room would look like. Her imagination placed Julie on the bed, naked, perfect, and sweating as she slid her fingers over her wet cunt. Crazy. She must have drank a bit more than she thought. She nodded sympathetically at Julie and motioned for her to go on.

"I didn't know what to do. This wasn't just some guy I knew- this was my mom's boyfriend, you know? Anyways, life seemed to continue as normal, although our relationship got a bit weird. I think that was all me, though, because he seemed completely comfortable. Meanwhile, I was going crazy. Every time I saw him my mind just spun out of control. It was terrible. I came home from school every day, thinking about him, and I masturbated myself to sleep at night sometimes, just thinking about him..." Although she didn't mention that sometimes she did it as she listened to her mom and Daniel make love at night...

Barbara couldn't get the image of Julie out of her head. She saw her curly, pretty hair spread back on her pillow, her chest heaving, her nipples hard in the cool darkness of her bedroom...crap. "You'd think I was some kind of lesbian or something," she said to herself. "Stop it, for heaven's sake."

Julie took a deep breath, and Barbara noticed that she looked like she might cry. Silently she took her hand, and squeezed it, and began to softly rub Julie's fingers with her own.

Julie felt strange herself...she felt like crying and masturbating at the same time. Damn that wine. It was making her emotional and horny at the same time.

"So, one day, I decided to just go for it. He was driving me crazy, and I loved my mom, but I just had to, and I felt so bad..." Her chest heaved a bit, and her eyes became shiny, but she didn't sob yet. "So, one day, stupid me, just before Mom got home, (by that time I was too crazy to think about the time) he was sitting in his recliner in the living room, and I just jumped on him. I was wearing a skirt and I just jumped on the recliner and wrapped my legs around him, and stuck my tongue in his mouth. He was kissing me back, too, and grabbing my ass, when I guess he heard the car door slam. He could have said something, that bastard, but he waited until she was almost there and threw me off to make it look like I had just jumped on him and he was trying to get me off..." The tears started to stream down her cheeks. "That jerk told Mom I had been trying to have sex with him from day one, and she believed him! She believed him over me. I told her what happened and she told me I shouldn't try to get out of trouble by lying, so that's why I'm here.."

Barbara put her head to her chest and hugged her, rubbing her hair.

"It's okay," she said. "You're with me now, anyway. I understand."

Julie breathed in deeply, and the smell that came off of Barbara was deep and womanly, and, at the moment, incredibly sexy. The tears had stopped already, but she wanted her head to stay in Barbara's chest. The smell coming off of Barbara, whatever it was, was intoxicating, and it made her heart beat a little bit faster, her breath come a little bit harder. Julie's pussy was still wet.

As Julie's crying stopped, Barbara pulled her head up. "It's okay. I know you're not some horrible person. A freak, maybe. Horrible person, no."

Half laughing and shuddering with the remaining sobs, Julie put a look of mock horror on. "Aunt Barb, I am NOT a freak!"

Barbara grinned wickedly. "Sure, sure. Just don't think you have masturbation privileges in my bed."

Julie looked genuinely shocked for a moment at the older woman's brazenness and stood up. "Aunt Barb!" she exclaimed breathlessly.

Carried away in the moment, Barbara stood up, too. "Well, I guess you can as long as I'm not here and you don't get anything on the sheets."

Recovering with a sexy giggle, Julie threw her arms around Barbara. "Oh, and look who's talking? I bet your sheet is covered in woman stains!"

With that comment, Julie's mind flashed to the scene earlier in the living room. She saw Barbara's legs opening up, except this time a single, finger nailed hand slipped up and under the skirt, and Mrs. Barbara moaned...she shook her head briefly to clear her mind of weird thoughts.

"Well, us older women don't get as much man meat as you spoiled younger girls. We have to take what we can get!"

Julie laughed. "Oh please, Aunt Barb. You are completely sexy. I bet you have men all over you."

Barbara turned her back on Julie, to look at herself in the mirror. "Not really. And I'm really not that great looking, although I try to keep in shape."

"Are you kidding me?" Julie exclaimed. "Look at those tits!" She grabbed around Barbara's back and gripped her tits, bouncing them briefly. "They're so perfect!"

Then she grabbed Barbara and flipped her sideways, running her hand down her lower back over her round butt. "And that thing is to die for! I mean, it's so nice that I'd check you out if I saw you walking down the street!"

Realizing what she had said though, she hurriedly added, "Not that I'm, uh, like that or anything."

Barbara just smiled and said, "I know, I know. You're pretty fine yourself," and pinched her ass.

With a little yelp, Julie cried, "Not so rough!"

Barbara just laughed. They both looked at each other, a bit out of breath.

"Well...We have to go to sleep some time, I guess," said Barbara, disappointedly.

"Yeah," said Julie, "But don't you need to masturbate first? I mean, because it's been sooo long since you had any, you know."

"You little runt!" said Barbara. "How did you know?"

Julie giggled at her joke. "Because I need to, too. Gotta keep in top form, you know."

"Very funny. Now are we gonna go to sleep, or what?" Barbara asked, fakely menacing.

Julie looked at her. "Sure. I guess. If we HAVE to."

"Yeah. Well, I gotta change before bed."


Barbara went to the closet, and as she did she could feel Julie's eyes watching her. It felt weird, natural, and electrifying all at the same time. It was like there was a hidden subcurrent running between them, just below the surface. It was fierce energy that threatened to pour over any minute...into what, neither of them knew.

With her back turned to Julie, Barbara was reminded of her first time with Chris- how she had pretended to be needing an opinion on what a dress looked like. He had taken the zipper with trembling hands, and she had told him to keep pulling, keep pulling. She had given him quite a show, and the same thrill that had been humming through her body then was humming through it now.

She wondered how good her body really looked to Julie. Were the compliments fake? But her eyes were still staring, Barbara knew, so she decided that if Julie wanted to watch, she could at least make it halfway interesting.

She didn't know what she was doing, really. It was almost like her body was running away from her. She slowly unbuttoned the white shirt she had on, letting it slip over her tanned and freckled shoulders.

She looked back over her shoulder, and sure enough, Julie was watching intently. Why? Barbara smiled sweetly at Julie, a mischievous one, and turned back around as Julie returned the smile.

Unclipping the bra strap, she pulled off her bra, letting her beautiful breasts hang free. They were very perky, considering their age and size. The aerola were about the size of silver dollars, and a blush red color that was very attractive. Her nipples themselves were hard as stone, sticking out like little soldiers.

She turned around again and held them up for Julie's inspection. "Still look good out of the package, Ms. Priss?"

Julie just looked and said in a serious, but enthusiastic voice, "Absolutely."

Now came for the real show, Barbara knew. It kind of excited her as she dropped her skirt, revealing her lack of panties. Her round, firm cheeks ended in tender thighs that tapered down to muscular calves.

"No panties? Do all old women stop wearing panties?" Julie asked, her joke falling a little bit flat in her tone.

Barbara gave her a wicked smile. "Panties are for amateurs."

Then she disappeared into the closet. She didn't want Julie to see that her pussy was even slightly damp.

Inside the closet, she selected a black thong and a tight t-shirt to wear to bed. She could skip the bra this one time- it wouldn't hurt.

When she remerged she saw Julie standing there, and they both smiled at each other, almost shyly.

"Aunt Barb?" Julie asked, hesitantly.

"What's up, Jules?" she said, curious as to what could make her hesitate.

"I, uh, usually sleep naked. If that bothers you, I could borrow some sleep clothes from you or something."

Barbara shook her head. "Nah, whatever feels comfortable to you."

"Ok, thanks a lot," she replied. She pulled the tank top overhead, tossed it on the floor, and look at Barbara. Holding her eyes (she didn't know why), she unclipped her bra in the back and pulled it off. Her tits were full and firm, though a bit bouncy. Her nipples were small for the size of her tits, maybe between the size of a nickel and a quarter. Her nipples were also rock hard.

"Very nice," said Barbara, playfully, eyeing them across the room. Julie only smiled.

She pulled down her skirt, revealing not only a thong, but a crotch less one at that. "Never know when you might need it," she teased, and pulled it down, too. Her pussy was shaven completely, and Julie hoped that maybe Barbara would miss the moisture at its opening.

"Well, the sandman calls," said Barbara. "Which side do you want?"

"Doesn't matter to me," said Julie. "Whatever side you're on, I guess." It was said like a joke but the look on her face was serious.

Barbara tried to laugh it off. "Well, that solves it, doesn't it?" And she flicked the light switch and climbed under the covers.

Julie climbed under with her, close but not too close. Both of them lay on their backs, staring in silence at the ceiling, the covers pulled up to their chins. Julie turned sideways towards Barbara, and the nipple of one her boobs grazed and then settled to rest on Barbara's arm.

Barbara didn't move her arm.

Both of their chests were moving sedately up and down, concealing a heart that was beating a million miles an hour. Their thoughts were rushed, moving through their minds at blazing speeds and leaving streaks of sex as they passed. They could both smell the scent of a woman aroused, but neither could tell if it was just them; and if it was, they fervently prayed that the other couldn't smell it.

Barbara turned to face Julie, her T-shirted tits now flush with Julie's. Julie's knee was pointing into her thigh, and her eyes were looking into her eyes.

They lay there, lost, looking deeply at each other and seeing a million things in the other's soul. Scared, neither moved, afraid of what might happen, no matter which way it might go.

"You're so beautiful," Julie whispered.

"So are you," came the shaky reply.

Silence reigned for a moment. Then Julie said, "Did I tell you about the best kiss I ever had?"

Barbara looked at her, with a slight confusion. "No. What was it like?"

Julie hesitated for a brief second. "It was like this," and then leaned and pressed her lips to Barbara's.

Their soft lips came together for that first peck, softly pressing against each other. It came apart with a soft plop, and each drew back, with only a hair's breadth between them. Both eyes remained closed.

"Are you sure?" Barbara murmured.

With a soft mhmmm, Julie pressed her lips against Barbara's again. This time the mouths opened slightly, and the first hesitant tongues came out. Barbara's tongue was cold against Julie's lips, and Julie slipped her own tongue up beneath Barbara's.

Their hands both went to the other's head, stroking their hair, as Barbara gently pushed her tongue into Julie's mouth. Their tongues were smooth on each other, soft and delicate, hugging liked naked lovers, their saliva mingling. Their mouths suckled at each other, drawing nourishment from the waters.

Both of their mouths opened wider as the kiss became more passionate, more urgent. Though it was hard and fast, both of them kissed gently, subtly, as only women can.

As they locked their mouths together, Barbara's hand began to roam, running from Julie's hair, down her neck, down her back, scratching softly with her fingernails. Chills ran down Julie's spine but the heat in her body grew greater, and her tan skin became flush in the moonlight.

As Barbara gently squeezed her ass, almost asking, rather than taking, Julie broke the kiss with a loud smack.

"What?" Barbara said, alarmed, afraid she had scared Julie.

Julie only breathed deeply, shook her head, and tugged on Barbara's shirt. Barbara responded by pulling it off for her, and throwing it across the room, out of sight.

They kissed again deeply passionate, knowing nothing else but the touch of the woman beside them. As the kiss slowed down, Julie took the moment to kiss Barbara's neck. Barbara shivered a bit, her breath growing ragged, as Julie ran her tongue down her neck, sucking and licking.

She began to lower, trailing down to the two mountains rising from Barbara. She kissed them, a little peck, before she took them in her hands and began to caress them with her tongue. She put her mouth around the large areola, and began stroke Barbara's stiff nipples with her tongue.

Barbara lay back, enjoying the ministrations, her eyes closed, pushing her tits up closer to the young girl's mouth.

Soon, however, Julie began to drift down, kissing Barbara's toned belly, pausing to tease her belly button, and continuing downwards. She flipped herself between Barbara's legs, still kissing, until she came at last to the black thong that was Barbara's last safeguard.

"We can't have that, can we now, Aunt Barb?" she said sexily, and gripped the waistband of the panties in her teeth. Looking Barbara in the eye, she pulled them down to her ankles, making sure her lips grazed that beautiful mound. Keeping her eyes on Julie, Barbara kicked them off, as the young girl climbed on top of her, straddling her with her legs.

They kissed again, even more hungrily, their tongues searching to fulfill that longing, ready to wrest it from the other's grasp. They pressed their bodies against each other, tried to lose themselves in each other, trying to meld into the perfect mix of pleasure.

Barbara was only too aware of the hot pussy scraping itself across her belly. She moaned into Julie's mouth, and began to rub her palm lightly above Julie's pussy. As she pulled the skin it stimulated Julie's clitoris, making her breathing heavy, her kisses more and more forceful.

"Oh, Aunt Barb, I can't take it! I've got to have my mouth on you!" July cried softly.

"Not yet," said Barbara. "Pleasure's more fun if it's drawn out..."

Barbara flipped them over, taking the top position for herself. Julie's eyes burned into hers as they kissed, and Barbara kissed down her neck, too, sure to do it slowly.

Scarcely able to believe that she was about to suck another woman's tits, she put her mouth to the small nipple of Julie's right breast. Beneath her Julie's body trembled as she began to flick her tongue across her erect nipples. She rubbed against her tit like soft sandpaper, quickly as though she needed to sand it down.

The twinges of pleasure going through Julie's body were unbelievable. She had never felt this intense having sex with anyone- and her pussy wasn't even being touched right now! Her whole body was electrified, filled with the nervous energy of her first encounter with a woman.

Barbara could barely stand it either. At that moment, she could care less that this was her husband's first child. To have her mouth on this exquisite body, and to have the same body hungrily press itself against her was almost more than she could take...

She flipped herself around into a sixty-nine. She already quivering, almost near orgasm, and she and Julie had been going at it for maybe five minutes.

Her head descended onto Julie's sweetly shaved pussy, her lips pressing eagerly against of Julie's folds. She inserted a finger into that beautiful cavern, swallowed up by warmness. As she lightly flicked Julie's clitoris she felt Julie's body jump underneath her, and her head was heady with the pure smell of her cunt.

Her own pussy was engulfed by Julie's young tongue. She rapidly dipped her tongue in and out of Barbara's pussy, reveling in its taste and its juices. She, too, paid special attention to the clit, feeling Barbara's body tense like her own had.

They sucked and licked each other, rapidly pushing each other over the edge.

Julie went first, her pussy quivering as it flooded Barbara's finger and mouth with juices. She began to sigh almost, to whine, crying quietly, "Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, OOOHHHH!"

Barbara was second, her sounds more of a harsh grunt, before she poured herself upon Julie's young and beautiful face. Both girls happily licked, loving the taste they had never tasted, and hoping it would not be the last. It was over too quickly, almost before it began.

Both of them eventually faced one another, staying naked beneath the sheets. They held each other kissing softly, until both of them fell asleep, waiting for dawn's own kiss to intrude on their own. Breast to breast, mouth to mouth, sweaty and sticky, they slept in each other's arms all night.

To be continued...

Thanks for continuing in the Chris saga! The next sequel should be coming soon, barring unforeseen business. Write me and tell me what you think at Please write me if you've read this! I love to hear from other sexy people. Until next time,


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