Chris and Aaron

By Terrance MacDonald

Published on May 29, 2006


This is the second story that I've actually managed to set completely to electrons. The first was The House on Lora Avenue' which is also posted in the High School section. This endeavor, unlike Lora Avenue' is based in fact, although the names and locations have been altered to protect the guilty. There has also been a (very) small bit of `artistic license' taken in the embellishment of the details to make it a little spicier than the actual events. Now, I know I'm going to be dating myself a bit, but at the time this occurred it was in the early 1980s, when guys our age didn't have to worry about HIV, AIDS or STDs – at least not in the area we lived. As such there is no usage of condoms in this story, and no, we really didn't use them. That doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that I encourage this practice in this day and age. Quite the opposite really – so please take adequate precautions to protect yourself, as no one else is going to.

This story involves sexual situations between teen boys, so if your local ordinances say you shouldn't look at filth such as this, please don't. Likewise, if you're a card-carrying member of the Moral-Minority, you probably shouldn't be here in the first place.

Grateful thanks are extended to my friend Mike Arram for serving as my editor once again.

I intended this to be a one chapter story, but it was getting too long before coming to its final climax (sorry -- really bad pun), so it will have to be split up.

Comments and feedback are certainly welcomed and encouraged at

Chris and Aaron -- Part One

I first met Aaron when I was working in an arcade during my early high school summer vacations in the upper middle-class neighborhood right outside of Charleston, South Carolina. I was fifteen and a sophomore in high school, and Aaron was probably about two or three years younger. He had come into the arcade with his two sisters, one about a year older, the other a couple years younger. They had played several games each, and weren't behaving badly at first, but then a fight broke out between Aaron and a slightly older boy over one of the games. Despite the size and age difference, Aaron was coming out on top, and was giving the other boy a serious pounding. Once I had gotten them separated, I got stories from both of the boys, as well as from Aaron's sisters and a couple other kids who had witnessed the incident. It was pretty obvious that Aaron had started the fight, and the other boy really wasn't at fault. Fortunately, neither of them had really been injured to the extent of more than a couple bruises, and they weren't going to be too severe.

The man who owned the arcade was a fairly strict disciplinarian with his own children. Although he did not particularly appreciate the fact that some parents thought we were little more than unpaid baby-sitters for their children, he did grudgingly accept it. Because of this, he had a hard and fast rule that any of the kids who misbehaved were to sit at a table where the employees could keep an eye on them until their parents arrived to pick them up, and that their parents were to be informed as to the nature of their offense. Aaron was clearly worried about the prospects of this as I sat with him at the table while his sisters continued to enjoy their games.

Honestly, I had known for quite some time that I was attracted to boys far more so than girls, although girls did spark an interest. This boy was strikingly cute though, almost beautiful. His hair, normally what you might call `dirty blond' had been bleached out by the summer sun. His short, short pants showed off his golden-brown tanned and hairless legs. His button-up shirt, left unbuttoned about halfway down showed off his thin, tanned chest, and when he leaned forward onto the table, I got glimpses of his very dark brown and tiny nipples if I was looking from just the right angle, which was where I attempted to stay as much as possible. This boy was seriously hot, but there was no way I could make any kind of move on him. There was no way I was going to lose my job with the strict Southern-Baptist that owned the arcade, let alone be branded as a fag at the same time. So I had to be content with just being lustful and memorizing everything I could about Aaron so I could jack off later. Indeed, he was the subject of many of my masturbatory fantasies for a very long time.

Sorry, I digress. I simply couldn't bring myself to get the boy in trouble when his mother showed up to pick them up. The kids all knew the rules of the arcade, as they were clearly posted, and Aaron was visibly relieved when I called his sisters over and got them to agree to keep quiet about what had happened. They went along with what I suggested because they were as afraid as Aaron was of being banned from the premises. There weren't after all, very many places where young teens and pre-teens could hang out close by.

Aaron asked me why I was doing this, as I did have a reputation of keeping very tight control over the arcade, even with the kids that were older and larger than I (I have always been rather slight of stature). It was also pretty widely known that the man who owned the arcade was a cop in his real job (with the state bureau of investigation actually, similar to the FBI, but on a lesser scale). If one of the employees pushed one of the panic buttons, it would be mere moments before there were several police cars on the scene, ready to take anyone we pointed out into custody. I told him with perhaps a bit too honestly that I liked him, and quickly corrected myself by adding "you seem like a decent kid, and I just don't want to see you getting into trouble."

I saw Aaron and his sisters off and on at the arcade over the next couple years, and there were no further incidents at the arcade such as had happened before. But they only came as a family unit, being dropped off by their mother -- none ever came in by themselves or with friends. I still quietly lusted after the boy, and he did nothing but grow more attractive as he grew older. I always kept my eye on him, and when he would sit down for a while taking a break from the games, he would usually do so in a way where you could see partway up the leg of his shorts.

Where the arcade was located was fairly close to three neighborhoods' swimming pools, and often as not during the summer, kids would often come in wearing only their swimming suits and either flip-flops or sneakers, taking a break from the pools. Aaron was certainly no exception. He wasn't the only one of the boys that I lusted after in the arcade, but he was certainly one of my top favorites. Aaron had developed a lot, and though not built like a jock, who worked out all the time or something, but he was certainly fit from swimming a lot. We didn't live in the same neighborhood, but close enough that our club's swim teams competed against each other during the summers. I didn't swim on the team, but often attended the meets -- I'm sure you can figure out why. It was during some of these meets that I got to see Aaron in a cute, tight, little speedo swim suit. You could always see the outline of his cute little package though the thin, tight nylon, but there were times that it seemed to grow a little larger. When it did, mine uncontrollably did the same thing.

It was during the summer that followed my high school graduation, and Aaron leaving the tenth grade, on his way to eleventh that I finally met one of his friends. His name was Chris. I had never seen him before this Friday night when I met him outside a convenience store with Aaron. If I had thought Aaron was a beautiful boy, there simply weren't words that could describe Chris. He had golden blond hair, and a beautifully built body. Where Aaron had begun to grow some darker hairs now on his lower legs, Chris had just a few tiny, golden strands, visible only when the light hit them. They were both dressed in loose fitting t-shirts and shorts, wearing sneakers on their feet.

When I had finished filling up my car with gas, I went into the store to pay for it. Aaron recognized me before I had even noticed them and jabbed Chris with his elbow to get him to get up and follow. When I came out of the store they were both waiting for me, "Hey," Aaron said. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"I guess so, what do you want?"

Aaron walked with me over to my car while Chris waited on the curb. I did have a growing reputation as someone who sold marijuana frequently, and if I didn't have it, I knew where to get it at any time -- day or night. I did not however like to be approached by anyone that I didn't know, or by anyone I did if they had someone with them that I didn't. There was that one time that I had been approached by an undercover cop from another county that was looking to bust me as part of a plea agreement some guy I knew had made. Thankfully, that didn't work out in their favor, and that was the only time I had ever come under any police scrutiny.

He asked me if I had any pot on me.

I eyed Chris, and Aaron said "Hey, he's okay, really. He's my oldest and best friend."

"Yeah," I told him. "I've heard that before." I was having more than one problem with this one. To begin with, there was Chris, who I didn't even know yet. Secondly, there was the fact that I didn't normally make it a practice to sell to anyone younger than me. I didn't have any particular problem selling to parents of kids that I knew -- so long as I knew them as well, but there was a place where I drew the line.

But I've always been a particular victim to my own lust. This night was absolutely no exception. I didn't see a threat in Chris, and I knew Aaron wasn't going to try to get me into any trouble. Having always been a fairly good judge of character -- and at that point in my life it had never failed me yet -- I agreed to get them a couple joints from someone that I knew would have then, since I didn't have any with me that night myself.

They rode with me in my car, and I parked a little way down the road from the house where my friends lived. They didn't have the same rules I did about people knowing who they were, but I still abided by my own rules when it came to these things. I didn't want anyone showing up at their door saying that I had shown them where it was. I walked up a path through some woods and got to the house. I spent a few minutes there, while they got some `samples' ready for me.

When I got back to the car, the two boys were sitting on the curb next to it (very close together too, I noticed). I wasn't really surprised. Even with the windows down, it was very hot, and it would be cooler outside the car than in. Even more pleasing to me was that they had both stripped their t-shirts off. Yeah, I felt a familiar little twitching going on in my groin. Man, these two were HOT, and not just from the weather.

Aaron started to ask me something, presumably whether I had gotten the pot for them, but I quickly shushed him and motioned for them to get back into the car, which they did. After we'd gone a little way from the neighborhood where I had stopped to get the pot for them, taking a different route to help confuse them about exactly where we had been, I handed Aaron one of the joints I had gotten. I knew that this was some really high grade California Sensimila, and warned them to only have a few hits. They did follow my advice and only took two hits each before putting it out. I could tell that they were already flying quite high from the potency of the marijuana.

I got a real shock a few moments later though, when Chris put his arms around the back of the passenger seat of my car and planted them firmly on Aaron's pecs. Where I was driving, I was only able to glance over occasionally because of the curvy roads, but it really looked like he was rubbing Aaron's chest, squeezing and pinching Aaron's nipples. I can't even describe what was going through my mind right then, could this really be going on? Could it be that Aaron was gay? Was Chris gay too? Aaron had said that they were best friends; but could it be more than that?

I asked them where they wanted me to take them, and Aaron gave me the answer that was so much what I wanted to hear -- "Why don't we go over to my house? My parents and sisters are gone for the weekend; we can all get in the Jacuzzi."

`All of us get in?' I thought. I couldn't believe my luck. I had just been invited to get into a Jacuzzi with these two really cute guys, and my own parents had let me stay home that weekend by myself (and for the first time, ever) while they went to our house in the mountains. As their only child, they had always been over-protective of me, so I was a little surprised at that.

When we got to Aaron's house he directed me to pull up into the carport, next to his mother's car. I did just that, and as we all got out of my car, I noticed that Chris was zipping his shorts up. That gave me a little pause for thought. The only time it could really have come down was while the boys were sitting together at my car. "You can stay a while, can't you dude?" Aaron asked me.

"Yeah," I answered. "There's nobody home but me this weekend, so I don't have to check in with anyone."

Aaron led us through the kitchen and family room to the stairs that went down into the finished basement. There was a full bar set up there, and a wide sliding glass door that went out onto the patio/deck where the Jacuzzi was located. Aaron opened the sliding glass door as he asked me to make us all some drinks.

While I made drinks for the three of us, Aaron went to get the cover off the Jacuzzi. I had never been in a hot tub before, and now I was about to be in one with two of the hottest boys I had ever seen. I still wasn't sure why I was invited to join them though -- even though I had got them the dope, I didn't ever expect to be invited to join them like this. I wasn't going to complain though, that's for sure.

I was standing behind the bar, still fully clothed in a t-shirt, shorts (with briefs underneath) and sneakers. Chris was sitting on a barstool on the other side, still just in his shorts (and presumably his underwear -- and what kind were they going to be I wondered?). Aaron came back in from getting the Jacuzzi ready, now only wearing a very revealing pair of jockey briefs, especially as they had gotten wet.

"My shorts got wet when I was getting the Jacuzzi ready," he explained as he came over to where Chris and I were. It looked more to me like he had intentionally splashed some water up on himself, but I sure didn't say anything -- there was no way I was going to complain about how the thin, wet, white cotton was now nearly see through.

Now I got a really big shock -- Chris turned to Aaron and said "No, I don't mind, I kinda like it." Then he planted his hand up into Aaron's crotch and had a really good feel of everything that was there through the wet briefs.

When Aaron saw me looking, all he said was "What? You've stared at it often enough."

All I could say was "What? I don't know..."

"You know exactly what I mean. I've seen you staring at it before," he told me. "There was one time I thought you were going to hurt your neck trying to get into a position where you could see up the leg of my shorts."

This was embarrassing. Even if it were just Aaron and I, it would have been very awkward, but with Chris here too, damn this sucked. I was being called out for checking Aaron out, and I never in a million years thought I had been obvious about it. "I wasn't doing that," I said to him.

"Yeah, you were." Aaron wasn't having any of my argument about it. "You even did it the first day when we met at the arcade, trying to look into my shirt. You did it every time I came in after that too."

Okay, I wasn't going to argue anymore. "So?" I asked. "You noticed, but you asked me over tonight anyway. What's up?" I did know that this boy could really be the conniving sort that would get his way sooner or later.

"I thought that the three of us might have a little fun together is all. If you don't want to, you don't have to stay."

Chris was now standing behind Aaron, with his arms wrapped loosely around his waist, and his chin resting on Aaron's shoulder. "Stay and have some fun with us," he said. "If you have all weekend, maybe you could even spend the night..."

Aaron gave Chris a bit of a sideways look when he said that, but didn't comment.

"So, what do we wear in the Jacuzzi?" I asked.

"Nothing usually," Chris answered quickly, getting a light jab in his ribs from Aaron's elbow for his trouble. "What?!" he asked.

"I'm in," I answered, perhaps a little too quickly.

We lit the joint back up and each took a couple tokes and got a good buzz going. Between that, and the strength at which I had mixed the drinks, our inhibitions were going to be running good and low -- not that I thought that any of our inhibitions about what we were doing had exactly been running at an all time high anyway. After the joint had been put back out, Aaron said "Well, let's get naked."

I quickly kicked off my shoes and stripped off my t-shirt. By the time I had done this, Aaron had dropped his briefs to the floor and stepped out of them. Behind Aaron, I could see that Chris had been free-balling when he opened his shorts and slid them down his legs. As soon as they had slid down his legs, he stepped out of them. Fuck,' I thought, I'm the only one with anything left on.' So I opened the snap and fly of my shorts, and pushed both them and my briefs to the floor in one movement, then followed Chris and Aaron to the Jacuzzi.

The Jacuzzi was square, about four feet on each side, with contours in the bottom to form seats. We all got in on the same side of the hot tub, with me in the middle. Aaron was on my right and Chris my left. It felt a little strange sitting in the bubbling water, strangely more buoyant than in a regular tub or swimming pool. I reached up with both arms and put an arm around both the boys. Their skin felt so smooth against mine. My dick was quickly on its way up. It didn't help (or should I say hurt) the situation any when I felt Chris's right hand drop onto my left thigh, just at the same moment as Aaron's left hand rested itself on the inside of my right thigh. This was like sexual stereo with the two hotties in the tub broadcasting lust on either side of me.

Aaron was the first to make a move, his hand slowly sliding up the inside of my thigh. As soon as his little finger touched my balls, I flinched involuntarily. Now, this wasn't the first time I'd ever been involved in a sexual situation, nor was it the first time that I'd had sex, but it definitely was the first time that I'd had a threesome, and also the first time that I'd even seen, let alone been with, one of the kids from the arcade that I'd fantasized about. Not only that, but he had brought me home with himself and a friend. Now Chris's hand was moving up my other thigh... When his hand reached my balls, Aaron moved his up to my now absolutely rock hard dick.

So Aaron was massaging my dick, and Chris was kneading my balls between his fingers. Every so often Chris moved a finger down into my crack and rubbed against my asshole. Now, that was something that had never been done to me before. So far all I had ever done was jack off with some friends, sucked one of my friends in the woods behind my house after we got high after school once, and once my best friend and I had done sixty-nine a couple times during a camping trip. God, could I have died and gone to heaven?

I still hadn't even touched either of the boys with the exception of putting an arm around each of them. Just as I was about to rectify that, Aaron got up and turned to face me, standing in the Jacuzzi. I was looking straight at his hard, rigid pole, standing up away from his body at about a 45 degree angle. He was circumcised and about 5½" long, perhaps a little more. He had a small patch of light brown pubic hair, which probably would have faded to blonde like his hair if he had been sunbathing nude. I could tell by his tan lines though that this wasn't the case. I reached out with my right hand, still keeping my left arm around Chris's shoulder, and grabbed hold of Aaron's cock. The skin was soft and silky smooth, surrounding something that seemed to be hard as steel. I pulled him closer, and he moved in, allowing me to take his dick into my mouth.

I heard Aaron gasp as my lips closed around the head of his dick, and my tongue began working on the tip. I paid particular attention to his slit with my tongue for a couple minutes before I finally dove down onto his dick as far as I could. I was able to get most of him into my mouth before I had to back off a little, fearing that I would gag. Then I began a slow up and down movement, backing off so that just his head was still in my mouth, and working it with my tongue, while massaging his balls with my right hand, and sometimes moving it back farther, between his legs, to finger gingerly at his little hole. Aaron was moaning quite regularly now.

I was worried that Chris was going to feel left out, so I pulled my left arm from around his shoulder and dropped it directly into the water and onto his hard, pulsing dick. It felt as if it were about the same size as Aaron's, but there was something different about it. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was just then though, pardon the pun. I alternated between jacking Chris, and allowing my hand to slip down and rub his balls. When I felt him spread his legs a little farther apart, I took this as a signal and moved my hand farther down, with a finger searching for his hole. It wasn't hard to tell when I found it... Well, not only was it a little obvious from what I felt with my finger, but Chris jumped just ever so slightly when I made contact. He did let out a gasp that told me that he enjoyed it. I took that as my cue to rub my fingertip into his hole and was soon buried in him up to my first knuckle. He was now pressing against my finger as I worked it in further.

Aaron was now fucking my mouth. He was holding my head, and working his dick in and out of my mouth. I was on longer in control of what Aaron was doing. It felt so wrong and so right at the same time. Before I realized what was happening, Aaron was arching his back, and pressing into my mouth as far as he could. I somehow figured out how to let him into my throat, and felt his pubes tickle my nose as he started to pump his load into me. I couldn't taste anything at first, but then as he pulled back, some of Aaron's sperm made it into my mouth instead of my throat. It was salty, but a little sweet at the same time. When I had done the sixty-nines with my friend on the camping trip, it was nothing like this. All I could remember of the taste of his semen in my mouth was the horrible taste the next morning, and when I had blown my friend in the woods, I hadn't let him cum in my mouth. I swallowed everything that Aaron gave me.

My finger was now buried as far as I could get it into Chris, which in the positions we were in was only to the second knuckle. He was going wild on it though -- moving up and down. I could tell he was close, and now that Aaron was backing away from me, I could look over and see that Chris was jacking himself with his left hand. His right hand was still in my crotch, moving back and forth from my dick to my balls and back again. I was close to cumming myself. Aaron took a deep breath and dove under the water, and took me in his mouth. He ran his tongue around my head, licking across the top, working my slit with his tongue, while at the same moment pushing Chris's hand out of the way and driving the tip of his finger up at my hole. I spread my legs and pushed back against his finger, while at the same time driving my six inch dick up into his mouth. I heard Chris gasping next to me, and knew that he had just cum into the hot, bubbling water.

It was just a couple seconds later that I came into Aaron's mouth. Probably a good thing, since his head was still under the water sucking on my cock. When he brought his head up, he moved over first to kiss Chris deeply for a moment, and as soon as he had broken that kiss, he motioned for Chris to kiss me. Chris moved around and straddled me. I could feel his still hard dick poking into my stomach as his lips approached mine. I immediately opened my mouth when I felt his tongue at my lips. The next thing I knew, my own cum was being transferred into my mouth, after having been passed from Aaron to Chris. I almost came again as I realized what they had just done.

Moments later we all climbed out of the Jacuzzi and dried off. I kind of wanted to take turns drying each other off, but considering that I was having the best time of my life, I wasn't going to press my luck. I had a feeling that there was more to come in whatever Aaron had planned for this evening, and as it turned out, I was not going to be disappointed.

Comments and feedback are welcome at (I will /try/ to all answer e-mails sent to me, but please realize that my job requires me to travel a great deal, so it might take a while and I don't promise to answer everyone), flamers will be ignored by me, but will meet with an untimely and horrible demise as the result of the curse of the old gypsy woman who lives across the lake from me, and has inexplicably taken a liking to me. Anger her at your own risk.

History of previous submissions: House on Lora Avenue; April 17, 2006 - May 26, 2006; High School Section

Next: Chapter 2

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