Chris and Merle

By ChubbyHank

Published on Mar 15, 2021


Chris and Merle Part One

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M/M Relationship

My name is Chris, and I'm about six-feet-tall. My skin is a barely tan white with a thick bit of dark chest hair that runs over my slightly round belly. Bearish? Maybe. I would say a Dad body for sure. I like the seven inches of cock I have and my dark pubic hair, but I really enjoy my low swinging balls. I've always had a nice set of testicles swinging in a long, heavy bag. Even as a boy, I loved being on my hands and knees, swinging my balls back and forth between my thighs. I could even get my legs over my head, and my cock and balls would hang down toward my face. I could lick my cock head with my tongue, pushing right into my piss slit, but even better, my scrotum hung down far enough that I could suck my balls right into my mouth. Doing that gave me my first dry orgasm. My little boy cock throbbed and jerked, and I had no idea what was happening, but boy, it felt great! I tried all kinds of ways to hump, lick, and suck on my cock and balls until my growth spurt put my dick out of range. I did find joy in showing off and exposing myself. Several times I got a chance to have a big man's dick in my mouth. Nothing was better than that!

Through all that, I was primarily closeted, fearing my family's and my church's rejection. I wound up marrying, but we are separated. My wife is still very much in my life, as are her brothers, her sister, and their children. In fact, I regularly have to sit with my little nephew, Felix, so there's no real drama there. If there is, it would be that I came out as a gay or at least a bi-sexual man to my wife. So far, only she knows. She doesn't hate me, at least I don't think, as we are still so friendly, but living together was not going to continue. She immediately moved out and set up a new life looking for a not gay' man to have a relationship with. She always leaves it with a kind of joking, I always knew it...'

As a married gay man, I tended to look for encounters with other men to

satisfy my craving when I really needed a man's hard cock in my mouth and his mouth on mine. Sometimes I could even find a man who wanted to put his thick dick up my asshole to satisfy that craving. I could also be easily talked into taking control of a man and hammering into his butthole until we both cum. The quick and easy places to meet such men were at my favorite park and at a video store. I intended to look for a relationship was our divorce was settled, but that seemed like a never-ending process.

I was waiting for my friend Merle to come by and visit with me as he usually did on Fridays. Merle was a friend from down the street, commonly known between my extended family and myself. A little older than me, a little bulkier, a little taller, but a nice man. He was a little slow, one might say, `intellectually disabled,' but to me, he was just a nice guy, happy to have a friend he could come see and spend some time with. Spending time with him once a week was definitely a bright spot during my separation from my wife, who lingered and struggled with completing our divorce. She was happy with things idle without making a decision, but I could use a break and not remain in limbo.

Merle always brought his good cheer with him, some days very lucid, and other days he couldn't stray far from looking at the ground the whole time. Either way, I took to him and didn't mind whatever frame of mind he showed up in. And maybe, just maybe, Merle was a queer fellow. I couldn't tell directly from what he said to me, and I certainly didn't feel comfortable just coming right out and asking him, did he even understand what that meant? but my instincts seemed to be set off by the way he spoke and held himself.

He was also a little more affectionate than I would expect of an older straight man. Hugs, touches, and sitting close didn't seem to bother him at all, nor myself. I liked him being a comfortable friend that way, having a hug, a touch of the hand, and I never pushed him away or said anything about it. I knew others made it quite clear what a weirdo they thought he was doing that around them. A hug at the door, a lingering touch on the arm wasn't an issue for me. Indeed, he seemed to appreciate it and was eager to come by and visit when he was available. Friday became our day as we both seemed to have a bit of free time, and family was out of the way.

A few days ago, I had gone to our local cruisy park to see what I could find to suck on. I was dressed for action on the back trails with a simple t-shirt and shorts with no underwear. I had my zipper down and open as I walked along to my usual spots, occasionally giving a rub of my cock head peeking out to let men know what I needed.

Passing by a usual off-road spot, I swore I saw Merle there, in his usual tee-shirt and jeans, turned away from me. I peeked a second time to be sure. It was Merle, I had no doubt. His nearly bald head was unmistakable. I moved on so as not to catch his eye. I did not know how he'd react. He might not be out here for anything more than an afternoon walk, but if he was, he was really far off the beaten trail. I didn't want to frighten him away from ever coming to see me again or getting cock if that was what he was here for. Maybe he'd be interested in doing more than watching TV with me. I thought I might try and see if I could interest him in more than friendly talk.

I peered out my front window. Merle was walking down the block and up to my door, right on time. I pulled down on my t-shirt and gave a quick-adjust to the flimsy shorts I was wearing, feeling very naughty to greet the big man with no underwear on. Merle knocked, and I gave it a second before I jumped at the door to open it. When the door opened, he stood there looking down at his shoes.

"Hey Chris," he said quietly in that way of his.

I ushered him in and shut the door. I came in for a quick hug. Not the usual, but it wasn't out of bounds for us. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him as I felt his arms go around me. He was a nice comfortable man to hug and I enjoyed getting a hold of him, but I let it go on a bit longer this time. His big hands rubbed over my back, and he gave me a good squeeze in return.

"That's nice," he said.

"Yes," I agreed.

I moved my head and let it lie on his shoulder and just kept it up. I heard him breathing, his heart beating. He smelled good, and he kind of stuttered stepped closer to me. I let it go, and he smiled at me with those twinkling eyes. That was nice, I thought.

I walked Merle into my TV room, and we took our places like normal. We talked about the usual stuff as I turned on the TV to watch our shows on the DVR. We joked about this and that as we watched. I loved how his big man tits filled out his shirt, and I noticed how full his package seemed between his legs. I don't know why I was getting so horny, wondering what I could do with this man, but I was definitely eager to see where it would go. I admonished myself to not force him into anything but to let him take the lead. He should feel comfortable and want to participate. That's what my head said, but I was really crushing on him at that moment.

I got up and got us some snacks and drinks. I couldn't help but be a little naughty. When I sat back in the chair, I spread my legs a bit, my skimpy shorts falling open. I don't know what Merle could see, but I definitely saw his eyes go right between my legs. I loved exposing myself-opening my legs, letting my dick come out, allowing someone to secretly catch a look. I wanted him to see right up between my legs. He blushed, and his conversation became more of nervous chatter. He didn't turn away or get up. His eyes followed my crotch as I spread one leg and then the other. These were my go-to shorts for flashing, and he was getting a real eyeful. I scratched my bare thigh, and I knew I was getting a boner, a lovely puffy semi. He became silent and stared. After a bit, I got up, my shorts still hitched up, and I went out to get fresh drinks.

"Sit here with me," Merle said as I came back into the room.


I sat beside him, and he scooched up next to me, wanting to put his arm around my shoulder. I let it happen, and I cuddled into him. I noticed how bold his nipples were against his t-shirt. We watched TV that way until it was time for him to head back. We got up, and we spent a good moment together hugging.

"I like your shorts." Merle was nervous, and he turned to go.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have a pair like them." He wouldn't look at me.

"Wear them next time, I'd like to see," I said.

"Okay." And he left.


The following week, I waited for him to arrive. I was shirtless, shoeless, and wearing only my flimsy shorts. He walked up in his tee-shirt and jeans like normal. I was kind of disappointed. He came in, and immediately he held out his arms to me. I shut the door before I moved into him and hugged him with both arms in a big squeeze. His hands rubbed up and down my bare back. His mouth made little sounds like he was telling himself to settle in and be calm. We spent a while holding each other before he pulled back with that big smiley grin of his.

"I thought you were going to wear your shorts," I said to him.

"I am!" He grinned that sloppy grin at me. "I wore my jeans over them because I didn't want to walk all the way here in them."

I smiled at him as he kicked off his shoes, holding on to the foyer railing to maintain his balance. His hands worked at the button on his jeans, opening them up, and then a quick unzipping of the fly, and he was pulling his pants down. That was a sight to watch, for sure. He was so joyous pulling his pants down. He shuffled them off his feet and stood there proudly in a pair of very flimsy red shorts, maybe flimsier than my blue ones. He smiled at me with a bit of a blush, and after a hesitation, he pulled off his shirt.

"There." Merle gave me that naughty grin and a spread of his hands.

I moved back in to hug him, wanting to feel those great titties against me. I loved the look of his man boobs. Not floppy and fatty, but definitely big ol' boobies on big, slightly paunchy man. His nipples were wide flat disks, and he had a little bit of hair between his pecs. We hugged again; his body pressed up fully against me. I had to admit how good it felt to be in the arms of a big man like that. When he pulled back, he kind of did a hesitant half kiss against my face. His nipples were no longer flat. They were thick risen nubs, as red and stiff as any woman's I'd ever been with. He looked away with a deep blush as I gathered some food and drinks and walked him into the TV room. He sat on the edge of the couch. I sat in my chair.

"I don't often have my shirt off like this." Merle grinned and blushed. "I'm like a big fatty."

"You look great," I said. "You're really thick, you know. It looks nice on you."

"You think so?" Merle rubbed his hands over his breasts, pressing the flat of his palms over his nipples.

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong there."

"I don't always feel like I look so good," he said.

"I don't either," I said with a chuckle, "but it does feel good to just be

ourselves sometimes. Nothing wrong with that."

"No, I like that. I like being me." Merle nervously clutched at the hem of his shorts.

A moment of hesitation and he let go of his shorts, putting his hands to his side. He let his thighs open up enough, and his cock and balls immediately fell out of his shorts. Those shorts were meant for business in any peep show booth or on any cruising trail. Merle's cock was a beautiful thick tube with a fleshy, thick foreskin hanging over the head. Even soft, it was an imposing member. It lay over a pair of heavy balls in an equally fleshy, full sack.

I lifted my leg into the chair. I knew Merle could see my cock as I felt it fall out, the head rubbing against the fabric of the chair. We kept up the small talk about our day and what appointments he had to go to. It was exciting that we were exposing ourselves to each other. I loved having my cock out for another man to see, even if `accidental,' but it was odd that we weren't commenting on it directly. I guess he felt safer this way, perhaps seeing what he could get away with, maybe seeing if he read the situation correctly.

Merle pushed himself to the edge of the couch, and his knees spread wide. His cock and balls dangled over the edge of the sofa. They really hung nicely. That prominent member was a beauty, and those hairless balls I would love to have in my mouth. I could see a little bit of a glisten at the tip of his foreskin. My shorts didn't open quite so much, but I showed off all I could. I got up to get fresh snacks, and he had me sit by him when I came back. I was back up under his arm, his fingers finding their way onto my hairy chest. It was then my phone went off. I got up and snatched it off the little table by my chair. I answered it, and I could only roll my eyes at drama on the other end.

"Well then," I said, "just bring him here. It's okay. It's just Merle and me watching TV like normal. No, no, just end it, and bring him here. It's okay."

I hung up, and Merle looked at me with concern, his knees now contritely together.

"It's nothing. Karen just needs to bring Felix over because her husband is being difficult as his work changed everything at the last minute, meaning he probably didn't tell Karen anything. So, I'm watching Felix today."

"Felix is your nephew?"

"Yes," I said, "You've seen him, blond hair, a good kid."

"He has to come now?" Merle said with a hint of disappointment.

"Yeah, they'll be here in a little bit. It's okay. Felix can watch his TV, we can talk or whatever, and then he'll eat some dinner and go home."

"Okay, should I... go?" Merle said limply, pulling at the edges of his shorts.

"No, stay. It will be fun. Just kid's stuff."

"I should put my clothes back on."

"Yep," I said with a wink, "we should be more presentable for Karen and Felix."


I got up and got dressed while Merle went to the door and retrieved his pants and shirt from where they fell. Not much later, little Felix arrived with a harried Karen who said someone would be back later to pick him up. Once she left, the three of us stood looking at each other. I introduced the pair of them.

"You like Spider-Man?" Felix said to the very tall big man.

"Yeah! I do!" Merle said to him with big wide-open eyes.

"You want to see mine?" Felix asked him.


And off they went to retrieve Felix's box of toys. They had a high old time together playing with Felix's supermen and coloring in his books. Merle even read a little to the boy and sat with him while doing some of his schoolwork. A little dinner, a little more TV, and soon it was time for both of them to go, Felix's father, Danny, showing up to retrieve him.


The following Friday, Merle came by dressed in a blue t-shirt that accentuated his amazing breasts and pouch-packed jeans. I was in my flimsy blue shorts with my simple white t-shirt on. I let him in when he knocked. He immediately embraced me after I shut the door. He couldn't wait, it seemed, to get his arms around me. I was eager to have another feel of him in my arms as well.

"I missed my friend," he said.

"I missed you too." And honestly, I did miss him.

I embraced him with my hands going around his back. He was so warm and soft, and he seemed to really need to be held. For me, I loved being back in that big man's hands. I loved that I could lay my head on his shoulder like I used to do with my dad when I was younger. Merle's face turned toward mine. I could feel the slight stubble of his face on my skin.

"Let me take off my pants," he said. "Do you still want to see?"

"Of course," I replied.

I pulled back just a bit to give him room, but the big man stayed up close to me. He put his fingers to his belt and undid the wide, brown strap. Then he undid the button on his jeans and unzipped them with a slight flourish. He grinned at me as he pulled his pants, his flimsy red shorts sagging on his hips. Merle jutted his hips out, his jeans at his ankles. Merle bumbled about for a bit, kicking off his shoes, pulling off his socks, and pulling his pants off over his feet.

I joined him in pulling off our t-shirts. There he stood, mostly bare, those incredible tits highlighted by his broad, tan nipples. I reached out and pulled his flimsy shorts up into place as he chuckled. He pulled me back against him in another hug. I nuzzled into him on the other shoulder this time. His hands ran up and down my back as he stuttered stepped his hips forward against me.

"Thank you for letting me come over," he whispered to me.

"I'm glad you wanted to."

As we embraced each other, my hands slipped down to the waist of his shorts. He smelled good, he felt good, and I just let it last as long as it was going to. Lightning flickered out the windows as it began to rain.

"There it is," Merle said. "I thought it was gonna pour on me the whole way over."

When he pulled back, his nipples were hard and firm-amazing, thick nubs. I loved that he was so excited by this. My cock was more than semi-hard in my shorts just from spending that moment with him.

"Do you want to watch it on the patio?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said and followed me.

We were both bare-chested and barefoot in our loosest shorts, walking out onto the patio watching the weather pour. Merle moved over near the edge of the covering where my BBQ smoker was and leaned in slightly, trying to feel the edge of the weather coming down. I stood right behind him and slowly pushed my pouch up against his bottom. I aimed my cock toward the twin mounds of his butt-cheeks as I gently rubbed against him with my shorts-covered cock and balls. I wasn't worried about being seen, as the patio and back fence gave enough cover.

Merle turned around with a big grin and a blush, hugging me again. His rigid thick nubs pressed into my chest. I could suck on them for days, and I hoped he'd like to do the same to my own. I could feel his pouch against me. I knew he could feel mine. After a moment, I motioned that he should have a seat out here.

"I'll get some drinks and snacks for us."

"Is that little boy coming over again?" he asked.

"Yeah, a little later."

"Good," he said with a quick grin, then a look away.

When I returned, the rain continued to howl. The sound was lovely, as were the occasional rolls of thunder. Merle sat primly in one of the lounge seats, and I put his drink and some small turkey club half sandwiches on the glass table between us. I sat on my cushioned chair and had a bite. He smiled at me and scooted forward. His knees spread, and with a plop, his cock and balls were on display for me. His big cock head was clearly shaped under that meaty hood. His scrotum was pink and dark, filled with good-sized, tasty-looking orbs.

I pulled my leg up in the seat to give my cock the best chance of escaping my shorts. His eyes went right to it. I scooted forward a bit, and I could see my cock was definitely on view, my piss slit winking at him. He made no mention of it, though his tits and his flushed cheeks gave away the excitement he must have been feeling. I let my hands roam over my chest, onto my belly, and along my thighs as I spread my legs for him. I saw that cock of his take a mighty jerk upward, a real monster coming awake and erect. He closed his legs. I composed myself as well just as the phone buzzed. I picked it up, turned it over, and sure enough, it was Karen. I spoke briefly to her and hung up.

"Felix will be here soon." I got up, and my shorts fell back in place over my dick.

"Okay." Merle waited to get up once I was headed inside.

We both found our clothes and got dressed to await his arrival. I sat on the sofa inside, and he sat right next to me. His t-shirt highlighting those still aroused nipples, and his jean pouch was very full. I would let this unfold naturally. As much as I loved exposing myself to him and how oblivious he acted while exposing himself to me, I didn't want to scare him away.

Felix arrived as per usual, and we settled in for a kind of family night. Proud Uncle Merle helped Felix with his problems before we watched TV. A little dinner, and Felix was off on his way home. Karen seemed to quickly want to move the boy away from the big man. I don't know what she thought of Merle. She knew who he was, and she shouldn't have a problem with him.

"I love that little boy," Merle said once they were gone.

"You do?"

"Yes! He doesn't say mean things to me."

"He wouldn't."

"Some do, but Felix likes funny things the way I like funny things."

"Indeed. You're a good man around him."

Merle smiled, worked his shoes back on his feet, and headed out. I couldn't wait until the following Friday.

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On Wickr: chubbyhank

Next: Chapter 2

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