Chris and Merle

By ChubbyHank

Published on Mar 16, 2021


Chris and Merle Part Two

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M/M Relationship

I was actually missing Merle during the week, and I was jerking off over him. I loved how he would spread his legs, and that big cock of his would be on show for me. I hit a few of my favorite places to expose myself as I was so horny about it. At the Home Depot, I got my cock out in the bathroom, ensuring everyone could get a good look if they wanted to. A couple of men even made sure I got a good look at their cocks as well. The last was a young fella who got a real eyeful stepping to take a good long pee. I chuckled as I waggled my semi at him, my balls hanging out as well. He stood there, eyes wide, staring at my exposed dick as his young dick pissed a hard stream. I remember well being a young guy like him looking to see any cock I could in a public restroom. I wondered if he could get his cock to his mouth when he played with himself.

Then I went to Rainbow Books, my favorite gay shop. I walked in with my zipper down and my cock peeking out, and I bought some tokens for the peep booths. As I walked away from the counter, my cock was stiff and poking straight up. The man there never said a word except to give me a wink and a smile. In the booths, of course, I got naked and drained three different sets of balls down my throat before shooting a heavy load into another man's mouth.

The following Friday, Merle headed over like usual. I watched him come up the walk, his flimsy red shorts in his hand. That was new. That was intriguing. He walked up in his jeans and t-shirt, and fresh red sneakers were on his feet. Up onto the porch, and I heard that tentative knock of his. I opened the door, his head down as per usual turned up with a big smile for me as he stepped into my door. He bent in for a quick kiss and that smile that had him blushing and looking away.

I put my arms around him, and he hugged me. Tight and firm, he was grabbing hold of me. I hugged him back and just sank into that big, strong man. He might be a little slow, but he wasn't stupid. He was gentle and kind. He also had a great package between his legs. A thought still nagged at me that I might be reading too much into it, that he might not be gay. For myself, I had pretended not to be gay for a long time. I loved a woman enough to marry her, but over time, I came to realize men were more natural for me. I liked to be a little dominant and have my boys get as naughty as I wanted them to get, but I understood that not everyone liked what I liked, and I needed to respect their boundaries.

My hand went to Merle's ample bottom. His hand was hesitant and even nervous,

but it found its way onto my own right cheek.

"I have a fat ass," he said to me.

"No," I said to the big man, "it suits you fine."

He pulled me back into a hug. This time, he tried laying his head down on my shoulder. I moved and got him held firmly. I put my hand to the back of his

head and gently rubbed my fingertips against his short, cropped hair. He

had an excellent musk to him, maybe a hint of his shampoo or his soap.

"You want to get your shorts on?" I asked him quietly.

"In a minute."

He said it flatly and quietly and stayed in my arms. We held each other

firmly and just savored the moment.

"I love your big nipples," I whispered to him.

He giggled slightly.

"They are," he said.

"I like your red sneakers."

"They're great, aren't they? Deena let me buy them. They're like the


"They are. Your sneakers are pretty cool."

Deena was his half-sister who sometimes had to manage his money and his

affairs when he couldn't.

"I want to put on my shorts now," he said.


I had a real naughty thought. I led Merle by the hand to the back to the


"Go ahead. Get your shorts on."

"Out here," he said, looking around.

"Sure, no one can see. It's just us. Go ahead. I don't mind."

He blushed furiously.

"You won't mind seeing me?"

"No, big man, why should I? You're great!"

"You might see my thing..." he said, cute as a button. "Is that okay?"

"I'd love to see all of you."

He blushed again and pulled off his shirt. He stood there on the edge of

the shade of the patio, his pale skin highlighted by his big chest and

those great boobs. Those nipples were aroused, thick and large. He stood there talking and stammering and hesitating. I let him take his time. I took off my shirt as well, comparing our chests. I felt my breasts and rubbed the

thick black hair that covered them, and ran my hands down over my belly. His fingers went to his belt, and he undid the buckle. He kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks. I stood there while he pushed his pants down and got them off over his feet. He stood there with his big pouch hanging heavy in the front of his white briefs.

"I gotta take my underwear off to put them on."

"Yeah, you do. Go ahead."

"You don't care you'll see me?"

"No, I want to see."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do. You're great. I want to see you naked."

"I can show my penis to you?" he said with one hand cupping his groin as if he hadn't been showing off his dick the whole time to me.

"Yeah, take those off and let me see what's between your legs." I played along as he was so cute and so sincere.

"Okay," he said with a really naughty sparkle in his eye and a grin on his


Merle pulled his underwear up with his hands, the fabric outlining his big balls. He pulled them back down into place, his dick a giant lump underneath.

"I'm going to show it to you now," Merle said.


He put his fingers to the waistband and peeled them down, standing in the bright light of the late morning, naked as the day he was born. His cock was hard from the excitement, and his balls hung long and low in their sack. With his pubic hair shaved off, he looked really naughty, eager, and ready to play. His titties showed off those fantastic erect nipples. He was gorgeous to me at that moment. His cock bobbed in the air, slinging a bit of pre-cum up and down. He grinned at me, swinging his hips a bit side to side.

"I'm sorry my penis is getting so hard," he said.

"No problem, Merle," I said, pushing my shorts down to my ankles. "I am too."

My hard cock jutted out from its dark nest of pubic hair. My balls hung below, also covered in a dark tuft of hair. I smiled at Merle. He smiled at me. I stepped over to him, and we hugged again. My cock was against him, and that long, thick uncut cock of his was against me. I leaned up to kiss him. He kissed me back, a good kiss. A kiss that was held for a good moment. I smiled up at him and rubbed my hands up his back. His hands went over me, but he avoided my ass, so I avoided feeling his. I got close, just past the tuft of hair over his crack, my fingers nearly in the split of his cheeks. We stood there, embraced naked together for a while. He pulled back with a big grin, his hips rubbing his big dick against me. I leaned back a bit and watched him smear that sticky cock head over my belly.

"You're a happy boy right now?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I like this. I like you. I like being friends."

"Me too."

A line of his pre-cum hung from the tip of his thick dick head to my belly. That piss slit was just winking out from under his thick foreskin. I let it hang there as it was very sexy. After that, we spent a while naked together on the patio lounger with our food and conversation. Our legs were against each other, and our hands touching here or there. I wanted to get that thing in my mouth, but he seemed happy enough to have it out on display for me. I tried to encourage him a bit by stroking my cock once in a while.

"Is Felix coming by?" he asked with legs spread.

That thick cock stuck straight up his belly, the whole head now out of his foreskin, wet, dripping, and shiny. That big man really needed to squirt a load of cum, but I let him direct where this went.

"Not today. Felix is with Karen. She sounded really upset with him on the phone, poor guy, but he will come back."

"Okay," Merle said.

An hour went by, and we went inside. Merle pulled on his underwear and

jeans along with his t-shirt. His cock still so long it was sticking out of his jeans' waistband, wet and winking. I followed his lead as we fell into a regular routine. It was pretty enjoyable having him be with me as I fixed dinner. He helped as he could, but Merle made it clear he couldn't use the knives or the stove.

"It's fine, I got it," I said to him with a kiss on the top of his head as I went about making a quick dinner.

I'm pretty sure Merle could use a knife or at least the microwave if I was there with him. He wasn't an invalid. Merle was quite capable. Before he left after helping with cleanup and dishes, it was another long hug and a good smooch on the lips. Off Merle went, penis tucked away and out of sight, his red shorts in hand. His red shoes were as bright and shiny as his smile as he gave a wave from the sidewalk. I was going to miss him... indeed, I was.


Friday soon arrived, and I had Merle coming up my walk before I knew it. I opened the door, and as he walked up, he undid his belt. Wow, this was new. He undid his pants as he stepped onto the porch. He wasn't stopping. It was a real thrill to see him unzipping and pulling his pants down as he walked up the stoop. He was exposed, his jeans and underwear coming down over his bottom, his fat cock and balls revealed in the front. What a sight from that man.

I shut the door behind him, and he finished undressing. I joined him, pulling off my clothes, and in seconds, we were naked with stiff members pointing at each other. We embraced. I snatched the scruff of his hair with my hand and pulled his lips down to mine. I kissed him long and hard, his hands all over me as we stood together. Our cocks were up against each other's belly. When I pulled back, his fat red cock head was out of his meaty, heavy foreskin, bulging and wet with a dripping line of pre-cum. I got down on my knees, and my hands went to his ass. He gasped.

"You need it, don't you, Merle?"

I looked up at him, and he nodded. He had a tear roll down his cheek.

"Baby, it's okay. You need me to make you cum? You need this right now?"

He nodded. I stroked the globes of his bottom. I leaned in and kissed the

head of his thick, wet cock. He shuddered and gasped. His balls were long and swaying beneath. I licked at the wetness, letting a moan slip out.

"Your juice tastes so good..."

He whimpered. He was really crying as his hands roughly pulled at my head. I opened my mouth, and he fucked my face with that huge dick. I took it in as deeply as I could. Finally, that incredible dick was in my mouth. Several minutes went by as he pumped in and out of me. I loved the smell of his skin as he pulled my face in close to his body. His dick was amazing. That fat head filled my mouth. Merle's cock shaft was warm and soft in its turgidity. His sweet juice was sticky all over my mouth. I loved the taste of him.

He humped against me, his hands pulled my head in tight, and he growled and then gasped and then groaned as he flooded my mouth with jet after jet of his cum. His balls were pulled up, a loose flap of scrotum hanging down, pumping that cum into me. Several spasms and a few jitters later, he pulled from my mouth and surprised me by slapping my face with his wet, sticky shaft. He held my head with one hand and whacked me pretty good with it, before rubbing it all over my face. He hunched forward and draped his balls over my face, banging them and rubbing them against me. Then he stopped and stepped back, his hands over his groin.

I looked up at him, and he was crying still. I got up and held him.

"What's wrong, buddy? What's wrong."

"I did bad," he spluttered.

"That was bad?"

"Yes...yes..." he stuttered. "I have to go. I have to go."

He dressed, turned, and left. I let him go.

I didn't know what to do. I washed my face and hands and dressed. I waited

for Karen to call about dropping Felix off. An hour or so later, I heard voices, and the doorbell rang. I opened the door and watched a UPS driver walking away. I looked down at the porch and saw he had left a box. Sitting in the chair on the porch was Merle. His head was down, his face red, and he was kind of hunched over.

"Merle? You been sitting out here?"

He nodded.

"Are you okay?"

He shook his head no. His cheeks were wet.

"Come in here, buddy. It's okay. Come and talk to me."

I went over and got him.

"Don't hate me," he whispered.

"I don't hate you, buddy. You're one of the best friends I got."


"Sure, come on inside, don't sit out here."

He came in with me, and I held him while he cried in my arms. Not just a bit

of weeping, but really wailing. I had a kind of realization at that moment. This was a good guy, and this was an intense situation for him. He was a real person, not a sex fantasy. I held him on the couch until he was better, and we could talk. It was a long story about the usual stuff. He had ideas, and he had needs, but everyone told him how only bad men did such things. I told him as carefully as I could that it was okay between us. As good friends who want to be friendly together, there was nothing wrong with it. There was nothing wrong with two gay men spending time together. I waited to see his reaction to saying we were gay men. There was a hesitation.

"Are you sure?" was all he said.

Merle was so precious and uncertain. I told him I was sure, and he was glad. We sat together until the phone call about when Felix was going to arrive. I had him stay in the tv room while I collected the boy from his mom. Merle seemed in much better spirits joining Felix on the floor to play with toys and do his homework. He even helped the boy with his meal. I knew there was a lot that man could do despite how wary he seemed about doing very basic things.


Thursday night, there was a knock at my door. That was odd. It was a little cold out, and the street was dark and quiet as it usually was at that time of night. I wondered who it could be. I looked out the peephole as I flicked on the porch light. It was Merle in a trench coat and a trucker hat.

"What the hell?" I thought and pulled the door open slightly.

"Turn off the light," he whispered.

I did.

"Inside too."

I flicked the switch by the door, and we stood there in the dim light. Merle slowly unbuttoned the long coat and pulled it open. It was a true flasher moment. He was naked with his massive erection poking out at me while grinning ear to ear.

"Look at my hard peter..." he huffed, swinging that hard-on back and forth. "Look at that! It was stiff the whole way!"

Then he let his coat slip off his arms, and he stood there, butt ass naked on my porch with a wet, dripping dick. Truly one of the sexiest things I had ever seen. He turned around for me, showing me his big butt, then on around where he spread his legs a bit and swung that heavy cock and balls between his legs. He moved to come in, leaving his coat and hat out there on the porch.

"My balls are so full..." he said with a leer as I shut the door.

"I see that," I said, putting his balls into the palm of my hand.

Merle pushed me away, putting his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to get on my knees. Once I was kneeling before him, he reached for my head with both hands and guided it to his dick. Merle wasn't asking or suggesting. He was a

bull ready to rut, determined and forceful, pulling my face to his cock. The smell of him between his legs was sensuous. The piss slit, slick and dripping pre-cum, came straight at me.

Merle rutted that massive hard-on against my face, grunting all the while. A thick line of pre-cum hung between my face and his dripping cock head as he guided his dick into my mouth. I opened up wide and let it fill my throat. He fucked me hard, thrusting his hips against my face, my nose pulling air in like a freight train trying to keep up. He was pure animal lust as I looked up into that red grimacing face with those tightly shut eyes. I loved the feel of that huge cock filling my mouth, that thick foreskin, the sweet juice pumping up from deep within him. It was all Merle, musky and heady, filling my senses.

Merle's great, hairless balls battered against my chin, sticky and slapping against me with wet smacks. Maybe five minutes or ten minutes went by, and he pushed deep into my mouth. His heavy hands held my head in place while he grunted through a thunderous climax. The load from those giant balls was hot and thick, creamy and salty, squirting and spraying, overfilling my mouth. It was some of the best semen I ever had down my throat. That was followed by Merle really working over my face with his fat, wet, sticky dick. He slapped and battered me with it, making my face wet with his spitty, sticky cock. Then he rubbed his balls over my face. His fist pulling them tight and spanking them against my nose, cheeks, and lips. When he was done, he bent down and kissed my sticky, cummy lips. He turned, his long dick still leaking sticky juice, opened the door, and shut it behind him. I got up to look out the peephole. I watched his naked ass as he got his coat and hat on and walked off without a word.

I licked my lips and rubbed my face to get all the sticky cum I could into my mouth. Swallowing that man's tasty load was so good, I would have taken another round of his rough face fucking to get more. I wonder if I could get him up my ass. I went out into my backyard, my hard dick leading the way. Under the stars, bare-assed, I jerked my own heavy load into the grass.

The next day, I heard that slight knock of Merle's. I opened the door and found him with a long shirt on. His jeans were open. He pulled down the front of his underwear, and his cock and balls popped out on display. Soft and pink, that flaccid member was still a pretty sight. It was quite an impressive tool, even when not hard and thrusting upward. His balls hung down well below the fleshy foreskin covering that meaty head.

"Look at my dick!" he said, flapping that pink tube by the foreskin between his thumb and forefinger. "Can you see my nuts?"

I smiled and grinned at him with an approving nod as he wiggled those giant orbs between two fingers.

"Get in here with that thing, big man," I said with a chuckle.

He smiled and headed inside. I took hold of his dick right away as I shut

the door. I dropped down and gave it a good sucking to get it stiff and

upright. It didn't take long to have that impressive girth to be eager for playtime. I pulled off my clothes as Merle also undressed.

We hugged as we usually did, a good long while, our cocks both dripping and eager. Merle seemed really interested in licking over my lips, his tongue drooling a long, leaking line of spit down into my mouth before flicking quickly against my lips and into my mouth. He got my cheeks smeary as he ran his tongue over my face giving me deep kisses. I snatched at the short hair on his head, pushing and pulling him against me. I dragged his head to my breast. He suckled at my tits, getting me moaning and ready to cum. My hands went to his ass, and I pulled his cheeks apart and squeezed them. He gasped and looked up at me.

"I've never done butt stuff with a man," he said, his face wet and spitty.

"Here," I said, walking him into the living room.

I got down on the floor and onto my back. I lifted my legs and spread my

ass cheeks for Merle. I could almost cum right then, showing off my hole to a man like that. I loved being so exposed to him.

"Look at that, buddy," I said to him, rubbing at my tight pucker. "See my

hole there? It likes a lotta love."

Merle got down on the floor and put his face right down to my ass to get a

look. I pushed a finger just inside my pucker.

"Yeah," I moaned.

Merle got closer and put his finger to my hole.

"Oh yes, play with it," I encouraged him.

I moved my hand out of the way and let him explore between my cheeks. My crack, covered in dark hair, was as exposed as it could be. It was my most secret place. A place where a man could make me cum harder than anything else he could do to me. Merle felt along my crack and back to my hole. He pushed against the entrance, letting the tip of his finger slip inside.

"Yeah, buddy," I groaned, "put your finger in me..."

He pushed his finger in all the way to the knuckle. It was startling, a bit of a raw shove, but I adjusted, and his fat finger hit the right spot. He grinned up at me as I moaned and ground my hips. He started sawing in and out of me.

"Yeah, play with my hole, fuck me with your finger!"

He pulled almost out and put two fingers back inside me. I started to jack

my cock. He pushed his two fingers in deep and jiggered them back and forth

really quickly.

"Buddy, you got it!" I cried out at the intensity of the sensation. "Play with my hole, buddy, play with it!"

Merle grinned that leering smile of his.

"I'm gonna make you cum with my fingers up your shitter!" Merle said, laying down on the floor between my legs.

"I think you will..."

He was so happy about making me feel good he went at it even harder and faster. He pulled out to get another finger inside. Three fingers in me were a lot, though, and I had him pull out.

"Let's try this," I said, getting on the couch and slouching down onto my back, lifting my legs to him.

"You know how we kiss with tongues and spit?"

"Yeah," Merle said.

"Do that with my hole... Use your mouth and tongue and spit on my hole."

"You want me to put my mouth on your butt?" Merle smiled a big childlike goofy grin.

"Yeah, big man, it's amazing," I said, putting my fingers back to my hole to rub over it.

"Okay!" he said with a gung-ho laugh and that naughty boyish grin of his.

He spit on me, drooling long lines down over my pucker. He popped his hand against my hole, trying to slap it. He kissed it, giving me that naughty smile before hesitantly licking it up and down. He grinned up at me.

"It likes that kind of loving," I said to him.

Merle leaned in, and that fat tongue was suddenly all over my hole. He stuck his tongue in me. I couldn't believe how quickly Merle took to being so naughty, so willing. He lapped at my hole, digging in with his tongue. His finger fucked me a little more as well. I held his head down against my crack as he worked me over, making me all wet and sticky. I gasped. Two fingers were in me. Three fingers were in me. He pulled out and frenched my open hole with his mouth and tongue. He was going to make me cum with his mouth working over my asshole. I pulled his head up. He seemed really concerned, almost disappointed.

"Now, I want you to fuck me."

"What?" he said with that cock-eyed question mark look on his sticky face.

"Take your big, ol' dick and stick it in that hole. Put it inside of me."

I saw that change come over him.

"I'm going to fuck you." His voice was low, a whisper. "I'm really going to. I'm really going to."

Merle got up on his knees with that lustful look he had last night and yanked my hips forward. He leaned over me, took a moment aiming his cock. I put my hand there, and Merle knocked it away. He looked me in the eye, and suddenly, my hole was stretched tight. That thick sticky head pierced my anus and filled me up. I moaned at how full and fabulous I felt. Merle was gasping these high-pitched whispers ...yes...yes...yes... over and over. He sat still for a moment, looking at his where his cock entered me. I could feel his fingers touching me.

With a grunt, he pushed his thick cock forward into my rectum. It was amazing to be so full, to have that huge cock inside me. He broke out in a sweat. He was so intent and focused as he bore down into me without a pause until the whole length of that huge cock was up inside my bottom. He began to fuck me, it took a moment to get a rhythm, but he was fucking me. His sweat was dripping on me. I held on to his arms; his hands were locked in stiff and tight at my hips and thighs.

"Oh oh oh oh..." was in his mouth.

That dick of his fit me just right. I put my fingers to my hole to feel where he was entering me, but he brushed me away. I never wanted that dick to pull out. I wanted him in me from then on.

"You're so nasty, buddy. You're inside me. Fuck me, Merle," I encouraged

him, "that dick is so good up my hole... oh yeah... Fuck me, buddy."

Merle pounded me forever, it seemed. I held my cock more than jerking it as I didn't want to come before him. His eyes squeezed tight, his thrusting became a frenzy, his breath a locomotive. He cried out and pulled his cock from my hole in one savage stroke. The head, fully exposed, was pissing down thick white fluid that suddenly squirted straight out over my belly as he ejaculated a massive load across me. Eight or nine long lines of his semen covered me. He punched that cock back into my hole, and I couldn't stop the orgasm that hit me, rolling up through my bottom in deep, aching waves, up and out of my balls, and out through the shiny wet head of my dick. I sprayed a massive load over myself as he stroked his dick up my asshole. He pulled out and pushed my hands aside. He leaned in and rubbed his sweaty face in the wet sticky fur of my chest and belly. After a bit, he looked up at me with a goofy grin, his face coated in our cum. I felt his finger go back in me.

"You like fucking my hole, buddy?"

He nodded and took his finger out.

"I got to fuck!"

"You did, you did," I said with a chuckle.

"I was inside you." He put his thumb to my hole and let it slip in. "I like it."

"My butt likes you too!"

Merle grinned and sat back, folding his hands over his groin. One thing I did know: my hole was gonna need a chance to rest after that pounding. I sat up and scooted onto the floor. I put my arms around him, running my hand to his bare ass, my fingers scratching at his bare skin.

"Your butthole probably likes to play too..."

He blushed at me.

"No one's ever touched me there..." he said in a whisper. "It's my private


I ran my fingers between his cheeks and lightly rubbed at the puckered skin

I found there. He smiled at me with a deep blush.

"Let me know when I can play with it," I told him as I leaned in to kiss his wet, sweaty face.

His tongue lashed at me, and his mouth battered my face. Soon I just held him, his strong arms clinging to me. I looked at the time. I got him up and had a hot soapy shower where I was able to wash over his butthole and explore it a bit more. Once done and dressed, we waited on Felix to show up.

All Chat is Welcome:


On Wickr: chubbyhank

Next: Chapter 3

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