Chris Charming

By David Solis

Published on Dec 13, 2011


Ok so I've never really written for an audience before, this is my first endeavor into that. I had been reading a lot of charmed fanfics and while most of them are amazing none of them was really what I saw the future of charmed as being. I went back and re-watched every episode that I could with the older brothers in them and studied their behavior, their mannerisms and anything else (though there wasn't a lot to go on) that would help me delve into their psyche. I came up with this story, set in an obviously altered future. The show clearly dictates that Chris is engaged to Bianca in the future and she will play a role in this story, but it starts out before Bianca is introduced. One other main difference is that this story is written mainly from the perspective of Chris' boyfriend Alex, something else I thought would make for an interesting twist. It will switch to Chris or even Wyatt's POV if and when necessary to the story but it will be revealed later that Alex is just as big a part of the magical community as both Chris and Wyatt.

I hope you enjoy reading this and I hope that I can do these characters justice with my writing. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or even an insult or two, I can be reached at

Also for all of the legal jargon I see everybody writing into all of their stories...If you are not of age, are in an area where this type of material is illegal or are simply not into this type of thing then I suggest you get older real quick, move from where you're living and join the 21st century. Otherwise enjoy!

I also do not own the concept, characters or title to the "Charmed" show this is merely a representation of how I would continue the story of one of the greatest shows ever aired. TM and Copyright belong to Paramount Pictures and Spelling Television.

Chris Charming CH 1

I stood from the couch stretching my aching muscles as I did. I had been staring at that screen for the past 5 hours and had only managed to write to pages, which I then promptly deleted. Writers block, I swore I would never get it, and here I was with a bigger block than a shower drain. The words weren't flowing like they usually do, I suppose that's because my muse had left for the day. It was always harder to write when Chris wasn't home; he was my inspiration the one thing in my life that made my stomach churn and my mind spark. I hadn't had much before I met him, was living on the street mostly, staying with friends here and there, mostly though it was me and the hard pavement. He found me and saved me, my knight in shining armor, and my guardian angel. I remember the night I first met Christopher Perry Halliwell, he saved me from being killed, literally.


I had just managed to get some money from some people that felt sorry for me; I hated being felt sorry for but when you're starving you don't turn down money for food. One of the guys that thought he owned the block saw it go down, saw me get money when he only got disgusted looks, guess he decided it belonged to him. I was going to head to a cheap diner around the corner that caters to people in my condition, but wrench had other ideas. I turned around to walk the few feet to the diner and got hit with wrenches namesake, god did that hurt bad, felt like my whole face just turned inside out and I was nothing but raw nerves and muscle at that point. I feel faster than a brick, hit the ground pretty hard to which only served to make me feel sick. It's amazing how the human body responds to different kinds of pain, I should know I've been through just about every kind. The nausea finally began to wear off and then the real pain started, wrench didn't like that I was still conscious so he raised his weapon of choice over his head ready to put all of his strength behind the next blow. I closed my eyes, I figured If I was going to die I wanted it to be a surprise, but the blow never came. I heard a scuffle, thought it was wrench trying to find a better angle to hit me from so I waited but still no death from above. I opened my eyes slowly afraid that he was waiting for me to look at him, at my abuser and possible killer, but what I saw shocked the shit out of me.

Wrench was gone and in his place stood a beautiful man, almost 6 feet tall with shaggy brown hair, which I'm sure was a lot cleaner than mine. He had these soft angled features that made his face look like he belonged on a poster somewhere for the church. But all of these things paled in comparison to his eyes, it was dark but they seemed to shine, to glow this beautiful hazel color almost brown but almost green. I swear I saw them literally change color once or twice. I must have looked the absolute fool sitting there with blood running from the gash along my cheek and my mouth hanging open like it was disconnected from the rest of my face. He reached down his hand to help me up, it took me a second to realize this but I finally managed to take hole of his fingers.

His palm was slightly sweaty and his fingers were warm to the touch it was almost as if he was radiating heat from his body like a furnace. I felt this warmth suddenly spread throughout me engulfing my body making me feel all tingly inside, then I just felt good, better than good even, at least better than before. He took me to a café down the street, a really expensive café. I tried to tell him that I didn't have enough money for this place but he just shushed me and told me that he had it. Then I tried to tell him that I must have looked horrible, reaching up to touch my mess of a face, that's when I realized the blood was gone as was the pain. I stopped questioning things at that point, smelling the food made me realize just how hungry I really was and everything except for the empty feeling in my stomach faded away. I let him buy me food assuring him I would find a way to pay him back someday. It was then I realized I didn't even know his name, and I expressed as much. He introduced himself as Chris, I responded with my own name while shoving some fries down my throat,

"I'm Alex, Alex Hamilton; it's a pleasure to meet you Chris."

He chuckled and I realized that talking around food was not a very polite thing to do, I put down the fries and tried to continue the conversation feeling a little better than before, at least not so hungry.

I asked a simple question "So what are you doing in this part of town anyway, you don't look like you belong anywhere near tent city?"

And he didn't he was wearing casual clothes, but I could tell that it was that expensive casual look that a lot of people were trying to fit into these days.

"I was out for a walk, and just wound up around here, I heard the fight so I thought I may be able to help" he responded with a half answer that I took at face value.

"Well thank you for walking around this way, you literally just saved my life."

He chuckled once again and said, "It'll all be worth it once you finish that meal and I can get you cleaned up, you look like you're the same size as me some of my clothes should fit you."

I tried to tell him that was too much, that the food was more than enough, but he wouldn't hear of it and the next thing I know I'm walking into an apartment building and into his apartment.


I walked into the first place I had ever been in this apartment almost two years ago, the bathroom was small, cluttered and manly but that's what you expect when there are three guys living under one roof. His brother Wyatt lived here too, and with three different approaches to hygiene care in a small bathroom, things tended to be a little hectic, but we managed. It was Chris and my two year anniversary next Tuesday, and I was still trying to figure out what I should get him; looking at the colognes set up in the medicine cabinet I quickly abolished that idea from my mind thinking it was too tacky.

I undressed realizing that after last night I very obviously needed a shower. I turned the water on hot like I always did, something I never grew out of after being homeless for a few months was taking the hottest showers I could stand; it kind of felt like I was washing away that sordid past. I stepped under the steamy hot water and let it flow over my body, stripping away the stress and aches from the past 24 hours.

I heard the front door open and was quite surprised, Wyatt was supposed to be at an open house all day and Chris was supposed to be in school until later tonight. I called out, trying to see who was in the apartment and seconds later Chris popped his head into the bathroom.

"Hey baby, I missed you." He said in his all too sweet voice which usually made me melt on the spot.

"Chris! What are you doing home!? You're supposed to be learning things remember?" I replied sarcastically.

"The professor decided to let us go early, he had some family business to take care of, and my next class got cancelled because the teacher was sick so I'm home for a few hours." Chris had a way of making everything sound like it should be common knowledge, it irked me sometimes but that was his way. "So how is the writing coming? Anything new for me to read?"

"First of all, you know you're not supposed to be reading any of it until it's done! And secondly, there were two pages, but I deleted them, they were horrible and not at all where I wanted the book to go."

"Well you would know best," he responded "but the publishing house is only going to wait so long, even if you are the incredibly sexy boyfriend of the lead editors nephew."

Phoebe Halliwell was a dilemma to say the least, she was like wonder woman, supergirl, and some other female superhero all wrapped into one. I swear I don't know where she got the time to breathe let alone raise three children and take care of a husband. Chris' aunt was amazing; she had a daily column in the paper, managed to become chief editor of a major publishing company, and already had two books about finding love out on the shelves. If I had half the ambition and a quarter of her mind this book would have been done two months ago.

"I know, I know," I said "but it's so hard, the idea is there, and so are the concepts and the basic outline. It's just getting everything to come together that's the hard part." As I said this I looked down to a deep red stain on Chris' shirt. "Oh my god baby! Are you bleeding!?"

Chris looked down and realized the stain, "No it's just some ketchup I spilled at lunch, clumsy me!" came his all too ready response.

"Well go change it, and put something on it before the stain sets."

"Ok, Ok mom! Are you going to ground me too?" He asked incredulously, laughing as the last word escaped his mouth.

I started rinsing my hair, realizing that through all the talking I had been in the shower for much too long, and that the water had started to chill. I was going to finish quickly when I heard a scuffle out in the living area followed buy what sounded like shattering glass.

"Chris!?" I yelled out of the slightly open bathroom door "Chris!? Are you okay out there!? What was that noise? Is Wyatt home!? Did he break something again!?"

After not getting a response to any of this I quickly rinsed all of the soap off of my body and shut the water off. As I was stepping out of the shower I heard someone yell, it was a man's voice I think, it was deep and sounded angry. I started to grab for the robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. After slipping it on I heard another crash and rushed out of the bathroom in time to see a man go flying across the room. I screamed and Chris turned to me staring for a second as the man stood again. I looked at him and realized that something was wrong, the man didn't look normal his eyes were black orbs and his skin was kind of scaly, I was shocked to say the least. He went after Chris again, rushing at him like a madman ready to attack with a very sharp looking knife.

"Chris!" I screamed but he was already on top of it, he raised his hand and swept it toward the man throwing him back a few feet into a grandfather clock that his mom and dad had given us as a present.

The clock was smashed into tiny pieces and still the man recovered and stood again, this time staring at me with those black eyes. I was scared beyond belief and the man saw that. He ran towards me with the knife outstretched and in that moment I thought I was going to die.

Chris screamed out for his brother Wyatt before waving his arm at the man once more and sending him back into the small hallway that connected the living room with the bedrooms. To the side of me I saw a blue white light start to form into tiny orbs which then came together to form his brother Wyatt. I ran back toward the wall scared and confused at what I was seeing before me. The man came back into the living room looking none the worse for being tossed around by some unnamed force like a rag doll. At that moment Wyatt let out in an almost unearthly voice demanding the man to stop. The man looked at Wyatt and for the first time since this started actually looked scared. He started to disappear in ripples looking like a pond after you throw a rock into it. Wyatt raised his hands and a force was released that looked like it might be a stream of fire. The man stopped disappearing, and almost immediately, for lack of a better term, 'blew up' right in front of my eyes. I covered my face at the sight of the bright light and backlash created from the force of the explosion. I looked up at where the man was standing just moments ago and saw only smoke rising from what looked like a pile of ash on the ground. I looked to Chris for answers and only remember seeing a look of regret on his face moments before the world became black.

Next: Chapter 2

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