Chris Charming

By David Solis

Published on Dec 15, 2011


I hope you enjoy reading this and I hope that I can do these characters justice with my writing. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or even an insult or two, I can be reached at

Also for all of the legal jargon I see everybody writing into all of their stories...If you are not of age, are in an area where this type of material is illegal or are simply not into this type of thing then I suggest you get older real quick, move from where you're living and join the 21st century. Otherwise enjoy!

I also do not own the concept, characters or title to the "Charmed" show this is merely a representation of how I would continue the story of one of the greatest shows ever aired.

Chris Charming Ch 2

I woke after what seemed like hours. I cracked open my eyes and they were too sensitive to the light, so I thought it best to keep them closed for now. I heard Chris in the background yelling at someone very loudly.

"This was supposed to be a demon free zone; how the Hell did they find us? I only ever wanted to keep Alex safe from those monsters, and now they're pounding on our door." He was screaming so loudly that my head started to pound in time with the boom of his voice.

"I'm sorry." I heard Wyatt say shortly after, "I only orbed here once, he must have followed me, I didn't realize." He had a melancholy, almost regretful tone to his voice "I know you wanted to keep this place safe for Alex, and I never meant to ruin that for you. I just didn't...I didn't think. I'm so sorry Chris"

"It's really not your fault; it's all these damn demons! Where are they coming from!?"As Chris screamed these words, I'm sure I heard several things crash to the ground. "There hasn't been an attack this bad since right before we came into our full powers." This statement came out more as a mournful apology, to whom I wasn't sure.

I chose that moment to open my eyes, what I saw both frightened and infuriated me. The once spotless apartment was now a complete disaster, broken furniture and glass were thrown everywhere. My laptop was a shattered mess on the floor, and the few pages I actually had printed of my book lay in tattered ruins.

"What the fuck happened!?" I almost broke my own eardrums with the force of the howl that was currently coming from my mouth. I sat up quickly as I started to cry, so many feelings were running through my body at that point, I wasn't sure which one to express first. Shock, outrage, fear, amusement, anger...I think that I must have been wracked with every aspect of human emotion within the ten seconds it took me to completely stand.

Chris and Wyatt stood frozen and for a moment I thought time had stopped around me, it definitely would not have been the oddest thing I had seen today. Suddenly Chris' breath caught as if he had been holding it for hours. He looked at me with pleading eyes as if somehow that would make it all better. As if somehow that would make all the badness disappear from my mind.

"Baby? Alex...?" I heard the urgency in his voice, the pure terror and regret that one can only muster when there is no solution to the enormous problem at hand.

"Alex..." Wyatt started but Chris shot him a nasty look and he realized he had said too much. This was not his place, although from what I know of Wyatt all he wanted was for everyone to be laughing at that exact moment.

"Chris, what happened!?" I was on the verge of all out bawling at this point, begging for some sort of practical answer to everything I had just witnessed. "I'm not even sure if I'm awake right now, is this a dream!? Am I dreaming baby?" I couldn't hold it in any longer, sorrow washed over me as my once pristine world came crashing down around me; everything had changed in just a few moments of time. My incoherent babbling and relentless sobbing must have struck something in Chris, at that moment he rushed to my side and took me gently into his arms.

"I'm so sorry Alex, I tried so hard to keep this all away from you for so long, but I knew it would catch up with us sooner or later." I looked at him with incredulousness, anger brewing inside of me as the flowing tears abruptly stopped.

"You knew about all of this, that you could do those things!? You knew men like him existed!?" The words came out harsh as I waved my arm toward the pile of ash on the floor. "And you didn't say anything to me!? You just brought the most fucked up shit imaginable into my life and all you can say is `I'm Sorry'."

I lashed out with the full extent of the emotions built up within me, screaming obscenities and insults cruelly at him; Pounding on his chest like some sort of rabid animal. And like the chivalric man I had discovered he was, he just sat there and allowed it knowing well enough that right now there was nothing he could do to soothe the tempest raging inside of me. He looked up as I continued to sling one harsh word after another, weakly tapping his chest with closed fists, with his only response being gentle tears forming in his eyes and flowing off of his face.

The words halted abruptly, as I stared into his beautiful, loving eyes as if I were staring at them for the first time all over again. They were a deep jade green at the moment, probably due to the hunter green sweatshirt he must have changed into after our earlier conversation. I suddenly felt horrible for all the things I said to him, all the ruthless insults and the harsh language; I suddenly wished I could rewind time and take all of it back.

"I'm sorry baby; I didn't mean those things I said. I'm just so confused and scared I don't know what just happened, or even what's happening right now." I tried so hard to fix what I had just destroyed with my words, but somehow nothing seemed like it was enough. I wanted so badly to express to my guardian angel, whom had saved my life not once but twice now, that those words weren't really meant for him. How could they be, Chris was one of the most caring people I had met in my lifetime. No those horrible things I said were meant solely for the situation; a situation that had no form, no face to scream at, no chest to pound on. He just happened to be the closest physical being to me at the time I had just experienced my third major mental breakdown in my short twenty-one years living.

I was still so confused and I just wanted answers, needed to know what was going on and if it all made sense somehow. I looked up into Chris' eyes once again pleading for an explanation and he responded in kind by kissing me lightly on my cheek. I felt tired all of a sudden, I wanted to stay awake tried to force my eyes to remain open; but my eyelids fought me every step of the way slowly falling further than I could compensate for and altogether I was sleeping.

Chris' POV

"Wyatt I don't know how to fix this, how do I make this better?" I was praying that my older brother would have some sort of reasonable answer for this very unreasonable question. I knew in the back of my head that I couldn't keep my heritage a secret forever, but everyday Alex didn't know I felt like it might actually be a tangible goal. But it had finally happened and our lives would never be the same, not once Alex discovered who he really is and what his destiny holds in store for him. No, our lives were about to get flipped sideways, and somehow I just knew that Alex was going to take the brunt of the crash, and suddenly being in the presence of the most magical being in the world make me feel about two feet tall.

"I'm not sure Chris, I'm not sure that you can make this better in any way. The only thing you can do now is help Alex through this, help him understand what it is we do and why we do it. It's up to you to explain what he should have known all along, where his future lies and what he is truly capable of. It may not be the way you wanted him to find out, but it's now or never and honestly I think he has a right to know everything."

"When did you get so smart? I thought I was the brain of this operation and you were just around to hold your sword and look scary. When did you become such a knowledgeable whitelighter?" The question caught Wyatt off guard for a moment; he blinked wondering if I really meant what I just said, but true to form he came back quick as ever.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick. Isn't that how that proverb goes? And besides Aunt Paige is the best whitelighter teacher there is and she just so happens to like me more." He laughed lightly and suddenly the tension that had been filling the room since the demon attacked managed to dissipate. I was chuckling right along with him and all of a sudden it didn't seem like the world was falling anymore.

Alex's POV

I woke up for the second time that day, at least I think it's still the same day. I felt refreshed, energized like I could take on the world and then it all came crashing back into my memory like a meteor crashing to earth. The fight, the man that Chris called a demon, my following actions it all came back to me in one clumpy mess and I was left to try to clean it up. Sometime between Chris kissing me and me waking up on our bed he had managed to change me out of the terrycloth robe I was wearing and put me into some comfortable sleep pants; I was grateful for that.

I got up out of bed, it was definitely a lot darker than the second time I closed my eyes, but a quick glance at the clock on the nightstand revealed it was only 8:30 at night. That was a small relief; I could barely handle everything that had happened today much less losing the rest of it.

I walked out of the bedroom, and down the short hallway peering into the living room before I went any further. I looked around incredulously; the living room was back to normal. There were no signs of a struggle, much less a fight where somebody had been blown up. I laughed slightly, inwardly cursing myself for having such horrible nightmares and feeling foolish that I believed it all to be real. I made my way to the kitchen area, suddenly realizing that I was extremely hungry. How long was I sleeping, it felt like I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to find Wyatt and Chris sitting at the table, suddenly becoming very quiet. I strolled slowly over to my guardian angel and promptly slapped him across his face and then leaned down and kissed him tenderly on the cheek I had just smacked. He looked up at me with disbelieving eyes confused and startled for just a minute, exactly the response I was hoping for.

"What the hell was that for?" He threw at me, as if he had any footing in the way my mind worked.

I replied matter-of-factly, "That was for everything that happened in my dream, and the kiss was to make it better since it never really happened."

I moved my way over to the refrigerator, and pulled out a leftover taco from last night not even caring that it was cold and preceded to almost swallow it whole; finishing the whole thing in less than 4 bites. I walked back over to the table where the dynamic duo were sitting and looked down at both of them, I had an urge to smack that smirk off of Wyatt's face for his part in my dream, but I thought better of it.

"Alex, baby..." Chris started, and I saw both brothers get a scary serious look on their faces, "I think you should sit down; we, mainly I, have something to tell you and it might be easier to handle if you weren't standing."

I started to get scared; they were being too somber for the amusing spectacle that had just played out.

"Alex, I can't see any easier way of telling you this than just to say it." Chris looked like he had just been caught stealing the Hope diamond and I was there to put him away for life. "You see the thing is, everything that you experienced, it wasn't a dream it was all real."

Ok well there's my second chapter. I'm trying to make these things like mini charmed episodes hehe so I have to leave them off on cliff hangers right now, if anyone reading this thinks I should just post longer chapters and get of the "mini me" horse let me know, comments are always welcome as are flames just please no BLESSED BE!

Next: Chapter 3

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