Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Nov 23, 2010


This is a semi-fictional story meant for adults 18 or older. Homosexual acts are described.

Part One:

I had been brought up in the suburbs of a mid-western city where my father was employed in the financial industry. My mother was a "stay-at-home" mom and thus the family was by no means well-to-do, managing as it did on my father's salary alone. However, my brother Matt and I basically lacked for nothing and I guess our family could have been described as lower middle class. The suburb we lived in reflected this and swimming pools and tennis courts were few and far between. Matt, who was two years younger than me, and I attended good local schools and, as is common in the suburbs, the kids came from a complete spectrum of society. We had the rich kids who arrived in the morning in their own cars and the rest of us had rides or used buses or bikes or depending on distance from the school, walked. Matt and I fell into the latter category.

Matt and I each led his own social life (apart from the fact that at ages 14 and 16 at that time) the gulf was quite great. I was a more introverted type and, although I was by no means feminine (quite the opposite in fact), I didn't partake of organized school sports and preferred to play tennis at the local club, which was open to the neighborhood kids during weekday afternoons, and to run a couple of miles each day to keep fit. Matt, on the other hand, was a budding "jock" and played both football and baseball at school. As such he was more outgoing than me and inevitably had a wider circle of friends.

Having now entered my sophomore year, I found that my contemporaries including myself began seriously to take more interest in matters sexual and the boys were pretty gross in discussing such things. They were all majorly concerned with losing their virginity and many tales, real and imaginary , were told of their sexual exploits. The usual snide comments were bandied about that so-and-so was a really a fag and, unfairly, many of the girls had their reputations sullied for the sake of a good boast. I guess it was typical high-school stuff.

It was around this time that I began to have ambivalent feelings about my own sexuality. I wasn't able to put my finger on it but somehow I didn't feel wholly part of what was going on. To keep in with the rest of the kids, I started to date sporadically and my mother of course had to have her say, commenting that Pammy was such a fine girl or that Betty wasn't really of the same social status as our family. I mean, as if! These dates were really purgatory for me and although I couldn't escape the obligatory necking, I heaved a sigh of relief when I finally dropped the girl off at her home. To make matters worse, there were two girls in particular who took a liking to me and I was truly amazed at how aggressive some girls could be in pursuing guys they had their eyes on.

Suddenly it hit me! For some time into the school year I realized that I had been stealing glances at certain boys who, for one reason or another, I admired. Funnily enough, I wasn't really attracted to the "jock" types; I caught myself looking at guys who were not necessarily good-looking but were attractive in a masculine way in their attitudes and assertiveness and who exuded self-confidence in dealing with the other kids. I began to understand that I was probably gay and this realization hit me hard. Suddenly, it felt as though everyone around me knew my secret. I don't have to explain to you what gay kids go through in high school once it is known or even suspected that they are gay. I was terrified. Worst of all, what reaction would my family have?

I was sitting in the cafeteria one day when I felt that someone was staring at me. I'm sure you know that feeling. I looked up and the culprit was sitting about three tables away from me. It happened to be a guy by the name of Jerry Nesbit, a major jock who had the reputation of bedding most of the girls in his senior class. I caught his eye and I guess I must have blushed in looking quickly away, but not before I caught his strange smile. Now I had never spoken with this guy, after all he was two grades ahead of me, but I had overheard him in conversations with others. He was type who took an inordinate interest in the private affairs of others and always observed what was going on around him. Over the course of the next couple weeks, he kept up with this behavior as far as I was concerned, always giving me a smile, once giving me a wink as we passed in the hall, and eventually one day giving his crotch a feel as he smiled at me while at the lockers. I admit I was kind of flattered that this guy was taking an interest in me, although I had no idea why it was happening. One afternoon after the crowd had basically .thinned out in the hall I felt a touch on my shoulder; I looked around and it was Jerry with this huge smile on his face.

He said: "Hi! I'm Jerry Nesbit and you are Chris right? I know who you are because my younger bro knew your name. I've seen you walking home which seems to be in the same general direction as mine. Can I offer you a ride? Why walk huh?" . Well, I admit I was intrigued but by this time I had an inkling of what was going down and I had no intention of letting the chance go by. So I said "Sure Jerry, thanks".

No sooner were we in the car (an old Toyota Camry which he explained belonged to his mother), definitely not a car that some cool jock should be driving, he suggested that we go to his house for a soda or, if I preferred, a beer. I mean who was I to object? He was one of these lucky guys who had a semi-basement abode with an outside entrance. We entered and man! was I envious! It was like a huge bedroom, with all the usual things, easy chairs and stuff, but with a small bar fridge in one corner and in addition a private bathroom off to one side.

"Make yourself at home Chris. Lemme get u a beer." He went into the bathroom and came back wearing shorts and a tee.

. "That's better" he said. "Good luck! taking a swig of beer from the bottle.

He then proceeded to show me around his pad, principally a state-of-the-art computer and peripherals, and a really cool stereo system and flat-screen TV. Suddenly he went over to the bed & lay back on it with his back to the wall, legs spread. Try as I might I couldn't help but look at his crotch; through his shorts I could see he was sporting a huge hard-on. I guess I must have been staring at it because he smiled.

"Chris, my man, why don't you come over here and sit next to me? I think we both know the score here."

I went over and sat next to him on the bed and he says; "Dude I don't beat about the bush. I know you are gay because I've watched you ogle the guys at school without so much as giving the chicks a glance. If I'm mistaken, just say the word and I'll drive you home, no questions asked.". I sat still as a mouse and he just laughed.

"OK, I'm glad we have that settled. If you wanna have a closer look at it dude, go for it."

By now I was seriously horned so I placed my hand on his bulge, slowly rubbing it and feeling it jump under my touch.

"Lift your ass dude" I managed to squeak, which he did. I slid his shorts down his legs and his hard 7-incher slapped back against his abdomen. It was a beautiful sight and I hungrily went down on it licking it from base to the head, and then taking it in my mouth. The skin of his dick was like silk and I wasted no time in licking his oozing precum and running my tongue around the head. I was amazed. It felt as though I had been doing this all my life; it seemed completely natural to me that I should be sucking his cock. He placed his hand on my head and told me to go down all the way, which I managed to do albeit with some gagging. He started to lift his ass rhythmically as he pumped his dick into my willing mouth. It was no more than a few minutes before I felt his dick stiffen even more and I realized that he was about to cum. He held my head firmly in place and I suddenly felt a series of spurts of cum in my mouth, which I instinctively swallowed. He lay back relaxing while I sucked on his flaccid dick and finally sat up and pulled up his shorts.

"Enjoy that dude?" he asked. I just nodded. "Well, my man, there's plenty more of that for you. But here's the deal. I'm not gay, so don't expect any reciprocation.. When I'm free and in the mood, I'll call you. You are not, repeat not, to hassle me. Understood?" I just nodded and he said "Good boy! Ok, lets get you home". As we left I caught sight of his younger bro Mark entering the house. He was smiling as he did so.

To be continued - maybe.

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Next: Chapter 2

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