Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 7, 2011


Christian's Induction

Part Fifteen

Mark's revelations regarding his relationship with Chris were quite an eye-opener to Matt. The sexual aspect he had been expecting, particularly in view of what Larry had told him, but the fact that Mark was using Chris as a virtual lackey and houseboy he found difficult to get his head around. Mark's assertion that Chris thrived on being bossed around was almost incomprehensible to him although he reminded himself that Chris had raised no objections when he himself had taken liberties with him. He had somehow surmised that Chris had some indefinable desire to please, or serve as Mark had described it, although he had been unable to come up with any reasonable explanation for it. He was sure that Mark was being straight about it and decided that he himself would slowly put it to the test.

In the meantime he had confronted Larry about what he had told him about Chris and informed him that if he, Larry, mentioned those rumors to anyone else, he would terminate their friendship. He had no intention of letting Larry fuck up what he saw as something offering all kinds of possibilities of advantage for himself. Larry had been quick to reassure him that his lips were sealed.

Mark and Matt started to spend quite a lot of time together and it did not escape Chris' notice that they often were seen chatting together in the cafeteria at school. It seemed inevitable that he was probably the chief topic of their conversations. Matt would surely very soon become fully aware of what was going on between himself and Mark. The hole he had dug for himself was getting deeper by the day.

While chatting with Matt at school one day, Mark wanted to know whether his family intended going away over the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Matt told him that it hadn't been discussed as far as he knew. Mark informed him that his own family were intending to visit relatives in another state where they would be joined by his older bro Jerry. That being the case Mark was contemplating informing his parents that he had been invited to spend Thanksgiving with Randy's family and thus crying off accompanying them. He thought it would an ideal opportunity to "party" in the new apartment. He intended to speak with Randy about it too. In the meantime Matt should do all be could to be available too, together with Chris. Matt promised to check the situation out with his parents.

Mark continued: "Dude, I think it is kinda important that you regularize your new situation as far as Chris is concerned. You have to impose yourself on him in such a way that he understands you are now in control. He needs to know clearly that he is there to serve your needs; I promise you he will respond positively to it. But you have to assume the upper hand. This is important especially if we are to get together over Thanksgiving. I think that it might be a good thing if you were to visit with me over a Friday afternoon when Chris is at my place cleaning the apartment. By your observing him doing the manual work I have imposed on him, he will see that you are now part of the deal, that we are like joint masters of his fate as it were. Are you up for it? If so, you should get to work on your rents asap regarding the holiday. Enlist Chris' support in doing it. If they were to go away for that weekend and you guys were able to stay behind it would be perfect".

That afternoon Matt went through to Chris' bedroom and asked him if he was aware of any family plans for Thanksgiving weekend. Chris informed him he knew of nothing, so Matt said he would ask at dinner that night. He duly raised the question with their parents who said they had been invited to spend that weekend with an aunt and uncle of the boys who lived two hundred miles away somewhere in the boonies. They had no kids of their own and, since there would be virtually nothing for the boys to amuse themselves with, they had thought of informing their mother's sister, they had prior arrangements.

Matt quickly piped up saying: "Hell no Ma, it's been ages since you saw Auntie Madge. Why don't you guys go, Chris and I can spend Thanksgiving Day here with friends. No problemo! And just think, you will have a weekend to yourselves without our being in your hair!" Their mother looked over at the old man and said "What do you think Dave?" Without wanting to look too eager, Dave said "I guess we could do that. The boys are old enough to look after themselves for a few days." And so it was arranged that Chris and Matt would spend the holiday weekend alone at home; they high-fived when they got back to their bedrooms. Matt immediately called Mark with the good news.

On the following Friday morning Mark sought out Matt at school and asked him if he would be coming around to his place that afternoon. Chris would be there as usual he said. Matt said he wouldn't miss it for the world so Mark told him to meet him in the car park after school and he would give Matt a ride. When Chris arrived about a half hour later clad in his yard work clothes, he was shocked to see Matt lounging in one of Mark's easy chairs. Mark explained that he and Matt intended to explore a new video game he had purchased.

Mark continued: "Chris, dude, it's really important that this place be cleaned thoroughly from top to toe this week. The old lady will be doing her inspection tomorrow morning and I don't want to risk any criticism what with the Thanksgiving weekend coming up next week. I'm planning to have a stag party next Saturday to which you and Matt are invited by the way. There's a hamper full of dirty laundry this week and maybe it would be best if you started in on that. But the main focus of your attention should be on the bathroom dude, it's really like a pigsty in there and needs some serious work, especially the floor. As usual guys have been pissing some in front of the toilet and that looks really gross. Anyway, I'll leave you to get on with it. I trust you implicitly dude."

While Mark had been giving him instructions on what had to be done, Chris glanced at Matt. He was still sitting in one of the armchairs, one leg over an armrest, with this barely concealed smirk on his face. But saying not a word. Mark then addressed Matt saying "OK dude, let's have a look at this new game shall we?" They booted up the computer as Chris started to empty the laundry hamper and load the dirty stuff in the machine.

After about ten minutes Mark offered Matt a soda which he accepted. Turning to Chris Mark said: "Chris dude, won't you please get us a coupla sodas outta the bar fridge? Also a packet or two of potato crisps which are in my backpack?" Chris dropped what he was doing and went to collect the sodas and crisps which he took over to the other two boys who were busy at the computer. "Thanks, dude, " said Mark, "just put them on the table and you can continue with what you were doing". Chris slunk off to continue with the dusting.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 16

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