Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Feb 5, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a complete work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part Seven

On the following morning, Sunday, my cellphone rang quite early. Fortunately Matt was in the shower and didn't hear it It turned out to be Will.

"Hi Chris. I hope you had a good sleep dude. We crossed a coupla bridges last night and I was wondering if we could get together this morning to discuss matters a little further. How about meeting me at the skatepark at 9.30? It's a mild morning, should be quite pleasant."

Matt was going to around to Cindy's place so would have use of the car but I agreed anyway as the skatepark was kinda quiet and we were unlikely to bump into anyone that we knew there, especially at that hour. I said: "OK Will, cya there". "Shall I pick you up?" he asked but I told him not to bother I would take a stroll down there.

I arrived a coupla minutes late and, when I got into the car, he made a point of looking at his watch. I apologized: "Sorry, I misjudged how long it would take to walk here." He was making the point of showing me who was running the show.

He commenced by saying: "I didn't want to come across too heavy last night but thought I should make it quite clear I was serious. I know you guys think that because I'm the youngest of our crew I'm some kind of wuss but let me assure you that's far from the case. I know what I want and I usually get what I want."

I started to reply: "Hey, I didn't think that at all............" but he held up his hand and said: "Forget it, it don't matter."

I thought it was time I showed a little backbone so I asked him: "So, what's this all about anyway?"

"Well, for starters, let me say I don't want any disruption of our lives. I certainly don't wanna get nobody into shit but it's gonna depend on how you and I get along. I don't wanna snitch on anyone and I want my friendship with your bro, Jerry and Doug to carry on as normal. After all, we been buddies since grade school."

He continued: "But rest assured I know every little detail now of what went on between you and Mark. He didn't just offer it up but I managed to wheedle it out of him. He never knows when to shut his mouth when he starts. A real asshole.

I discovered some time ago that I have this controlling streak in me and I have had visions of having some flunkey at my beck and call; someone to do my bidding unquestioningly. I jerk off to it at night. I've read books on Master/slave relationships and other such stuff on the internet and it is a major turn on for me. That's why I was so interested when Mark started to hint at it in his relationship with you. I had often wondered why you were so close to him. And I think your apparent submissiveness really completed the package in my mind. Are you following me so far?"

I just nodded yeah. I was thinking to myself this kid is a nut.

"Good. I know I can't fulfil all my fantasies at this stage (who knows we might run into each other in a few years like in college) but at least Chris you can fill a huge void in my need for sexual gratification. I think we got off to a good start last night; you did my bidding and I think that you got off on that despite trying to convince yourself otherwise. I can understand that as I did throw a curve ball. Still with me?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Great. Mark seems to have done a good job in molding your submissive mind so far but believe me I can surpass that in spades. By the way, what did you think of your little gift last night? A nice touch, huh? Plenty more where that came from dude." he said with a laugh. "And my dick is a proverbial cum fountain. You will enjoy that."

"Now I wanna hear from you Chris."

I was at a loss for words. I said: "Will, it looks like you have me by the balls. I trust you will keep your word and not spill the beans to any one in exchange for my compliance to your wishes. It's just a pity that our getting together had to be based on threats; if we had found each other simply on the basis of mutual needs, it would have been better."

"But dude," he responded "you must understand that I was forced into that by circumstances. I do see your point though."

"The next thing is our time together will need to be limited. There is nothing I can do about that. My afternoons after school are pretty much taken up with other stuff. However, possibly, if it suits you, we can meet once or twice a week at night. And I will do my best to be available to you sometime over weekends."

"OK" he responded, "I appreciate your candidness. I will demand the truth from you at all times and I believe you have now been truthful. My folks are invariably out at night and I have the house to myself, so we should plan on two meetings a week. I will let you know when I expect you to be there. We can manage the weekends on an ad hoc basis."

He continued: "I believe we should formalize this." He had parked next to the men's facilities and he now looked around to see if there were any other people around. It was early and the place was deserted. "Let's go into a stall." he said.

I followed him into the men's room and then into a stall. "Sit down on the seat." he instructed me and then took up a standing position facing me. Now repeat this: "I swear to serve you to the utmost of my ability and stand by all we have decided." I repeated it as instructed.

He continued: "Now as proof of your subservience to me, you will drink from my dick. Open up and take my dick in your mouth." I did as instructed and he proceeded to piss into my mouth as I desperately tried to swallow it all down.

"OK dude, we have now sealed our deal. We should be getting back. Can I drop you off?" I declined the offer citing a need for some exercise

As I walked home, still tasting and smelling of his piss, I went over in my mind what had taken place. The whole thing seemed surreal and I was convinced now that there was something seriously wrong with him. Had I been crazy to go along with his demands? Whichever way I looked at it, I couldn't see what other option I had. One thing I did now believe, and that was that he would keep his word and hold his tongue. But I was going to pay a price for it.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 29: Christians Induction II 8

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