Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on May 11, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Ten.

After Andy's call Chris dragged himself through to the bathroom he shared with Matt and looked at himself in the mirror. Jesus, he reflected, I really look like shit. Fortunately there were no outward signs of the mauling he had received. The ringing of Chris's phone had finally awakened Matt too and he stumbled into the bathroom. He looked Chris over and said: "Christ, dude, you really look fucked up. A little partying and you end up looking like that?"

At that moment Matt's phone rang and it turned out to be Will. "Hope you are feeling OK dude. It was an awesome party man, the sooner we arrange another the better." Matt, despite feeling a little rough around the edges, replied: "Thanks Will. I agree. It was amazing. And that weed! I gotta get the name of the connection!" During the course of the next half hour both Larry and Doug called Matt, both effusive in their praise of the previous night's events. Larry enthused: "Fuck man, that bro of yours sure sucks a good cock! " and Doug, whose initiation it had been, informed Matt "Dude, I wish to Christ he was my bro! He'd be busy 24/7! And that fucking dog collar, it was just too much." he laughed.

The boys showered and got dressed and Matt asked Chris what his plans were for the rest of the day. Matt had reluctantly promised the old man that he would help him clean out the garage and he was wondering whether he could convince Chris to stand in for him. When Chris informed him that he had arranged to visit Andy, he said "Jesus, dude, don't you ever get enough?" He thought a little further about it and since Chris was already sucking off both this Andy guy and his bro Pauly (this according to Doug who said that Andy was bragging about the fact), he decided to let the matter rest. Moreover Andy seemingly had a big mouth and looking ahead to the new school year when he was likely to become a freshman at his and Chris's high school, he decided Andy would have to be brought on side one way or the other.


It turned out that Andy's house was about three blocks from the junior high school and at first Chris had difficulty finding it as it was situated in a circular cul-de-sac. When he eventually found the house with the appropriate number on the gate he still wasn't sure he had it right as there was a young kid about ten or eleven throwing a basketball through a hoop attached to the wall over the garage door.

"Excuse me," he asked the kid "is this Andy's house?"

The kid looked him over and replied "Yeah, who wants to know?" Cocky little bastard, thought Chris. Not too difficult to guess whose bro he is.

"Would you tell him I'm here? Name's Chris."

Just then Andy put in an appearance from around the back of the garage. He was all smiles and said laughing: "Welcome Chris to our humble abode. Meet George, the resident pest." indicating the kid. George stuck his tongue out at them and continued with his game. Andy continued: "Takes after Pauly, no fuckin manners. Follow me."

As they ascended the staircase to the boys' apartment over the garage Andy turned around and with a smile asked Chris "Miss me dude?" When Chris didn't directly answer Andy said "Bet you did!"

Chris was pleasantly surprised at the boys' quarters and the thought crossed his mind that they were better off than Matt and himself. At least they were out of the main house. Andy's room was quite spacious and he explained that they shared the computer and stereo and stuff, although he naturally called the shots. Pauly and George shared the other bedroom much to Pauly's annoyance, although since the night George caught him jacking off Pauly had had to somehow come to terms with it. George demanded to know what the hell was going on and eventually Pauly had taught him the art of jacking off. George's first reaction had been "Ewwwwwwww" but nevertheless got with the program and soon, since he was eleven, was able to dry cum. Pauly, while never admitting it, loved watching his lil bro pulling his pud.

Andy told Chris: "I spent virtually my entire allowance on this new computer game. Wanna give it a go?"

Chris replied "Sure Andy." and they pulled up two chairs in front of the computer. Chris hadn't omitted to check out how fucking awesome Andy looked in his shorts, tattered tee-shirt and sandals. He was now going on fifteen and was beginning to fill out nicely. What a difference from the scraggly kid who had first approached him down at the video games arcade! Those fucking little female bitches were gonna be all over him when he showed up at the high school in two months time!!

They had been playing this boring computer game for about ten minutes when Andy suddenly said: "Seems like you are more interested in my crotch than the game dude! I seen you checking me out down there!"

Chris decided there was little point in denying it and said "Well Andy your dick does look kinda half boned. Looks like it might need some attention."

Andy turned serious and said "Let's move over to my bed dude. You can work on it better there."

Andy lay on his back with his hands behind his head and let Chris kneel between his legs. He lifted his ass as Chris pulled down his shorts and his by now hard dick was fully exposed. "Didn't think there would be any point in wearing undies Chris. It's all yours, go for it." Chris bent down to Andy's crotch and ran his tongue along his dick from the base to the head, then began to swirl his tongue around the head as it visibly engorged. He loved the taste of Andy's cock and balls and would willingly have worshipped them for hours. Just then the door opened and Chris was startled. Andy instructed him: "Just keep going dude, it's only Pauly. I told him he could sit over in the easy chair until it's his turn."

"Yeah Chris, keep going dude." said Pauly. "I'll sit here and get in the mood. And, not to worry, I've locked to door to keep out unwelcome guests."

Chris moved up Andy's torso and, with Andy's hands behind his head, soon was eating out his pits. He had a young boy's small bush of hair under his arms and the slight taste of sweat intoxicated Chris. He moved down to his chest and started to lick his nipples and then ran his tongue down the slight hollow of his chest to his belly button and then all the way down to his dick once more. He took the head in his mouth and started to suck and lick on it while at the same time stroking the throbbing cock.

Chris could feel that Andy was close to orgasm and suddenly Andy grabbed his hair and pulled his head away from his dick. He shot a good load of thick white cum on to his chest and stomach and when he was done, instructed Chris to lick the jizz off his body.

Andy was completely spent and got up and went through to the bathroom to clean up. Pauly said to Chris: "Let's get some privacy man." He got up and Chris followed him into the separate toilet; Pauly locked the door behind them. He instructed Chris to sit on the toilet seat, stood directly in front of him and told him to take out his dick and get to work on it. He had been edging while Chris sucked Andy and he now came very quickly in Chris's mouth. "Keep my dick in your mouth dude." he instructed Chris. "Remember our deal? Well now's the time to deliver." With that he let go a stream of piss which Chris had difficulty in swallowing. Some of it dribbled out the sides of his mouth and on to his shirt and on to the floor. "Better get yourself cleaned up dude," said Pauly, "and while you are at it, wipe down the floor too."

Just then someone tried to enter the toilet. "You in there Pauly?" said a young voice. "It's George." Pauly whispered. "Yeah dude, I won't be long. Just wait in the bedroom OK?" George replied: "OK, but hurry man, I gotta whiz real bad." George saw Pauly and Chris exit the toilet together and wanted to know what was going on. "Nuthin dude. Talk to you later OK?" Pauly replied.

When Chris decided to depart, as he was leaving Andy took him aside and asked him whether he could maybe spare ten bucks as the purchase of the computer game had left him kinda short. Chris let him have it against his better judgment.

Chris had been home less than an hour when his cell phone rang. It was Andy who informed him he was sending him a pic in exchange for the ten dollar loan. Chris could barely believe what he saw; it was a pic, clear as day, of him sucking Andy's dick on the bed. It had obviously been taken by Pauly when Chris's mind and attention had been concentrated a long, long way off. He tried to talk to Andy on the phone but by then Andy had rung off.

What the fuck did this turn of events mean? Chris wondered.

To be continued..

Comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 44: Christians Induction III 11

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