Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on May 14, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Eleven.

Over the course of the next two days Chris tried to call Andy a number of times without success. He had obviously turned off his phone. Chris was pretty distressed that Andy and Pauly had connived to take compromising pictures of him and, although he knew that such things did occur, he had not for one moment considered that that type of behavior would be found among young teenagers, particularly among those he, now perhaps mistakenly, had considered to be friends. He admitted to himself that such "friendship" might have been something he himself had conjured up in his own mind; after all it wasn't as if either guy had been a buddy in the conventional sense. Looking back, he realized that Andy had probably befriended him at the arcade with a view solely to getting his cock sucked. Hr berated himself for being such an idiot.

On the afternoon of the second day Andy called him out of the blue and suggested they meet at the toilets behind the junior high grandstand for which he had a duplicate key. Chris fervently hoped that things would now return to normal as this had been where they had met on a number of occasions previously. He made a point of being on time and found that Andy was already waiting for him. He entered and Andy locked the door behind him.

Andy addressed him: "So dude, I take it you received the pic I sent you?" Chris nodded and Andy continued: "Well, you might as well know that I have six similar pics. The one where you are licking the cum off my body is a particularly good one. I never knew that Pauly had such good photographic skills." Andy waited for some reaction but Chris didn't rise to the bait. Andy, who such a short while ago had seemed like this callow youngster, suddenly appeared to Chris to have matters well under control.

Andy continued: "Let's cut to the chase dude. Those pics could prove to be highly embarrassing for you. In a couple weeks time I'll be joining you at high school and I'll be able to judge then just how best to use or not use them. But one thing is for sure. There's gonna be a price for you to pay. In the meantime maybe we can come to some arrangement. I know you work on an allowance just like me but it would be a nice gesture on your part if you were to pay me a small amount say like twenty bucks each week. I'm sure that ain't gonna cripple your finances but even if you find yourself short, there's always yard work to fall back on, right? Chris nodded miserably.

Andy continued: "Dude, I'm not some kinda fag-hater and I'd be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy your cocksucking skills. The same goes for Pauly. So that will continue as before. With one exception; Pauly and I will call the shots. We will expect you to be on call whenever and wherever we want. And, I'm sure you remember my bud Joey? Well, he was enquiring after you so I thought maybe we could include him also in our little circle."

"So Chris," Andy continued, "do we have a deal?"

Chris could see no way out of it as things stood and nodded his agreement. He walked home a much wiser but sadder young man.


Mark Nesbit had arrived home from the family vacation in Florida and lost no time in calling his long-time buddy Randy.

"Yo." he said when Randy answered the phone. Randy recognized immediately who was on the other end and replied: "Yo, asshole. So you are back?"

"All safe and sound dude. Horny as fuck though."

"So you were too dumb to find yourself some tail in the land of sea and sunshine?"

"Well, not exactly, there was this one chick......."

Randy interrupted him: "Save it for someone who will believe you dude. Anyway, welcome back. What are you up to?"

"Nothin right now. You got any beer?"

"I may have a six-pack in my reserve stock. I'll expect you in ten minutes."

Mark and Randy chatted about this and that in the usual fashion until Mark asked Randy whether he had seen Chris. Randy smiled and said: "I'm afraid not. But I bet a lotta other guys have. From the top of his head probly." he laughed.

He continued: "By the way, you remember we chatted about that guy Nate who lives near me? As promised, I spoke with him and we agreed to get together when you got back."

"That's great man." Mark responded. "You gonna fix it up?"

"Sure, when you wanna do it? I'll call him now if you want. See if he's at home."

Mark indicated he was available any time so Randy called Nate's number. When Nate discovered it was Randy he sounded a little disappointed. "Sorry dude," he explained, "I was expecting a call from one of my regulars."

Randy explained the purpose of his call and Nate, not exactly enthusiastically, agreed that they could visit that evening, provided Randy brought a few beers and some weed. "And if one of my dates calls between now and then, we gotta postpone it. OK?" Randy said: "No problemo amigo."

Nate added: "When you arrive at the gate make sure you ring the bell for the cottage, not the main residence. I don't want you waking up Methuselah and his wife."

Mark, now having had two beers, was all excited and Randy told him to cool it. "Be at my place at 7.30." he instructed Mark.


Nate met them at the gate and led the way down to his garden cottage. Mark was impressed.

"How's your boyfriend?" Nate asked Mark. "You mean Chris?" Mark replied.

"Yeah, didn't know you had more than one." Nate and Randy laughed.

Mark replied: "Haven't had a chance to contact him yet. I imagine he's pretty much craving the taste of my dick by now." Nate gave Randy a wink.

"Well, I guess Randy told you the three of us had a session together some while ago." Nate informed Mark. "If you want my opinion, you got yourself a very pliable boy there. He does what he's told, which is a good start. But I would think he's got a lot of scope to have his limits expanded. You are gonna have to manage that task. Randy was sayin that you are interested in bondage and such like stuff, right?"

"Well, yeah, I mean I know nuthin about it but lookin at some of the stuff available on the internet, I kinda get all boned up." Mark laughed nervously while Nate nodded approvingly.

"No fuckin doubt Randy has told you about my activities. I learned what I know today by intuition. I have this knack of knowing what some dudes crave before they know it themselves. My job is to bring it out into the open and then exploit it. A man has to make a living right? But at the same time they are getting what they need and want, otherwise they would not be coming back for more. In a phrase it's usually complete domination they crave. Are you following me dude?"

"Yeah, I think so Nate." Mark replied.

Nate continued: "You got just a boy there dude. You gonna have to treat him like an experimental model. A learning tool, if you like. But, if you are serious about being into domination, in a year or two when you are my ripe old age you will find a ready market for submissives who thrive on being treated like shit by young dudes. Only you will know if that is what you are truly seeking."

Mark was listening to Nate quite entranced and even Randy, who secretly had thought it was all a load of bullshit, had to admit that a lot of it made sense.

"Tell me Nate," enquired Mark, "how do you lay your hands on the stuff you see advertised on the net?"

"Well, that's where you gotta have some help from some dude who ain't underage. Can always be arranged though. It's expensive though so I don't have my own stuff."

"Have you got anything I can see?" asked Mark. Nate looked at Randy who shrugged his shoulders.

"A few items that's all dude." He went to his cupboard and soon was standing there with his arm raised holding and tinkling a pair of handcuffs between two fingers. "You like?" he asked Mark. "Fuck yea." Mark replied. "Let's try em out on Randy." "Fuck you both." was Randy's response, amid much hilarity.

Mark said: "I figured you would have more stuff but I see your point about the cost."

Nate went back to the cupboard and rummaged around in a box. He came out with a small bundle of leather-like looking goods. "So what the fuck is that dude?" asked Mark. Nate replied: "That my friend is a leather head mask. It is a very important item."

Nate expanded the item with his two hands and it became clear that it was a mask that would fit completely over someone's head. "This is a sensory deprivation device. Fitted properly it prevents the guy from seeing or hearing." He demonstrated that the mask had two eye holes which could be covered with another strip of leather and fastened with studs. There were two holes to allow for breathing and in addition an opening for the mouth which could also be covered with a fastened down strip of leather. The mask was fastened by means of a strap at the back of the head and if the subject wearing the mask was incapacitated by means of, for example, handcuffs, it would be impossible to remove. Thus ears, eyes and mouth would be cut off from the world.

"Neat, huh?" Nate asked. "Fuck yea." replied Mark.

Nate continued: "This is a pretty simple example of a head mask. There are more sophisticated models. But nevertheless it is very effective in controlling a subject. The "piece de resistance" or "coup de grace", or whatever the fuck the French say, is yet to come." He rummaged around in the box and came up with a combined leather and metal contraption with some kind of ratchet as part of it. By now Randy was getting interested and enquired "What the fuck is that dude?"

Nate replied: "That, my friend, is an example of a mouth gag. There are many types but this one, once fitted, is designed to keep open the submissive's mouth. In that way he can be throatfucked or fed, say, liquids like (laughing) piss."

"Jesus I gotta say that that is cool beyond belief." opined Mark. Randy meanwhile was having a chuckle at Mark's evident interest.

"Anyway," continued Nate, "let's settle back and have another beer. Where's the weed you promised to bring dude?" he asked Randy.

"I so wish we had my boy Chris here right now." said Mark. "I'd have that mouth gag fitted pronto."

"Well, I'm pretty sure something along those lines could be arranged in the near future." said Nate, giving Randy a huge wink.

To be continued..

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Next: Chapter 45: Christians Induction III 12

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