Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Nov 12, 2011



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Part Four.

At breakfast Chris's parents informed him that Matt had called the previous evening indicating that Cindy's parents had decided to cut short their stay at the lakeside cottage and to return home. Apparently some family bereavement had occurred (Matt didn't know what exactly). They had offered to allow Matt to stay at their house until his parents returned from Florida but he had declined and told them he would be fine at home; fortunately he had with him his house keys. They insisted however that he clear the situation with his parents. When he explained to his folks what had happened, they suggested that he join the family in Florida and he was, to say the least, jubilant. He had all along been having regrets about not being able to go to Florida and now it appeared as if things were really going his way. The best of both worlds. He had been banging Cindy twice a day at the lake, keeping her happy, and he would still now be able to savor some time at the beach in Florida. His father arranged for him to fly down and he would arrive later that day.

After having been collected at the airport and been shown around the condo, Matt was in a great frame of mind. When he and Chris were alone in their bedroom he couldn't help but comment how great Chris was looking.

"Jesus, dude, your fucking tan is awesome. I hope I still got enough time to get one myself."

"Thanks Matt, a coupla days in the sun should do it."

Matt continued: "So, man, I guess you been wastin no time getting to know the local dudes huh?"

"Errrr, well yeah, you could say that." Chris replied as Matt laughed at his embarrassment.

Chris explained: "It's no holds barred here man. The sun and sand and salt seems to make everyone continuously horny."

Matt replied: "Well, as soon as we have had supper, maybe you can show me around huh?"

Chris asked him: "So how did your time at the lake go dude?"

"I gotta be honest man." Matt replied. "I was kinda glad when we returned home early. Now that we are doin it, Cindy has turned out to be some kinda nympho. She never gets enough. I was bangin her twice a day, sometimes three, and I was gettin kinda wore out." They both laughed. "And, you know me, I like getting some good head and that is definitely not her forte. You definitely could teach her a thing or two." He gave Chris a lewd wink.

"Well, don't despair dude, a coupla guys I met know plenty of chicks. I'm sure they can get you hooked up."


After an early supper Chris and Matt took a stroll along the beach front, Chris pointing out to Matt the most popular gathering spots. In fact there were still quite a few people on the beach and Matt took it all in with relish. A number of the guys were throwing a beachball around.

"I must get down here early tomorrow morning." Matt informed Chris. "Try to work up a tan before we go home."

They reached the "strip" and Matt commented laughing that it wasn't exactly the South Beach in Miami. Chris informed him that there was quite a bit of action nevertheless.

As luck would have it as they passed McDonalds Chris heard his name yelled out and looking around saw Steve scarfing down a bag of fries. He beckoned them over.

"Friend of yours?" asked Matt and Chris replied "Yeah, well kinda. I can't seem to throw him off." Matt chuckled guessing what had probably gone down.

They entered and Chris, followed by his bro, walked over to where Steve was sitting. Steve asked what was up and Chris gave him the standard "Nuthin as usual" reply. He turned to Matt and introduced him to Steve.

"I didn't know you had a bro here dude." said Steve to Chris who replied that Matt had in fact only arrived the previous day. Steve, nosy as usual, asked Matt how come he had been delayed.

"Well, I spent a week with this chick I been dating at her family's lakeside cottage." Matt explained. "For family reasons they had to return home early and so my old man sent me a ticket to fly to Florida."

"Cool cool." Steve replied.

Chris explained to Matt that Steve hailed from the same Mid-West town as themselves. Matt said to Steve: "Jesus man, I thought your face looked familiar." Apparently the two of them had been opponents in a ball game at some stage.

Chris suggested that they check out one of the amusement arcades and on entering Steve was greeted by a few of the habitues. They found a table to stand at and before long Hector, Raphael's younger bro, sidled over to them and greeted Chris like a long-lost friend. Steve and Matt exchanged knowing looks.

"Wanna have a game Chris? I'll show you how it's done."

Chris smiled and said: "Oh yeah? OK, let's go."

Steve said to Matt: "I guess we know how this is gonna end up. Why don't we take a stroll along the beach. Always plenty of pussy to be seen."

Matt walked over to Chris and said: "See ya back at the ranch dude."


Hector and Chris had spent about a half hour playing on the machines when Hector asked Chris whether he had enjoyed the party arranged by his bro Raphael at their condo. Chris told him that he thought it had been awesome except that he had smoked too much weed with the beer. He had kinda lost it after a while. Hector laughed and agreed that Chris had been out of it towards the end.

Hector continued: "But you had fun right? Providing some release for all those cute boys, huh? I'm sure glad I was there."

Chris recalled his encounter with Hector. He had always had some kinda fetish for giving a boy his first blowjob. He loved to watch their individual reactions and always did his best to make it a memorable occasion for them.

A couple more minutes passed and Hector continued: "Check this out dude." He moved away from the machine against which he had been leaning and indicated his crotch with a downward nod of his head to Chris. There clearly outlined in his ragged jeans was his erect dick stretched sideways in his briefs. "It sure could do with some attention man."

Chris replied: "Well, that could be attended to Hector but it's still pretty light outside and the beach ain't deserted enough to find a place to do nuthin."

"Maybe we don't have to go to no beach man. If you got five bucks, I can probly get the key to the handicapped stall in the washroom from the guy givin change at the door."

Chris slipped him the five spot and Hector was soon back. "Just give me a coupla minutes then follow me into the washroom OK?"

"OK, cool." replied Chris.

When Chris entered the mens' room, he encountered a kid at the urinals so decided to stand at the urinals himself until the kid departed. The kid didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave and was clearly playing with himself. Eventually Chris lost patience, zipped up and walked down to the end of the stalls and entered the one designated for the handicapped.

Hector slid the bolt on the door into place and with a smile said "There that should do it." Chris told him about the kid at the urinals and Hector told him just to ignore him. "He's always in here lookin to get his dick sucked. Maybe you should try him; he's got a huge dick." he informed Chris with a soft laugh.

Chris took up his usual position sitting on the toilet seat and Hector unzipped his jeans and manouevered his hard dick out through his briefs and jeans. It was rockhard and the head was glowing purple. He was leaking profusely and he leaned forward and ran the head of his dick over Chris's lips. Chris grabbed his ass with both hands and drew him closer so that he could take it in his mouth, first the head to which he applied his teasing tongue, licking off the young boy's precum and wetting the head copiously with his spit. He then went down on it all the way so that the head entered his throat and his face was up against Hector's silky small bush of pubes. Hector grabbed the back of his head so as to keep his dick fully immersed in the cocksucker's mouth and throat and then started to fuck his face with vigor. It wasn't too long before he started to grunt and shot a good load of cum into the older boy's mouth. Chris ran the load over his tongue and around his mouth savoring the sweet taste of the boy's cum before swallowing it down. He then proceeded to suck Hector's softening dick clean until eventually the boy pulled away and re-inserted his dick in his jeans.

"Thanks Chris, that was awesome. We better get back before that dude at the door comes lookin to see what has happened and to retrieve his key."

As they exited the men's room, Chris saw that the guy who had been at the urinals was still standing there. He have Chris a wink and nodded his head at him. Chris gave him a smile and returned to the table where he and Hector had been standing earlier. Chris and Hector's disappearance into the men's room had not gone unnoticed, and Chris received a number of lewd smiles with accompanying tongue movement from guys who were busy on the machines. A couple of them grabbed their crotches suggestively while laughing their asses off. If it hadn't been before, Chris's cover had certainly now been blown.

Chris decided to leave for home but not before Hector had extracted a promise from him that they would hook up again the following day.


When Steve and Matt had left the arcade earlier they strolled along the beach front and Steve was soon asking Matt whether he was aware that his brother sucked cock. Matt of course had to admit it and Steve soon managed to elicit from him a picture of how Chris had developed from sucking the cock of one of the seniors at their school into the cocksucking, serving whore for younger guys he had become. Steve listened with rapt attention and knew that given a little time and the opportunity, he would have Chris completely under his thumb in no time at all. Steve considered himself the complete alpha male and the thought of having a subservient bitch under his control and at his beck and call, turned him on immensely.

When Steve and Matt arrived at the entrance to Casa Vista, Steve informed Matt that a buddy of his was in the process of arranging a sex and drugs party with two young sluts he knew and who were reputed to fuck like rattlesnakes. The idea was to organize a gangbang with four or five guys and the two girls. Steve asked Matt whether he would be interested in taking part and Matt needed no second invitation. When Matt readied himself for bed that night, he called on Chris to renew acquaintance with his dick, but all the while his thoughts were on Steve's invitation. Jesus, he thought, what a stroke of luck that he had been able to cut short his stay with Cindy, and thus spend some time here in Florida.

To be continued.....

Comments/Suggestions welcome.

Next: Chapter 63: Christians Induction IV 5

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