Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 6, 2011



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Five.

The second week of the family's stay at the beach in Florida had arrived and was fast drawing to a close. They would be flying back home on the Saturday.

Matt and Steve had become firm friends and the gangbang that Matt had been invited to took place as promised. There were four guys present - Steve, Matt and Carlos and another latino guy named Ray who was a friend of Carlos's, and at whose apartment the event took place. The two girls weren't exactly stunners but then considering what was to take place, that was hardly a prerequisite. They were 18 and 19 years old.

Matt was a little nervous as the time approached as it was completely new territory for him. However, he was no longer some young virgin and took consolation in the fact that he had fucked Cindy silly just prior to flying down to Florida. Furthermore he was determined that he wasn't going to let any opportunity for a new experience from now on slip by. When they had all assembled he was a little overawed by the ages of the girls but the one girl in particular was taken with the idea of being fucked by a younger kid and was soon sitting in his lap. She began teasing him and he responded by grabbing hold of one of her tits.

"You are very naughty Matt." she scolded him and at the same time stuck her tongue in his ear. Matt was soon fully erect and the girl informed him that he was a little perv and moved away. Matt merely laughed.

Drinks were poured and reefers passed around. Steve pulled Matt aside and told him to be a little patient. The girls would soon be in the mood, he informed him, as Ray had put tabs of Rohypnol in their rum and cokes. Meanwhile Matt was getting high and grabbed the girl he had been sitting with and started to dance with her. After a short while he sensed that she was slightly off-balance and Steve, who was looking on, told Matt to guide her into the bedroom. There she collapsed on the bed and the second girl soon followed and lay on the other twin bed.

Matt would not soon forget what had taken place after that. The girls were eagerly stripped by the guys and for the next two hours were fucked in turn by the four of them. For most of the time the onlookers shoved their dicks in the girls' mouths so that they were getting done at both ends. The guys who were face-fucking the girls ejaculated on their faces.

At a certain moment Steve told Matt that they should leave, which they did. Ray and Carlos had decided that the girls would be staying overnight.

On the way home, Matt confessed to Steve that he was a little uncomfortable with what had happened but Steve assured him that he need not worry about it as the girls were unlikely to have remembered what had taken place. That was the beauty of date-rape drugs, he informed Matt.


Chris was unable to escape the attentions of Hector during the entire week. Even if he did not frequent the arcade, Hector would find him in one or other place. They made use of the mensroom at the back of the arcade a few times and Hector was becoming more and more demanding of Chris's services. He insisted that Chris suck his dick without any use of the hands so that getting him off was quite often protracted. He also was forcing his dick all the way into Chris's mouth, holding firmly on to his head with both hands, and making Chris swallow the head into his throat. On two occasions he had a bud with him and when he had shot his load told Chris to remain in the stall while he fetched his bud who was waiting in the arcade to take his turn. Chris admitted to himself that the sex was good but he didn't like being monopolized by Hector.

On the Thursday afternoon he bumped into Hector who was with two of his school friends. He was introduced to them by Hector, who then pulled him aside and suggested that they all go somewhere together. He informed Chris that his buds were completely cool with the idea and that they had actually been looking for and hoping to bump into Chris.

Chris demurred on the grounds that there was really no suitable place during the day but Hector was insistent and suggested that they go to a close-by movie theater which had a matinee. Chris was therefore faced with buying four tickets out of his rapidly dwindling funds; the place was luckily almost devoid of patrons and they found seats at the back and at the side, where it was pretty dark. Hector apologized for the fact that Chris had had to buy four tickets but explained that he had promised his two friends they would get blown and didn't want to disappoint them. Chris marveled at the cheek of it but by now Hector knew Chris well enough to know that he would acquiesce.

When they exited the theater Chris informed Hector that he would not be able to hook up with him on Friday due to his departure the following day. Hector was disappointed at the news but insisted that they exchange cell phone numbers and floated the idea that maybe he could visit with Chris over the Easter break. Chris agreed pretty sure in the knowledge that nothing would come of it.

That night Chris decided to stroll along the beach front and heard his name called. He looked around and Steve soon caught up with him.

"How are you stranger?" enquired Steve.

"Pretty good." replied Chris. "How about you?"

"I'm great. Lemme buy you a beer." Steve volunteered.

"I wouldn't say no." countered Chris. "I'm all but out of funds."

Steve bought two beers from a street vendor he knew and they settled down on the edge of the sidewalk with their legs hanging over the side.

"News is that you have been hanging with Raphael's young bro and his little buddies." said Steve.

"Oh?" replied Steve. "I didn't know the grapevine worked so efficiently here."

"It's a small town dude."

Steve leaned over towards Chris and said softly: "You don't wanna be hanging with those kids Chris. They become a pain in the ass pretty soon and what's more they have loose mouths. They have no discretion, you know what I'm sayin?"

Chris nodded his agreement.

Steve continued: "You need to be hangin with guys our age dude. Someone like me." He looked over at Chris and gave him a huge wink. Chris smiled.

Steve confided: "I've decided to head back home for a few months. I have to replenish the coffers and that's where my old man comes in. He's always glad to see me and he's an easy mark. So hopefully I'll be seein you and your bro."

Chris smiled and said: "That's just great Steve. It'll be good to see you on home turf as it were."

"Yeah, it will dude. But what I had in mind was that maybe you and I could hook up for our mutual benefit. I'm guessin we have a mutual attraction for each other and that bein so, why the hell not? I know you have this thing for younger guys like Hector but that would be no big deal as far as I'm concerned. At least you would have someone to control the situation and make sure you don't get pestered. Sorta like a manager or sumthin. If things work out, I was thinkin of findin a job and getting a small apartment. Have some independence you know? Sneakin around lookin for a place to have sex ain't no fun right? Especially in Winter."

This turn of events took Chris by surprise and Steve could sense it.

"Anyway dude," he continued, "you think about it and we can discuss it again when we get home. Cool with you?"

Chris nodded yeah.


The return journey was uneventful and when they were ensconced once more in home surroundings, it seemed to Chris that they had never been away. At least he had this cool tan, he consoled himself.

At supper that night Matt was looking pretty gloomy, so when they returned to their quarters, Chris knocked and went through to Matt's room.

"You look like the end of the world is nigh dude. Whats up?"

"Gotta bit of a problem dude."

"Oh yeah? Wanna tell your big bro about it?"

"You know I been banging Cindy right? Well, that holiday at the lake was no picnic dude. She just cannot get enough. It was happening twice, sometimes three times a day. I swear now she's had the taste of cock, there ain't gonna be no end to her needs. I can't cope with it and what's more I wanna branch out a bit."

"Wow! I would never have guessed that. Just goes to show you never can tell right?"

Matt proceeded to tell Chris of the gangbang episode at the coast and indicated that there was so much more he needed to experiment with. "She's gonna tie me down dude and I definitely won't be able to handle that."

"Well, Matt, you are just gonna have to break it off. It's gonna be ugly but it's best to be done with it. In need you can say that your grades have been slipping and that the rents have told you a serious relationship at this stage is not in your, nor her, interests. Maybe her old man won't come after you with a shotgun." Chris laughed.

"Easy for you to say." Matt laughed.

Just then Chris's cell phone rang and when he answered it, a young voice said: "Hey Chris. We haven't met yet but I was wonderin if we could perhaps hook up after school on Monday? I'm Casey and we just moved into the Nystrom's house. Andy gave me your number and said I should call you."

To be continued.......

Next: Chapter 64: Christians Induction IV 6

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