Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 15, 2011



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Part Seven.

Chris who had been getting it on with guys ever since Jerry Nesbit had hit on him two years previously, had never been so completely overwhelmed by anyone such as he had been by Casey. He had had little option but to respond to Casey's call, which had been made at Andy's instigation, but he had expected to be able to control the situation considering the fact that Casey was a younger guy like Andy. The call wasn't exactly unwelcome as he figured that, firstly, Casey would know what had taken place between himself and Andy and would thus probably be up for some kind of action himself, and secondly, if Casey was half-way cute, Chris knew he would succumb to some kind of relationship with him despite everything.

But within the space of an hour and a half of hooking up with Casey at school, the younger kid had taken complete control of things. Firstly, he had arrived for their arranged appointment late without apology, which should in itself have been a warning sign to Chris, but thereafter, having flaunted copies of the incriminating pics Andy had taken of him, had hinted at the possibility of Chris giving head to his younger bro, and then obtained a tacit agreement from Chris that he might "assist" in the ongoing cleaning up of their living quarters. To top it all he had intimidated Chris with the threat of some kind of physical confrontation, which had ended up in his fucking Chris. Looking back on the afternoon, Chris could scarcely believe what had happened. In the background too was this chance meeting between Casey and Mark Nesbit, who had always had a dominating influence over Chris; this had further worrying implications as far as Chris was concerned. Casey had thought Mark was a senior but in fact he was in Grade Eleven and thus much could happen in the next year. Casey would be bound to confront him in some way at school tomorrow and Chris wasn't sure how he would respond. Oh Jesus! it struck Chris, Casey had still to discover that Matt, in the same grade as him, was Chris's bro. What did that portend?


As Chris was exiting his car in the school parking lot the next morning, Mark pulled up next to him and told him to wait up.

"How you doin Chris?" asked Mark. "I met this guy at swim practice yesterday who apparently knows you. I think his name is Casey or somethin like that. First day at school and you already know him." Mark laughed.

Chris looked a bit sheepish and replied: "Yeah, well, I don't know if you remember Andy Nystrom?"

"That freshman kid? Jesus, dude, I don't hang with young dudes like that. Anyway, whats he got to do with it?"

"Well, I knew Andy and when the family moved away, Casey's folks bought the house and Andy gave Casey my cell number and he called me."

Mark laughed: "Very decent of Andy I guess. Dude, you and I got no secrets. You intend getting it on with this kid?"

"Well, he's kinda got a hold over me man. It's like Andy has passed on the goods to him, so I may have no option."

"Jesus Christ, Chris. What kinda hold? Pics?"

Chris hesitated and then said: "Yeah."

Mark shook his head and said: "Well, it's your picnic dude. Good luck. By the way you probably heard I cut loose that little bitch I been dating. True to form she got all possessive and I ain't puttin up with that shit. I been thinkin maybe we could get together occasionally; I'm so pissed off with chicks generally. What do you say?"

Mark knew full well that if he told Chris to jump, he'd ask how high. Chris replied: "Yeah, sure, Mark. That would be great."

Mark said "I'll be in touch." and with that made for the school entrance.


Chris didn't see Casey that day apart from in passing in the cafeteria. Casey was on the way out and gave Chris a wink as he slipped by his table. He did however drop a note on Chris's table as he passed. Chris read it later and Casey intimated that if he needed to contact Chris he would stuff a note through his locker door. It appeared that he intended to be discreet and for that Chris was thankful.


At swimming practice the following afternoon, Mark approached Casey and offered to buy him a soda after practice was over. Casey said sure and Mark said he would wait for him in the lot and give him a ride.

Casey found Mark's car without difficulty and after he had hopped in Mark suggested that instead of getting a soda, they might go to his place and have a beer. Casey was all smiles and said "You just twisted my arm dude." On arrival at Mark's house they went around to the side and entered Mark's semi-basement apartment. Casey was highly impressed with the set-up but didn't let on and merely said: "Very nice Mark. Very nice."

Mark said: "Take a seat Casey. I'll go raid the old man's stash for some beers and lay my hands on some munchies." He soon returned with the beer and snacks and apologized that he had no weed to accompany it. "Maybe next time." he laughed.

They proceeded to discuss matters relating to the swim team and, when that topic had been exhausted, Mark broached the subject he had really wanted to discuss.

"I was chattin with Chris yesterday and he informed me he had met you through Andy Nystrom." Casey wouldn't be drawn and Mark continued: "I know for a fact that Andy and Chris were fuckin about with each other and so I was wonderin if you intended to take over where Andy left off. Before you answer let me just put you in the picture. Chris was at my beck and call for over a year and I only ended it when I got involved with my ex girl friend. I gave her the heave ho just recently. So the chances are I'll be callin on Chris for some sexual services again pretty shortly." Mark laughed and Casey smiled. Mark continued: "Chris was and still is completely under my thumb and he does just what I tell him."

Casey felt that, since Mark had been completely open with him, he should respond. "Dude, let me just put you straight on this, if you will pardon the expression. I seem to be an attraction for gay guys but the fact is that I have no time for faggots whatsoever. For me they are there to used and that's it; they suck good cock, are prepared to take it up the ass and do what they are told. So, if you are tellin me to lay off Chris, maybe I will. On the other hand, maybe I won't." He laughed. "It depends on what advantage I see for myself."

Mark was warming to this kid. "Don't get me wrong bro. If you wanna use Chris, you go right ahead. Don't let me stand in your way. I was just tellin you what the situation was between the two of us. I sense we may have a similar agenda and if that is the case, maybe we can co-operate some."

"Sounds reasonable Mark."

Mark continued: "In the light of what you have told me, I was thinkin that maybe a little gangbang might be in order, with Chris as the centre piece. I have a friend, Randy, who has used Chris himself in the past and I'm pretty certain he would be up for it. The thing is would you have any hangups about it?"

Casey was determined not to be seen as a drag and have his rep damaged so he indicated his willingness to take part.

Mark continued: "Cool man. I'll speak with Randy and see if he is available. I figure we need three guys to make it worthwhile. My folks will be away next weekend and I will have the place to myself. Don't make any other arrangements in the meantime OK? I take it your folks won't have any objection to your staying over will they?" Casey assured Mark that he could see no problem.

"One more thing Casey. Not a word to Chris OK? I wanna spring you and Randy on him as a surprise."

They both enjoyed a laugh at that and then Chris offered to drive Casey home.


That night after Chris had completed his school assignments and was watching a little TV, waiting to see whether Matt would call him through to service his dick, his cell phone rang. He was rather surprised when it turned out to be Andy.

"Hey Chris, Andy here. How you doin bud?"

Chris was amazed at Andy's cheek. He really had the thick skin of a rhino. He decided to humor him as he figured he would soon have him off his back.

"I'm OK Andy. How things goin there?"

Andy replied: "I'll spare you the gruesome details man. But the three of us miss you a lot dude. You were and will remain a good friend. Tell me, has Casey contacted you yet?"

Chris confirmed that he had and Andy continued: "That's cool man. I'm sure you miss the three of us too; that's why I asked Casey to contact you. He seemed like a nice guy and he is pretty hot huh?" Andy laughed.

Andy continued: "Well, I better let you go. My cell phone is kinda low on power and it ain't allowance day until Friday. Hope to see you soon bud."

With that Andy rang off and Chris heaved a sigh of relief.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 66: Christians Induction IV 8

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