Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 10, 2012



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Part Eleven.

On the Sunday morning after the party the night before Chris woke up with a throbbing head and it seemed to get worse when he stood up having to go and take a piss. Matt was already up and about and, when Chris looked through the open door into his room, he saw that Matt was seated at his computer. Chris could see vague porno-like images on the monitor screen and commented: "Homework huh?"

Matt turned around and replied: "Jesus, dude, what happened to you? You look like a fucking train hit you!"

"That bad huh?" replied Chris. "Do me a favor Matt. Please get me a coupla aspirin. Maybe that will help with the throbbin in my head."

When Matt returned from downstairs with two aspirin and a glass of water, he said: "Seriously dude. Where were you last night?"

Matt seemed seriously concerned so Chris felt constrained to tell him what had happened: "I bumped into Mark Nesbit during the week and he invited me to visit him last night." Chris could see that Matt was immediately pissed at hearing the news and held up the palm of his hand towards him. "Hold on dude. It really was my own fault. I shoulda refused but you know how that guy is able to twist me around his little finger."

Matt replied: "Don't I just. But the point is bro I warned Mark to stay away from you and now I am gonna have to respond in some way just to reinforce the point. I really ought to kick your ass for upsetting the apple cart. What the fuck happened anyway?"

"Well dude the details ain't really none of your business but it turned out when I arrived at Mark's place, they had set me up."

"What do you mean? Who set you up?"

"Mark, of course, and Randy and that new kid Casey. When I got there they were already stoned and it just went from bad to worse after that. They soon had me drinking a beer and dragging on a joint, and then Randy forced some kind of pill on me." Chris knew that he wasn't being entirely truthful and that he had really been a willing participant. "Anyway, Matt, you can guess the rest."

"You bet I can asshole. You are barking up the wrong tree if you think I'm gonna fall for that fucking story. They worked you over good and proper and you no doubt loved it. At least you don't have no visible bruises for the rents to see. If that's what you want dude, it's basically your affair, but we had an agreement that I was calling the shots, you agreed to it remember, and you are as much to blame for the whole fucking fiasco as them. What pisses me off is that I am gonna have to confront them in order to reassert my authority."

"I'm really sorry Matt. I had no idea it would work out the way it did."

"Yeah, OK, whatever! Just be prepared to do ALL my chores for the rest of the month. Including keeping the driveway clear of snow!"


Chris forced himself to down some breakfast and after about an hour, felt considerably better. At least, half human. He went back to his room and lay down on the bed for a while.

A little later his cell phone rang and he saw from the display that it was Teddy. Oh Jesus, he remembered suddenly that when he got home the previous night, Matt had mumbled something about a guy named Teddy having called. He felt half inclined not to answer the phone, but in the end decided that he was gonna have to deal with it sooner or later, so he answered it.

"Hey Chris! Teddy here. I was gonna call earlier but I believe you were at some party which Casey attended, and judging from the way he looked this morning, I thought maybe I would delay the call." He laughed at this. "Anyway, we exchanged numbers last week so as to keep in touch remember, so that's the reason for my call."

Chris's recollection of what had taken place differed from that of Teddy but he didn't comment on it. What was it anyway with these junior high kids? Teddy was handling him in much the same way as Andy had originally.

"Hi Teddy. How are things with you dude?"

"Pretty good Chris. Just horny as usual." Chris wondered where he had picked up that old chestnut. "Ever since you took care of me, I just don't seem to be able to get my mind back on track man. I thought maybe it would be cool for us to meet up again. I figured that you kinda liked me otherwise I wouldn't have called."

"Well, Teddy, you know I like you. A lot. But I'm just wonderin if this is such a good idea goin behind Casey's back."

"Hell, Chris, I know that Casey arranged for you to blow me and all, but that don't mean that I gotta answer to him for all my actions. I figure you and me really got somethin goin now."

Jesus, thought Chris, this kid is half way fuckin nuts! Maybe he thinks we have to get married coz I sucked him off!

"Well, Ted, as you rightly guessed I got a bad hangover. What you doin today anyway?"

"It's such a nice day, I thought that after lunch I would go down to the skatepark for a while. You ain't seen me skate yet; I'm pretty good. Why don't you mosey on down there and I'll give you a demo? Also I'd like you to meet my new best bud Anthony. He's really a cool guy. I'm sure you will like him."

God, thought Chris, this a deja vu all over again. Just like with Andy and Joey.

"OK Teddy, I'll try to come by the skatepark after lunch sometime."


Mark, like the other attendees at the party, woke up with a thick head, although he had to confess he had experienced worse in the past. He smiled with satisfaction at how things had gone down and congratulated himself that after all this time, he still held this firm grip on Chris. The dude was completely in thrall to him and, under different circumstances, he would have used him as a vassal in complete servitude. It was a delicious feeling of dominance. Chris's younger brother Matt might think that he owned Chris's fealty but Mark knew better.

Randy, of course, thought Mark, knew no such subtlety and was the quintessential "top" intent on getting his rocks off and asserting his bullying nature. However, he would always be a useful component to the success of a party such as they had just enjoyed. He was a "doer" not a thinker.

Mark thought about young Casey and couldn't quite make up his mind in relation to him. He had been surprised at Chris's complete submission to the guy; after all he had known him no more than a couple of weeks. Mark wondered whether Casey didn't hold something over Chris but, if so, what could it be? He certainly brooked no shit and was quite open in expressing his contempt for faggots. Nevertheless, he was savvy enough to make use of them. And that use encompassed a great deal of humiliation which he clearly enjoyed dishing out. Mark decided that he would keep an eye on Casey; maybe they would yet gel into a force with common objectives.

Meanwhile, Casey himself was reflecting over the events of the previous evening. He had been the "new guy" or the "kid", yet felt he had made a significant contribution to the success of the evening. God, that Christian guy really was trash under their feet, and Casey surmised that he could be squeezed in more ways than one. He saw him immediately as a target for some type of extortion (and Andy's pics would help no end), and a potential source of income. Maybe his involvement with Teddy would yet bear fruit too. He would have to be careful though because Chris obviously had a history with Mark, who seemed to be able to get him to jump through hoops at will.

After lunch he settled himself in front of his computer and googled some gay S & M sites. They were always an eye opener but instructive for someone like himself.


Later that afternoon Chris drove down to the skatepark and, as Teddy had said, it was a nice day for a change and thus the place was teeming with some pretty hot guys. Chris smiled to himself; it never failed to amaze him just how conscious the skaters were of the attention they drew from the spectators. The latter comprised all types, friends of the kids skating, other teens of all ages, parents and, among the adults, a fair number of pervs Chris was sure. The skaters seemed to thrive on all the attention and, if they sensed they were being watched, would show off shamelessly.

It took a while before Chris spotted Teddy among the throng but, when he did, Teddy fairly took his breath away. He was wearing the usual skater attire but, even with the helmet, Chris couldn't get over how cute he was. He really had "hollywood" looks. He was messing about with another kid his own age and they seemed to be having a whale of a time. Eventually Teddy spotted Chris sitting at the side and, after a word with his friend, the two of them skated over to where Chris was sitting.

"Hi Chris. I was beginning to wonder whether you would show. But you gave your word so I wasn't really in any doubt." He gave Chris one of his dazzling smiles.

"Hey Teddy. I been sitting here for a while dude, watching the two of you do your moves. Pretty impressive, I got to say."

They both smiled at the compliment. "Thanks Chris. We do our best." he informed him and stuck out his tongue. "But, let me introduce you to Anthony. Me and him been hanging together since I got to these parts. And we both skate, so we got that in common too."

Chris surreptitiously looked Anthony over and wasn't displeased by what he saw. Kids always looked hot in their skater uniforms, he thought, but those uniforms did hide a lot too. Anthony had taken off his helmet as if wearing it irritated him, and so Chris got a good look at his features and hair. He had all-round very short hair and the shape of his head carried it well. Chris pondered on the thought that very short hair like Anthony's looked really hot on some guys but on others it did not suit at all. He had noticed that by the time boys were due to become freshmen they had sorted out which style suited them best and which would turn on their little girl friends. Anthony had good regular features but his best feature was his eyes; they were large and deep green. He's gonna be a little lady killer, Chris thought and smiled to himself.

Anthony heard his name yelled out and looked over at a couple of other kids. He smiled when he recognized them and excused himself, asking Teddy whether they could meet up again later. Teddy said: "Sure Anthony, I'll call you when I get home."

Anthony turned to Chris and with a smile told him it had been a pleasure to meet him and that he hoped he would be seeing him again soon. Teddy stifled a giggle.

Chris turned to Teddy and asked him what his plans were. Did he perhaps need a ride home?

"I guess that would be cool Chris. Otherwise I got a fairly long stroll up the hill. But I gotta go for a pee first. You comin?"

"No, I'm good Teddy. You go ahead, I'll wait for you by the car OK?"


When they neared Teddy's house Chris parked the car at the bottom corner, a spot where he had often picked up or dropped Andy and sometimes Pauly before they moved.

"Yeah, this is a good idea dude." said Teddy. "Otherwise I'm bound to get grilled by Casey." He continued: "Chris, I sure as hell need to get together with you again. My hormones have been ragin ever since you blew me the last time. It's like my dick suddenly realized how much it needs to get off regular." He laughed and looked over at Chris.

Chris, hoping to diffuse the situation, said: "Yeah, well, Teddy, it was a good experience but the problem of course is finding a suitable time and location. I sure don't need Casey hounding my ass either. As I understood it, it was supposed to be a one-off blowjob just to get that monkey off your back."

"Jesus, Chris, that's just bullshit. It's just made matters worse. I can't stop thinkin about it now and jerkin off don't cut it no more."

Teddy then revealed that when Pauly had left town, he had told Teddy that on a ledge in his cupboard he would find a key that opened the mens' room behind the stand at the sports field of the junior high school. Pauly had explained that on quiet afternoons like over weekends or in the evenings it was a perfect place for sexual encounters and that Chris was well aware of the whole situation.

Teddy continued: "Tell you what dude, I'm gonna give it some thought and when a suitable opportunity arises, I'll give you a call OK? You must let me know when I call, whether you want me to bring Anthony along." With that he exited the car and hurried up towards the house.

Driving home the rest of the way, Chris asked himself: Jesus, would this merry-go-round never end? But despite everything, he had sprung a boner and had trouble hiding it as he climbed the stairs up to his bedroom.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 70: Christians Induction IV 12

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