Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 31, 2012



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Part Thirteen.

The following day before school commenced Teddy and Anthony made straight for each other grinning from ear to ear.

Anthony enthused: "Jesus, bro, just how did you manage to luck into getting hooked up with that Chris guy?"

Teddy laughed and informed him that Chris was in fact his older bro Casey's suckboy and that it was Casey who had arranged for Chris to suck his dick. "Funny thing is I noticed from the first time I met him that he was continuously checking me out and, putting two and two together, I figured that he had the hots for me. He obviously likes young guys like us and, for fuck's sake, we would be dumb not to take advantage, right?"

"Too right bro." Anthony agreed. However, Anthony was fully aware that Teddy was possessed of exceptional good looks, and wondered aloud: "Maybe it's just you he has the hots for dude. Don't mean to say he's gonna blow every young kid that comes along."

Teddy responded: "Nah, don't sweat it dude. When he's down on his knees chowing on a young dick, he ain't too concerned with pretty faces. Casey told me the two previous kids who lived in our house, had him pretty much under their thumb. Where do you think I got the key for the toilets behind the sport field's stand from? The younger kid Pauly left it for me. We got ourselves a real live cocksucker there dude, and that don't mean the occasional blowjob; it means we can get repeats on demand whenever we want. Casey was tellin me that those guys never get enough; they crave dick and actually have a deep down need to suck cock and swallow cum. Casey says they gotta have it every day and they are prepared to do anything to get it. He says they even thrive on bein smacked around some and to do all kinds of shit for guys who assert authority over them. Don't ask me why dude but believe me Casey knows what he's talkin about. When Chris sucked me off the first time Casey had him lickin my feet, droolin over my dirty socks and tennis shoes, and lickin the cum off my body. Fuckin awesome stuff dude! Casey had this guy, a junior at his previous school, who he figured was a cocksucker wannabe, at his beck and call and eventually the guy was like Casey's personal servant. Jesus, I mean just how fucked up is that! But real nevertheless! And you know what, Casey has got Chris lined up as that dude's direct replacement; I figure we can benefit from it too."

Anthony wasn't entirely convinced about the scenario Teddy had painted but he sure as hell was willing to take his chances. The morning bell sounded and the boys headed for class.


Shortly before the Nystroms had left town, Pauly had arranged a three-some involving Chris, himself and his friend Tom. It had taken place at Tom's house while his parents were out at a birthday party and, although it had therefore been of limited duration, both boys had considered it a blast. The fact that Chris, a senior, had succumbed to their every demand and had seemed to enjoy being bossed by two junior high guys, had been a real high. Tom had felt crushed therefore when Pauly informed him of his family's imminent departure from town as he had been hoping for future "get-togethers" with Chris. Whenever he thought back on how Pauly had commanded Chris to lie nude in the tub, and how he and Pauly had proceeded to piss all over "the bitch" while exhorting him to keep his mouth wide open so that they could direct their streams of piss into it, he boned up immediately. Jesus!, he thought, that had been so fucking hot! Maybe he was a perv at heart but so fucking what! The dick is a physical manifestation of what the mind desires (where had he read that?) and his dick sure as fuck was no exception!

Tom pondered on what he should do next and then remembered that he still had Pauly's cell number stored on his own phone. That night he called Pauly, who was clearly pleased to hear from him.

"Jesus, Tom, what a pleasant surprise dude! I been thinkin of you guys plenty. Things ain't so bad here but I sure as hell miss what we had goin there!"

"Me too Pauly. Things just ain't the same somehow."

Pauly enquired: "You ever manage to see Chris again Tom?"

"No such luck dude. I been keepin an eye out for him at the skatepark but so far ain't seen him."

Tom continued: "I was gonna ask you what you think I should do. I sure as hell could use some more head."

Pauly then told Tom that the two boys who moved into their house had been put in the picture regarding Chris and it was pretty certain that the older one, Casey, had used him by now. He himself had told the younger one that Chris was available to suck cock.

Pauly continued: "You remember that new kid who joined our class just before I left. I think his name was Teddy or somethin dumb like that. He's the younger bro."

"Really?" replied Tom. "Yeah, of course I know him. He hangs with that Anthony dude."

"That's the one. Dude, you must chat with him. Sound him out. If our boy Chris ain't suckin his dick by now, I'd be real surprised."

Tom's life suddenly had a more rosy look about it and he was smiling after he had thanked Pauly and said goodbye.


The following day Tom approached Teddy and Anthony in the cafeteria and asked whether he could join them. They obviously weren't too keen on the idea but agreed. The conversation seemed to die so Tom took his chance.

"Teddy, I believe you knew Pauly right?"

"Well, that's pretty obvious I would say, seein he was in our class and I got his bedroom now." He looked over at Anthony and they enjoyed a good laugh.

"Yeah, OK, OK, but what I meant was that you got to know him pretty well before he left, huh?"

"I guess you could say that, yeah. We had similar interests." Again Teddy looked over at Anthony and they smiled at each other.

Tom continued: "And I'm guessin that those interests included a certain senior at the high school by name Chris, right?"

Teddy lost his air of jocularity and asked: "So dude, what's this all about anyway?"

Tom replied: "Well, in case you ain't aware of the fact, Pauly and I were pretty close buds and the two us made good use of our friendly cocksucking faggot before he left. Some of the stuff would make your hair stand on end. And so, I was wondering whether it would be possible for me to join you guys when next you hook up with Chrissie boy. I mean what's better than a threesome? A foursome right?"

Teddy looked over at Anthony who shrugged his shoulders.

"OK then. I'm sure we can work somethin out." said Teddy who saw some advantage in having Tom on board. "But this has gotta be kept from my bro. Capiche? Although Chris don't know it yet, as from today Casey is gonna own Chris and he won't be too happy about anyone besides myself goin behind his back and usin his property."

This bit of information was news to Tom but he was prepared to believe it and he knew that Chris would not step out of line. His access to Chris would thus be closed off. He would therefore have no option but to hook up with Teddy but knew he would have to tread carefully nevertheless. He had no desire to antagonize Casey.


When classes let out for the day Chris found a note in his locker from Casey telling him to wait for him in the parking lot after school as he had something he needed to discuss with him. Chris waited at the car and Casey soon appeared at the school entrance. He was chatting with a couple of the guys in his class and after about ten minutes excused himself and strolled over to Chris's car. He opened the passenger side door and climbed in, telling Chris to drive to his house.

Chris drew up in front of the house and Casey said: "This is fine. No need to go up to my room. What I got to say can be said here."

Casey continued: "I guess your bro told you what went down when he confronted me and Mark, huh?"

Chris just nodded his head and Casey said: "Don't behave like a dumb asshole dude. When I ask you a question I expect a proper reply. So?"

"Yeah Matt told me what went down Casey."

"That's better boy. You talk to me, you show respect, OK?"

"Sure." replied Chris.

Casey went on: "Dude, you got less than five months before you graduate so it would be a real tragedy if somethin happened to fuck that up. I got stuff in my hands that could out you completely, so let's say I'm holdin all the trumps. Would you agree?"

"I guess that's true Casey."

"Don't be guessin boy. It's fact. I know from chattin with Mark that you are at heart a submissive cocksucking whore, so I'm now tellin you that until graduation day, you are gonna be answering to me. No ifs or buts. What I say goes. Do you understand me so far?"

"Yeah, Casey. I understand."

"I now own you dude, body and soul, and you had better get used to the idea. You don't make a move without my say-so, OK? Don't be tellin me that the rents want this or that. If I want somethin different, you fuckin better arrange it that way. And your days of suckin dick all over the town are also over. I will tell you who, when and where you will submit to guys. The one exception is Teddy. He has carte blanche to use you whenever he wants."

"You will drive me to school each morning and I will direct you then what I want you to do on that particular day. You can expect to be fetching and carrying and doin my chores and possibly Teddy's chores as well. Are we still clear on this dude?"

Chris mumbled "Yeah, I understand."

"Bitch, you want to submit and serve to quench your natural desires, then that's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna reduce you to the humble role of a personal servant. That's all I got to say for now; I'll expect you to be here at 7.15 tomorrow morning."

Casey exited the car and Chris drove home in a very chastened state of mind.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 72: Christians Induction IV 14

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