Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Feb 20, 2012



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Part Fourteen.

During the course of the next three months leading up to the examinations prior to graduation, Casey carried out his threat to subjugate and humiliate Chris on a daily basis. The day would start with Chris's arrival promptly before 7.15 each morning in order to drive Casey to school. This was not a relationship where any form of discourse took place; Chris would be expected to wait outside Casey's house until Casey put in an appearance. There were occasions that Casey's first class started slightly later than Chris's own, which often resulted in Chris being late and, the more frequently that this occurred, the more often Chris would be reprimanded for his tardiness. Eventually the school contacted Chris's parents to inform them what was going on, issuing a warning that his behavior was jeopardising his chances of graduating. Chris's parents reprimanded him and threatened him that they were not going to waste money on sending him to college when he clearly did not have any sense of responsibility. His grades too were plummeting.

On one occasion Chris approached Casey in the car on the way to school explaining to him how his demands on Chris were adversely affecting his study performance and also his relationship with his parents. Casey, who routinely ignored Chris until they arrived at the school, turned to him and said: "Dude, firstly I think you are grossly out of line here. You were specifically instructed not to speak with me unless spoken to first. Yet you have done precisely that. Secondly, I don't give a fuck about your troubles at school or with your parents. I told you at the start you would be servicing my needs and that is what you will continue to do. How you deal with your asshole teachers and with your rents is something you are gonna have to resolve yourself. I ain't interested. If you are forced to stay back for another year in Grade 12 well I see that as a positive as far as I'm concerned. Live with it dude, I don't wanna hear another word."

It would be normal routine that, on arrival at the school, Casey would inform Chris what he required him to do that day. On days when swim practice took place, Chris was expected to meet up with Casey after classes and collect his books and drop them off at his house. On those days Teddy would be at the house and would take advantage of the situation and have Chris go up to his room and suck him off. He too was becoming more demanding of Chris and would call him three or four times a week for sex. This might take place at any convenient time for Teddy and Casey had told Chris quite clearly that he was to comply with Teddy's demands. Of course Teddy had already involved his buddy Anthony in these escapades, so it was a quite frequent occurrence that Chris was called upon to service both junior high boys.

Apart from the sex that Chris was forced to submit to, Casey might require him to fetch and carry such items as dry cleaning, or deliver to a classmate of his some book or other that he had promised. The worst tasks however involved keeping the boys' living quarters clean. Both were slobs by nature and, knowing that they had Chris available to clean up after them, they made little effort to keep things tidy. Chris would be called upon to dust and vacuum twice a week and, of course, scrub and clean the bathroom, shower and toilet. Casey too held out the promise that during Summer break, the order of the day would be to party; Chris knew only too well what his participation in that would comprise.

Chris was entering a period of acute depression at the latest turn of events and this did not go unnoticed by his bro Matt.


Matt decided that he could no longer allow Casey's domination of Chris to continue unabated. When he had confronted Casey and Mark previously he had been forced to retreat but he decided now that something had to be done about that psychopathic little asshole.

After school one day he cornered Randy, Mark's old buddy with whom he himself had had dealings concerning Chris previously, and asked him to meet with him that night at the Arcade. He rightly figured that if the prospect of a couple beers and a joint were on offer, Randy would agree.

Promptly at 8 o'clock Randy arrived at the Arcade and after all the expected salutations had been completed, Matt and Randy settled down at one of the tables. Matt informed Randy that the "goodies" were in his car, but he needed to discuss something urgent with Randy first.

"OK, let's hear it bro." said Randy. Now Randy was still a junior, in Mark's class, but he had slipped a year and was already eighteen, struggling to avoid another slippage of a year. He was every inch an eighteen-year-old, and had a reputation of note. He brooked shit from no one. Although Matt knew that Randy was not averse to taking sexual advantage of faggots and submitting them to the usual ridicule, he knew that Randy was deep down a fair minded guy and thought that Randy might agree to help him out as far as Casey was concerned.

Matt proceeded to lay out in detail what was taking place between Casey and Chris, emphasizing that Casey was employing blackmail in the worst possible way. He explained to Randy the effect it was having on Chris and that he had decided that something needed to be done and fast.

Matt continued: "Randy, we go back a bit and I wanted to know if I could depend on your help. Both of us have taken advantage of Chris previously but we both knew he was up for it. This, though, is ugly dude and that little asshole needs to be sorted out."

"So this Casey guy is that little punk who hangs with Mark on the swim team?"

"That's him. I know it's hard to believe but he is a nasty piece of work who needs some serious correction."

Randy gave it some thought and replied: "Dude, I don't usually mess in the affairs of other people. But there is something I don't like about that Casey dude and, also, I got kinda a soft spot for your bro. So let's decide on some form of action."

Matt smiled from ear to ear and said: "Randy I knew I could depend on you. I got a joint and two beers in the car; let's go enjoy them."

"Jesus, Matt, TWO whole beers? You really shouldn't splash out like this!" Randy laughed and gave Matt a punch on the arm to assure him his comment was meant as a joke.


The following evening Randy called his near neighbor Nate. Now Nate, who like Randy was eighteen, was trouble for any antagonist who crossed his path. Having been kicked out of the house when he was sixteen as a result of his refusing to return to school, he had started out as a homeless street boy but he had smarts and was soon hustling gay men. He was a strapping good-looker and possessed attitude aplenty. A perfect package for older men. He had also started doing house and garden maintenance and now lived in a garden cottage at the rear of an old couple's house. He lived rent-free in return for maintaining the house and garden. Of course, he continued to sell his sexual services.

When he heard Randy's voice he said: "Well, well, well. If it ain't my buddy Randy. Long time no hear dude. What you want this time?"

Randy, who had the skin of a rhinoceros, wasn't put off and replied that he needed a favor.

"Oh really! Now ain't that a surprise!" Despite everything Nate liked Randy and asked what the favor was.

Randy asked whether he could come around to discuss it and Nate agreed provided Randy brought with him a six-pack of beer. "And make sure you press the right bell at the gate and remember to keep your fuckin feet off my furniture!" Nate never forgot any minor misdemeanor.

Randy arrived ten minutes later, six-pack in hand, and they were soon sitting down enjoying the first can.

"So, dude, what's up? asked Nate.

Randy proceeded to lay out for him the situation between Chris and Casey as outlined by Matt and asked Nate whether he would be prepared to assist in scaring the shit out of Casey and putting matters to rights.

Nate replied: "You say he is blackmailing Chris into slaving for him and that he has Chris sucking junior high dick to boot?"

"That's about the size of it." replied Randy.

"Jesus, dude, that's disgusting!"

Randy glossed over the fact that Nate was into a little blackmail himself, as they both understood that that was a different matter. The older men Nate had on a string could afford it and probably got off on being bossed by Nate anyway.

Nate continued: "Well, OK, dude, this appears to be a case where some intervention is called for. And I'm pretty sure Chris will be willing to show a little appreciation to his benefactors right?" They both laughed at that and leaned over to get another beer.

Nate gave it some thought and said: "This is what I propose.........."

To be continued........

Next: Chapter 73: Christians Induction IV 15

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