Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Mar 17, 2012



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Part Fifteen.

Nate of course had never met Casey, and Randy, although he had partied with Casey and Mark (together with Chris of course) really only knew him through his association with Mark. It was decided therefore, albeit reluctantly, that Randy would have to involve Mark in their plans. Randy knew that Casey would be keen to further ingratiate himself with Mark who was one of the senior members of the the swim team.

At school the next day Randy cornered Mark in the cafeteria and engaged him in conversation. The two of them had been drifting apart and Mark was pleased that Randy was once again showing an interest in him; they had after all been close buddies, neither of them being able to pull the wool over the other's eyes or being capable of bullshitting the other. It was only when Mark had become so closely involved with Beth that they had started to see less of each other. Anyway, thought Mark, thank God that little bitch was now out of his hair!

Randy observed: "I was thinkin about that party we had with your swim bud Casey the other week. That was quite somethin huh?"

Mark laughed and replied: "It sure was dude. What did you think of Casey?"

"I have to admit for a soph he certainly is clued in. All he really needed was for a coupla older guys like us to introduce him to a submissive guy like Chris in order for him to release all his pent-up urges." Both Mark and Randy laughed.

Mark continued: "He certainly has it in for faggots. It makes we wonder whether somethin happened to him in the past or whether he's hidin sumthin."

Randy smiled and said "Maybe you got a point there dude. Listen Mark, I better get goin. Got a test in a coupla minutes and I can't afford not to be there. I could end up as the oldest junior in history! Tell you what, why not give me a call tonite and we can arrange another get-together sometime?"

"Cool Randy. I'll call you later."


That evening Mark called Randy and suggested that they take a drive and park somewhere quiet and enjoy a beer or two and smoke a joint. After they had downed the first beer and had a drag or two on the joint, both became loquacious and Randy mentioned that he had seen Nate that week. Mark had always wanted to cement some kind of relationship with Nate as he felt that they had a lot in common, so when Randy slyly suggested that maybe they could invite Chris to hook up with the three of them sometime, Mark needed no second prompting.

Randy asked: "Your folks still go away over weekends? You have the best venue by far and Nate won't host as he doesn't wanna fuck up his deal with the old folks who live in the house."

"Fuck yeah." replied Mark. "They are away most weekends. There is this little circle of oldies. What the fuck they do together God alone knows but I can hazard a guess." They both laughed uproariously at the thought of it.

Randy continued: "How about this Saturday then? I'll chat with Chris and if he is already tied up, so to speak, with Casey, you could invite Casey to join us." Randy waited with bated breath to see if Mark would go for it.

"Sounds like a plan. We could invite Casey anyway; I'm pretty sure he would be keen to meet Nate."


That night Randy called Matt and told him that something was in the planning stage. He suggested that he visit Matt and Chris and asked whether it would be OK with them. Matt had difficulty in hiding his enthusiasm and said "Fuck yeah dude. Whatever." Randy warned him not to reveal anything to Chris until he arrived. "See ya in about twenty then Matt." and rang off.

When Randy rang the doorbell Matt shouted to Chris he would get it, and ushered Randy up to his room. After the customary greetings, Randy said: "OK, let's get down to business. Ask Chris to join us."

Chris was displaying this hangdog face as he went through to Matt's room and so Randy assured him: "Don't look so fucking keen to see me man. There ain't no blowjobs planned; both of us already taken anti-viagra pills." He winked at Matt and they had a laugh. He then turned serious and addressed Chris directly.

"Dude, we have all had fun together from time to time but Matt called me last week and told me what was goin down between you and that little asshole Casey. Seems like he has got you over a barrel huh?" Chris nodded yeah so Randy continued: "Well, maybe it's time that little punk was taught a lesson. He ain't in some hick town no more and the sooner he learns it the better. I talked with Nate and he agrees completely."

Both Matt's and Chris's ears pricked up immediately they heard mention of Nate.

Randy continued: "I spoke with Mark today and suggested that it was time to hold another party. He was as keen as mustard and agreed that we could use his apartment. Seems that his rents, as usual, will be away for the weekend. The only way we gonna lure Casey into some kinda trap is to use Mark as bait. You know how those swim team guys stick together. Anyway so far so good. Mark is gonna invite Casey and I really can't see him turning down the invitation especially if Nate is gonna attend; apparently Mark has told him all about Nate and he wouldn't miss an opportunity to cosy up to him. Chris the plan is that you stay put right here and we will take it from there. Matt, better you remain here as well as there are gonna be questions asked as to Chris's whereabouts. You guys cool with it?"

Matt and Chris both were quick to agree and so Randy informed them the whole arrangement should be in place by Friday. He would keep in touch.


That Saturday night Nate picked Randy up in his truck and they drove together to Mark's place. When they arrived at around eight Casey was already there and was sitting ensconced in Mark's favorite easy chair. Randy was toting a backpack containing beer and Nate had brought along some weed. Mark also had agreed to raid his old man's stash of beer so there was plenty to be enjoyed.

Randy saw Nate looking around Mark's pad and knew exactly what was going through his mind; here was this little punk living like a king while he himself at an even younger age had been scrounging a few bucks here and there on the street and occasionally managing to crash at a friend's shitty apartment for the night. Randy knew that it still rankled with Nate.

Introductions were made and they immediately started in on the beer. Nate thought to himself that he would let Casey have a second before spoiling his evening; he would be bound to be high after two beers.

Casey turned to Mark and asked: "So, dude, where is our boy Chris? Shouldn't he be here by now?" He laughed and continued: "After all, somebody should be serving the beers." Mark intimated that he didn't know what was holding Chris up.

Randy chimed in: "Actually guys it seems like he won't be gracing us with his presence tonite. He called me just before I left home saying that he had been grounded. Apparently there had been a royal bust-up with his rents at supper time over his flagging grades and he has been grounded until further notice.

"Jesus Christ, that kinda fucks up the evening, doesn't it?" asked Casey.

Nate couldn't get over the way this sophomore kid was behaving; it sounded like he considered himself the chief guest of honor or something.

Nate turned to Casey and asked him whether he really considered the spending of time as the guest of three older guys, who after all were providing the booze and pot, a fucked up evening.

Casey responded: "Don't get all worked up dude. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I was expecting a little more than a coupla beers and a joint tonite."

"Oh really." said Nate. "What are you sixteen years old? And you think you can shout the odds here? You have a major nerve telling me not to get worked up. By all rights I should rearrange your face for you."

Mark could see major trouble brewing and pulled Nate aside and tried to explain to him that Casey had not meant to diss him and that it was all a bit of a misunderstanding. Nate said no more but was clearly not placated and gave Casey a hard stare.

Things quietened down and the three high school guys started to discuss sports and other sundry school matters while Nate simmered in a corner.

It was Randy who decided that it was time to stir the pot again and asked Casey how it had come about that after such a short while in town, he had Chris at his beck and call. "I mean all of us have had a little fun with him, especially my man Mark here, but I'm just curious to know how you became intimate with him, so to speak."

Casey by now thought the storm had passed and, typical of a guy his age, didn't know when to shut up. He explained that Andy, the guy who had lived in their house previously, had passed on to him some pretty incriminating pictures of Chris sucking his cock. "Some pretty graphic stuff, I might add." he laughed.

Nate interjected: "So what I'm hearing here is that you are using those pics to blackmail Chris. Right? Jesus, that's pretty low dude, even for you. I was wondering how the two of you hooked up; I mean you ain't even cute."

Casey was really riled up now and responded: "Listen man, from what I hear, you aren't averse to using a little blackmail yourself."

Nate was out of his chair in a flash and grabbing Casey by the front of his shirt had him against the wall and lifted him off the ground. "Listen, squirt, I'm a man and you are a fucking boy. Don't you dare to even think of comparing yourself to me. You are still wet behind the ears and sucking on your mommy's tit."

Casey at last realized he had gone too far and tried to placate Nate. "OK, man, cool it please. Let's just sit down and enjoy a beer together." Nate dragged him across the room and pushed him into a chair. Addressing Casey, he laughed and said: "Me enjoy a beer with you? You must be fuckin delusional dude. Now you listen to me and we will call it quits, OK?"

Casey just nodded his assent and Nate continued: "You are going to accompany me and Randy to your house right now and you will retrieve those nasty pics and hand them over to me. We will then shred them into a million pieces, return to Mark's, and enjoy the rest of the evening. Don't even think of refusing because apart from the pics, I know about your involving your little bro in homo sex too. In need I'll make sure your rents find out. Whats worse, dude, how do you think your little bro's buddy's rents will react when they hear their little darling is involved as well."

So it was that the yoke that Casey had placed over Chris's neck was removed.


During the course of the following week, Chris and Matt's father informed the family that he had been fortunate enough to rent from his co-worker the condo in Florida he had rented previously. It would coincide with Spring break and all the madness that involved. Matt was overjoyed but Chris was less pleased than he should have been as he was pretty sure that Raphael's younger bro Hector, and his friends, would be keen to renew their acquaintance with him. Mind you, he consoled himself, Hector had been kinda cute....

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 74: Christians Induction IV 16

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