Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Mar 23, 2012



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Sixteen.

In the week leading up to the Easter Break both Matt and Chris were full of anticipation. Chris had felt that a weight had been taken off his shoulders and made a point of calling both Nate and Randy offering his thanks for their participation in ridding him of Casey's depredations. Both had independently made it clear that he "owed them one" and he promised to reciprocate; they should just name the time and place. Meanwhile Casey, suitably chastened, avoided Chris like the plague and Mark was doing his best to figure out what had gone down. Teddy and Anthony, unaware of what had happened, both called Chris and he told them they had best cool it for the time being; he referred Teddy to his bro Casey for answers.

At the conclusion of their last visit to Florida, Hector had floated the idea to Chris that he maybe could visit with Chris over the Easter break. Chris had dismissed the idea in his own mind as just the musings of a horny freshman newly introduced to the pleasures of oral sex; he received the surprise of his life therefore when shortly before their departure for Florida, Hector called him telling him that he wouldn't be able to make the trip. It seems that he had been dead serious all along; unfortunately he was unable to raise the cash and his rents had nixed the idea anyway. Chris informed him that all was not lost as his family would be coming to Florida for a week themselves.

"No kidding dude!" enthused Hector. "That is just fuckin fantastic man!" Hector went on to add that he personally would guarantee Chris a good time and that his circle of close friends now numbered five. "How does that grab you dude? I bet you can't wait huh?" he laughed. "Jesus, it's gonna be an awesome week!"

Chris responded: "Sounds great Hector but I gotta warn you I'm gonna have to spend some time with my bro and family too."

"Fuck yeah bro. I understand that but there will be plenty of time to fit them in. Also I'm pretty sure Raphael and Carlos will wanna say hello. You remember them right? They gonna be pleased as punch to hear that you will be visiting."


Chris was not so na?ve as to believe that he would not bump into Hector on this trip but it seemed that his fears were about to be realized; namely that Hector would try to monopolize his time. The kid had made it pretty clear that he expected Chris to be available to him as well as his friends for sex, and as on the previous trip, Hector would pursue him around the town in the expectation that Chris would be willing to oblige whenever called upon. He had now informed Chris that be had a crew of five close buddies and it was a certainty that they had all been put in the picture regarding Chris's proclivity for sucking cock. It was a small town and he was bound to bump into at least a couple of them every day, in addition to the night sessions Hector would doubtless arrange. He boned up at the thought of having several horny young studs to service but it would be an inconvenient task if it became a daily occurrence! Young guys that age jacked off every day and, if they had a willing cocksucker on hand, they would be bound to save up their loads for a blowjob; that was far preferable to a handjob.

Chris asked Matt whether he had heard from Steve since their return from their last visit. Steve hailed from the same home town as themselves and had firstly hooked up with Chris and then later with Matt on his arrival. It was Matt's fondest memory; Steve had invited him to participate in an overnight orgy with two other guys as well as themselves, in which they had ganged two older girls. Matt instantly boned up when he thought about it.

Matt replied that he hadn't but was hoping like hell Steve was still in town. Steve had told them previously that he intended to return home during the Summer to escape the heat and to put the touch on his father. He had told Chris he might stay and get a job and an apartment and indicated that he and Chris could hook up to their mutual benefit; Chris could have free rein with whoever he wished but Steve saw himself as a kind of protector and manager. Chris figured at the time he was just blowing hot air.


The plane arrived at about noon and the old man, having booked a rental car, soon had them at the condo. The weather was perfect and Matt asked Chris whether he intended to go to the beach after lunch. Chris demurred saying it would be too hot for his liking and that he would restrict his beach time to the mornings. Matt was kind of relieved in a way; he didn't want Chris being a drag on his activities. Chris unpacked his stuff and clad only in shorts, a teeshirt and sandals decided to check out the so-called strip. Nothing much had changed although the place teemed with older high school and college kids. Chris, being Chris, couldn't prevent himself from checking out the amusement arcade he had frequented on his previous visit and it too was chock-a-block with kids but of the younger variety. Chris found himself a vacant spot at one of the standing tables and took in the scene. The kids were almost exclusively clad only in long colorful bathing trunks and either sandals or flip-flops. Their tanned upper torsos were truly a sight to behold, thought Chris. All that talent made his thoughts run wild!

He was sipping a coke while the kid standing next to him started up a casual conversation; was he on vacation, where was he from, etc. However, the kid's moves were interrupted as before long Hector made an appearance. He stood at the door scanning the place and when he saw Chris a huge smile split his face. Jesus! thought Chris, he really is fucking cute! And when he put on that smile he displayed a perfect set of white teeth accentuated by his dark latin looks. Hector immediately walked over to him and thrust out his hand.

"Amigo! Amigo! Amigo! I thought I might find you here. You are lookin great man! I'm so pleased to see you again."

Chris thought to himself: the kid sure has charm! "Pleased to be here Hector and you are looking kinda good yourself." Hector smiled at the compliment. "Lemme get you a soda. Coke ok?" Hector nodded and said "Sure."

They exchanged further pleasantries while Hector, who was standing next to Chris, surreptitiously moved his leg up against Chris's. Chris wasn't slow to return the pressure and found that he was boning up. Hector looked around and remarked softly to Chris: "Jesus man, this place is so fuckin crowded. I really could use a quickie but seems like it's outta the question right now, huh?"

Hector continued: "Can we get together this evening? This one buddy of mine has got a car and so that will make things easier. That is, if you don't mind if I bring along a friend?" Chris replied that that would be fine which drew another smile from Hector. "Listen Chris. I gotta take a pee; follow me into the john OK?" and with that he moved towards the john situated at the back of the room. Chris followed at a discreet distance and when he entered looked around. The place was luckily deserted apart from Hector who was standing at the entrance to a stall and beckoning Chris to follow him. Chris followed him into the furthest stall and Hector slid the lock into place.

Hector informed Chris smiling: "It's a bit risky for a blowjob dude, but I thought maybe you would like to see if my dick has grown any." With that he unzipped his jeans and extracted his half-hard dick. "Go ahead, feel it." he invited Chris. Chris took it in his hand and Hector asked: "Well?" Chris replied "Feels kinda smaller dude." Hector laughed softly and elbowed Chris in the ribs. "You gonna pay for that dude!"

Hector continued: "I really do gotta pee. Tell you what, stand behind me and you can hold it while I piss OK?" Holding Hector's dick while he pissed was a real turn on for Chris and when Hector forced out the last few spurts some of his piss ended up on Chris's fingers. Chris put his fingers in his mouth and sucked off the last drops of Hector's piss load. Hector said: "That's my boy! Did it taste good?" Chris nodded yeah and Hector responded "Cool man. Only the best for you babe."

Hector informed Chris he had to go and arranged to pick him up outside the Arcade at 8pm that evening.


Chris decided to return to the condo and strolled along the side walk adjacent to the beach. As luck would have it, he bumped into Steve coming in the opposite direction. Steve immediately recognized him and invited him to join him for a coke and a chat. They sat watching the activity on the beach which was still crowded.

Chris joked with Steve: "You must be getting plenty of pussy with all the college stuff around huh?"

Steve responded: "There's just too much dude. All you need to do is snap your fingers. Takes the edge off the chase. I saw your bro earlier, he's like a little kid in a candy store." He laughed at the memory of it.

Steve continued: "Like I told you last time, I'm aimin to go back home for a while. As soon as I can get enough dough together. This ain't no place to be without dough. And the novelty wears off after a while."

He continued: "If I go home, I can stay with my dad and always tap him for a few bucks. But I wanna get an apartment so as to be independent. Get a job, you know the routine. Ain't you graduatin in a coupla months?"

Chris informed him: "Yeah, provided my grades improve, and then with a bit of luck, go locally to some college."

"Cool man. But you still gonna be under the thumb of the rents right?" He laughed: "No draggin boys home huh?"

Steve continued: "We should hook up man. You can get a part-time job and we could share the costs of the apartment. I know the score so that ain't no problem and you would have some independence. And I sure would need some assistance around the apartment. Whadda ya say?"

"Jesus, Steve, this ain't sumthin I could say yes or no to right now. Too much happening."

Steve replied: "Sure, I can see that. Maybe we can discuss it again when I get settled back at the ranch."


Chris waited outside the Arcade that evening and promptly at eight a car pulled up containing Hector and another guy at the wheel. Hector called him over and indicated he should climb in the back.

"This is my friend Benny. Benny meet Chris." They shook hands. The other kid was probably a year older than Hector and also latino. He had the same dark good looks and wore his hair short; about a half inch long on top and pretty much shaved around the sides. Chris thought he looked pretty hot and he would have caused Chris to look twice had they passed each other on the street.

They drove off and after a few minutes Benny turned to Chris and asked him jokingly "where he had met this little punk" referring of course to Hector. Hector gave Chris a wink and told him to tell Benny.

"Well, the last time I was here, I met these two guys Steve and Carlos and they invited me to a party which turned out to be at Raphael and Hector's place. Raphael hooked me up with Hector. You tell him the rest, Hector."

"Awwwww he's just playing dumb. He knows you are the guy that gave me my first blowjob; I mean I've told the guys a zillion fuckin times about it. It is still my best memory ever."

Benny laughed and said maybe he should have the opportunity to judge. "After all, first blowjobs tend to stick in the mind."

Hector asked Benny where he intended to park; after all all the usual spots along the sea front would be inundated with college kids.

Benny replied: "Dude, I know a good quiet spot next to the golf course. Been there a few times with chicks."

The spot Benny chose turned out to be very quiet and after they had had a beer which Benny had produced from the trunk of his car, Hector suggested that Chris join Benny in the front but that they should exchange places so that Benny was on the passenger side. Benny expertly let the backrest of his seat down and stretched out with his legs apart. "OK man go for it." he instructed Chris. Chris fondled his dick which was already semi stiff and without any trouble slipped Benny shorts and briefs down to his ankles. He went down on Benny's dick and soon it was erect and flapping against his abs. Hector meanwhile was leaning on the top of the backrest of the driver's seat and keeping an eye on proceedings.

"Give it a lotta tongue dude especially around the head." instructed Benny. Chris proceeded to lick the head of his dick in a circular motion and licked off Benny's precum which by now was leaking copiously. "OK, now go down on it man. I want to feel your face right up against my pubes so swallow it all the way. And no fucking gagging hear?" Benny had a good thick seven-incher so to swallow it all the way took some doing. But Chris was determined not to fuck it up and managed to get Benny's dick so far in his mouth that his lips were around the base of it. "Dude," said Benny, "I'm pretty close so I want you to suck that dick up and down all the way to get me off. Keep your lips tight around it and give the head some tongue." Chris did as he was told and and in a few minutes Benny's ass bucked up in the seat and he blew a good load into Chris's waiting mouth. Benny held Chris's head fast and instructed him to squeeze out the last drops of his load into his mouth and then to swallow it down.

Benny relaxed for a few minutes and then turned to his buddy Hector and said "You were right dude. He knows his stuff." Hector replied: "Told you so."

As Hector exited the car so that he could take up a position in the front, he said to Chris: join me out here for a minute dude. I gotta piss real bad and you can hold my dick for me like you did this afternoon. Chris got out and stood behind Hector holding his dick as he let go a stream of boy piss. As he finished, Hector whispered to Chris: "I'll save a little for you next time dude, OK?"

Chris had been groping himself all the while while Chris was sucking Benny off and so when it was his turn to get blown he came in next to no time. Chris was amazed at the extent of his load and figured he had been saving it up for a few days. After he had come however he kept his dick in Chris's mouth and instructed him to suckle it gently while he relaxed.

They got back to town at about 9.30pm and Benny, who had a date at ten, dropped them off at the Arcade. They proceeded to play a few games at the machines and before leaving Hector extracted a promise from Chris to be available the next day for a meet. He would call him in the morning on his cell.


This story has been running for ages and I would really like to know if there is still sufficient interest for me to continue with it. Please drop me an email with your thoughts. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 75: Christians Induction IV 17

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