Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Jan 16, 2010


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

Please note that I now have a second e-mail address. E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 28: What The Fuck, Over

After spending a weekend at Mike parent's ranch we returned to San Antonio on Sunday where we set up a quasi-housekeeping arrangement together. That is, I kept all my Army gear in my room on post so as to not arouse suspicions, but my civilian clothing what little I had was kept at Mike's apartment in my own bedroom, just in case the Army cops decided to make an unannounced visit. I also kept a shaving and toiletry kit in my room on post. This way I was just Mike's roommate, but still they might want to bust us on fraternization charges if they ever discovered that we were living together.

When we began living together in a man on man relationship, sharing our lives we were very happy over the weeks after returning to San Antonio. We discussed our future together and how we were going to handle deployments and separation when it came. Neither of us believed in gay marriage for several reasons, but we wanted to remain together as a couple for as long as we could stand each other.

We managed to keep our relationship on the down low; only a select few of our friends outside the Army knew we were a gay couple. No one on post knew about us. We went about our lives as usual; me going through my medical training program while Mike did his permanent party thing. We both continued taking classes at the university and socializing with friends. I'd been invited to spend Thanksgiving with Mike's family and accepted.

Thanksgiving fell on a Thursday, so we left Fort Sam on Wednesday evening, neither of us having duty, driving to Mike's folk's ranch. We planned on spending the full four days holiday down there with his family for the Thanksgiving event. I'd never spent a holiday with a Hispanic family before, but I was about to and felt sure I would gain a few pounds and be exposed to a different culture.

Thanksgiving Day there must have been at least fifty people gathered at Mike's mom and dad's house for dinner. There were some who arrived a little early than others and some who stayed overnight; therefore, Mike and I were forced to share his bedroom with his teenage brothers for a couple nights, which was no big thing. The whole thing kind of reminded me of sleeping with my cousins during a big holiday when I was younger.

After the holiday we drove back to San Antonio on Sunday afternoon. While at Mike's parents they invited me to spend Christmas leave with them. I told them I had to check with my family before I could give them a definite yes. Mike and I discussed the Christmas holiday period at length numerous times; however, in the end I decided that I was going to my aunt and uncles up north and he was going to spend Christmas break with his parents.

Mike wanted to fly up and be with me for at least New Year's Eve and Day, but he had duty between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. Being together over the holidays wasn't in the cards for us. Neither one of us was happy, but we'd make the best out of things.

I would leave Christmas Eve morning; Mike planned on driving me to the airport in San Antonio. Once I arrived in St. Louis I'd be met and driven back in time to enjoy Christmas Eve festivities in our small town. I planned spending ten days up north and then fly back to San Antonio on Sunday the third of January. Mike told me he'd pick me up, however I should call him to firm up a pickup time. Mike and I agreed to call each other while we were apart and we did. Once I landed at the airport I called him to let him know I'd arrived safely. For some reason I had an uneasy feeling that my Christmas leave wasn't going to be what it had been the year before.

My dad, uncle and Timmy met me at the airport. Timmy was eager to see me. We had to wait for Danny who arrived an hour and fifteen minutes after I did at the same airport in St. Louis, so we all rode back together. Danny and I had a lot of Army stuff to talk about. I felt good that mom and dad were going to be spending the holidays with us, but not all the aunt, uncles and cousins were there as they had been the prior Christmas.

After we arrived at my aunt and uncles there were hugs and kisses all around before Danny, Timmy and I escaped upstairs where I told them about Mike. I began showing them photos of Mike and me as well as my motorcycle and San Antonio before we took the Christmas wagon ride into town. We must have spent a couple hours talking about Mike and other things. My cousin Danny tried to talk me into joining to his Ranger battalion as a medic after I completed my medical training. I told him I'd think about it. What I really wanted was to stay at Fort Sam as long as possible with Mike.

Just before we took off in the big old decorated Christmas wagon for town I called Mike wishing him a Merry Christmas, telling him I wished he were with me and I loved him. I called again just before Mike went to Christmas Mass with his family; also while on the phone I wished his mom and sister Merry Christmas, telling them all that I loved them.

We celebrated a great Christmas Eve as usual and then went back to the house. Along the way Timmy kept coping a feel under the blankets as we rode along, asking if being with Mike was going to stop us from getting together. I assured him that I was more than willing to engage in a little extracurricular horseplay with him and Danny.

When we arrived back at the house there was only the three of us that would be sleeping in Danny's room which had now become Timmy's room. We fooled around a little sexually before falling asleep, but the day's activities prevented any real suck or fuck play. There was going to be plenty of time after Christmas for that type stuff between us, but it was not going to be the same as the year before.

Oh sure, there was going to be sex with my two cousins and a couple others that came over in the days after Christmas, but not the scene that we had indulged in the prior Christmas when I was on leave straight out of basic. My great uncle who had heart surgery during the last visit was there. The gothic cousin and his parents weren't in attendance which didn't really bother me.

Christmas morning came with the usual big breakfast and then other relatives and friends began arriving. We all congregated in the living room and parlor to open gifts and sing carols while drinking hot coco or coffee. By noon we kicked off our annual family football game. Around four the women began calling us in to get ready for Christmas dinner. Before dinner I called Mike. He sounded very happy. Over the next few days holiday events came and went.

Timmy slipped me his big fat cock three times and Danny fucked me a couple times too. Of course I reciprocated. By New Year's Eve we were all feeling well sucked and fucked. Thursday we began preparing for New Year's Eve festivities. I called Mike to wish him a Happy New Year and told him I'd try to call him at midnight. Of course I told him I loved him. I tried calling Mike just before midnight but got no answer so I left him a Happy New Year's message on his voice mail.

I tired calling him at his folks, but they said he went back to Fort Sam early. Apparently, one of his buddies had offered him a hefty price to take duty on New Year's Day. I tried again New Years Day with no luck, but assumed he'd turned off his cell while on duty. I left another message. I tried his cell and his folk's phone on New Year's Day, no luck.

Again I tried several more times to call Mike, no luck. Seems I'd lost cell phone contact with Mike on New Year's Eve. I needed to keep in contact with him because he was supposed to pick me up at the airport when I retuned. Sunday morning came and it was time to fly back to San Antonio. There was still no word from Mike.

I landed at the airport and took a taxi to Fort Sam. As soon as I got to my room there was a note taped to my door commanding me to call the duty ASAP. I was then to report to the Provost Marshal's office ASAP where I was to contact a Mr. Stall at C.I.D. My first reaction was what the fuck, over. I threw my bag in my room on the bed and called the duty officer regarding the note. He told me to get into a fresh duty uniform ASAP and stay put he was sending the duty vehicle over to pick me up and take me to the PMG office. That was all the information he could give me.

I got into a clean duty uniform and then went outside to wait for the duty driver. Once he arrived two MPs handcuffed me and whisked me off to the duty office where I was met by Mr. Stall a senior criminal investigator with Army C.I.D. The two uniformed MPs that handcuffed stood on both sides of me at all times while the C.I.D. guy read me a brief summary of my rights, basically I was Mirandized.

No one would tell me what I was being arrested for nor would the Army cops give me any information. I was taken to PMG Headquarters where I was put into an interrogation room with one hand handcuffed to a steel table that was securely mounted in the floor. An MP gave me a cup of lukewarm coffee and told me an investigator would be with me shortly. Well, shit I thought to myself what the fuck had I done.

The investigator, Mr. Stall, who I'd met earlier, entered the room where he began reading my rights under Article 31 Uniform Code Military Justice. He read through the whole thing and then asked me if he could interview me. I asked, "What the fuck is goin on?"

"You don't ask the questions rat shit, I do!" The investigator snapped back.

Having a little schooling under my belt I wasn't going to be intimidated by some asshole C.I.D. agent on a fishing expedition. "I'll take an attorney at this point before I answer any further questions," I said sternly.

"Okay, you little punk fucking asshole I'll send you down in the hole for a month or so. That's how long it may take me to get you an attorney. No telling what may happen to you in there you little rat shit bastard."

I knew this guy was trying to bulldoze me, blowing smoke up my ass, but I let him have his say. I'd go to the holding cell and Monday morning I get a JAG attorney to advise me. I still had no idea what or why I'd been arrested or was being held. I hadn't done anything illegal that I was aware of; unless these goons were gonna try to bust me on a fraternization beef or maybe a homosexuality thing. Maybe that is why I couldn't get hold of Mike. Maybe they already had him in custody. The MP came and got me and took me to the holding cell, throwing an OD green blanket at me. I slept in a jail cell for the first time in my life.

I knew that whatever I was going be charged with was pretty a pretty serious offense, because I was not being charged under Article 15, non Judicial punishment at the local command level. During Basic all new trainees are given a broad overview of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice as well as Code of Conduct, Geneva Convention and other legal issues. The brief class addresses certain articles in the UCMJ. Trainees were advised about the different degrees of punishment under the UCMJ such as Article 15 (Non Judicial) as well as Summary, Special or General Court Martial. I went to sleep not knowing what Monday would hold.

Next: Chapter 20

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