Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Dec 8, 2008


Warning! This story is a work of fiction and was written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting male cousins. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

Caveat lector: I do not believe in nor do I condone incest or incestuous behavior. I also do not believe in nor do I condone child sexual abuse. I write stories that are fiction. Some stories are factual, some are pure fiction and some a combination of both. Personally, I have never entered into an incestuous relationship with family members or had any type sexual relationship with minor children; furthermore, I was never molested as a child. Yes, when I was younger like so many boys of my generation my cousins and I fooled around experimenting sexually. If that is considered incest or child sexual abuse I must apologize to those I've offended. This story was written about one cousin that finds himself on leave from the Army and thereby discovers that his cousin is about to undergo military training after graduation from high school. They discover each other's secrets: a fondness for male on male sexual experimentation and bonding; thus, the bond. I

did not request that this story be placed in the incest section.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail address making appropriate corrections: E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas 2008.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 2: Socially Taboo Sex

The shower stall on the third floor loft was only big enough to accommodate one adult, so I took my shower first while Danny remained in the bedroom laying out all the toys needed for some gratifying sex. As the warm droplets of water rained down on my body I fantasized about the shower stall being bigger so as to share it with Danny. I discovered years ago my fondness for foreplay and sex in and around water.

I enjoy foreplay in the bathtub, shower, pool and hot tub. Some of the best sex I've experienced was in the shower or bathtub with my partner. If the shower stall was larger I envisioned Danny taking me from behind as shower water sprinkled down on us. My mind was reeling with sexual fantasies about my cousin and me over the next two weeks. Of course Danny had planted seeds earlier in the day about Timmy; sweet innocent Timmy.

I found myself curious; pondering the possibility of engaging in sex with Timmy. In some ways envisioning sex with Timmy was repugnant to me, but on the other hand so very alluring. I was entertaining fantasies of what Timmy might look like nude, all boned up. Oh, I'd seen the boy nude many times before, but that was when we all were just mere children. Now, a few days from turning sixteen Timmy was maturing into a man. I was also struck by a sense of shame even thinking about Timmy in a sexual way. I knew engaging in sex with a minor was a crime, a serious crime, and he was not even sixteen yet. I felt so confused, frustrated and guilty even thinking about having sex with Timmy. I was also having strong feelings of guilt about sexual relations between Danny and me.

Consensual sex between all sexes in Illinois is seventeen, so Danny and I were safe as far as age for consensual sex, but Timmy was a year shy. Although having sex with first cousins was morally forbidden I knew many cousins who experimented sexually. If I was going to have any fun with my cousin I was going to have to put all that socially taboo stench behind me and go for it. Besides we both knew we weren't gay or in love with each other.

There were no romantic overtones between Danny, Timmy or me. We were not in love as love would flourish between a boy and girl. There was no sense of endearment, other than the love one shows for another family member. I would never even entertain thoughts of engaging into sexual relations with the two girls, so why was I worried about Danny and Timmy? I knew the realm Danny and I were about to enter into was not accepted by mainstream society; it was morally and ethically wrong. But I was hell-bent on having sex with my cousin anyway. I wanted Danny to fuck me in the ass like I'd never been fucked before with that magnificent cock of his.

Danny had one of the most desirous pieces of man meat I'd seen since high school. What Danny and I were about to engage in was just the mechanical act of sex and all the pleasures thereof. Yes, we had kissed earlier and would probably kiss again, but I felt the act of kissing to be more a part of sexual pleasuring than love. I wanted his hot body in the worst way. I want to be impaled on his princely prong. Now, I was also entertaining evil thoughts of desire about Timmy's supple young body.

As I finished cleaning up in preparation for some socially taboo sex I was on pins and needles, anticipating the fuck of my life. With the shower water raining down on the front of my body my super sensitive nipples reacted once again, standing at attention. While cleansing my body I was paying special attention to my asshole, inserting my finger deep inside my anal cavity to make sure it was free of fecal matter. As my finger tip touched my "G" spot goose bumps sprung up covering my body. My body was shaking, not from cold, but with desire thinking about what lay ahead.

Danny had told me downstairs that he was going to take me anally and fuck my brains out, but before that he was going to eat my ass out. Oh God, how I loved rim jobs. Basically, he was going to make me his bitch for the day. Surprisingly, I wanted to be taken; I wanted to be eaten and fucked. I wanted to be his bitch for the next two weeks. Imagine that the big Army Dude submitting to my younger cousin's sexual desires and demands.

"Hey, Donny don't run all the fuckin hot water out," my cousin yelled, snapping me back to reality.

I quickly rinsed off and got out of the shower toweling off before entering the bedroom where Danny stood by the night table smiling, showing off his repertoire of sex toys. I was truly surprised by what I saw. Not even the second day into my leave and I was about to have sex with my truly gorgeous cousin. A cousin that I discovered was probably much more experienced in the ways of male on male sex than me. Danny had laid out tubes of lubricant and condoms.

Danny squeezed a droplet from a tube and said, "Taste this," as he held his forefinger to my lips. The lubricant was cherry flavored. Not only was there a selection of lubes and condoms, but also on the night table lay a selection of very impressive appearing dildos, cock rings, vibrators, and wipes to clean up afterwards.

"Cuz, that tastes good, so what're the dildos for?"

"There mine I use them to prepare myself for anal sex and also just use them when I'm feelin horny and need my ass filled with dick. I figured we'd use them to loosen you up before I fuck you. So, when was the last time you had your ass filled with some USDA Prime man meat?" Danny asked with a smile.

"Last summer, before I went off to basic," I replied.

"So, when was the last time you had yours filled?" I asked.

"Night before last," Danny said.

"So, who was the lucky guy who got to fill it?" I asked.


"You mean your little brother fucks you!" I snapped back in astonishment.

"Yeah, we both fuck each other," Danny said nonchalantly. "We've been messin around for over a year now. If you play nice I may invite you to play with us before you leave."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing; two brothers, my cousins engaging in sex. The innocent little kid that had been sitting at my knee only a few hours before in the parlor was heavy into male on male sex just like his older brother. "Don't you think that's incestuous Cuz? Not to mention possible child sexual abuse?"

"Never really gave it much thought; besides, he's a big boy now. If it makes you feel uncomfortable I'll nix the plans for the three of us to get together."

"No... Don't do that... You know... I mean... Your right Timmy is a big kid now, almost sixteen," I said.

"Yeah, not too long," Danny replied, "and believe me he's got a nice dick. You don't want to leave until you see it; truly an unforgettable magnificent piece of meat."

Unforgettable, magnificent, what was the supposed to mean. Now I was really curious. Surely, Timmy couldn't have a better looking or bigger cock than his brother. Danny had aroused my curiosity to the point that I knew I had to at least see Timmy nude and all boned up before I returned to the Army in January.

"You know, I was always taught in church that you weren't suppose to mess around having sex with immediate or blood line family members," I told Danny.

"I don't know about any of that, but of course I probably don't absorb as much of the church stuff as you. Hell, according to church people are only supposed to have sex in the missionary position to procreate. We're just a bunch of the country kids growing up around here playin around and experimentin sexually, not paying too much attention to what were told in church. So, I never gave it much thought. Then when Timmy caught me jerkin off one night he told me that him and his friends had been experimenting for a while."

"Wow, I wish I'd known about all this last time I visited."

"Hell, the last time you were here I wanted to you know compare dicks and jack off and stuff with you, but I was scared to say or do anything."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," I said to Danny.

"I got to grab my shower now so we can get started Cuz."

Danny shed his clothing including his drawers. I finally got a good look at his flaccid penis. The thing drooped over his dark nut sac. His cock was longer than mine soft, probably at least five inches, maybe six. He was a shower; whereas, I was the grower. What caught my attention immediately was his cockhead; the foreskin partially covered the coronal ring of the glans, but when I'd seen him hard earlier his crimson colored glans was full exposed showing off a very sleek appearing cockhead with a dark purple coronal ring.

One of those sleek appearing plum colored cockheads, flaring up and back, sporting a larger than normal coronal ring at the base of the cockhead. The type cockhead I truly enjoyed sucking and one that I knew would bring off a cosmic orgasm as the coronal ring rubbed my "G" spot. The fluffy black treasure trail leading from his belly button to his bush that was filled with tight curly black hair was magnificent. As he turned around heading to the bathroom I admired those erotic appearing buns. I knew I just had to bury my weenie between those voluptuous mounds. Once he was gone I turned around to view what lay on the table, looking over the complete display.

My cock was standing at attention drooling precum as I picked up each item checking them out more closely. I crawled up on the bed positioning myself on my hands and knees with my head down into the mattress. I reached between my legs where I began rubbing my brown eye with my finger. A finger that I'd previously coated with some of that cherry flavored lubricant. Oh shit, shivers went through my body as my finger touched my awaiting asshole.

Much like my nipples my anus was super sensitive too. Something I discovered back in high school. Well, I hadn't discovered the phenomenon my teammate on the basketball team found it. We had been sixty-nining each other one night when he eased his slender digit into my rectum. From that time on I enjoyed getting finger fucked, especially while getting a blow job. I made sure to tell my future sexual partners about.

For me getting digitally diddled while getting a blow job or before being cornholed was just another form of foreplay. And I truly enjoyed extended foreplay. Andy was a senior and I was a sophomore when the discovery was made; however, Andy and I only had a year to enjoy each other sexually because after he graduated he was off to college on a basketball scholarship. Our last time of lovemaking was off the hook. We spent an entire weekend holed-up in a motel room before he left for college pleasuring each other.

I could only hope that Danny would make me cum as many times and as hard as Andy did that weekend. Suddenly, I felt a pair of warm hands on my buttock and then a warm schlong sliding up and down the crevice of my ass every once in a while brushing against my brown eye. I immediately reached around with both hands grabbing my ass cheeks, spreading them apart opening my anus to make for a better entry of Danny's dick.

"Oh, so very nice and pink," Danny said as he backed away.

The next thing I knew there was a warm wet tongue entering my pink gaping hole, "OH SHIT," I screamed.

"Please don't do that," Danny said, "it might spoil things."

My body was convulsing. I was moaning and groaning loudly as Danny's tongue darted in and out of my asshole. Then he would withdraw his tongue letting the tip circle the outer perimeter of my sphincter driving me wild with desire. I wanted him to continue, but I wanted him to fill my quivering ass with his hard cock and cornhole me. Danny continued making me shake as he rimmed me. Finally, he said, "Let me insert this nice butt plug in the pink hole. It'll keep your asshole expanded."

"Let me help you with it," I said reaching around trying to help my cousin insert the little four inch long phallic shaped rubber plug. We work the replica cockhead of the plug in slowly. The pressure of the rubber cock was causing some burning as it found its way into my anal cavity. After the cockhead had breached both sphincter rings Danny pushed the remainder of it in, locking it in place with the narrower lower band. Oh, it felt so good in there. I thought I could actually feel the tip of head touching my prostate as I rocked back and forth. Danny pushed me down on the bed and flipped me over facing him.

Next: Chapter 3: Christmas Cocks 3 4

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