Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on May 3, 2009


Warning! This story is a work of fiction and was written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting male cousins. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail address making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas 2008.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 14: Family Football

After everyone had devoured a hearty country Christmas breakfast all adjourned to the parlor to exchange gifts. I think sometime time between noon to one o'clock there must have been at least fifty or more people in and out of my aunt and uncle's home. More than the usual numbers showed up for Christmas 2008.

I think the large numbers of family at the Christmas gathering was because of the out of state guests and me. I hadn't been hugged and kissed so much since I was a little boy, but I enjoyed all the fuss. I also think with the war on terror still going on and me now in the Army maybe some thought, morosely, that I might not make another family Christmas get together.

Additionally, I think with the economy failing there was a need for family to unite, putting their arms around each other and seeking spiritual guidance as never before. Whatever the reason I was happy to see all my relatives and once again be part of the family tradition. I was truly surprised by the two major gifts I received, but welcomed them.

A cell phone and a MacBook Pro were under the tree for me. Two very expensive gifts, but most welcome. Unbeknownst to me my parents had sent money to my aunt and uncle to purchase the two high-dollar gifts for me before they left on their trip to Europe. I suspect they were suffering from feelings of guilt. The offerings of solace were gifts of peace and comfort knowing they wouldn't be with me for Christmas, maybe my last.

Of course I received some clothing and other items from aunts, uncles and cousins as well as the others. I'd stopped at the Post Exchanged before arriving and bought some Fort Knox T-shirts and other souvenir items for my host family, and as I presented them their gifts I gave and received big hugs and kisses from all. I couldn't afford to reciprocate with any major gifts for all the family members who had gifted me.

Danny and Timmy pooled a few dollars to give me a carrying case for my new MacBook. We all sat around the parlor drinking coffee and hot chocolate watching the younger children open their gifts. Danny, Brett and Brandon who were sitting on either side and behind me all leaned down whispering thank you in my ear at different times. Everyone had made me feel so welcome I was feeling a little emotional.

I got up off the floor excusing myself, saying that I had to take a leak. I didn't see Brandon get up and quietly follow me upstairs. As I finished taking a whiz I washed my hands and face before exiting the bathroom. In the bedroom Brandon met me saying, "I hope what happened earlier won't or didn't make you mad at me."

"Mad about what?" I replied.

"You know, everything. I mean I didn't mean to embarrass you and my brother in the motor home. That's just how we roll. We're really buddies as well as brothers," Brandon said somewhat apologetically.

"You're my cousin bro," I replied, "and we've shared much the past couple of days as cousins."

"Another thing, I hope you aren't mad at me for surprisin you, you know, bangin you in the ass this morning without askin."

"Naw, we all were caught up in the moment. I don't know about the others but I had a really great time this morning. I look forward to more before we all split up and go our separate way in a few days. It'll probably be the last time we all get together as cousin's doin any of that stuff."

"You're probably right cuz. Before it's all over I want some of Timmy's hot ass and big cock," Brandon replied with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah, me too. I got a feeling that Timmy may be a busy boy the next few days," chuckling as I finished saying that.

"You and me didn't hit it off so well when we first arrived and I don't want you mad at me cuz," Brandon said.

"Naw, you're okay, just a little mouthy. Besides, that was one of the best ass rimmins and fuckins I've had in a while."

"Really!" Brandon shot back, "do you think we're missed downstairs?"

"I don't know. What you got in mind?"

Brandon got a wry smile on his face and said, "Think we got enough time polish each other off before we head back downstairs?"

"I think we can do that before we go back down stairs to choose teams," I told Brandon as we hugged before dropping our clothing for a quick sixty-nine.

Once we finished each other off we cleaned up and headed downstairs. A couple of cousins were holding their new footballs. Every Christmas that I can remember one or more of us cousins got a new football from Santa. I don't remember buying any athletic equipment as a kid. Santa always seemed to know who needed what and when. The two with the new balls claimed captains of our Christmas teams.

We all fell outside where the two captains began alternately choosing players. The older bigger cousins got snapped up first. I guess because of my size I was picked quickly. After that it went down to the younger teens and pre teens in the family. Once the teams had been picked the adults volunteered as field judges and referees, while the young girls divided up as cheerleaders.

After some hard plays the team I was on came up three points shy of winning. As we all congratulated each other the women shouted out that Christmas dinner would be ready in thirty minutes, so we had to get back inside to clean up. Some of the family that lived close by left to go home, while the rest of us filed in the house and up the stairs to get cleaned up and dressed for dinner. There must have been at least a dozen cousins in Danny's room, including those of us that were sleeping there.

As the grab ass prevailed in Danny's room I couldn't take my eyes off a couple of brothers, third cousins, Kyle and Keith. Kyle appeared to be about Timmy's age and Keith maybe a year younger. They were totally hot and from the bulges I detected they appeared to be well-endowed. I wondered what they might look like naked all boned up. In their street clothes they appeared to be healthy corn fed and well-built teens. Both had played good defense during the game. I dismissed my sexual thoughts about the two and finished dressing for dinner.

As usual the women in the family had prepared a feast fit for royalty. We all stuffed ourselves. After dinner the smokers adjourned with coffee to the back porch. The other elders went to the parlor for brandy and to business talk. Desert was a buffet of treats that would be open all evening. Most of us kids went outside to walk off the dinner before we indulged in desert. When we got back we were all called inside for a special announcement.

Seems one of my uncles had managed to secure suites at Harrah's St. Louis for three days and three nights; the day before New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. One of my aunts who lived in Belleville, Illinois had volunteered to baby sit the younger children, while we older boys would be allowed to remain at home. I could see cousins looking around at each other scratching their heads, but their minds whirring. I'm sure we all had evil thoughts in our heads. Three days without adult supervision, what could be better?

Kyle and Keith had to get going, but before they left Danny and Timmy conferred with them about something. Danny explained to me that they would be back with their sleeping bags to spend the end of year beginning of the new year nights with us. I must have appeared a little disappointed to hear that, but Danny reassured me with a wink that I would be pleased when they arrived in few days.

Six more days before we would all get together for a big New Years party or more appropriately a sexual circus. The thought that Kyle and Keith would be players too titillated my mind. Christmas Day was closing and there were many good-byes and thank yous in order as family members began readying to return to their homes after a day of festivities.

One everyone was gone all of us cousins made our way back upstairs. We were all exhausted and for me I had no desire for any sexual escapades. After taking care of bathroom business we all crawled into beds with our bedmates. Somehow Timmy and I ended up in the same bed. As we lay there in bed holding each other's warm bodies Timmy whispered into my ear, "Danny and I have talked. He told me to me about your fantasy."

"Which one?" I questioned being taken by surprise.

"He told me about you guys and what happened while we were in St. Louis, and about you wanting a threesome with Danny and me, "Timmy said in a hushed voice.

"Dude, you better rethink that to be a foursome. Brett and I had sex while everyone was in town and he wants in on the action too," I quietly replied.

"I think come the New Year holiday sleepover we are all goin get enough sex to satisfy us for a weeks to come," Brandon whispered back.

"I want to feel that huge piece of meat inside me before I leave."

"Are you sure?" Brandon asked bumping his hard member into my ass crack.

"Uh-huh," I said pushing back meeting his bumps.

With Christmas 2008 over we both fell asleep in each other's arms dreaming about what lay ahead in the next few days and into the New Year 2009.

Next: Chapter 10: Christmas Cocks 15 16

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