Christmas, London 1942

Published on Nov 26, 2008


Christmas, London 1942- Part 2

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Jan, Louis and I were close to each other, but I was unsure what to do. Louis reached out and fondled my balls. "You are a handsome man," he said in French. "Well equipped."

I reached out to both of them and cupped their genitals in my hand. Jan had low hanging balls and a long, thin cock. Louis was quite the opposite. They were a Mutt and Jeff type. Louis was as thick and massive and Jan was slight and thin. Both were masculine and physical contact brought us all to an erection.

I had been erect with Angus the night before. Being naked and erect in a group was a very different feeling. It was less intimate, but more exciting in some ways. I later came to think it was because I had always been nude in an one-on-one situation. That had been with my wife and the lights had been very dim. I was quite sure this experience was new to Jan and Louis too. Actually having several men naked and erect seemed both stimulating and slightly naughty. It was as if we were school boys experimenting.

This may have been closer to the actual situation than I thought. The disaster of war had brought this mismatched group of men together in the vaulted basement of my house. We were all adrift without the usual constraints of family and work. While Britain's situation was dire, that of Poland, Czechoslovakia and France were well beyond dire.

Here we were enjoying our bodies and were feeling increasingly intense pleasure. A cock can't lie, not when you are naked.

Jan slipped to the floor and began to suck my cock. I bent over and took Louis' member into my mouth. I wasn't use to circumcised members and he seemed so exposed. I have a lot of extra skin, and normally my knob is hidden. This had been good when I was a boy. I could pinch the skin and keep all my cum in the skin when I wanked. This kept things neat and I could dump my sperm into the loo later.

Louis' knob wasn't as smooth and shiny as mine, but it seemed to be just as sensitive. I licked it and then ran my tongue around the flared edge. Louis loved this. He had a very wide slit and when I tried to suck the entire organ, I tasted for the first time his juices. They were similar the drool I had tasted the night before from Angus, but different. I manged to take Louis's entire cock. When I pulled off, I suctioned a great glob of the stuff.

We rearranged ourselves to get more comfortable. It was pleasant and pleasurable. I had been most attracted to Angus the night before. I was less attracted to Jan and Louis. Our relations was that of friends helping each other out, more that that of potential lovers.

This realization did nothing to reduce the pleasure we felt. Looking back I don't think I knew there could be friendly sex rather than passionate sex. With my wife I knew that sex as an obligation existed and that procreative sex without enjoyment was the result. With Jan and Louis it was just fun. Once new got going it was relaxing, but exciting. We weren't conceiving babies and we weren't infatuated with each other. We were simply having fun and using our sex organs as toys.

Perhaps it was superficial, but it certainly was enjoyable. I had never used a prostitute and never had an affair. I would never have left my wife, and I couldn't deceive a woman into having sex with me with the promise of a divorce and remarriage. The men in the basement of my house were all adults, all mature and none had an ulterior motive other than enjoyment.

I knew that sex had its own intrinsic pleasure, but hadn't realized how much this pleasure was amplified by your partner's enjoyment. After the initial uneasiness, Jan and Louis loved what we were doing. I had been exited, in deed thrilled the night before as I made contact with Angus and his magnificent organ. Here I was trying to suck the manly juices from Louis' cock as Jan did the same to me.

After a while we switched partners and I licked Jan's member as Louis sucked me. Jan's cock was thin and I could take the entire thing. My nose was in his thick bush as his cock nearly tickled my tonsils. I breathe easily so I used my tongue to massage the under side of his member. Jan went crazy.

I was too thick for Louis to do the same for me. He was a crude looking man, but his sucking technique was delicate and refined. He licked my cock and balls. At first I thought his technique was more delicate than effective, but I soon discovered otherwise. I was enjoying Jan when it began shooting my man seed onto Louis face. I would have pulled away had I realized I was going to climax. My orgasm caused a chain reaction orgasm in Jan. We broke a part. Jan fell asleep.

Louis whispered, "I' sorry."

"About what?" I asked. I had no idea what he was apologizing for.

"I'm not use to uncircumcised cocks," he said. "I didn't do what I would like to have done."

I smiled. "I think you did enough! It was more than satisfactory for me."

"I will do better the next time," Louis said.

"You only need to do as well," I said. Louis smiled. I would have liked to have spent the night in a sexual romp, but we all fell asleep. It had been a long day. I think an orgasm is a good sedative.

It wasn't my intention to turn my house in to barracks for my repair crew, but it happened. I thought of it as my contribution to the War effort, but in reality I liked the company. I had become accustomed to living alone, but living with friends was better. When I woke the next morning Louis had made peace with my uncut member. He had his tongue in the skin and was licking my knob.

The next day we went to a big bomb site near the City. The driver just said it was a church. When we got there it was Wren church, St. Mary's. The great raids of 1941 had destroyed a number of Wren churches, so those that survived seemed precious to me. The roof was gone. Only the skeleton of roof girders remained in place. My heart sank. We went inside. It was a sunny day, with only smoke from smoldering ruins in the air. Inside everything was black and soot covered.

At the altar end the roof had complete collapsed and we couldn't get in the area. I couldn't get in, but Etienne could. He was small and fit in spaces the rest of us couldn't. He called out. In French, "It looks as if the furnishings are intact."

What do they look like?" I called out.

"Lots of wood carvings, fruit and stuff."

"Oh my god!" Angus exclaimed. "Grinling Gibbons?"

Grinling Gibbons was Wren's woodcarver, and just about every English school child knew of him. I didn't know if he had carved the furnishings at St. Mary's, but I knew much had already been destroyed in earlier raids.

"We need to find out what it is," I said. "Can we clear enough to get through the roof?" Angus set to work immediately. Etienne climbed into the pile of wreckage and described what he found. It was a bit confusing because he described in French and I had to turn it into English. He had no structural or architectural vocabulary, but we worked it out.

Angus and I arrived at a scheme to lift away the roof beams to get to the fittings. Johnnie, Dan, Jan and Louis were our bulls. They were big, strong men and since we had no equipment, brute strength was needed. Etienne and Pavel did the more delicate work. We were short on labor when the church's organist and the Senior Warden appeared with the Reverend Mr. Whittington, the rector.

The Rector was a hysteric and worthless. He was in shock, and just stared and cried. The organist, Wallace Bruce was a leader of men and big. He joined the bulls immediately. Within fifteen minutes, Wally was a member of the crew. The Senior Warden, Templeton Smith, was a slight man who was a banker in the City. He was small, and rather dapper, but had no problem chipping in. He spoke fluent French and climbed in to the ruins with Etienne.

He confirmed the fittings were original and by Grinling Gibbons. Wallace said there was also a small altar painting by Rubens and several sculptures by Flaxman. Everything was covered is soot and ash, but he and Templeton went searching for the works of art. Normally we would have reinforcements to work with a church this important. An unexploded bomb had shaken our back up crew. One had been killed and two were badly injured. We were alone.

Right before it was too dark to work any more, Templeton found the Rubens. It was very dirty but undamaged. The day was complete. We created a quick shelter for the painting and went to my house. Templeton lived in Hampton Garden Suburb. The commuter line had been bombed and he had no where to stay. Wally was unemployed now that his church was bombed. Both joined our group for dinner.

Angus liked them and thought they would be a good additions to the group. He winked at me. He knew something I didn't suspect. He was a good judge of character and he knew.

When we got home I soon discovered Angus was right. Wally and Templeton loved my house, the heated basement and the hot water. It was hard to believe that in the middle of the 20th century hot water would be an exciting feature in an ultra modern city like London. Three years earlier it wouldn't have been worth a comment.

Wally and Templeton were enthralled at the prospect of a bath in hot water and unconcerned at the prospect of bathing naked in front of the crew. The crew seemed to relish the opportunity to see them naked. Apparently they had a sense of the two newcomers personalities.

Everyone was covered in soot and ash and Johnnie undertook cleaning. Templeton and Wally offered Johnnie their underclothes and went to the shower. Seeing them nude made it clear why they were so unconcerned. While they were quite different in physical appearance, they were both attractive men. They did share one physical characteristic. They were both well endowed. Templeton's organ may well have rivaled Angus's monster.

When they pitched in to help us at the church they gained the crews affection. Hard working men like other hard working men. This was reinforced by Templeton and Wally's status. They were both gentlemen and not expected to do any manual labor. Their genitals further reinforced their masculinity. They were all man in attitude and balls.

Angus was right behind them at the shower. Both men noticed him and his organ. Wally acknowledged Angus's magnificent cock by getting semi hard. Templeton followed suit. This scene struck me as being polite and refined. Two horse hung men acknowledged the presence of another well endowed male. Had they been bulls or stallions, there would have been a battle. Since they were men, other activities were in the works in the future.

I was working on dinner while this comedy of manners proceeded. Etienne and Jan helped and again the food was delicious. We had a fine meal. Until the war, England had been a land of plenty for persons of my class. Now food was limited and rationed. My new companions could make the most ordinary food taste good. My wife and I had been at the mercy of our cook for years. Etienne and Jan were frugal in their use of resources, but effective.

The Air raids were heavy this evening, but the explosions distant. We closed the vents to the upper part of the house and the basement got warmer. Templeton came over and sat next to me.

"Gussy, your hospitality is greatly appreciated," he said. "Your house is stunning."

"A bit eccentric, I think,"

"If an Englishman can't have an eccentric house, who can? It's part of our tradition." He paused. "Several men here strike me as being of a most liberal disposition. It seem to me that you are new to this?"

"It shows?" I asked.

Templeton smiled. "Yes it does. It's clear you are a good sport about this too. I was hoping you aren't too shocked. I suspect nudity isn't common in this house."

"Unbuttoning my suit coat was rare in this house," I confessed. "I am wading into unknown waters, but I have enjoyed it. At one time I was afraid of new experiences. I wanted to trod the same paths. For the last two years I been expecting to be blown up at any minute."

"Instead you find your house filled with naked men?"

"It is the least likely thing to ever happen to me. And the most enjoyable, by the way!"

"You are a good sport!" Templeton exclaimed. "I'm new to this too. Wally and I was fire watching on the roof of the church and we discovered a common interest."

"Is he new to this?"

"Not at all. He learned about man sex fun in the School for Choristers as a boy singer. Wally never stopped learning. He's a born leader and teacher. I've learned a lot. He teaches by example. I had never been fucked before he gave me lessons."

"Was it a good experience?"

"Well, let's just say I can recommend it," Templeton remarked. "It may not be good for everyone, but I was good for me." He leaned closer to me and whispered as he stroked his cock. "My cock isn't good for everyone. It's a bit over sized, but when it's good it's great."

"You're huge."

"You may not have looked down in a while, Gussy," Templeton whispered. "but you're a big boy yourself."

"You think so?"

"I know so," he said as he walked away.

Wally came by as Templeton left. "This must be the only warm place in London," he said. "I feel alive again. Today has been the best day I've had in years."

"Templeton was telling me you've had a good many good days," I said.

Wally smiled. "I do have a knack for making the best of a poor situation. The Reverend Mr. Whittington has his eyes firmly directed to heaven had the joys of the here after. I like my pleasures here and now. Heaven seems to be an iffy thing if our worthy clerics are to be believed. Whittington had been postponing pleasure until heaven, but I'm not that positive he will make it there."

"Is he a sinful man?"

"Not at all. Not in the conventional sense. Alas, he's sanctimonious, pompous and sour. I asked myself, why would God want him in heaven for?" Wally continued. "He'd be allot better off with me. I could lead a choir or two. Perhaps I could write a jaunty hymn. I'm cheerful, pleasant and can make an organ do things that are downright heavenly."

"Which organ are you talking about?" I asked.

"Both!" Wally responded with a belly laugh. "Pleasure is pleasure."

"You sound like a voluptuary," I said.

"I am more of a realist."

Next: Chapter 3

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