Christmas Shopping Adventure

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jan 19, 2009


Calvin hadn't contacted us and I was still on the hunt for the diminutive Steven, Aaron suggested we go to Chadstone once more to see Calvin and maybe the elusive Steven. It was a now New Year's Eve and everyone was in party mode around town as we drove across and parked in the car park, the place was only half full so we knew there wouldn't be a huge crowd to battle through. Locking the car we sauntered across to the Eastern entrance near Coles and walked into the mall, there were people everywhere but nothing like Christmas Eve and it was comfortable moving about. There was plenty of talent on display mainly hot lads in bright boardies, all were in happy moods and laughing and messing about as they wandered about.

Scattered amongst the lads were a few obviously gay couples walking hand in hand, I looked at Aaron and grinned, "Lets do what they are doing?"

Aaron looked askance at me, "You aren't serious I hope bubs?"

I looked at him disappointedly and we walked on, I realized it was a silly idea as Aaron was totally straight in his looks and behaviour until we were in private or in bed. We wandered on and I had the urge to piss, I told Aaron I'd be right back and headed for the nearest toilet, the long passageway echoed my footsteps even wearing sneakers, I noticed a dome on the ceiling where obviously a security camera scanned the people heading to the bogs. I thought to myself that must put a dampener on those wanting to hang out or get off in the toilets. I hurried in and unzipped flopping my dick out and sighing to myself as the pressure eased, the sound of my hot urine hosing on the shiny stainless steel filled my ears. I shook off and tucked it away before washing my hands and drying them then heading back to rejoin Aaron.

We wandered together to the DVD store to check out if Calvin was working, I spotted him from afar and nudged Aaron, "There he is see the hottie behind the counter?"

Aaron looked and whistled softly, "Whew you weren't joking bubs, he is spectacularly stunning."

Calvin must have felt our eyes on him because he looked up and his face registered both shock and embarrassment, he dropped those beautiful eyes back down to the task he was doing and finished the sale he was making. The customer thanked him and made his way out, we stood there watching Calvin who seemed completely unnerved and uncertain of what was going to happen. His co worker the tall pale slim EMO guy noticed Calvin's sudden change and looked around seeing me there he smiled knowingly and said something to Calvin, who blushed crimson and looked as if he was going to burst into tears.

The tall guy spoke again nudging Calvin as if trying to prod him towards us where we stood outside the shop, Calvin slowly walked from behind the counter and began folding t-shirts near the entrance as he watched us from the corner of his eye. I said to Aaron, "I'll go and talk to him he's obviously scared of you babe."

Aaron nodded, "Ok bubs I'll just hang about looking at the DVD stock."

I walked to where Calvin stood and gently put my hand on his shoulder, "Hi Calvin, seeing you hadn't contacted me I thought I'd bring my boy friend over to meet you; don't be scared he doesn't bite."

Calvin looked at me and I saw tears in his eyes as he dropped his gaze to the t-shirts he was folding, "I'm sorry Jake for not ringing you but I'm not sure I'm ready to be with you and your lover. I'm too inexperienced to do it."

I gently massaged his back enjoying the feel of his firm muscled body, Calvin shuddered and gasped softly as I rubbed and sensuously caressed him, his co-worker watched and smiled longingly. He came from behind the counter his black trousers bulging obscenely from his excited erection, he came across and spoke softly, "You might like to go into the stock room and talk it will be more private there."

Calvin led me through the door into the stock room and stood there looking uncertain, I moved to him and hugged him, he rested his head on my chest and almost melted into my body as he pressed against me. I felt the heat and hardness of his tightly packaged genitals as I held him to me with one arm the other slipped slowly down his firm back to end up holding a soft yet firm buttock in my hand. Calvin sighed deeply and snuggled into my hug as I kissed his thick black aromatic hair, I could smell the aroma of fresh apples from his morning shower and I inhaled deeply enjoying the fresh scent. I whispered, "Calvin you don't need to worry, if you don't wish to join Aaron and I we'll understand."

Calvin sniffled and I felt my shirt getting damp, I hugged him tighter and squeezed that delicious buttock, then I kissed him on the forehead before stepping back and looking at him. Calvin slowly rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and he half smiled at me, I then asked him to at least have lunch with us and he agreed. We kissed and hugged before walking back into the shop area. Calvin looked at his fellow worker then across to where Aaron was watching us, he nodded and said, "Thanks Jake I'd love to join you and meet Aaron."

We accompanied Calvin to lunch and after we sat down Aaron began to work his charms on the shy Asian, it took some time but gradually Calvin became animated and soon he and my boyfriend were chatting away like old friends. I could see Calvin falling under Aaron's spell and soon Aaron slipped around the table to sit beside our guest. Calvin at first moved away but soon he was hanging on every word and Aaron was right beside him pressing his muscular leg against the smaller Asian's. Calvin looked across at me smiling, "I think Aaron is great Jake I'm feeling so stupid for being afraid of meeting him."

I grinned at him and could see he was aroused in more ways than one, Calvin's lunch break ended and we strolled back with him to the shop, his offsider grinned at us when he saw how happy Calvin was, he whispered to me, "Damn mate! I've been hanging out to get it on with Calvin but he never gives me any encouragement, good luck to you both but don't hurt him he's too sweet to be hurt."

I agreed with him that Calvin was the sweetest most genuine guy I'd met in a long time and I guaranteed him we wouldn't hurt him in any way, it was up to Calvin what happened between us. We stayed in the store chatting with both guys between customers but also enjoying watching Calvin as he assisted the customers, he positively exuded niceness, plus the view of his totally sexy body was a major attraction. It seemed that lots of lads came to the store to see and be served by Calvin so the passing parade was awesome, Calvin treated each one the same, he made them feel as though they were special and he was glad to be able to help them. That beautiful smile was always flashing and lighting up the area, I feel that everyone he assisted went away feeling happy and probably loving him a little or in some cases a lot.

We finally said our goodbyes and Calvin promised to ring us soon and aaron and I wandered off through the mall, we still hoped to find Steven but our hopes weren't high of success. After spending a couple of hours we headed back to the car and drove home. Aaron totally contrary to his usual reticent self was bubbling about Calvin and what a total spunk he was, I laughed and said, "I told you he was really special now you know what I meant."

He kept on about what a superb body our new friend had and how his cute bubble bum matched the neat package hidden in those tight trousers, I reminded Aaron that Calvin was totally inexperienced and very shy so we had to treat him gently and not rush things. Aaron nodded and I could see his cargos were tented obscenely, I fell to my knees and opened his straining fly releasing the beast, it slammed out and up against his curved firm lower belly with the moist head resting above his hidden navel. I licked my lips moistening them before grasping that thick pulsating pole at its dark haired base before kissing the tip of his knob poking out of the soft hooded cowl. Aaron stretched his legs and spread them as he sighed deeply; his hands caressed my head ruffling my hair as I began slowly ingesting his big bad bone.

I loved the feel of his silky skinned schlong sliding back and forth as I made oral love to it, the unique taste of Aaron turned me on like crazy, I could consume his sweet juice morning noon or night. Aaron was already excited after meeting Calvin so it took a short time to bring his big balls to the boil, hot cum erupted from his straining tool causing me to gulp it down to save losing any. The delicious deluge slowed and dribbled onto my tongue as I squeezed Aaron's nuts to extract every drop of his sperm.


Hi this is Aaron, Jake's just given me a molten mouth job making me juice him as I squirmed and humped his sexy face, I loved watching my beaut boy sucking me off, it always guarantees I completely empty my nads and I needed it today because meeting Calvin gave me an aching set of blue balls by the time we got home. I was so ready to blow, my cock was leaking a treat in my briefs and Jake didn't need to do much to bring me off, the very feel of his tight moist lips wrapping round my knob as he pushed down my foreskin made me shudder with pleasure, the feel of his wet rough tongue rubbing about as he bobbed his head up and down dragged the sperm right out of my full roiling gonads. I blew and blew it felt aqs though my whole being was turning inside out and trying to squeeze through my dick into his hungry hole. I had to stop him sucking and licking after I'd fed him because he was driving me insane with his mouth and tongue on my cock head.

Jake is like having a puppy; he is completely devoted to me and will do anything I want. Oh I love him and all that but it rocks that he is there whenever I want him, he is always ready for sex and his tight little body is awesome to have sex with, he squirms and moans like crazy as my big fat prong digs and drills his hot tight rear end. Jake takes my cock like a pro except he loves it completely where a pro is only interested in the money involved, Jake does it as often as I wish. Now he's found the cute Asian bloke Calvin I can't wait for that little hottie to come round and join us in some sexy fun.

Anyway we didn't wait too long because I'd really turned on the charm when I met Calvin, he was totally at ease when we finished our meal, the feel of my thigh rubbing his through his tight pants really made me hard and the sight of his perfect bubble bum in those tight shiny trousers was a real turn on plus he seemed to have a nice sized package to play with. It would be great to plunge my prick up him while Jake backed onto his sweet dick, this would be a dream come true. I heard the phone ringing and Jake wiping his cum coated lips got to his feet and went to answer it, I lay back sprawled out and played with my soft schlong. Jake wasn't gone long and he came bouncing back into the lounge room, "Whoopee! He's coming over after work babes."

I grinned at Jake and felt a surge of sexy feelings roar through me at his words, Calvin was coming to visit and we were going to have heaps of fun if I had anything to say or do about it. That hot pert Asian bum was mine for the taking; his arse was grass as the saying goes. Jake looked at me and I knew he read my thoughts; it was uncanny how each of us sort of knew what the other was thinking. He frowned and said, "Aaron I know you think you can and want to take Calvin's cherry but I won't let you pressure him or force him to have sex. He is too sweet to be made give up his virginity even to you and much as I love you I will stop you doing it."

I looked down feeling like crap as my lover laid it on the line I realized I was behaving like a thug and felt really bad but the thought of that so beautiful Calvin coming here just made me lose it. Jake came across and sat on my naked lap as he took my face in the palms of his soft hands and he pressed his sweet6 lips to mine then whispered, "Thanks babes, I know you are excited by Calvin but we just have to exercise control on our feelings with him."

The time dragged by on leaden hooves but eventually there was a ring on the doorbell, Jake beat me there and flung the door open to greet the nervous looking Calvin standing on the front door mat. He invited Calvin in and before he stepped across the threshold he removed his shoes and walked in wearing his socks. This was strange but Calvin after seeing our puzzled glances told us it was what they did at his home and in many Asian houses. We walked him through to the lounge and sat him on the three-seater couch I sat next to him while Jake asked if he'd like a drink, Calvin smiled shyly and asked if we had any Bacardi Rum. Jake grinned and nodded then suggested a Rum and Coke to which our guest nodded and thanked him. I thought, "So this little spunk likes to drink spirits I bet that gets him relaxed and horny."

Jake returned bringing us all a glass of Bacardi & Coke with the tinkling of ice cubes as he walked, he handed Calvin a glass then me before taking his and sitting in the recliner opposite. Jake winked at me tipping me off he'd made a special drink for Calvin, a larger amount of rum compared to ours, I grinned back at him as I slowly edged my hand down onto Calvin's thigh. I gently massaged the firm muscles as Calvin automatically tensed at my touch; my hand slowly moved up and down his thigh while my fingers caressed his soft inner thighs through the tight material of his trousers. I could feel Calvin shivering as my hand moved back and forth, he sipped on his drink holding the glass in his shaking hand as excitement began to surge within him.

Jake sitting opposite was lounged back slouched in the chair his slim legs splayed open and he was squeezing and playing with his obvious boner as he watched Calvin and I. Calvin squirmed on the lounge as his cock inflated in his tight clothes, his bulge was obvious and achingly tight as his engorging dick strained to straighten up. His obvious discomfort gave me the opportunity to suggest he unzip his fly and adjust his so stiff cock. He blushed charmingly as he tried to adjust his enlargement from outside his pants but it was impossible in those terribly sexy tight trousers. Finally he followed my suggestion after draining his drink he put the glass down and stood up, our eyes locked on his extremely strained crotch as Calvin reached his delicate long fingered hand down inside his waist band as he sucked in his flat tummy.

He adjusted his stiffy and we could see it was about 5inches long as it stretched across towards his left hip, I reached out my hand smiling up at him, he stood transfixed watching my bold move, I could see his hard on twitching in expectation as my fingers closed the gap. I rubbed his bulge he whimpered eyes closed as he tossed his head back. Jake rose to his feet and moved in to slip his arms around Calvin's narrow waist and he kissed the soft smooth blushing cheek before sliding his lips to meet Calvin's. that delicious dick was going crazy under my fingers and Calvin's whimpers increased in volume as his hips began thrusting his stiffy into my grasp.

A muffled wail sounded, Jake's mouth pressed to Calvin's deadened the volume as I felt that sweet schlong pulse hard several times then he creamed in his underwear. Calvin struggled to get free but it was too late his balls had emptied in a messy blast; Jake tongued his gasping orifice as Calvin panted and groaned in his climax. His knees wobbled so we gently laid Calvin on the couch, he lay limp and panting as I unzipped his trousers to save them being stained and struggled to pull them down his thighs. There, right in front of my face was the incredibly sexy sight of Calvin's cum soaked tiny tight briefs, so small they barely covered his crotch, the white cotton almost clear where the aromatic sperm soaked into the thin material. I inhaled deeply drawing in the odour of his very essence and the aroma of his sweaty crotch after a day's work, a totally erotic combination if ever there was one.


Hi Jake here again, I watched Aaron caressing Calvin's leg and I got hard as because where I sat I had a view of both my lover's and Calvin's crotches, I could see both their bulges getting bigger and bigger. I hoped Aaron wasn't pushing Calvin too much but he seemed to be ok with what was happening, of course the drink helped it was pretty strong and as I'd hoped he was more at ease after drinking it. I knew from my previous experience with this sweet guy that he would probably cum prematurely. When Aaron coaxed him into standing so he could adjust himself I just had to go to him and kiss him, those sexy lips beckoned me irresistibly.

Sure enough Calvin was on a hair trigger and my kissing while Aaron stroked him through his pants soon had him panting hotly, as I slipped my tongue inside that wonderful warm moist mouth he whimpered then wailed into my mouth as I felt his body tense and shudder. I knew he'd spermed and we helped him to lie on the couch, Aaron undid his trousers tugging them down his sexy legs while I caressed his face softly peppering his beautiful face with kisses. Aaron sucked on Calvin's saturated briefs eating the copious cum soaking through the transparent cotton, gradually Calvin recovered and opened his eyes looking dazedly into mine.

I smiled down at him and ran my finger down his pert nose, "Was that ok Calvin? I hope you enjoyed what happened."

He smiled up at me then moaned as he humped his hips up, I looked down his torso to see Aaron sucking on his slimy schlong, cleaning up the spent sperm. Calvin moaned as his eyes rolled back into his head as he swooned from the stimulation, I looked at Aaron and smiled, "He's passed out mate he's just not used to such sexy stimulation."

Aaron smirked around Calvin's sweet dick and bobbed up and down happily sucking on that sweet meat, while stripping Calvin's trousers and briefs down his limp golden hued legs. Calvin was breathing heavily as his cock grew hard once again his eyelids fluttered then opened and I kissed him passionately before asking, "Are you ok with what has happened so far Calvin?"

Calvin nodded dreamily as he spread his legs and arched his back causing his sexy abdominals to flex as I began undoing the buttons on his white shirt and began baring his superbly muscled torso, my eyes eagerly surveying that satiny smooth ivory gold flesh as it appeared. Calvin's eyes were darting about from me to Aaron as his body and mind reacted to the sexy stimulus; I began licking his silky unblemished skin, my tongue danced, laving and back and forth teasing his erect hard nubs. Calvin's body was going wild as he twisted and strained between us giving us the delicious view of hisw compact but so sexy muscular body.

Aaron released Calvin's cock to lick around his tight pubic patch, the crazy black hair sticking up like a birch broom in a fit, I found his pubes so different to ours where we were curly he was straight and thick. His beaut brown boner throbbed and jerked like a tensed spring, I could see his tight round ball sack looking the size of a tennis ball but almost black in colour with a prominent seam running from his erection down under and onto his swollen hard perineum. Aaron's agile tongue slobbered along the silky smooth valley between those tight nuts and his sprawled thigh causing wails of pleasure from Calvin's rocking rolling head. I knew where Aaron was heading and prayed Calvin wouldn't freak out but I guessed he was so absorbed in the messages roaring through his system that he would just relish the new sensations and feelings he was experiencing.

Aaron tongue and mouth sucked on the tight balls making Calvin arch again and his sexy legs spread wider, my oral loving of his excited aroused nipples added to his dementia as his head flopped and rolled on the couch, mouth open and issuing strange unintelligible sounds, more grunts and groans than words. I began licking down his ribs then onto his trim taut pulsating belly, the feel of his rippling abs was mind blowing as was the taste of the thin overlay of his salty sweat. Calvin's trembling hands clutched my head pushing me lower towards his drooling dick where it bounced leaving fine snail trails of pre cum across his lower hard belly. I tongued his exposed pink knob where it peeked from his soft thick foreskin, the taste of his juice tantalizing me, I took him into my lips poking my tongue tip into the entrance to his urethra.

My eyes were watching Aaron as he began licking at Calvin's back entrance, Calvin stopped squirming momentarily as the new sensation stirred the sensitive tight ring of muscle locking the doorway to paradise. Calvin suddenly squealed loudly and his cock throbbed in my mouth as he began to bridge up off the couch, I held onto his prominent sharp hip bones as they stretched the smooth skin, every muscle in his compact body was straining and bulging under the satiny skin, blood vessels visible as his heart strained and pounded like crazy. Aaron's tongue had breached his last defense and was now wriggling and squirming in the dark hot moist chute, as he tasted Calvin's inner essence.

Calvin's cock throbbed and swelled in my mouth, pre cum spurted onto my caressing tongue, Calvin was close to another eruption, I sucked him hard tightened my lips around his thick dick and bobbed up and down its full length my nose bumping on his hard hairy pubic mound. A strangled gurgling squawk hissed through his clenched teeth as his cock vomited a volume of vital sperm into my awaiting hungry mouth. I sucked and swallowed as his cum erupted spurting copiously into my gullet, my tongue swabbing his dick eliciting as much juice as I could coax from his awesome body.

Calvin slumped like a rag doll panting as I sucked the last drops of tangy tostle juice until his cries warned me he was too sensitive to continue, I'd hoped he would suck my cock while I pleasured his but his innate shyness dashed my hopes. Aaron meanwhile was now lubing Calvin's virgin vent, his long middle finger exploring the depths of his hot hole, he discovered the pleasure point and massaged Calvin's prostate gland making him moan and writhe once more. A second finger wormed its way inside stretching that tight muscle and swiveled about stroking Calvin's velvet insides. He looked up at me grinning, "Oh bubs you've got to feel what Calvin's innards are doing to my fingers, his arse is magic mate, I can't imagine what it will be like to sink our dicks deep inside this rioting rectum."

Calvin was totally away with lust as Aaron worked his magic down there, his breathing accelerated, his cock stiffened up and he was squirming and gasping on those invading digits. I kissed him on his parted drooling lips and sucked his tongue into my mouth slurping saliva, Calvin recovered enough to retaliate and we snogged hotly. Aaron having worked hard loosening that tight muscle now lubed his horse cock; I knew what he was doing by the wet slick sounds behind me. I prayed mentally that Calvin wouldn't freak out and suddenly he nearly bit my tongue off before sucking it so hard it hurt at the root. Aaron had penetrated Calvin's beautiful bum spearing his long thick monster into the sensitive entrance, he groaned, "Ooooh cripes bubs his ring has a stranglehold on my cock."

Calvin was hyperventilating, I massaged his torso and whispered softly in his ear as he shuddered and shivered on the couch, "Its ok Calvin just relax the pain will soon pass."

He lay there eyes tightly closed, "It hurts. Oh gees it burns so much, it feels like my arse is on fire."

I kissed his lips, the tip of his pert little nose, his tight closed eyes, gradually I soothed him and he began to relax just shuddering every now and then as Aaron slowly edged his 8inch sword up that tight fleshy scabbard until it was totally sheathed in Calvin's living flesh. Aaron rested enjoying the sensations as Calvin's bowel muscles rippled on his hard on trying to eject the foreign invader. Gradually Calvin calmed and relaxed allowing Aaron to begin moving inside him, I kept kissing and gently caressed his cock, in and out slowly Aaron slid his long schlong. Calvin grunted and gasped as it moved back and forth but his cock showed his enjoyment as it firmed and throbbed in my grasp.

I swung about and took up a 69 position so I could suck Calvin and watch Aaron servicing his no longer virgin hole, the hypnotic sight of Calvin's stretched ring moving in and out as it gripped my lover's pole turned me on as much as the erotic scent of sex. Calvin seemed to be more relaxed and suddenly I felt his fingers fondling my stiffy as it wagged wetly in front of his face. I sucked on his shiny knob tonguing it and licking up his sweet juice, Calvin moaning began to wank my excited tool then I nearly blew my load he sucked my knob in his sweet mouth. I yelped and humped my hips instinctively driving my dick deeper, he grasped my shaft holding tight to stop me thrusting and continued sucking my leaking log nectar.

Aaron was now banging his bum hard and fast driving in and out his low hangers slapping against Calvin's buttocks as his long lance slid back and forth long dicking that delectable chute. I knew Aaron was close as was I but I thought Calvin having cum twice would not join us in our climax, how wrong can you be Calvin was on fire and he suddenly grunted around my prong as I tasted his first volley spatter on my tongue, I whimpered and sent my sperm gushing down his gulping gullet as aaron moaned, "I'm cumming."

His body tensed as he ground his crotch hard into Calvin's arse his cannon firing off round after creamy round as deep up Calvin's hole as he could reach. The triple cataclysmic cumming exhausted us all and we lay entangled together for some time as we slowly returned to our bodies. Calvin lay there as we separated he was totally out to it as Aaron and I sat together watching him sleep. Aaron smirked at me, "You thinking he would freak out bubs, he loved everything we did together as much as we loved doing him."

Calvin spent the night after ringing his parents and we had molten fun into the wee small hours of the morning before collapsing into a dreamless sleep of exhaustion. Luckily Calvin had the next day off because we didn't awaken until lunchtime, we arose and showered together enjoying more sexy wet fun before drying off and eating a huge meal to replace all the calories we'd expended.

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 4

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