
By Alex O'donnell

Published on Jun 22, 2014


The following story is an erotic fantasy story meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. It involves depictions of sex. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this page now.

This story is a work of fiction and is not intended to depict any living person, although some elements are autobiographical in nature. Do not read this story if you live in an area where it is illegal to do so. The author does not condone the actions in this story.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. The author would appreciate your comments, pro and con, including constructive criticism, and suggestions. My thanks to everyone for the feedback, story ideas, and nice comments, especially to Vision, who wrote the majority of this chapter.

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Cinderfella, part 22

It was six months. Six months of living hell. Living on Witt Farms was a nightmare for young Dick. Every day was grueling, hard labor, which pushed Dick to his limits.

Jake and his family's lives went on rather normally after Dick's sale to Mr. Witt. Around six months after selling Dick's contract, Jake called Mr. Witt and asked him if he could pay a visit to his farm. He was curious to see how things were going at Witt Farms, and as a well known businessman in the community he felt he had to maintain a degree of integrity with his clients and customers, so a follow up visit with Witt seemed like the right thing to do.

When Jake arrived at the farm he was greeted by Mr. Witt. Mr. Witt was wearing a pair of gray cargo shorts and white tee shirt that seemed to strain against his muscled frame. Even Jake, himself heavily-muscled, had to admire his friend Witt's powerful physique as he shook his hand and squeezed his powerful shoulder.

"So how's the servant been working out for you George?" Jake inquired. "It's been six months since I sold his contract to you and I was wondering how he was progressing. Also, the wife's asked about him a couple of times recently, so I promised her I would pay you a visit to make sure he was alright. He's my step-son, after all."

"Well, the first couple of weeks were damn tough, Jake. I won't lie. I mean the boy needed to be toughened up, and he was still too weak to do all of the tasks I assigned. But, I kept at him... pushing him and driving him harder," George Witt laughed, shaking his head.

"He felt the lash on his back every single day as his tasks got heavier and more arduous. I think I got him at a good pace now and have finally managed to muscle him up some so he can do some actual work."

"Can I see him?" Jake asked. "My wife wants me to make sure he's okay. You know how it is with women."

Witt answered, "Why of course, Jake. Since you were coming for a visit I told my overseer to bring him over to the barn. Mike should be bringing the boy over shortly."

"Oh, so you're using an overseer now?" Jake asked.

Witt answered, "Yeah. While I like to do the breaking in of these servants, I've got a large farm to look after, as well as other business affairs, so I hired a local - who's saving for college. I find using these young guys who have energy works well keeping these damn servants in line."

Mr. Witt took Jake out to the barn opposite the house. A short while later Mike brought Dick over. He led him by a leash attached to his collar. Jake's eyes went wide as he saw Dick enter. Mr. Witt had allowed Dick to grow some hair which he kept buzz-cut. He also had scruff on his face which made him look more masculine than Jake last remembered him. However, what had most changed was the boy's body. When Jake sold Dick's contract to Witt, Dick weighed around 155 pounds at 5'11", after several months of Jake trying to bulk him up. Yet, before him now was around 190 pounds of muscled hard labor slave.

When Dick entered the presence of Mr. Witt he immediately lowered his eyes in the presence of his master. Mr. Witt yelled, "Boy stand in the middle of the room in display mode, God damnit! Your former master, Mr. Head, would like to inspect you."

Dick replied, "Yes master," and stood in the middle of the room and placed his hands behind his head and spread his legs shoulder width wide to allow for a proper inspection. He was wearing nothing, and his body was soaked with sweat from the morning's exertion.

Jake scanned Dick's body and noted how his arms had hugely grown in volume and the boy now had big bulging biceps and sinewed, mucled forearms. His pecs, which were once rather small, were now much bigger and had that nice squared off shape. Without thinking about it Jake reached out and felt their hardness and also noted how slick they were with sweat from Dick's morning hours of hard labor. He then reach out and tweaked the left nipple and soon realized that he was stroking and pulling on it before he released it. Dick let out a slight groan before Jake released his nipple.

Jake's hands then roamed down from Dick's pecs to his now washboard abs, and he allowed his fingers to feel each crevice, fascinated with their development from a mere six months earlier. While it was obvious that Mr. Witt was muscling Dick up in a consistent fashion, it was the hard labor pulling the plow that was contributing to this lean, ripped musculature. Jake noted that Dick was actually one of those guys who could put on muscle rather quickly given the proper regimen and motivation that Witt was obviously providing.

As Jake moved around Dick he noticed how big his shoulders had gotten and how his traps and back were now knotted with detailed muscles. Jake also assessed that Mr. Witt's overseer was keeping Dick working hard given the various crisscross lash marks on Dick's upper back, shoulders, arms, and what he could see of his legs. Jake seemed mesmerized for a moment looking at Witt's servant with his hands gripping the back of his head. He could not help but admire Dick's newfound musculature.

Jake reached out and felt Dick's now muscled round ass. It, too, had lash marks.

"When the boy doesn't give me a good day's work or is disobedient in any way then he may be subject to additional punishment," Witt explained. "I usually have Mike take him to the woodshed where his arms are secured to one of the beams overhead and then he is whipped naked."

"Of course, of course," Jake mumbled absently.

All the time Jake inspected Dick's body, the boy dripped sweat and Jake noted the farm-like aroma from his armpits. "You stink, boy," Jake said.

"Yes Master Jake, sorry for my stink," Dick said.

"Alright, Mike, take the boy back to work now since I want that north field all plowed by tomorrow," Mr. Witt said.

"Yes sir, Mr. Witt. Alright, bitch, let's get moving!" Mike yanked at Dick's leash and used a short whip he carried to swat Dick's ass and legs for emphasis.

Dick was led out of the shed to continue his labors.

"Jake, I hope you're satisfied with the boy's health," Witt said. "I wouldn't want your wife to be upset."

"I must say George", Jake said, "I would never have recognized Dick had you not brought him here for me to see. His transformation is amazing. I started to bulk him up some when he was my servant, but never was able to achieve those type of results."

"Well Jake, I have been doing this type of work for 30 years so I know how to get servants ready for hard field labor. When the boy came here he was very weak, like I said earlier. During these months I have worked him hard out in the fields. Mike and a couple of other guys I hired keep him motivated to plow those fields and do other tasks I assign like digging out the garden beds, moving rocks, chopping wood. Recently, I've been leasing him out to some of the other local farmers who need their fields worked on. When I do that I bring them over and hold a mini auction - display the servant on the auction block. They like what they see - a hard labor ready product that has been whip-trained."

Jake then wondered, "Hmm. I myself may want to lease him from you one of these days, Witt. Got some big chores around my property I need to get done."

"Why sure Jake! For you I'll even give a discount."

So it was that a few days later, Jake leased Dick for a week, for work around his property. George Witt delivered Dick to Jake's house on a Friday evening. Jake's wife would be out of town for the week so the timing was perfect for the exchange.

"Well Jake, as I promised, the boy is yours for the week. Just make sure you don't go easy on him. I've got him pretty well trained, and I don't want to see him start slacking off."

"Don't worry George, I will make sure that he's doesn't slack off," Jake assured him.

"Alright, Jake! Well here he is." Mr. Witt tugged on the leash and unhooked it from Dick's collar. Mr. Witt had Dick dressed in a pair of overalls with a tight fitting tan cotton shirt whose long sleeves barely reached Dick's wrists. Jake could not help but admire how form fitting it looked.

"I thought I would bring him here dressed since we'd be driving through the town. I didn't want to get any funny stares from the nosy neighbors. Oh and I brought a little something for you to use to keep the boy in line." Witt handed Jake a furled up dog whip. "Don't hesitate to use it."

"Don't worry George, I will make sure that he gives me a good day's work each day. 'Spare the rod, spoil the child,' the Good Book says."

George Witt tossed Christopher a small bag, and then said his farewells. After Witt left Jake ordered Dick to take the position in the middle of the garage.

Dick replied, "Yes master" and moved to the middle of the room and placed his hands behind his head and lowered his eyes and awaited further instructions.

Dick was nervous and he was already perspiring; the sweat in his armpits betrayed his anxiety. Suddenly the door to the garage from the house opened and in walked Christopher and Daniel.

"Whoa! Icky Ricky's back!" Daniel exclaimed. "Wow, Dad, you weren't kidding. Icky's got muscles, now!"

"What's Witt been feeding you, Knob? Looks like he has you on a strict exercise routine, too." Christopher said.

"Guess they keep him pretty busy on the farm," Daniel observed.

"No doubt 12 hours pulling that plow and doing other hard labor work has helped pack on the muscle on Knob," replied Christopher. "But you know what? We're not seeing the complete picture. Dad, I want to see what we bought for a week."

At that, Christopher went up to Dick and unfastened the straps from his overalls. The flaps fell away from the back and the front of the overalls, revealing Dick in his tight shirt. Daniel approached and touched Dick's chest and could feel the hardness underneath. Then Daniel unclasped the buttons on either side of the overalls allowing the front and back side to further fall away stopped only by Dick's hips and held up by his rounded ass.

"Strip off that shirt, boy!" Christopher ordered.

"Yes master Christopher," replied Dick sullenly.

When Dick had stripped off his shirt both Christopher and Daniel said "Woah!" Before them was Dick in all his sculpted, muscled glory. They couldn't help but admire his thick pecs, bulging arms that had been put up again in the display position. The washboard abs were nearly eight perfect squares with deep indentations. And where his overalls had flapped down revealed a thick bubble butt. The two boys looked at Dick with a mixture of wonder and even envy at how their former little step drudge was now a buffed up muscle stud. When they checked his back they admired his now hardened shoulders and lats, as well as the receding lash marks that criss crossed his back.

"Looks like Knob here has had to be disciplined quite a bit! I'm sure he's always trying to get away with not doing his work, just like he used to. Don't worry, Dad, Daniel and I have this week off and we promise to look after Knob while he's here with us." Christopher picked up the dog whip and snapped it twice in the air. "We'll make sure he keeps up his work pace, won't we Daniel?"

"Hell yeah," smiled Daniel.

"In fact, Dad, I think we need a little practice with this instrument," Christopher said, holding up the dog whip. "Purely for Dick's benefit, of course."

Jake replied, "Well, Dick hasn't done anything wrong, yet, Christopher. I think it would wrong to punish him, when he hasn't yet sinned."

"But Dad, if we don't keep him in line while he's here, when he goes back to Mr. Witt's farm, he'll be lazy and full of bad habits. You told me yesterday that it looked like Mr. Witt whipped Knob here every single day. We've gotta maintain the level of discipline that Mr. Witt instilled in him, or else Mr. Witt's work training Knob will have been wasted."

"Well, I suppose you're right, Christopher," Jake said, giving in with a sigh. "It might be good for us to establish a precedent."

Christopher smiled, and then turned to Dick. "Strip, BOY!" He ordered.

Dick nervously removed his boots and socks and undid the remainder of the overalls and pulled them off until he was completely naked. All eyes were on his muscled naked body now. Christopher then took the spreader bar which he fastened to Dick's legs at full length, leaving Dick in an uncomfortable position. Daniel then fastened the set of handcuffs which were then attached to a chain and run through the eye bolt in the ceiling. Christopher then pulled the chain and pulled Dick up until he stood on his tip-toes with his body vulnerable to any punishment they could mete out.

"Okay Icky Ricky, I think we'll give you 35 lashes as a welcoming! I want you to count them off, too!"

With that Christopher took a position behind Dick, and then slashed the whip forward, three times, striking Dick's back and legs.

"One, master! Two, master! Three, master!!!"

Christopher handed the whip to Daniel. But instead of taking Christopher's place behind Dick, Daniel moved around Dick, so that he was in front of the trussed-up servant.

Daniel then began lashing Dick's chest and stomach.

Dick yelled out, "four master, five MASTER, SIX MASTER!!"

"Oh and let's not have any miscounts or we'll have to start all over," Christopher lectured.

Dick endured the 'welcome' punishment with some degree of rigor. He cried and yelled out the number of strokes delivered by Christopher and Daniel.

"Seven, master! Eight, master, Nine, master!!!" he panted. "Ten, master! ELEVEN MASTER! T-T-TWELVE MASTER!!!!" he sobbed.

By this time, Christopher, drenched in sweat, pulled off his white tank top. "Getting warm in here," he said, as he toweled off his face with the tank top, before dropping it. "Really working up a sweat giving you your 'welcome home' lesson, Knob."

He walked around to Dick's front side. "I hope you appreciate what we're doing for you, boy," he said, taking Dick's cheek in his hand, caressing it for a moment, and then gently slapping his face. "It's for your own good."

"Yes, master," Dick said, miserably. "It's... it's for my own good."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 23

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