Cinematic View

By moc.loa@12esacwonS

Published on Apr 20, 2000


OK here it goes this is my first attempt at this so please be kind. I want to start off by thanking all the fantastic authors of the archive for your stories have inspired me to write my own. My favorites are "Bleeding Hearts" "Forget About Letting Go" "Time Will Tell", "Turnabout" and countless others. Keep up the great work all of you out there.

This is not a story about sex but about love so if sex is what you want there are plenty of other sights out there for that.

Here is the usual disclaimer and stuff. If you are not of legal age, its illegal to read this wherever you are or do not find gay theme stories interesting then I urge go some where else; if you are then enjoy the story.

A Cinematic View

You ever have one of those days where the outside world is perfect and you're stuck indoors working? Well, with a beautiful blue sky, little cloud cover and a slight breeze this southern California Tuesday is in one word perfect.

Yep, perfect and I'm stuck working. However, I don't mind my job too much. You see I work at a movie theater. I know some of you might be thinking, a movie theater? I, on the other hand, enjoy working at my theater. The hours are cool. I get to work with my best friend Christine and of course the free movies. I also get to check out all the cute guys that come in to see movies. The only down side is that they may come but because I'm at work they rarely make any moves. When they do make moves, I'm too self-conscious to think they are. So, I figure they are just being nice. Christine thinks I'm crazy half the time with the way I put down myself. I know she's right, it's just after begin a fat kid you just lose so much self-esteem. Now, even despite my 5'10 brown hair, blue eyed 170lb. frame, I'm still afraid I'm ugly.

On this Tuesday I'm working a Box office shift after school with my friend Jason, working the snack bar. Jason is also dating Christine and has been for the past year. We all got hired at the theater on the same day and became fast friends. Later we found out that we actually went to the same school. Jason was a jock and Christine was an art student. Where as I was a Drama geek. I love the stage, it makes me feel incredible to be in front of the audience and have them hang on my every word. So due to our differences in after school activities and differences in friends we never knew the other two existed. Well, after we all got hired at the theater and the friendships formed we became great friends.

So here I am in the Box Office and the theater is dead slow. When it's slow I start to doodle. Nothing major just comic book characters and silly stuff like that. There I am drawing some silly picture when I hear, "That's pretty good".

"Thanks" I said in a half ass way. "Can I help you S-s-i-sir" As I looked up from my picture to see who I was helping I froze. Before me stood Sean Rialey the object of so many of my personal fantasies was now standing here in front of me complementing my art work. What am I to do? How should I react?

"Hi Sean" I smile with my goofy I'm trying to flirt with you but don't know how. Smile. Someone shoot me at least I didn't shout out take me here in the box office.

"Hi there. Marc, isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's me" OK I know I can stop smiling but my face won't let me.

"I didn't know you work here. So you going to let me in to see a free movie?" He asked with that angelic almost devilish grin. Eye's sparkling.

"Huh" I asked dumfounded. My face dropped in surprise.

"Dude. Relax I'm only kidding with you. I wouldn't expect you to do that for me." Again with that smile was this guy trying to kill me.

I would do anything for this guy. Boy did I have it bad. I wanted to just rip through that shirt to see what this 6'2 170 blond hair blue eye prince was hiding with his gap style clothing. Marc get a grip. " Well what movie would you like to see today?"

"Well what's good?"

"Not sure depends on what you like." To bad you don't like me I thought. "I hear the Boiler Room is really good." I suggested.

"Well then I'll have one student to Boiler Room, Please." Sean requested with the sweetest voice that I was entranced. He handed me his money and walked away. Then about two steps away he turned smiled and said with a slight grin. "Thanks Marc." And walked into the lobby and on to his movie.

"Goofball" I sculled myself. Could I have drooled over him anymore? Well luckily he didn't seem to notice or mind my obvious infatuation with him. Thank God I'll be out of here when his movie ends. At least then I'll be spared the opportunity to embarrass myself in front of him anymore.

However, I did need to take a break and tell Jason about Sean. The only two people at work that know I'm gay are Jason and Christine. Which is why I always run to them at work when I see a cute guy or something else to that effect takes place. I think Jason's a little wired about it at times but he's still cool and is there when I need him. I don't know what I'd do without Christine and Jason.

"Jason you'll never guess who I just talked too." I ran to Jason on my break.

"I don't know. Who? Madonna?" Jason remarked sarcastically.

"No you jerk. I just helped Sean Rialey." I exclaimed.

"So big deal. Why is it so important that you helped Sean for?"

"Only the fact I have the biggest crush on him in the world. Boy, you sure don't listen to me when I talk to you do you? I've only told you I have a thing for Sean every other day for the past year." You'd think being my friend Jason would remember a crucial thing like who I'm in absolute love with.

"Ok. I remember you saying something about him awhile ago." Jason thought back.

"You have him in your Bio lab don't you?"

"Yeah. He sits right in front of me. I have his body to distract me all period long." I smile as I think back to Bio class and starring at Sean's backside.

"Ok. Ok. So you just helped him. Why is this so big? I'm mean besides the love part." Jason asked with a confused puppy dog look he gets so often. Must be one of the things Christine loves about him. Jason is after all kind of cute. With his 5'8 155 black hair and brown eyes I could see girls falling for him.

"Only the fact that he smiled at me and even knew my name. I think he might have even been flirting with me. I however was my usual goofball self and just acted like a complete dork in front of him. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew I was gay after the display I put on. Anyway I'm just happy he knew who I was." I was a blur of words and nerves while I talked to Jason. I think I lost him somewhere around the dork part but I just rambled on about Sean and my reaction to him.

"So there I am in box office and Sean walks up to the window looking as good as ever and yours truly was his typical bungling self." I went on about the events of the day before to Christine as we stood in the hallways of school waiting for the next period to begin. " I tell you Chris I can't believe it myself. Here I fantasies about him for a year and when my chance comes I crumble. God I'm such a loser." I continued on my rant as I could tell Christine was getting increasingly annoyed with me and my whining.

" Would you stop your whining you damn drama queen. I swear theater is so right for you, that's for sure. " She sculled me for my self defamation. " First of you are not a moron. Your annoying at times but not a moron. You didn't ask him out oh well. He probably would have just been freaked and then tell the entire school that your gay and I know you don't want that. So relax about it already, you know what they always say. There's plenty of fish in the sea." She smiled and gave me a hug of support.

As much as I love Christine I hate when she tells me the old fish in the sea line. Yeah it might be true if I was straight but I'm not so it's not the same. Being gay means first that I have to figure out if they're gay. Then I have to find a way to approach them. After that I need to ask them out and hope that they'd like to date me. Its so much work to achieve one of life's simple pleasures, a date.

"BBBRRRRIIINNNGGGGG!" Of course the bell right when I'm in deep thought. It always seems there is never enough time between classes.

"OK slugger, I'm off to English. You going to be able to survive the rest of the day?" She asked with the concern of a true friend.

"Yeah, I'll be ok only got two more classes."

"Good, and after school Jason and I are going to take you out for some good old fashion fun."

"But...." I attempted to interrupt.

"No buts Mr. you need to get out and you need to live a little rather then stay held up in that room of yours. It's starting to develop strange smells." Christine smiled as she runs off to her class leaving me without the opportunity to turn down her invitation.

I sigh in defeat as I wander the hallways of Kelemmer High School in order to get to my next class. All the while think of my last class of the day Bio and my chance to see Sean again. Just the thought of him brought a smile to my face.

I finally arrived at my destination the all to boring French class. I hate the class but in order to graduate you need those foreign language credits. My teacher was a witch and I never understood what we were learning anyway. So like I do every other day I sat there in my seat dreaming of the day when I become an actor. So famous that I can be honest about my sexuality and I will be respected for it, not ridiculed.

Once French class was finally over I began my journey to Bio class and to Sean. I don't know why, but today my stomach began to tremble and I became incredibly nervous about going to my Bio class. It was like I knew something was going to happen, I just wasn't sure if it was good or bad. I continued my walk to class completely oblivious to the crowded halls and yelling teaches. My mind thought of only one thing, Sean. I finally got to class and found my seat. My body relaxed in both relief and disappointment that Sean was not in class yet. Part of me hoped he wouldn't be in class, while still the other longed to have the opportunity to see him again. As in love with him as I am, I'm still totally afraid that I would make an ass of myself in front of him. Then I would lose any chance I ever had to even be his friend or more.

"Hey there Marc." I turn to see walking towards me from the door my obsession.

"Hi there Sean." I speak while trying not to sound to excited to see him here.

"Hey guy I just wanted to thank you for your choice of movie I really liked it. Maybe one day we can go see a movie together." My heart stopped. Did he just ask me out or was I simply projecting my desires? I wasn't sure. He gave me that killer smile and I just gave up caring.

"Sure sounds cool." I remarked trying to sound like it wasn't a big thing while inside I was bursting.

"Good" Sean walked over to his desk and sat down looking back at me with a wink.

A wink! Did Sean just wink at me? I was in a haze. The boy of my dreams just suggested a date then he winked at me. I had to be dreaming, this just couldn't be real. I mean it really why would a god like Sean what anything to do with a nobody like me when he could have anyone. I just couldn't accept it I had to be seeing things.

As for the rest of the period I was seeing things. I was watching Sean all through class thinking and wandering what could be going through his head when it came to me. I just sat there the whole hour watch and lusting over Sean and his beautiful blond hair, swimmers build and that smile that makes me melt. By the end of class I came to the conclusion that I needed to be right about Sean liking me so I could finally find the one thing I wanted, love.

I was finally awaken from my thought process by the ringing of the bell. While all the other students are rushing to leave the prison of high school I 'm slowly waking to the world outside of my thoughts. As I'm getting my books in my bag I feel someone standing behind me. I turn around to see Sean standing there smiling at me.

"So listen I was thinking about what we talked about earlier."

"What's that?" I looked at him in fear that I sold myself out to him and he was about to tell me exactly where to go.

"About going to a movie with me sometime. You are still interested aren't you?" He gave me a quizzical look.

"Oh yeah sure. I think it would be fun." Now I'm seriously wandering where he's going with this.

"Well listen." Sean quickly paused and looked around the room to find it empty with the exception of me and him. "Marc I have to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't say a word about it to anyone." I saw something in his eye's I've never seen in Sean before, it was fear.

I stood there in wonder of his departure from his usual confidence. It was a side I never knew excised in Sean. The strange thing is him showing weakness only made me fall for him more.

"Marc. Please, you have to promise." Sean begged.

"Yes Sean I promise." Trying to sound as soothing as possible. While still trying to figure out were he was going with this.

"You have to realize this is very hard for me Marc. I know we don't know each other that well but I have a feeling that you'll understand were I'm coming from. Marc I want you to know that I have noticed you looking at me all the time in class and around school."

"OH Shit." I about fainted as all the blood drained from my face. I was struggling not to collapse onto the floor. I didn't know what to say or do I was lost. My fears had been realized he was straight and he's going to pummel me for staring at him all the time. I just wanted to die right there and escape this torment. I did the only thing I could think of I ran straight for the door. That's when I heard.

"Marc I've been looking at you too." I stopped dead in my tracks. I turn to see Sean's face with desperation in it. "Marc I've been watching you too." I feel to the floor in shock. I couldn't believe what I just hear my ears had to be lying to me. Just then Sean came running over to me. "Are you ok?" He ask with so much concern I had to just love him.

"I-I-I-" The words didn't want to form, I was still trying to accept that Sean Rialey the man of my dreams was actually gay and interested in me.

"Marc?" Sean repeated.

"Sean I never knew." Was all I could get out.

"I know, no one knows except you and Linda my pseudo-girlfriend. "Marc I had to tell you. I wanted to yesterday at the movie theater but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I've been hiding it for so long I just didn't know how to tell you. I still wasn't 100% percent that you would even be receptive if I did tell you." I saw passion in his eye's as he told me his feelings and fears. I knew in that moment he was telling me the truth.

"I have all the same fears. I wanted so badly to believe that you were interested but my insecurities wouldn't allow me or believe it." Sitting there with him in the empty classroom sharing our feelings just felt so right. "I have to tell you Sean I've had the biggest crush on you for over a year now." Sean blushed at my comment.

"Well I have to say I've noticed you for awhile now too." He smiled at me and helped me off the floor. "I just decided today had to be the day I took the chance. Seeing you yesterday with your adorable grin made me realize I couldn't wait any longer. I had to tell you today or I knew I never would. Then I would have lost my chance, and that I don't think I could have dealt with." Sean was so sweet and showed such genuine heartfelt passion I knew I had to give him a chance.

"Sean, I really do like you. I've liked you from afar for a long time. I want the chance now to like you for the person not the image I see everyday. I think we both deserve the opportunity to see if what we've been watching is the same as the real thing." Telling Sean these things I couldn't help but wonder what I did to get this chance.

"Well how about this? Lets say dinner and a movie tomorrow night?" I could see the hope in his eye's over my response.

"I'd be delighted." I smiled with the happiness that my dreams were becoming reality right before my eyes.

"Good. Then I'll pick you up at your place at 7. I'll give you my number call me and we can make the final plans tonight. I have to go. I have swim practice. You can come if you want?" He looked so adorable asking for me to watch him at practice. I wanted so badly to say yes but just then I remembered Christine and Jason.

"Darn. Sean I can't today I have to go out with Christine and Jason. Is that ok?" I hoped I hadn't upset him by turning down his invitation.

"Sure no problem." Sean turns and writes down his number on a piece of notebook paper. I in turn did the same. We then exchanged numbers. "Ok Marc. I'll talk to you tonight. I guess we have a date then Huh?" He ran out the door on his way to practice on that last note.

"A date." I whispered under my breath. Then it hit me the series of events that just transpired. "A DATE! I have a date with Sean Rialey."

Ok that's it for part one of my little venture into actually attempting to write. I'm open to comments good and bad. I prefer good. Send your E-mails to If I get enough good responses I'll continue with this story if not I'll go back to the drawing board and try again. I'm determined to write a good story for my own reasons and the entertainment of the reads of the Archive. Thanks to all who took the time to read my first story.

Next: Chapter 2

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