Circle Jerk Plus

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 5, 2001




Lem approached the farmhouse, turning abruptly at the gate. He knew his buddies would most likely be in the barn. "Probly jerkin' off!"

Just before he pulled open the side door, he yelled out. By the time he got inside, he saw Dooby and Fletch hurriedly sitting down on bales of hay...looking mighty suspicious!

"Just me, fellas! You both look like you ate the cat! Been doin' it? Come on, take yur pants back down, I'll join ya. I could go fur a good pud pounding!"

Dooby suddenly stood up. "Uh, gee, let's go outside an''..."

"Hey, whatcha so nervous about? Ain't nobody around. Come on, let's jerk off!" Lem started to unsnap his over- alls. He pulled his prick out.

"No," Fletch jumped in front of him, "uh, later, OK? We gotta...uh, do something!"


"Well, uh, something outside."

"OK. I guess we can do it later. But I can't wait too long. I been hard all day thinking....hey, what's that?"

"NUTHIN'!!" they both gasped, grabbing his arms.

"There's...hunh? There's a coupla turds back there. Let go a minute, willya?" He looked behind the bales of hay. "Funny. They're not horseturds or cowturds. Hey, they's human turds! They're different, too!" He turned to the boys and put his hands on his hips. "I can't believe you guys would do that! You been watchin' each other take shits, hunh?"

"NO!!" they cried.

"You dirty little cheats! You have too! And you just did it. Hell-fire, they still stink! Or were it your ma and pa did it, maybe?"

"W-we don't know where..." Fletch started.

"Don't see no paper. That means you just yanked up your trousers and probly still got poop on your butts! Oughta make you show me!"

"OK," Dooby sighed, "we did. Just messin' around, Lem. Don't mean nuthin'. You won't tell none of the guys, willya?"

"Well, you damn idgit! Why would I do that?"

"I...I guess cause you think we're dirty fellas or somethin'," he hung his head in embarrassment, Fletch looked ashamed, too.

"Hell, I ain't pissed cause you did it...I'm pissed cause you left me out! I mean, all you was doin' was looking, right?" They nodded. "Well, hells bells. I'd like ta see a fella take a big crap too." Dooby and Fletch looked at each other, then burst into laughter.

"It was great!" Fletch cried. "Kinda nasty and fun! Stinks like the dickins, though."

"Can't be any worse'n horseshit. See enough of that fur sure. How come you guys left me out? I coulda shit a big one fur ya!"

They smiled. "Go ahead, Lem, do it!" Dooby encouraged.

"Naw, can't now. You already finished and I didn't get ta see it."

"That's alright," Fletch coaxed, "we can do it again tomorrow so's you can watch. Come on, I wanna see another one squeeze out!"

"Well...I am kinda stuffed up," Lem squinched his anus. "I was gonna go before I left, but Pa was in the outhouse and you know how long he can stay in there."

"Great! Hop on up over there, Lem. You can plop it out right on top o' them other ones. Then we can have a circle jerk."

"Alright, but since you guys held out on me, you gotta pay."

"You nuts? I ain't gonna pay to see a guy shit!"

"Not money, dummy. 'Fore I do it, you both gotta give my pecker a couple of licks!"

"What? Fuck off, Lem," Fletch balked, "I ain't lickin' no prick!"

"OK," Lem sighed, "guess I'll go see if Pa's done."

"Wait, I'll lick it," Dooby agreed, rather quickly.

"Figures," Fletch smirked. "Whole thing was his idea, anyway."

"So what?" Dooby got defensive. "You thought it was a good idea, and even got up real close to see. Said the smell made no nevermind!"

"OK, OK, I...I'll do it," Fletch agreed. "But just cause we owe ya."

"I got a better idea. You guys promise ta do it if I shit first? Then you can lick me hard before we jerk off, OK?"

They both agreed, glad to put it off. They both stripped off their pants while Lem got out of his overalls. He climbed up onto the bale and tested situating himself into a squat. Finally comfortable, and holding onto the bales in front of him, he began to feel strangely intrigued at this new adventure. It was one of the sexiest things they've done, he thought. He looked down between his legs.

"Get ready, you guys. Now you're gonna see sumthin'! Sure gonna put those puny turds o' yours to shame! Get up close if ya want cause here it comes!"

"Do it slow, Lem," Dooby suggested. "It's better that way."

"Oh...yeah, alright. Want a good show, hunh?"

Dooby and Fletch got rather close...just like they had with each other. They knelt down, looking up at where Lem's anus was beginning to expand and open up. They both groaned a little, seeing that the hole was getting amazingly wide before anything happened. Then they saw the head of Lem's dark turd coming out...real slowly.

"Damn, it's a big one alright!" Fletch cried excitedly.

"Yeah..." Dooby agreed dreamily. "Real big...and it don't hardly stink much neither."

"Get closer if'n you wanna smell it, Dooby," Lem said without any sarcasm. He liked the fact that his shit didn't stink much, but didn't mind if his buddy wanted a good sniff. He was getting turned on by the fact that his friends were fascinated with his turd.

"I didn't say I wanted to smell it!" Dooby complained, defensively.

"You said mine smelled pretty good," Fletch half- whispered offhandedly, staring at the emerging column. "OH, FUCK, LOOK AT THAT THING COMIN' OUTTA THERE!"

Dooby didn't reply. It was the truth. So he just concentrated on enjoying the filthy act taking place-- strictly for their enjoyment! Finally, he did speak. "WOW!" A good eight inches was hanging out of Lem's asshole. "JEEZ! Look, Fletch, it's gonna break off!"

Thick and heavy, the turd broke about 6 inches up. It must have been at a weak spot. The remaining inches contin- ued to hang there, soon followed by another several inches that quickly plopped from Lem's anus, leaving it empty and gaping before it squeezed shut! Lem turned and looked down at what he'd done. He smiled proudly.

"Now that, you young 'uns, is a man's turd!! Didja like it?"

"Golly, Lem, that was swell!" Fletch said, impressed, playing with himself.

"Yeah, that was neat!" Dooby agreed wholeheartedly. "Let's do it again tomorrow. Boy my dick's stiff...let's jerk off!"

Lem climbed down to where they were and sat on a bale, spreading his legs. His cock was hard! "Go for it fellas! Remember your promise to lick my pecker. Then we jerk off!"

Dooby and Fletch looked at each other, feining disgust at the thought. Still, they both went to their knees next to Lem, ready to do it. The nasty thrills they'd both experienced made it alright. They knew Lem would never do it again if they backed out, and they wanted to see him shit more big turds in the future.

"You first," Fletch said.

"W-why me?" Dooby asked, also hesitating to save face. Lem had a nice big prick, which they both knew already and had often handled whenever they all agreed to do it to each other. Actually, both boys had pounded Lem's cock to orgasm on many he'd also done to them. But licking ...this was something entirely different!

"Come on, fellas. Get it over with willya? I'm ready to pop off right now! Do it at the same time, come on." He grabbed them both behind the neck and pushed them into his crotch. "Take a side and lick me up, then twiddle your tongues on my knob. You owe me, remember?"

Sighing, they both got close to do what they knew they had to. They were horny to jack off, and eager to get it over with so they could. The two tongues came out and touched the hard pecker at the same time. They were staring into each other eyes, then finding that embarrassing, they closed their eyes for a second and began to lick their way up Lem's hard shaft. Dooby was holding it. Lem rested back and watched them. His own tongue stuck out of his mouth, slightly, as he enjoyed the sight of his buddies licking his prick.

When they--quickly--reached the bloated knob, they had again opened their eyes and stared at their own tongues washing over it. It wasn't a sense of duty that caused them to lick on the thing just a little longer than probably was because they were enjoying it more than they could admit. Of course, we're only talking about a few seconds, and Lem was the only one actually aware of the fact that they could have stopped a little while ago without him crying foul. But finally, Fletch did pull back.

"Yeck! That's enough, okay. You're starting to leak!" he cried, aghast at finding himself tasting Lem's juicy precum. Dooby hadn't complained.

"Alright, alright!" Lem allowed them to stop. "You're such a baby, Fletch. How many times have I've seen you scoop up your own jizz from your palm and eat it?"

"Yeah, but it was mine," he shrugged.

"What's the diff'rence? It all tastes the same," Lem said.

"How do you know?" Fletch asked accusingly.

"Uh, just figures."

"Come on, let's do it," Dooby said. "Wanna trade hands?"

"Yeah," Lem gasped, "let's get close. Allemande right this time."

Lem grabbed hold of Fletch's hard prick...Fletch grabbed Dooby's...and Dooby hadn't taken his hand away from Lem's. As the closest to coming, Lem directed the action, urging the guys to take it easy so it would last. They understood. Thighs squirmed together at the pleasant sensations, as each guy alternately watched his prick being stroked and looked at the hard one in his hand.

Lem was the first to blast off and Dooby knew just how to expertly squeeze and release it so the squirts came out long and hard. Both boys tried to duck the avalanche, but getting a little splattered was no big deal. Being in a three-way circle, it was hard to avoid. After the first time they tried it, and complained so much, they agreed not to break the chain just because of cum.

Fletch was next and kiddingly asked Dooby to lick him. Dooby had actually stuck his tongue out before coming to his senses and just watched Lem pound the juice out. Then he came in a massive explosion that poured cum all over Fletch's stroking fist, while Lem reached down and played with his balls.

"Mmmm. Mmmm. Thanks, Lem. How come you grabbed my nuts?"

"Why not, felt good didn't it?" He shrugged. "What's the big deal?"

"Nuthin'. Made it better, that's all," Dooby smiled.

"I better go," Lem finally said. "Pa's got work for me. Guess you'll get rid o' the turds, hunh?" he said to Dooby.

"Yeah. We gonna do it again tomorrow?"

"Sure," Lem replied. "Won't have a big one like that, but you guys have a big supper, okay? I wanna see what I missed!" He left.

Dooby and Fletch looked at each other, gulping.

"Guess we were wrong, hunh?" Fletch suggested.

"Yeah, he woulda gone for it after all. Man, he sure had a big one, didn't he? Look at that thing!"

"Sure puts ours to shame, don't it?" Fletch giggled.

"Yeah. But we shoulda let him in, then we wouldn'ta had to lick his dick, hunh?"

"Yeah. No big deal...right?"

"Right. Wasn't so bad."

"Naw, not so bad. Guess I shouldn'ta put up a fuss 'bout his jizz. Kinda silly, hunh?"

"Considerin' the way you slop up yur own, it sure is!" said Dooby.

"Hey, how come he said it all tastes the same? How does he know?"

"You're right. Betcha he's tasted somebody else's jizz, hunh?"

"Hmmm. Sounds like our pal's been hidin' something from us, too." He looked at Dooby. They both smiled evily.

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

"Like maybe we might get our peckers licked on?"

"Yeah!" Fletch beamed, then suddenly went quiet.

"Whatsa matter? That'd be great, wouldn't it?"

"Sure, but..." he stopped.

"But what?"

"Dooby? Uh, if it was no big deal lickin' Lem's prick, and if it's no big deal if we get him to do it to us, do... do you think it might get to be no big deal all the time?"

"Whadda you mean?"

"If...if we get to lickin' know...each other's dicks all the time cause it's no big deal..."


"Hunh? Whadda you mean 'SO'?!"

"Um, I dunno. Hell, if we like jerkin' each other off all the time, is it so bad if we lick 'em first?"

"Dooby! We start lickin' just a little...and maybe get to like it. What next? We start blowin' each other?!"

"Gee, you think that might happen?" Dooby asked, obviously sounding intrigued.

"See! You like the idea! You didn't mind lickin' his prick at all, did you? Bet you'd blow me right now if I could get hard, hunh?"

"Settle down, buddy. I never said that. What're you gettin' so excited about?" Dooby stared at his friend breathing so hard. "You gonna have a fit?"

"Sorry, Doob. Guess I'm gettin' scared things're gettin' too queer!"

"Aw, that shit don't matter with us, Fletch, we're pals. Shit. If you had it real bad, I'd go down on your pick...and not even feel queer about it."

"Y-you would?" he gasped.

"Sure. I don't see any bad stuff. I had your prick in muh hand so many times, if'n you begged me to...I'd put it in my mouth. Maybe even letcha squirt in my mouth. I wouldn't feel queer about it. I'd just figure I was doin' a friend a favor!"

"Y-you'd do that? Would...would you do it to Lem?"

"Sure. Why not? All I gotta do is spit it out if I want..."

"Oh," Fletch reflected, dejectedly.

"Course...I wouldn't spit it out if you didn't want me to."

"Y-you wouldn't? You'd drink it?!"

"Suppose so. Why, you got poison jizz?"

"Gee, that's really bein' a pal!"

Dooby wrapped his arm around his friend. "Well, sure! Suppose it wouldn't be proper to say I love ya so I'll just say..."

"Do ya?" Fletch interjected.

"Course I do, you dumb fuck! We been friends since we was 7, and played with each other since we first got boners. You saved my life swimming, once, and even if it ain' know...proper 'bout talkin' o' love...there it is, no doubt comin' to it."

"Yeah. M-me too, Doob."

Dooby nodded his head, understanding, then joshed his friend, poking him in the ribs. "Come on, say it...I did. It don't hurt."

"Shucks, Doob! Okay. I...I luv ya too, okay?" he blushed.

Dooby hugged him, laughing. "Sure. We're pals. We three. Guess we gotta get Lem to admit it too, hunh?"

Fletch laughed, visibly relaxing, even getting giddy. "Ha! You think he'd ever say it?"

"You mean, do I think I could get him embarrassed enough to admit it like I did you?"

"Yes, you prick!" he giggled.

"Maybe...after we get him to lick us!"


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