Claiming Kelly

By moc.loa@1212lluST

Published on Apr 17, 2006


(This story is pure fiction.. let me know what you think)

"Claiming Kelly"

Kelly McCord was 17 years old, and married to my sister. She was 17 as well.. he had knocked her up while they were still sophmores in high school, and he "did the right thing" and married her. Kelly and my sister took the basement to live in, after a few friends and me fixed it up. They moved in and made the basement their little apartment, complete with a separate room for the kid.

To say Kelly was hot would have been an understatement. Curly, light brown hair and bright green eyes, with an average body for a 17 year old. Kelly was a bit of a punk, and I didn't much like him to begin with... knocking up my kid sister didn't earn him any brownie points either. He was a smug, arrogant little sonofabitch and I wanted more than anything to take the bastard down a peg or two. I just wasn't sure how.

Finally, I got my chance. My mom and my sister went out baby shopping, and Kelly didn't want to go with them, which left him alone in the house with me. My mom wasn't too happy with me staying at home all the time, but she would rather have me home than out on the streets.. which is where I spent about six years of my life. I was 22, and only recently returned home. I ran away from home at sixteen, and to survive, I sold the only thing I had that was worth any money... myself! Six years of giving my ass and throat to any guy that would give me money kinda made me a little bitter, so it's no wonder why I hated "Mr Perfect Kelly" so much... the little prick had everything handed to him since he was born. It felt great knowing that his parents refused to talk to him after they found out he got my sister pregnant.. which is why they live in OUR basement instead of with his parents.

After my mom and sister had left, I set my plan into motion. I knew Kelly couldn't hold his liquor.. that's how he ended up knocking up my sister.. they BOTH were drunk and, well.. you know the rest. So I decided that since it was a hot day, I would make some iced tea. I offered some to Kelly,and he accepted. I poured two glasses and put something "special in Kelly's. He chugged down his drink like he was dying of thirst, and I could see my little "kicker" was taking it's toll. I offered him another glass, and he said yes. Slipping more liquor in this time, I offered it to him and he drank it down. After only two drinks, Kelly was pretty much gone. The bastard was slurring his speech and couldn't hardly move. I told him I was putting him to bed before my mother and sister got home and found him sloppy-ass drunk. He didn't hear me, he was already out.

I threw the little bitch's arm over my shoulder and dragged him to my room, tossing him on my bed. Quickly, I turned and locked my door, then pulled off his sneakers and socks. Kelly didn't flinch. Next, I reached up and pulled his polo shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. Still no movement. I decided that, since he was so out of it, I would have a little additional fun. I reached into my top dresser drawer and produced a piercing needle I had. Moving over to Kelly's chest, I pinched and tweaked his left nipple until it was hard. Looking at him, unconscious on the bed, I pushed the needle thru his tit, piercing it. Quickly I put a circular silver hoop thru the newly pierced nipple. Surprisingly enough, Kelly didn't react at all. After piercing his tit, I moved my hands up and down his abs til I got to the top of his khaki's. I unbuttoned the top of his khaki's and undid his zipper. I had this half naked, drunken, newly pierced stud in my bed. I shucked his pants and his underwear and stared at him completely naked on my bed.

This was too good to pass up. I reached into my dresser again and grabbed the lube. I rubbed it into the head of my cock and across his tight asshole. Hiking his legs onto my shoulders, I stuffed his mouth with his underwear and held his arms about his head. I lurched forward, and with one hard swift thrust, I buried my cock to the balls in his tight pussy.

Kelly's eyes opened, though only halfway. He must have known that SOMETHING was happening, but couldn't figure out what it was. I continued to rape his hot, tight asshole as his eyes opened more and more. Kelly was coming to, and finally realised that his brother-in-law was raping him. Too late for Kelly, because the second I saw those bright green eyes flutter open, I lost it. I dove to his neck and started biting and sucking it as my cock lost all control.. blasting load after load of my sweet cum deep into Kelly's tight, hot no longer virgin boipussy.

He must have enjoyed the fucking I was giving him, because no sooner had I unloaded in my new bitch's cunt, he shot his own hefty load as well. I pulled his underwear out of his mouth, then dragged my cock out of his hole and shoved it down his throat. I held his head between my hands and viciously raped his throat for him. He choked a couple times, but each time he did, I slapped him in the face. Soon, my cock erupted again and spilled it's second hot load down Kelly's throat. After I had finished with him, I climbed off his chest and sat on the edge of the bed and began to get dressed again. Kelly sat up, coughing.. and asked "What the fuck?!?"

I turned to him and looked him directly in the eye and said. "Now you're an official cocksucker Kel.. and not a bad one at that either. And that ass of yours is INCREDIBLE! I don't think I have ever fucked one so damned hot and tight in my life."

Kelly grabbed his clothes and headed towards my door. "I am sure your mother is going to love hearing about this." I stepped in front of him, blocking the doorway, and replied. "Hearing what Kelly? How you sucked my cock and let me fuck you? That would go over well.. my sister's husband.. whose baby she is carrying by the way... turning tail for his brother-in-law. Face it Kel, you're screwed... in more ways than one." I slapped his ass at that last comment, and his shoulders dropped. He was stuck, and he knew it.

"So now what are you gonna do? Fuck me whenever you want to?" he asked. "Maybe" I replied.. "or maybe I will put your ass out on the streets so you can earn some REAL money, not just sit around our house and leech off of us. I still have numbers from some of my former clients.. I bet they would pay HANDSOMELY for some of that ass."

Kelly slumped to the floor with his head between his knees and began to cry. I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder... not because I cared at all of course. "Listen Kelly, you're a fucking HOT piece of ass, you could make TONS of money selling it, and I can hook you up with well paying customers... All I want out of the deal is two simple things. One.. I get 25% of whatever you take, and two.. YOU recognize me as your master and owner. You can stay in the basement with my sister, and I won't mention a word of this to anyone... it's our little secret. Do we have a deal?"

Kelly looked up at me and said.. "I don't really have a choice do I?" I smiled at him, grabbed his face in my hands, then kissed him.. shoving my tongue down his throat. Breaking the kiss I said.. "Not really."

I picked him up by his arm and motioned to the bed again. He knew what he had to do, and he obediently crawled up on the bed, face down, and stuck his sweet ass in the air. I fucked him three more times that day, and had him suck me off twice more before my mother and sister came home.

That was two years ago, and Kelly is still selling his ass on the streets. He loves it, even though he pretends he doesn't. I told him he could stop anytime he wanted, but he put up a brave face and said he had to earn money for his wife and kid. Needless to say, Kelly is quite the popular little slut, and the best thing is... His ass belongs to me!

Next: Chapter 2

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