Claiming Kelly

By moc.loa@1212lluST

Published on Apr 21, 2006


Kelly was understandably pissed at not only being basically raped by his older brother-in-law, but also by the prospect of me selling him on the streets.

He decided to get a measure of revenge' on me for taking his cherry and.. in his words.. making him a faggot'. I was sleeping on my bed late afternoon watching television when I had fallen asleep. It was a gorgeous spring day.. the first real warm day of the season with temperatures well into the 80's. My sister and mother were out at the mall as usual, and Kelly was in the basement... or so I thought. As I slept, I dreamt about being on the streets again, and how I had to give my ass to anyone who paid me, just so I could afford to eat and sleep somewhere for the night. I felt that warm sensation that only getting your cock sucked can feel like, and I moaned. I raised my legs and rested my feet flat on the mattress and began thrusting my hips into the air. But something felt different this time. I opened my eyes to see Kelly laying between my legs with my cock down his throat. I tried to push him away, but realized the little bitch had tied my hands to the bedpost. I tried screaming, but he had shoved his underwear in my mouth, much like I had done with him that first time. Kelly released my cock from his throat and looked at me. Kneeling next to me he said.. "Good, I am glad you are awake. I want you to know who it was that did this to you." With that, he went back between my legs and lifted them up into the air. Grabbing my ankles, he spread my legs as far apart as they could go, and without hesitating... rammed his cock deep into my ass. He fucked me hard, deep, and good.. getting every inch of his cock up inside my ass.

He had an average sized cock, probably about 7 inches I would guess, and he used every one of those inches to his advantage. Relentlessly he pounded my asshole, yelling at me.. calling me every possibly filthy name he could think of. Finally, he looked down at me and said.. "This pussy is even better than your sister's... and the great thing is I don't have to worry about getting you pregnant!" With that, Kelly's body began to tremble, and his 17 year old cock erupted inside my asshole, filling me with his hot load. Kelly pulled out of my ass and leaned down until we were face to face. He looked like he was going to kiss me, so I closed my eyes and hoped he would. Instead, I got a face full of his spit. He left a pocketknife inches away from my hands as he walked out of the room and said "Try and get yourself free faggot.. I am going out." My mother and sister returned from the mall about 20 minutes after I got myself untied and cleaned up, and Kelly came back ten minutes later. He looked at me and smirked.. thinking he had gotten one up on me. All he did was fuel the fire, and I vowed to make him pay. The next day my mother suggested we go to the park for the day as it was beautiful outside. Kelly didn't want to go, but my sister and I overruled' him, and we all ended up loaded in the car. Mom drove and my sister was in the passenger seat, leaving Kelly and myself crowded in the back. During the trip, I repeatedly stroked Kelly's cock thru his shorts, getting him hard as a brick. He grunted under his breath for me to knock it off, but the wet spot on his shorts told a different story.. While my mother and sister set up our picnic area' for the day, Kelly reluctantly agreed to a game of Frisbee with me. Intentionally, I tossed the disc over his head and into the clearing a few hundred feet away from our picnic blanket. Kelly glowered at me and marched off with a huff to retrieve it. I told my mom I would help him find it, and I disappeared into the trees behind him. Kelly didn't know I had followed him, and when he picked up the Frisbee and turned around to head back to the site, I met him with a right fist to his gut that took his breath away and doubled him over. I quickly grabbed him by the back of the head and pushed him against a tree. Like I said before, I absolutely HATED this snobby bastard so I didn't mind hurting him a little if I had to. Smacking his forehead against the tree dazed him long enough for me to pull the laces out of my sneakers and tie his hands around the tree trunk in front of him. I leaned into his back and hissed in his ear... "This is when you get fucked again faggot." I grabbed his shirt and lifted it up to his chest, scratching his nipples against the rough tree bark. He tried to scream but I reminded him that my mother and his wife were only a few hundred feet away, and that he wouldn't want them to find him like this. Then I reached the waistline on his shorts and hooked my thumbs inside of them, yanking them and his underwear down to his ankles in one swift motion. I reached around him and grabbed his cock, viciously grinding the head of it against the tree. He muffled a scream and turned his head to me and told me "I'm gonna kick your ass" I laughed and replied.. "You can try if you like.. but right now, I want that sweet cunt of yours again." Without warning, I drew my hips back, then rammed them forward, shoving my entire cock straight up Kelly's tight ass. Each inward thrust of my cock ground his own rod against the tree, as well as his sore nipples. He stopped cursing at me after about five minutes of raping his ass, and instead he began begging for it. "Oh God Brent.. please.. please fuck me harder. God that feels so fucking good. Cum inside me... I need it!"

I laughed as I smacked him in the back of the head and dragged his pretty face across the tree bark. "Yeh, I knew you would love taking it up the ass. Macho acting straight boys usually love having their asses plugged.. you aren' t any different. You're just a cum hungry bottom bitch aren't you Kelly?" He wimpered as I continued my assault of his battered hole and moaned a raspy "Yes.. oh God yes.. please Brent cum inside me. It feels so fucking good."

I pressed hard against his back, pressing him flat against the tree and whispered in his ear.. "Here it comes faggot... here's my load just the way you want it..take it bitch!" I moaned loudly in his ear as my cock erupted deep inside him, filling his asshole with my cum. Kelly shot his load all over the tree trunk and his head slumped forward. I pulled out of his ruined hole and pulled my pants back up.

Reaching around the tree, I untied his wrists then grabbed the back of his head, forcing him to his knees. "Lick your cum off the tree bitch! I don't want any traces of your faggot cum anywhere." Kelly obediently dropped to his knees and licked his cum off the trunk of the tree, scratching his tongue against the bark. After he had finished, I pulled him to his feet and turned him to face me. Grabbing his face in my hands, I planted a deep kiss on his mouth, tasting the blood from his cut and scraped tongue in my mouth. I pulled Kelly's pants back up, handed him the Frisbee, and we headed back to our picnic.

Next: Chapter 3

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